阿江 通良 湯 海鵬 横井 孝志
vol.11, pp.23-33, 1992
67 262

Inertia properties of the body segments such as segment mass, location of the center of mass, and moment of inertia can be measured and predicted in a number of ingenious approaches. They can be classified into a) direct measurements on cadavers, b) indirect measurements on living subjects, and c) mathematical modelling. However, there is little information upon which complete inertial estimates for Japanese people, especially male and female athletes, can be based. The purposes of this study were to determine the mass, center of mass location, and moments of inertia of the body segments for Japanese male and female athletes using a mathematical modelling approach, and to develop a set of regression equations to estimate inertia properties of body segments using simple anthropometric measurements as predictors. Subjects were 215 male and 80 female athletes belonging to various college sport clubs. Each subject, wearing swimming suit and cap, was stereo-photographed in a standing position. Ten body segments including the upper and lower torso were modelled to be a system of elliptical zones 2cm thick based on Jensen and Yokoi et al. Significant prediction equations based on body height, body weight, and segment lengths were then sought, and some prediction strategies were examined. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1) Table 2 provides a summary of mass ratios, center of mass location ratios and radius of gyration ratios for males and females. There were many significant differences in body segment parameters between the two sexes. This suggests the need to develop different prediction equations for males and females. 2) Close relationships were noted between segment masses and segment lengths and body weight as predictors for all body segments. Table 5 provides coefficients of multiple regression equations to predict segment masses. 3) No close relationship was noted between independent variables and estimates of the center of mass location. This indicates that the variance in the center of mass location in proportion to the segment length was very small, and that location of centers of mass could be estimated by the mean ratio provided in Table 2. 4) Close relationships were noted between segment moments of inertia and segment lengths (except hand and foot), and body weight as predictors. Tables 6 and 7 provide coefficients of multiple regression equations to predict segment moments of inertia from segment lengths and body weight.
阿江 通良 湯 海鵬 横井 孝志
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.11, pp.23-33, 1992-05-20 (Released:2016-12-05)
131 262

Inertia properties of the body segments such as segment mass, location of the center of mass, and moment of inertia can be measured and predicted in a number of ingenious approaches. They can be classified into a) direct measurements on cadavers, b) indirect measurements on living subjects, and c) mathematical modelling. However, there is little information upon which complete inertial estimates for Japanese people, especially male and female athletes, can be based. The purposes of this study were to determine the mass, center of mass location, and moments of inertia of the body segments for Japanese male and female athletes using a mathematical modelling approach, and to develop a set of regression equations to estimate inertia properties of body segments using simple anthropometric measurements as predictors. Subjects were 215 male and 80 female athletes belonging to various college sport clubs. Each subject, wearing swimming suit and cap, was stereo-photographed in a standing position. Ten body segments including the upper and lower torso were modelled to be a system of elliptical zones 2cm thick based on Jensen and Yokoi et al. Significant prediction equations based on body height, body weight, and segment lengths were then sought, and some prediction strategies were examined. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1) Table 2 provides a summary of mass ratios, center of mass location ratios and radius of gyration ratios for males and females. There were many significant differences in body segment parameters between the two sexes. This suggests the need to develop different prediction equations for males and females. 2) Close relationships were noted between segment masses and segment lengths and body weight as predictors for all body segments. Table 5 provides coefficients of multiple regression equations to predict segment masses. 3) No close relationship was noted between independent variables and estimates of the center of mass location. This indicates that the variance in the center of mass location in proportion to the segment length was very small, and that location of centers of mass could be estimated by the mean ratio provided in Table 2. 4) Close relationships were noted between segment moments of inertia and segment lengths (except hand and foot), and body weight as predictors. Tables 6 and 7 provide coefficients of multiple regression equations to predict segment moments of inertia from segment lengths and body weight.
横井 孝
駒澤國文 (ISSN:04523652)
vol.17, pp.137-142, 1980-03
今西 裕一郎 伊藤 鉄也 野本 忠司 江戸 英雄 相田 満 海野 圭介 加藤 洋介 斎藤 達哉 田坂 憲二 田村 隆 中村 一夫 村上 征勝 横井 孝 上野 英子 吉野 諒三 後藤 康文 坂本 信道

佐川 賢 倉片 憲治 横井 孝志
特定非営利活動法人 横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合
横幹 (ISSN:18817610)
vol.5, no.1, pp.24-29, 2011 (Released:2016-02-26)

“Accessible design” is an emerging design method of products, services and environments. It takes into account special requirements of older persons and persons with disabilities in the design process and, thereby, maximizes the number of their potential users. In the design process, ergonomic knowledge and human-ability/characteristic data of those target users play a crucial role. This paper reviews the development of accessible-design methods in a variety of fields such as user-interface design of consumer products and shows how ergonomic knowledge and data can be used effectively. It also focuses on relevant activities of international standardization in Technical Committee 159 “Ergonomics” of International Organization for Standardization.
横地 義照 藤本 浩志 木塚 朝博 横井 孝志
Japan Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.38, no.1, pp.54-62, 2002-02-15 (Released:2010-03-12)
7 4

下肢の筋力が衰えると (とりわけ高齢者では), 手を大腿部について起立動作を行うことが多い. その場合膝関節から上方では, 大腿部・体幹部・上肢が閉じたリンクを構成するため, 関節点の位置情報からだけでは股関節モーメントを逆問題として解けなくなる. そこで本研究では, 床反力と併せて, 手をつくことにより大腿部へ作用する力ベクトルを計測することで, 下肢関節モーメントの逆動力学解析を行うことを試みた. 実験は健康な成年男子10名を被験者として, 椅子の高さ2条件と, 大腿部に手をつくかつかないか2条件の組み合わせ4条件にて行い, 下肢関節モーメントの解析を行った. その結果, 起立動作中に大腿部に手をつくことで, 上体の前傾動作の制御が可能となり, 特に水平方向への移動の安定性が保たれ, 上体を前方移動するための下肢による協調作業が軽減された. さらに膝関節最大モーメントの減少により, 動作時の膝関節負担が低減されたことを確認した.
横井 孝 小田 寛貴 野村 精一 中村 俊夫 上野 英子 丹生 越子
vol.12, pp.80-88, 2001-03

第13回名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計シンポジウム(平成12 (2000)年度)報告 名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計第2号機の研究成果と利用計画
横井 孝 大高 洋司 大橋 直義 小林 健二 大友 一雄 恋田 知子 小山 順子 宮間 純一 木越 俊介
国文研ニューズ = NIJL News (ISSN:18831931)
no.49, pp.1-16, 2017-10-16

●メッセージ本文研究の近未来と集積の意味と●研究ノート「近世職人尽絵詞」影印・注釈の出版道成寺文書概観――特に「縁起」をめぐる資料について――ホノルル美術館リチャード レイン コレクションの「鉢かづき」●トピックス〈日本バチカン国交樹立75周年〉研究集会「バチカン図書館所蔵切支丹関係文書の魅力を探る」特別展示「伊勢物語のかがやき――鉄心斎文庫の世界――」関連のお知らせ日本文学資源の発掘・活用プロジェクト始動子ども霞が関見学デー津軽デジタル風土記、はじめの一歩――調印式・記念講演レポート――第41回国際日本文学研究集会プログラム総合研究大学院大学日本文学研究専攻の近況●表紙絵資料紹介山崎龍女筆「業平涅槃図」
湯 海鵬 阿江 通良 横井 孝志 渋川 侃二
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.10, pp.107-118, 1990-09-10 (Released:2016-12-05)

Twisting from a somersault is one of the most used techniques in sports with airborne components such as diving, gymnastics, and so on. The purposes of this study were to investigate the effect of arm swing on the production of aerial twist during somersault and to identify factors affecting the production of the twist. By using a model composed of three rigid bodies, the mechanism of the production of twist from a somersault was confirmed theoretically. Then, quantitative calculation was done based on the model. In the calculation a performer was assumed to swing one arm downward from the symmetrical position with both arms above the head. To validate the model, twisting somersaults of two male skilled gymnasts were filmed and analyzed with 3-dimensional cinematography (DLT method) to compare with the model. The performances were forward twist-somersaults of 1/2, 1 and 3/2 revolutions from a vaulting horse. The factors affecting the generation of twist are discussed based on the results of computer simulation and film data. The results are summarized as follows: 1) An asymmetrical arm swing could generate a twist about the longitudinal axis of the body from a somersault. This arm swing tilted the principal axes of the body away from their original positions. The axis of the angular momentum that was initially established did not change in the airborne phase, but the momentum resolved into two perpendicular components, one about the body's principal longitudinal axis and the another about the body's frontal axis (principal axis). Thus, the somersaulting motion around the frontal axis will continue even though the frontal axis is now tilted from its original position, and in addition the body will begin to twist about its longitudinal axis. 2) The direction of the twist depended upon the initial directions of the somersault and/or arm swing. 3) Large angular velocity of the somersault before the change in the posture and large swing angle of the arm were effective for the generation of twisting. The smaller the moment of inertia about body's longitudinal axis, the larger the twisting that was produced.
高木 昭浩 吉岡 克則 寺岡 悟見 相馬 努 矢野 今朝人 宮坂 正 横井 孝司 村瀬 研也
日本放射線技術學會雜誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.62, no.5, pp.729-733, 2006-05-20
6 6

The following process conventionally has been followed to develop quantitative images of cerebral blood flow: (1) mean cerebral blood flow (mCBF) is calculated by the Patlak plot method; (2) a SPECT slice that includes the basal ganglia is selected; and (3) based on the value of mCBF calculated by the Patlak plot method, the SPECT slice is corrected by the Lassen method and developed into a SPECT image of quantitative regional cerebral blood flow. However, this process is complicated, and the values of rCBF have been reported to fluctuate because selection of the SPECT slice and the ROI setting are in the hands of the operator. We have developed new software that automates this analysis. This software enables automatic processing simply by inputting the value of mCBF in the normal hemisphere. Since there is no need for manual operations such as setting the ROI, reproducibility is improved as well. Regional cerebral blood flow as determined by this software is quite similar to that calculated by the conventional method, so the existing clinical evaluation does not need to be changed. This software is considered to be useful.