朝比奈 正人
神経治療学 (ISSN:09168443)
vol.33, no.3, pp.368-372, 2016 (Released:2016-11-10)

Clinically it is very important to diagnose and treat autonomic symptoms such as syncope, urinary problems and sweat abnormalities. Vasovagal syncope, the most common syncopal disorder, usually develops under 40 years old. As the sensitivity of head–up tilt test is low, history taking is more important for the diagnosis. Carotid sinus syncope usually develops over 60 years old and its diagnosis is confirmed based on the evidence of bradycardia and hypotension induced by stimulation to the carotid sinus. Orthostatic hypotension is defined as a sustained reduction of systolic blood pressure of at least 20mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of 10mmHg within 3 minutes of standing or during head–up tilt test. Non–pharmacological management is important : salt supplementation, fluid intake and avoiding precipitating factors such as high carbohydrate meals, hot environments, alcohol and vasodilator drugs. Vasopressor drugs, which are used for treatment of orthostatic hypotension, can cause or aggravate recumbent hypertension. Urinary dysfunction is classified into storage and voiding symptoms. Anticholinergic drugs, which are used for treatment of storage symptoms, may exacerbate cognitive impairment. In regard to impaired voiding, clean intermittent selfcatheterization is preferred in patients having over 100ml of residual urine. Sudomotor abnormalities include hyperhidrosis and hypo/anhidrosis. For focal hyperhidrosis such as palmoplantar hyperhidrosis treatment like aluminium chloride application, tap water iontophoresis and thoracic sympathectomy may be performed. For acquired idiopathic generalized anhidrosis corticosteroid therapy is often effective.
日本皮膚科学会疥癬診療ガイドライン策定委員会 石井 則久 浅井 俊弥 朝比奈 昭彦 石河 晃 今村 英一 加藤 豊範 金澤 伸雄 久保田 由美子 黒須 一見 幸野 健 小茂田 昌代 関根 万里 田中 勝 谷口 裕子 常深 祐一郎 夏秋 優 廣田 孝司 牧上 久仁子 松田 知子 吉住 順子 四津 里英 和田 康夫
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.125, no.11, pp.2023-2048, 2015-10-20 (Released:2015-10-22)

Here, we present our new guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of scabies which we, the executive committee convened by the Japanese Dermatological Association, developed to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment of scabies in Japan. Approval of phenothrin topical use under the National Health Insurance in August 2014 has contributed to this action. Permethrin, a topical anti-scabietic medication belonging to the same pyrethroid group as phenothrin, is already in use worldwide. For making proper diagnosis of scabies, following three points should be taken into consideration: clinical findings, detection of the mite(s) (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis), and epidemiological findings. The diagnosis is confirmed when the mites or their eggs are identified by microscopy or by dermoscopy. As we now have a choice of phenothrin, the first line therapy for classical scabies is either topical phenothrin lotion or oral ivermectin. Second line for topical treatment is sulfur-containing ointments, crotamiton cream, or benzyl benzoate lotion. Gamma-BHC ointment is no more provided for clinical use. If the patient is immunosuppressed, the treatment option is still the same, but he or she should be followed up closely. If the symptoms persist, diagnosis and treatment must be reassessed. For hyperkeratotic (crusted) scabies and nail scabies, removal of thick scabs, cutting of nails, and occlusive dressing are required along with topical and/or oral treatments. It is important to apply topical anti-scabietic lotion/cream/ointment below the neck for classical scabies or to the whole body for hyperkeratotic scabies, including the hands, fingers and genitals. For children and elderlies, it is recommended to apply treatment to the whole body even in classical scabies. The dosage for ivermectin is a single oral administration of approximately 200 μg/kg body weight. It should be taken on an empty stomach with water. Administration of a second dose should be considered at one-week with new lesions and/or with detection of mites. Safety and effectiveness of combined treatment with topical and oral medications are not yet confirmed. Further assessment is needed. Taking preventative measures is as important as treating those infected. It is essential to educate patients and healthcare workers and conduct epidemiological studies to prevent further spread of the disease through effectively utilizing available resources including manpower, finance, logistics, and time. (Jpn J Dermatol 125: 2023-, 2015)
紀田 康雄 柏木 厚典 田中 逸 小川 勉 阿部 奈々美 池淵 元祥 朝比奈 崇介 高木 敬文 吉川 隆一 繁田 幸男
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.36, no.4, pp.277-283, 1993-04-30 (Released:2011-03-02)

自律神経障害を有する糖尿病患者の突然死は既に報告されているが, その頻度や臨床特徴は明らかではない. 本研究では606例の糖尿病患者の中での突然死の頻度と臨床的特徴を調べた. 平均観察期間は7年であった. さらに交感神経機能の指標としてのQTc間隔を, これら糖尿病患者と年齢, 性をマッチした45例の非糖尿病健常者とで比較し, 突然死との関係を検討した. 1) これら606例の糖尿病患者中既に127例が死亡しており, 39例 (約31%) が突然死であった. 2) 突然死例は生存例と比較すると高齢で高血圧, 虚血性心疾患, 自律神経障害, 末梢神経障害, 壊疽, 腎症の合併頻度が高かった. 3) 突然死例の死因には心・脳血管障害が多かったが, 半数以上で死因の詳細は不明であった. 4) QTcは糖尿病群では生存例 (418±26msec), 突然死例 (445±33msec) 共に対照群 (401±17msec) と比べ有意に延長していた. 5) 突然死群の著明なQTc延長には自律神経障害の関与が示唆された.
vol.61, no.1, 1993-03-25
朝比奈 正人
神経治療学 (ISSN:09168443)
vol.35, no.3, pp.222-225, 2018 (Released:2018-12-25)

Autonomic dysfunction presents several symptoms and signs, such as constipation, urinary problems and sweat abnormalities. Fainting (syncope) or swooning (presyncope) is one of the more common autonomic symptoms, and medical staff require to obtain knowledge and skill to manage syncope. Vasovagal syncope and orthostatic hypotension are representative of diseases which can cause syncope. This review will outline the current understanding of diagnosis, pathophysiology and management of vasovagal syncope and orthostatic hypotension for medical staff.
朝比奈 英三
vol.通説, pp.865-880, 1982-07-25
朝比奈 英三
pp.865-880, 1982-07-25
大槻 マミ太郎 照井 正 小澤 明 森田 明理 佐野 栄紀 髙橋 英俊 小宮根 真弓 江藤 隆史 鳥居 秀嗣 朝比奈 昭彦 根本 治 中川 秀己
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.121, no.8, pp.1561-1572, 2011-07-20 (Released:2014-11-13)

Clinical use of TNFα (tumor necrosis factor α) inhibitors, adalimumab and infliximab, for psoriasis began in January 2010 when an additional indication for this disease was approved. In January 2011, an interleukin-12/23 p40 (IL-12/23 p40) inhibitor, ustekinumab, was newly approved as the third biologic agent with an indication for psoriasis. All of these biologic agents are expected to exhibit excellent efficacy against not only psoriasis but also psoriatic arthritis, and to contribute to the improvement of quality of life (QOL) of psoriatic patients. At the same time, however, they require safety measures to prevent adverse drug reactions such as serious infections. We therefore decided to prepare this Guideline/Safety Manual for the Use of Biologic Agents in Psoriasis (The 2011 Version) by revising that for the use of TNFα Inhibitors prepared by the Biologics Review Committee of the Japanese Dermatological Association in February 2010. In this new unified version for all three biologic agents including ustekinumab, requirements for clinical facilities for the use of biologic agents, contents of safety measures against reactivation of tuberculosis and hepatitis B, and recommendable combination therapies with biologic agents, have been renewed and added. This guideline/safety manual has been prepared to assist dermatology specialists experienced in clinical practice of psoriasis to use biologic agents safely and properly.
梯 裕恵 白石 剛士 河井 洋祐 南里 篤太郎 野田 さわこ 池田 久住 朝比奈 泉
公益社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.60, no.12, pp.672-676, 2014-12-20 (Released:2015-08-25)
2 4

Mucous-retention cysts such as mucocele and ranula are caused by mucus extravasation due to rupture of ducts of the major and minor salivary glands. While several techniques have been used to treat retention cysts, micro-marsupialization is a relatively new, less invasive treatment modality. We describe this new method, which is not popular in Japan, and report the clinical outcomes of 13 cases of mucoceles and ranulas treated with this technique.We evaluated the therapeutic value of micro-marsupialization on the basis of cure rate and events such as infection and recurrence. As a result, ten cases (76.9%) showed complete remission of the lesions and three cases including one case of infection required retreatment.Micro-marsupialization seems to be a simple, minimally invasive and effective modality, and is well tolerated by patients. We accordingly suggest that it could be a primary treatment of choice for mucous retention cysts.

3 0 0 0 OA JAK キナーゼ

朝比奈 昭彦
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.67, no.2, pp.157-158, 2018 (Released:2018-03-16)
朝比奈 敬三
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.76, no.865, pp.444-452, 1960-07-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

Chikubetu coal mine situated in Hokkaido, their area are about 3, 000 hectares, estimated available reserves about 43, 000, 000t, in which about 2, 900, 000t mined out.The largest difficulty we met on the rationalization process was how to deal with the mudstone, which we found under side of coal seam. This mudstone containes a lot of bentonite and very brittle.At the same time, it absorbs water very easily and increases itself.Therefore, it was very difficult to maintain the gallery, which was excarvated in this rock seam. As the first adequate measure for that, we excarvated the transportation gallery in the other harder floor rock, and we adopted the so called“Pocket mining system”.As above mentioned, our suitable measure for the brittle and absorbable mudstone rock seam led us to The mechanization in face and rationalization of the transportation system, and we could get the large output of coal in face.Well, we will describe this rationalization process in more detail as follows ; after we succeeded the“Kappe mining system”, we excarvated the great transportation cross cut as the first step to rationalization of Transportation system.(“Kappe mining system”is a mining system, in which we use the Kappe-iron beam, iron prop and armed conveyer)Then, as the second step, we tried to concentrate the coal face, rationalize the incline belt shaft and armed conveyer gate road. After that, we adopted the so called“slicing mining system”as we see it today.The great effects of rationalization were increase of output per man shift, and decrease of mining cost.The output per man shift became 7 times larger than before, total coal output 10 times, mining cost became 13 times.Without adaptation of any new machine and special mining method, we got these good effects by only effective using of our machines and installations.Now we think, our rationalization process till now was the only first step. And we must try to develop the new mining technic as the second step of our rationalization.We believe that, on the base of our above mentioned rationalization, we can develop the new mining Technic in our coal mine, for instance, adaptation of hydraulic prop, hyaraulic transportation of coal, new Technic of shaft sinking etc.Well, we got also good results of safety in coal mine, and this owed to the improvement of our technic and rationalization, we think.We mentioned above only the rationalization of technic, but we must stress here finally the adequateness of our labour management was the important element to the good reconstraction of our coal mine, which was ever facining a terrible crisis.