小原 満穂
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.34, no.10, pp.881-891, 1992

Vol.33 No9,10,11の「シンクタンク」(1),(2),(3),の続編として,総合研究開発機構が実施したアンケート調査を分析·評価するとともに『シンクタンク年報1990』を用いて,我が国のシンクタンクの現状分析を行い,形態:公益法人,職員:68名,研究者:23名,全収入:約7億円,調査収入:約2億円,主たる研究分野:国土開発·利用および産業·経済,報告書数:25冊,自主研究の割合:15%,報告書の公開割合:12%とする平均的な姿を描いた。さらに研究員50人規模のシンクタンクを設立する場合の条件として,財政面では継続した資金調達が,人材面では優秀な人材の確保が重要であることを指摘した。
平山 順一 東 寛 藤原 満博 秋野 光明 本間 稚広 加藤 俊明 池田 久實
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
vol.57, no.5, pp.398-402, 2011

濃厚血小板(PC)により引き起こされる輸血副作用の防止には洗浄血小板が有効である.血漿には菌の増殖を抑制する補体成分が含まれているため,洗浄により血漿濃度が減少した洗浄血小板中では,菌の増殖が促進される可能性がある.本研究では,M-solで調製した洗浄血小板中での菌の増殖動態を多血小板血漿(PRP)中でのそれと比較検討した.<br> PRPに菌を播種し(Day0),20~24℃で24時間振とう保存した後,PRPを2等分(コントロール群とテスト群)した.テスト群の遠心上清を出来るだけ除去し,M-solを添加した(Day1).両群はポリオレフィンバッグ中でDay7まで保存した.菌数測定は寒天培地を用いたプレート法により行った.<br> PRP中での場合と比較すると,洗浄血小板中では<i>Streptococcus dysgalactiae</i>や<i>Escherichia coli</i>の増殖は促進され,<i>Staphylococcus epidermidis</i>と<i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>の増殖は抑制された.洗浄血小板中での<i>Bacillus cereus</i>の増殖はPRP中の場合とほとんど差がなかった.<i>Propionibacterium acnes</i>や<i>Serratia marcescens</i>の場合,PRPおよび洗浄血小板のいずれにおいても増殖しなかった.<br> M-solで調製した洗浄血小板中で増殖が促進される菌株が存在するという点に注意が必要である.<br>
伊藤 知子 石津 日出子 井上 吉世 佐久聞 桂子 高村 仁知 中原 満子 西池 珠子 林 淑美 原 知子 深見 良子 藤井 美紗子 的場 輝佳 水野 千恵 村上 恵 椴山 薫 夜久 富美子 湯川 夏子
一般社団法人 日本調理科学会
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.33, no.2, pp.236-243, 2000-05-20 (Released:2013-04-26)

A questionnaire survey on the edible oils used for deep frying in the home was conducted in 1998in the Kinki District of Japan.The respondent used an average of three types of edible oil, the most popular combination being salad oil, sesame oil and olive oil. The oil most commonly used for deep frying was salad oil, with safflower and rapeseed oil also being used for this.The criteria applied for buying oil for deep frying were the price, variety and expiration date. The parameters used for determining the life of the frying oilswere, in the order of number of answers, color (light brown), number of times used, smell and foaming property. It was apparent that the criteria for purchase and the frequency of deep frying for home cooking affected the utilization of edible oils for deep frying.These results indicate a perception of health and convenience in the utilization of edible oils for deep frying in home cooking.
井上 吉世 林 淑美 原 知子 和田 珠子 水野 千恵 中原 満子 伊藤 知子 村上 恵 的場 輝佳
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.20, no.4, pp.313-319, 2010-03-30 (Released:2010-04-30)

This study clarifies the applicability of a sensory evaluation to easily determine the life span of frying oil on the fried food cooking in the kitchen. Two types of foods, i. e. , a chicken fillet and potato, were deep-fried coated with two types of flour, i. e. , potato starch and wheat flour. Frying was continued until the flavor score of the oil had dropped to 3. A sensory evaluation of the frying oil and each fried food was then carried out. The life span of the frying oil to reach the flavor score of 3 was slightly longer for the potato compared to the chicken fillet. It was suggested that the scores for the viscosity and rancid flavor of the frying oil corresponded to the flavor score result of the frying oil. The flavor and taste of the potato fried in the oil with a flavor score of 3 were not good. However, it was difficult to judge the degradation by the appearance of the fried chicken fillet coated with potato starch. The flavor score of the frying oil corresponded to the rancid flavor of the frying food in any case. The color of the frying oil and the taste of the fried materials varied case by case. These results suggest that the flavor score of the frying oil is a useful and easy method to determine the life span of frying oil in the domestic kitchen when a potato starch or wheat flour coating is used.
武隈 洋 岩井 美和子 藤原 俊恵 川岸 亨 熊井 正貴 松浦 麻耶 馬渕 朋美 須田 範行 宮本 剛典 荻野 修 菅原 満 宮崎 勝巳
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.31, no.7, pp.575-584, 2005-07-10
5 6

The results of cancer chemotherapy have been improved remarkably by the development of new drugs and combining drugs in treatment. However, cancer chemotherapy protocols are complicated and the adverse effects are more severe than those of other pharmacotherapies. It was therefore felt important to create a database of protocols for the preparation and dispensing of drugs used in cancer chemotherapy. Using Microsoft Access, we have created a database from 320 protocols we have collected so far from 12 clinical departments and developed operating programs for it. The database has enabled us to search for a protocol using keywords-names of drugs, diseases and clinical departments-and most of the operations can be carried out by the click of a mouse. With our database, pharmacists are able to access protocols quickly and check prescriptions of anticancer drugs even if they are unfamiliar with computers, and we consider it to be a useful tool for this purpose.
阿部 宜輝 木原 満 小林 勝 松井 伸介 浅川 修一郎 長瀬 亮 冨田 茂
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. OFT, 光ファイバ応用技術 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.108, no.32, pp.39-42, 2008-05-08

現状の現場組立コネクタは、光ファイバ端面間のPhysical Contact (PC)接続を実現するために、端面を研磨した光ファイバと屈折率整合剤を用いた構造である。今回、光ファイバ端面の研磨と屈折率整合剤を使用せずにPC接続を実現する新しい構造の現場組立コネクタについて検討した。光ファイバ端面を研磨せずにPC接続を実現する光ファイバ端面形状と光コネクタの構造の設計と評価結果について報告する。
井上 吉世 石津 日出子 伊藤 知子 大鹿 淳子 梶本 五郎 竹井 よう子 高村 仁知 中原 満子 西池 珠子 林 淑美 原 知子 深見 良子 福井 広子 的場 輝佳 水野 千恵 村上 恵 夜久 富美子 湯川 夏子
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.36, no.3, pp.299-304, 2003-08-20

A collaborative study was designed to examine the applicability of a sensory evaluation to determine the life span of frying oil. Soybean oil was heated at 170℃ in an electric fryer. Two types of food, chicken fillet and potato, were deep-fried with or without breaded batter every 15 min. Frying was continued until the flavor score of the oil had dropped to 3. A sensory evaluation of the frying oil and each fried food was then carried out. The life span of the frying oil to reach the flavor score of 3 was slightly longer with breaded batter than without using the batter coating. The color of the frying oil did not exhibit any degradation, especially when potato was fried. It was difficult to judge the degradation by the appearance of each fried food coated with breaded batter. However, the flavor score of the frying oil corresponded to the flavor score of the fried foods coated with breaded batter. The flavor and taste of the foods fried in the oil with a flavor score of 3 were not good. These results suggest that the flavor score of frying oil is useful to determine the life span of frying oil when a breaded batter coating is used.
高橋 夏子 小林 正紀 板垣 史郎 平野 剛 武隈 洋 菅原 満 井関 健
Yakugaku Zasshi (ISSN:00316903)
vol.132, no.6, pp.777-783, 2012-06-01

The most effective drugs based on the type of cancer are chosen for chemotherapy. Tumor cells can be targeted at the DNA, RNA or protein level, and most of the classical anticancer drugs interact with tumor DNA in a time-dependent manner or a concentration-dependent manner. However, it has been unclear to date whether a combination therapy is carried out by using exact classification. Thus it is necessary to reclassify a great number of anticancer drugs. We propose a new classification system based on pharmacological effects of anticancer drugs. Classification of four anticancer drugs (cisplatin, carboplatin, paclitaxel and gemcitabine) was performed by the 3-(4,5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The four anticancer drugs were grouped by IC50 values (inhibitory concentration, 50%) in a time-dependent manner and a concentration-dependent manner. The present approach may be combined to enhance the chemosensitivity, improve the dose of cytotoxic drugs and evaluate the effects of novel anticancer drugs.
福原 満洲雄
vol.4, no.4, pp.1-2, 1967-11