山崎 元泰
尚美学園大学総合政策論集 (ISSN:13497049)
vol.22, pp.123-143, 2016-06-30

並木 淳 山崎 元靖 船曵 知弘 堀 進悟 相川 直樹
一般社団法人 日本救急医学会
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.20, no.6, pp.295-303, 2009-06-15 (Released:2009-09-04)

【目的】救急患者の意識レベル評価に際し,わが国で広く用いられているJapan Coma Scale(以下JCS)による誤判定の要因を明らかにする。【方法】当救急部で3年間に取り扱った救急車搬入の患者データベースから,頻度の高い8通りの意識レベルをGlasgow Coma Scaleのeye, verbal, motor(以下EVM)スコアに基づいて選択し,模擬患者が演ずる意識レベルを標準的な手順で診察するシミュレーションビデオを作製した。経験の少ない医療従事者として 1 年目初期臨床研修医94人を対象に,ビデオを用いたJCSによる意識レベルの判定テストを行い,その解答結果を解析した。【結果】JCSの誤判定率は, 8 つの設問の平均で19 ± 15%(平均±標準偏差)。JCS 0, 300の誤判定は稀だったが,JCS 2, 10, 200は20%以上の誤判定率であった。設問のJCSスコアと誤判定されたJCSスコアを対比すると,意識レベルを良い方に誤判定する傾向が示され,とくに軽度~中等度の意識障害でその傾向が強かった。設問でシミュレーションされたEVMスコアと誤判定されたJCSスコアを比較した結果,JCS誤判定の主な要因は次の3点であった。1)最良運動反応の「M4:逃避(正常屈曲)」を 「JCS 100:はらいのけるような動作」とする誤り。2)発語反応の「V4:会話混乱(見当識障害)」を「JCS 0:意識清明」とする誤り。とくに最良運動反応が「M6:命令に従う」の場合に「JCS 0:意識清明」と誤判定される。3)開眼反応における「E3:呼びかけによる」をJCS 1 桁とする誤り。とくに発語反応が「V4, 5:会話可能」な場合にJCS 1 桁と誤判定される。【結論】JCSによる救急患者の意識レベル誤判定の主な要因は,逃避と疼痛部位認識の運動反応の区別,見当識障害と意識清明の区別,呼びかけによる開眼反応の判定である。
山崎 元一
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho
vol.53, no.3・4, pp.267-311, 1971-03

The aim of the present essay is to clarify the exact position of the low-classed people, especially that of the untouchables, Caṇḍālas, in ancient Indian society. The writer seeked into this problem based on the Buddhist canons, as well as Arthaśāstra, Dharmasūtra and Dharmaśāstra.In the first section the writer assumed that the institution of untouchables had its origin in the pollution concept which is still prevalent among the primitive people. It seems that the institution was developed in its religious and ritualistic aspects by the Brahmans in the process of the establishment of the Aryan agricultural societies and the subsequent formation of the territorial states, and was finally established with the further support of the Kṣatriyas. This institution was also acceptable for the other two classes, Vaiśya and Śūdra, who were the chief producers of the relevant society.In the second section the writer discussed that this institution of the low-classed people developed into a complicated system itself, and there might have been a distinction of higher or lower ranks even among themselves. Among the low-classed people, so-called Caṇḍālas outnumbered the most, and was made the lowest untouchables of the society. In the next third section it was discussed that the Caṇḍālas were mostly forming kinship societies among themselves and settled in a circumference of a Varṇa Society, still keeping their traditional customs and manners and earning their livelihood by serving for the despised professions such as services concerning the death, which was regarded as the most filthy occupation.Finally, in the fourth section, problem of the contact between the members of Varṇa Society and the untouchables was discussed, based on the concrete evidences observed in the Buddhist canons, giving as well various theoretical regulations picked up from Arthaśāstra, Dharmasūtra and Dharmaśāstra. Among the above sources, the latter documents have been used chiefly to clarify the expiation ritual (prāyaścitta) which was developed by the Brahmans aiming at maintaining purity of the Varṇa Society. It was also pointed out that the members of the Varṇa Society could not generally avoid the contact with Caṇḍālas in their everyday life, despite of the strict taboo concerning the above.The institution of untouchables superficially seems to be based on extremely religious and ritualistic demands to maintain the purity of the Varṇa Society but there certainly existed behind it other social, economic and political demands. Namely, exclusion of the low-classed people was to frame the Varṇa Society from outside, and further to consolidate the inter-class relationships within the Varṇa Society making them the ritualistic status order (viz. four varṇas).
宮腰 淑子 五十嵐 修一 永尾 侑平 井上 重宏 佐藤 朋江 関谷 可奈子 新保 淳輔 佐治 越爾 森田 健一 佐々木 修 岡本 浩一郎 佐藤 晶 山崎 元義
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.34, no.1, pp.8-15, 2012-01-25 (Released:2012-01-27)

【背景および目的】可逆性脳血管攣縮症候群(reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome; RCVS)は,雷鳴頭痛を主徴とし,脳血管に可逆性の分節状攣縮を認める疾患である.本疾患の臨床経過と画像所見の経過の検討を目的とした.【方法】2004年6月から2010年12月までに当科にRCVSの診断で加療を行った6例について検討した.【結果】発症年齢は39-53歳(平均44歳)で,女性が4例,男性が2例であった.全例に雷鳴様頭痛を認めた.3例が脳卒中を発症し,全例が女性であった.脳出血が1例,くも膜下出血と脳出血との合併例が2例であった.ベラパミルが5例に投与され,症状改善がみられたが,1例に片麻痺の後遺症を残した.【結論】突然の激しい頭痛を訴える患者を診察する際には,RCVSを鑑別に含める必要がある.
小林 準 名波 美代子 境 哲生 片山 英紀 松野 大樹 山口 崇 伊藤 修一 赤星 和人 永田 雅章 勝川 史憲 山崎 元
vol.2002, pp.848-848, 2003

【はじめに】我々は日常の理学療法場面で、肥満、糖尿病、高脂血症、脳卒中の患者群に対して、自主トレーニングのプログラムとして音楽に合わせた運動を実施している。この音楽に合わせた運動内容については、紹介および健常者群におけるデータを本学術大会において名波より報告している。本編ではさらに患者群と健常者群との比較検討を行ったので報告する。【対象と方法】対象は脳卒中片麻痺患者の女性10名と健常女性10名の合計20名であった。健常者は主に患者の介護者であった。実験の前には趣旨を説明して同意を得て行った。年齢、体重、身長は健常者群はそれぞれ56.2±6.6歳、152.9±3.2 cm、と53.3±7.3 kg であった。一方患者群はそれぞれ 58.0±9.6歳、157.6±5.3 cm、と66.0±13.3 kgであった。測定にはコスメデ社製「テレメトリー式呼吸代謝計測装置K4システム」を用いて、呼気ガス中の酸素摂取量(VO<sub>2</sub>)、炭酸ガス排出量(VCO<sub>2</sub>)、呼吸商(RQ)、および心拍数(HR)を計測した。測定方法としては、3から4分間程のオルゴールによる安静時間と3から4分間程の132拍/分のワールドベストヒット曲を交互に録音した自主トレーニングの為に作成した音楽テープに合わせて、以下に挙げた3種類の体操を座位にて行った。(1)膝の交互伸展、(2)手を組んで体幹の回旋、(3)手を組んで体幹の前後屈。データの統計的検討にはt検定および一元配置分散分析を用いて有意水準を5%とした。【結果】1,体操(1)から(3)におけるVO<sub>2</sub>の健常者と患者群の比較;健常者と患者群ともに体操(1)から(3)でVO<sub>2</sub>が8.3±2.1から12.2±2.6 ml/min/kg の幅で逐次VO<sub>2</sub>の増加を認め、分散分析でも有意の差を認めた。尚それぞれの体操における健常者群と患者群の比較では、患者群が低い値を示したがt検定での有意差は認めなかった。2,体操(1)から(3)における脂質代謝の比較;健常者と患者群ともに体操(1)から(3)で逐次0.87±0.35から1.49±0.72 kcal/minの幅で脂質代謝の増加傾向はあったが、統計的には各体操間での有意差を認めなかった。尚、RQは0.87から0.89であった。【考察】一般的にVO<sub>2</sub>については、運動負荷時に若干患者群のほうが低い値を示す傾向が言われているが我々の結果も同様な傾向が伺われた。と同時に健常者群も患者群もほぼ同じように、漸増的な運動負荷がかかるものと考えられた。一方脂質代謝については個人差が大きく、さらに日頃理学療法として体を動かしている患者群と、対象群とした健常者群は主に介護者であり、普段運動で体を動かす機会が少なくなっているという生活習慣と食事内容や体型の違いなどが、今回の結果には影響していたものと思われた。我々が行ってきた音楽テープとその体操は、主に座位で行えて総消費エネルギーが40kcal程になる。すなわち自転車エルゴメーターで40wで15分程の運動量に匹敵する。従って安全で効果的しかも気軽に楽しめるので臨床的にも有効であると確信している。今後はさらに心理面も含め総合的に経時的な変化についても検討していきたい。
山崎 元一
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho
vol.49, no.3, pp.347-399, 1966-12

The present article is the re-examination of the two legends closely connected with the Mahinda legend which the author examined in his last article in this journal (“The Mahinda Legend, A Critical Study”, Toyo Gakuho, XLVIII-2). In the present article, he asserts that: 1. Moggaliputta-Tissa, who was attributed to the teacher of Mahinda, must have been one of a famous thera (a senior monk) belonging to the Buddhist monk community of Avanti (including Sanchi and Ujjeni), since his name was found inscribed on two relic-caskets which were unearthed from two sûpas around Sanchi. 2. The legend of the sending of the missionaries to various countries may not be based on the historical facts but must be a fabrication of the Ceylonese monks, who divided the outlying lands of India into nine parts and where the famous missionaries were known, they picked up their names (such as Majjhantika, Mahādeva, Majjhima), and where such missionaries were unknown, they created fictional names to fill the blank in the legend (such as Rakkhita, Dammarakkhita, Mahârakkhita, Mahâdhammarakkhita.) They also put these missionaries under the command of Moggaliputta-tissa to give this famous thera the honour of organizing the great missionary work. 3. For the monks of Ceylon, who insisted on the orthodoxy of their school, it might have been necessary to put the legend of the Third Council before the legend of the Converting of Different Countries. In this process, they altered the place of Moggaliputta’s activities from Avanti to Pâtariputra, capital of Maghada. He was made, also, the president of the Council and the spiritual teacher of Asoka. 4. The early Ceylonese Buddhism developed under the direct influence of the Buddhism of Western India especially that of Avanti. Later Ceylonese monks needed to prove the authenticity of their religion and made such legends as above-examined ones to assert that their Buddhism was introduced directly from the home of Buddhism, i. e. Magadha. The author’s opinion will be endorsed by the fact that the similar change of places is also found in the legends of Vijaya, the founder of Ceylon, and Mahinda.
山崎 元一
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho
vol.53, no.3, pp.267-311, 1971-03

The aim of the present essay is to clarify the exact position of the low-classed people, especially that of the untouchables, Caṇḍālas, in ancient Indian society. The writer seeked into this problem based on the Buddhist canons, as well as Arthaśāstra, Dharmasūtra and Dharmaśāstra.In the first section the writer assumed that the institution of untouchables had its origin in the pollution concept which is still prevalent among the primitive people. It seems that the institution was developed in its religious and ritualistic aspects by the Brahmans in the process of the establishment of the Aryan agricultural societies and the subsequent formation of the territorial states, and was finally established with the further support of the Kṣatriyas. This institution was also acceptable for the other two classes, Vaiśya and Śūdra, who were the chief producers of the relevant society.In the second section the writer discussed that this institution of the low-classed people developed into a complicated system itself, and there might have been a distinction of higher or lower ranks even among themselves. Among the low-classed people, so-called Caṇḍālas outnumbered the most, and was made the lowest untouchables of the society. In the next third section it was discussed that the Caṇḍālas were mostly forming kinship societies among themselves and settled in a circumference of a Varṇa Society, still keeping their traditional customs and manners and earning their livelihood by serving for the despised professions such as services concerning the death, which was regarded as the most filthy occupation.Finally, in the fourth section, problem of the contact between the members of Varṇa Society and the untouchables was discussed, based on the concrete evidences observed in the Buddhist canons, giving as well various theoretical regulations picked up from Arthaśāstra, Dharmasūtra and Dharmaśāstra. Among the above sources, the latter documents have been used chiefly to clarify the expiation ritual (prāyaścitta) which was developed by the Brahmans aiming at maintaining purity of the Varṇa Society. It was also pointed out that the members of the Varṇa Society could not generally avoid the contact with Caṇḍālas in their everyday life, despite of the strict taboo concerning the above.The institution of untouchables superficially seems to be based on extremely religious and ritualistic demands to maintain the purity of the Varṇa Society but there certainly existed behind it other social, economic and political demands. Namely, exclusion of the low-classed people was to frame the Varṇa Society from outside, and further to consolidate the inter-class relationships within the Varṇa Society making them the ritualistic status order (viz. four varṇas).
山崎 元 遙 洋子 内藤 忍
日経マネー (ISSN:09119361)
no.329, pp.44-47, 2010-04

──実は皆さん3人とも、アラフィフ(50歳前後)です。同世代に名前をつけるとしたら?山崎 「年金割り負け世代」。今の50歳前後は自己負担比2倍程度の年金をもらえることになっています。でも、会社負担分を加味すると、受取額は1倍スレスレ。年金財政を考えると、これはもっと悪化するでしょう。つまり、払った分より少ない年金額しか受け取れない世代ということです。
山崎 元
胆道 (ISSN:09140077)
vol.21, no.2, pp.178-183, 2007-05-31 (Released:2012-11-13)

山崎 元也 宮脇 年彦 佐藤 喜久 坂田 廣介 高橋 克則
公益社団法人 土木学会
vol.64, no.3, pp.196-206, 2008
