和泉 薫 小林 俊一 永崎 智晴 遠藤 八十一 山野井 克己 阿部 修 小杉 健二 山田 穣 河島 克久 遠藤 徹
The Japanese Society of Snow and Ice
雪氷 (ISSN:03731006)
vol.64, no.1, pp.39-47, 2002-01-15 (Released:2010-02-05)

新潟県北魚沼郡入広瀬村の浅草岳において,2000年6月18日,山菜取り遭難者の遺体搬出作業中の捜索・救助隊がブロック雪崩に襲われて4名が死亡した.ブロック雪崩発生前後の映像解析や現地調査から,発生量は32m3(重量21 ton)と算定され,記録上最大規模のブロック雪崩であることがわかった.この地域の山岳地は近年にない多雪で融雪が約1ヶ月遅れ,気温が上昇した5,6月に多量の残雪が急速に融解した.この災害は,急斜面の残雪が融雪末期のいつ崩落してもおかしくない不安定な状態の時に,その直下で多人数が作業を行っていたため発生したものである.運動シミュレーションから,雪渓末端の被災地点における速度は12~35m/s,到達時間は10~33秒と計算された.雪崩に気付くのが遅れたとするとこの到達時間では逃げ切れない.また,雪ブロックの衝撃力は,直径50cmの球形で速度が12 m/sの時でも約3tonfと計算されたので,直撃を受ければ人は死傷を免れないことがわかった.また,これまでほとんど研究がされていないブロック雪崩についてその定義を明確にし,過去の災害事例を調べて発生傾向についても明らかにした.
吉岡 照高 松本 亮司 奥代 直巳 山本 雅史 國賀 武 山田 彬雄 三谷 宣仁 生山 巖 村田 広野 浅田 謙介 池宮 秀和 内原 茂 吉永 勝一
no.8, pp.15-23, 2009 (Released:2011-07-13)

1. ‘麗紅’は1984年に果樹試験場口之津支場(現 果樹研究所カンキツ研究口之津拠点)において、‘清見・アンコールNo. 5’に‘マーコット’を交配して育成された品種である。1996年より‘カンキツ口之津32号’の系統名でカンキツ第8回系統適応性・特性検定試験に供試した。その結果、2004年1月26日付けでタンゴール農林9号‘麗紅’と命名、登録された。また、2005年12月7日付けで種苗法に基づき品種登録された。登録番号は第13542号である。2. 樹勢は中庸で、樹姿は直立性と開張性の中間である。枝梢は長く、太さは中位で密生する。雄性不稔性で、花粉を形成しない。かいよう病に対する抵抗性はやや弱いものの、栽培管理上の問題はない。また、そうか病に対する抵抗性は強い。3. 果実は平均200g程度で、扁円形~扁平形である。果皮は濃橙色~淡赤橙色で、果面は平滑である。果皮の厚さは平均2.4mmと薄い。剥皮性は容易~やや容易である。果肉色は濃橙色で、果肉は柔軟、多汁である。1月下旬における果汁の糖度は平均12.4%、酸含量は平均的な大きさの果実では1.10~1.30g/100mLとなる。成熟期は1月中下旬である。4. 各地の試験地において果実の肥大は良好で、栽培適地は広いと思われるが、1月以降も樹上越冬ができる温暖な地域での栽培が望ましい。また、雄性不稔性で花粉を形成しないが、周囲の他品種花粉の受粉により含核数が著しく多くなるので、無核果あるいは少核果生産のためには、周囲には多量の花粉を形成するような品種を植栽しないことが重要である。
山田 安彦
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.24, no.4, pp.369-403, 1972-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

At its extention to the North-eastern part of Japan, the Japanese Ancient State came into contact with the power of Ezo (a tribe in the ancient history of Japan). The auther would like to call the region, where both powers met with, as the transitional zone of the Ritsuryô State or the State ruled by the Code. The purpose of this treatise is to analyse the regional structure at the transitional zone, related to the Shinto shrine and the settlement.Before the Ritsuryô State started to wield its authority to promote reclamation, the Yaoi culture, which was based on paddy farming in Western Japan, had already penetrated into the northern part of North-eastern Japan; the Kofun (the ancient tomb) culture, which originally had its central domain in Kinai provinces (Yamato, Yamashiro, Kawachi and Izumi), had propagated to the Sendai plain.In examing the Kofun cultural sphere in the Sendai plain, it turned out that Takatsuka Kofun (the great tomb of ancient mould) culture had attained to the basins of the River Naruse and the River Eai. Its succeeding Gunshufun (ancient gathered tomb) culture had been at a standstill in the lower reaches of the River Abukuma. But the Yokoana-kofun (the tunnel tomb of ancient mould) culture had advanced to the basin of the River Hazama, which runs through the northern fringe of the Sempoku zone (northern half part of the Sendai plain). Some Yokoana-Kofun culture were still for a while to be seen in this zone even in the Nara Era.The author has an intention to analyse the regional structure of the Sendai plain which located in the transitional zone of the Rtisuryô State, in following after the integrating process of the Ezo district into its organization. At the same time he would like to grasp the shifting aspects of regional structure at the Sendai plain from the Pre-Nara Era to the Nara Era at the angle of the authoritative penetration from the Ancient State's side.Geographical feature of the Sempoku plain is its alternative range of hill and plain. At the plain there were found a lot of low and damp spots which infiltrated from the coast to the innermost of the land. At the places where are above more than 10m. of contour line, their abrupt and sharp inclination often brought deluge to the low land at rainfalls. Thus there were supposed to be confirmed flood areas. Promotion of developing policy of the Ancient State had been greatly affected by this natural condition.In consideration of village organization, now, it is to be pointed out that administrative villages, which were incorporated in the provincial system of the Ritsuryô State, were far more fully established in the Sen'nan zone (southern part of Sendai plain) than in the Sempoku zone.In ancient times a Shinto shrine was usually built at each village, so it is natural to suppose that there should had been more Shinto shrines in the Sen'nan zone than in the Sempoku zone. On the contrary, in fact there were more of Shikinai shrines in the Sempoku zone than in the sen'nan zone, in taking note of the village organization ratio. To confirm the Shinto shrines of ancient times, it seems there is no other way but studying of the Shikinai Shinto shrines: i.e. the legalized ones in the Ancient Japanese Law “Engishiki”. They had been usually set up around the forts at the frontiers or along the relaying route linking them with each other.Most of Shikinai Shinto shrines were ordinarily located at the position above more than 10m. contour line, facing down the low lying land or low marshy ground. Broad spread of Grey soil were to be found at such low plains.
今井 俊吾 山田 武宏 西村 あや子 沖 洋充 熊井 正貴 宮本 剛典 笠師 久美子 井関 健
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.16, no.4, pp.169-178, 2015 (Released:2015-03-10)

Objective: To attain optimal blood concentration rapidly, it is needed to perform initial dose setting appropriately when vancomycin (VCM) used.  In order to design initial dose settings of VCM more currently, we compared the predictive performance of two types of VCM therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) analysis software retrospectively.Method: We utilized two TDM analysis software, SHIONOGI-VCM-TDM ver.2009 (VCM-TDM) and “Vancomycin MEEK TDM analysis software Ver. 2.0” (MEEK), based on patient’s background. 112 patients who received VCM and performed TDM were analyzed during the period from October 2011 through September 2012 and compared the actual trough level with the predictive trough level.  The predictive performance was evaluated by calculating ME (mean prediction error), MAE (mean absolute prediction error), and RMSE (root mean squared error).  Age, gender, and a renal function were evaluated as patient’s background.Results: VCM-TDM gave good predictive performance for patients overall.  When classified patient’s background complexly (sex, age, and renal function), as for male patients, VCM-TDM showed good predictive performance except for the group over 65 years old and CCr over 85 mL/min.  For female patients, the difference of predictive performance was not accepted by all groups.Conclusion: These results suggest, for male patients, we should use VCM-TDM for initial dose settings except for the group over 65 years old and over CCr 85 mL/min.  For the other patients, we consider that both of software can be used.  These new findings seem to contribute to proper dosage settings of VCM.
北村 謙始 山田 久美子 伊藤 明 福田 實
The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.29, no.2, pp.133-145, 1995-09-10 (Released:2010-08-06)
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With the purpose of clarifying the role of internal factors in the process of dry skin occurs, dry skin was induced experimentally by an ionic surfactant and, using the model system, we investiglated from a pharmacological perspective as a new experimental plan. Through this research, we have conceived a new theory explaining how dry skin occurs. Furthermore, on the beais of this theory, we have developed a new effective compound for its treatment.In order to study on the mechanism by which dry skin occurs, we used anti-inflammatory agents and inhibitors against histological impairment mediators, as well as various substances that were considered to regulate the function of epidermal cells. The results strongly suggested that the occurence of dry skin involves a cause bringing about the over-manifestation of the epidermal plasminogen (PLG) activation system, which in turn causes abnormalities in the regulating mechanisms for the proliferation and differentiation of epidermal cells, and these result in dry skin.We discovered 4-aminomethylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid (t-AMCHA), which was the most effective substance in view of the theory on the occurrence of dry skin. Then we investigated in detail the efficacy of t-AMCHA. The results of our studies confirmed that t-AMCHA strongly suppresses the over-manifestatation of the PLG activation system in the epidermis when dry skin was occurring. In addition, t-AMCHA demonstrated superb effectiveness against phenomena caused by dry skin, including the loss of moisture from the horny layer, the increase in transepidermal water loss (TEWL), accelerated turnover in the horny layer, and the changes in various other indicators such as epidermal hypertrophy.We also performed a double-blind trial on a preparation containing t-AMCHA. Results demonstrated that the preparation containing t-AMCHA definitely made better and faster improvement than the preparation without t-AMCHA in skin surface texture. Furthermore, the t-AMCHA containing preparation showed superior stability and safety and had excellent usability.We demonstrated for the first time that the intraepidermal PLG activation system plays a major role in the process by which dry skin occurs, and founded a new theory on the occurrence of dry skin. In addition, on the basis of this theory, we discovered the effective substance t-AMCHA and conducted research on its practical application. As a result, we have not only verified the theory but also developed a revolutionary new effective substance for cosmetics.
佐々木 基樹 山田 一孝 遠藤 秀紀

山田 武司
岐阜経済大学論集 = The journal of Gifu College of Economics (ISSN:03865932)
vol.50, no.2, pp.37-53, 2017-01

加藤由紀子教授 追悼号In Memory of Prof. Yukiko KATO論文Articles
山本 伊佐夫 中川 貴美子 大平 寛 鎌倉 尚史 藤田 紗英子 山田 良広 長谷川 巖
国際生命情報科学会誌 (ISSN:13419226)
vol.37, no.2, 2019

歯科と全身は密接な関係にあることが明らかになってきた。パソコンや携帯電話の普及により電磁波の身体への影響が社会問題となりつつある。【症例】40代女性。主訴:電磁波過敏で日常、PC、スマホ、家庭電化製品を使用すると倦怠感、腹部痛を生じる。診断:Bi-Digital O-Ring Test(BDORT)を用いて電磁波集積原因歯と材料を特定した。治療および経過:携帯電話の電磁波に対してBDORT(-)であったが、インレー(金属)を除去後(+)になった。除去後、電子機器、家電製品使用時の違和感が大幅に軽減された。歯科金属が電磁波を集積している可能性が示唆された。電磁波過敏症治療に有効であると考えられた。
須藤 ありさ 片桐 誠一朗 赤羽 大悟 大月 俊輔 山田 晃子 勝呂 多光子 浅野 倫代 吉澤 成一郎 田中 裕子 古屋 奈穂子 岡部 聖一 藤本 博昭 後藤 守孝 後藤 明彦
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.63, no.2, pp.83-88, 2022 (Released:2022-03-08)

剥離性食道炎は食道扁平上皮組織のシート状脱落を特徴とする稀な疾患である。抗凝固薬など薬剤性の報告があるが,造血幹細胞移植に合併した報告は少ない。今回,移植後早期に剥離性食道炎を発症した急性骨髄性白血病(AML)を経験した。症例は52歳,女性。FLT3-ITD変異陽性AML第一寛解期にFBM(fludarabine 180 mg/m2,busulfan 12.8 mg/m2,melphalan 80 mg/m2)による非血縁者間同種末梢血造血幹細胞移植を実施した。GVHD予防は,tacrolimusおよび短期methotrexateを実施した。前処置中よりCTCAE grade 3の嘔吐を認めていた。移植後5日目に嘔吐した際,長さ10 cm,幅1 cmの白色帯状物を口腔内より排出した。上部消化管内視鏡検査で食道全域の粘膜剥離を確認し剥離性食道炎と診断した。保存的加療で改善を認めた。前処置関連毒性を背景に,頻繁な嘔吐による食道への機械的圧力が粘膜剥離に寄与した可能性が考えられた。移植前処置として普及しているFBMにおいても剥離性食道炎に対し,十分な注意が必要である。