中尾 喜久 佐藤 茂秋 内村 英正 三浦 恭定 藤岡 成徳 衣笠 恵士 今泉 真澄 武藤 徹一郎
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.57, no.2, pp.246-251, 1968-02-10 (Released:2008-06-12)

トロトラストによる遅発障害は,肝硬変•胆管癌など,肝を中心としたものがかなり報告されているが,血液疾患を来たした例は少ない.われわれはトロトラスト注入後22年目に発症したと思われる赤白血病の症例を経験したので報告する、症例は59才男で,昭和19年に左大腿動脈よりトロトラストによると思われる血管造影術を受け,昭和39年ころよりパーキンソン症候群が出現し, 41年当科を訪れて高度の貧血と後に末梢血中に幼若細胞を発見され,骨髄所見などから臨床的に赤白血病と診断され,同時に腹部X線像で異常陰影があり,ヒューマンカウソター,オートラジナグラフィーでトロトラスト沈着が確認された.剖検でも脾•リンパ節•骨髄•肝にトロトラスト沈着が発見され血液細胞の異型性,各臓器への細胞浸潤などから病理学的にも赤白血病と診断され,放射能を持つトロトラストと赤白血病発症との関係が問題となつた.
万福 尚紀 武藤 崇 マンプク ナオキ ムトウ タカシ Mampuku Naoki Muto Takashi
心理臨床科学 = Doshisha Clinical Psychology : therapy and research (ISSN:21864934)
vol.5, no.1, pp.95-106, 2015-12-15

研究動向 本稿の目的は,糖尿病の一般的な治療と糖尿病に対する心理療法について概観すること,及び近年注目されているアプローチとして,マインドフルネスをベースにした心理的介入の有用性を示すことであった。本稿の構成としては,①糖尿病に対する一般的な治療,②糖尿病に対する代表的な心理療法,③糖尿病患者に対するマインドフルネスをベースにした介入,となっている。現段階でこれらの要素をレビューした結果,一般的な糖尿病治療では,患者の治療に対するアドヒアランスの維持が困難であり,適切な自己管理がもたらされないことが示唆された。そして,糖尿病に対する心理療法の代表としては,認知・行動療法(CBT)と動機づけ面接(MI)が挙げられ,前者は適応可能な患者層の狭さが,後者は糖尿病患者へのMIの実施経験の必要性が示された。一方,マインドフルネスを取り入れた介入は,糖尿病患者に広く適応可能であり,統合的かつテイラーメイドな糖尿病治療においても有用であることが示唆された。ただし,今後の課題点として長期的な効果検討と参加者の負担の軽減が挙げられた。
武藤(細谷) 照子
一般社団法人 日本生物物理学会
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.27, no.2, pp.75-83, 1987-03-25 (Released:2009-05-25)

The sex of an individual is determined at fertilization by the combination of sex chromosomes, e.g., XX or XY in mammals. Morphological sex differences become evident during the organization of gonadal primordia into ovaries or testes. Consequently, fetal testes produce hormones which are responsible for the development of the male phenotype. The absence of male hormones results in the development of the females phenotype. It has been proposed that a male dominant, histocompatibility-Y (H-Y) antigendetermines testicular differentiation, based on the finding that individuals with testest are H-Y antigen positive regardless of their sex karyotype. Recently, this hypothesis has been challenged bý the finding of several exceptions, e.g., development of ovaries in the presence of H-Y antigen, and testes in its absence.A testis-determining gene (Tdy or TDF) has been thought to occur on the Y chromosome. Over 100 Y-specific DNA fragments have been examined with only one possible candidate for the Tdy gene. In addition to the Tdy gene, at least two autosomal genes (tda-1 and Tas) appear to be involved in testis determination. It has been suggested that gonadal sex determination may also be influenced by environmental factors.Fetal rat and mouse ovaries develop testicular structures (ovotestes) after transplantation into various sites of adult host animals. This finding suggests that XX gonadal primordial cells can differentiate into testicular cells. Electron microscopic examinations have revealed that testicular structures of mouse ovotestes are comparable to those of the genetic male. Furthermore, it has been shown that ovotestes produce hormones and glycoproteins characteristic of normal neontal testes. These results provide strong evidence for sex reversal by transplantation. The study of the factors involved in the induction of ovotestis development should aid better understanding of the mechanism of gonadal sex determination.
武藤 香世
CUJC gazette (ISSN:09158561)
vol.4, pp.114-124, 1993-03-01
武藤 世良
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.6, pp.566-576, 2016

This study developed a scale to measure the respect-related emotional traits (the Trait Respect-Related Emotions Scale) for late adolescence and examined the reliability and validity. In study 1, 368 university students completed the items of the Trait Respect-Related Emotions Scale and other scales of theoretically important personality constructs including adult attachment style, the "Big Five," self-esteem, and two types of narcissistic personality. Factor analysis indicated that there are three factors of trait respect-related emotions: (a) trait (prototypical) respect; (b) trait idolatry (worship and adoration); and (c) trait awe. The three traits associated differentially with the daily experience (frequency) of the five basic respect-related emotions (prototypical respect, idolatry, awe, admiration, and wonder), and other constructs. In Study 2, a test–retest correlation of the new scale with 60 university students indicated good reliability. Both studies generally supported the reliability and validity of the new scale. These findings suggest that, at least in late adolescence, there are large individual differences in respect-related emotion experiences and the trait of respect should be considered as multi-dimensional structure.
武藤 世良
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

This study examined the action tendencies of respect-related emotions in Japanese university students. Participants (<i>n</i> = 405) randomly received a questionnaire about one of six respect-related emotions: (a) <i>keiai</i> (respect mingled with mild love); (b) <i>shinsui</i> (idolatry, worship, and adoration); (c) <i>ifu</i> (awe mingled with fear); (d) <i>kanshin</i> (admiration); (e) <i>kyotan</i> (wonder); and (f) <i>sonkei</i> (respect proper) and were asked to recall a situation they felt the emotion. Next, they rated how much they felt like doing the respect-related (intrapersonal or interpersonal) actions in the situation. Statistical analysis revealed several action tendencies of respect-related emotions, however, the degree of each differed between the prototypical episodes of the emotions (a)–(e). The action tendency pattern of <i>sonkei</i> was most similar to that of <i>keiai</i>, therefore <i>keiai</i> could be considered as the prototypical feeling of <i>sonkei</i> in university students. Furthermore, almost all the respect-related emotions tended to strongly motivate willingness for self-correction and improvement. These findings suggest that respect-related emotions play an important role in self-improvement and building good relationships with superiors, at least in late adolescence.
武藤 世良
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

This study examined the reproducibility of the hierarchical semantic structure of respect-related emotions and the prototypical meaning of <i>sonkei</i> (respect) in modern Japanese people. Participants, ages 20–79, rated the semantic similarity of 153 pairs of 18 respect-related words used in previously published work. Hierarchical cluster analysis (<i>n</i> = 515) showed almost the same semantic organization as the previous study. The highest level of abstraction consisted of "person-focus respect, emotional attitude" and "action-focus respect, emotional state." The basic level consisted of (a) respect mingled with mild love; (b) ought-respect (respect as moral duty); (c) idolatry (worship and adoration); (d) awe mingled with fear; (e) admiration; and (f) wonder. The word <i>sonkei</i> was included in category (a). Additional analyses were conducted according to age. The results revealed that the basic categories seen in adults ages 60–79 differed from those in the whole sample and that <i>sonkei</i> was included in the category which could be considered as ought-respect. These findings suggest that the semantic organization of respect-related emotions is gradually changing under the influence of modern culture.
南 貴子 小原 敏郎 武藤 安子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.12, pp.807-817, 2006-12-15
3 4

The first purpose of this study is to find out the family lifestyle during the period of Childbirth Satogaeri which means return to or stay at mother's old home or her parents' home after childbirth. The second is to investigate the relationship between Childbirth Satogaeri and mother's feeling toward child care. The third is to investigate the relationship between Childbirth Satogaeri and the child care support to mother after childbirth. A graph scale was used as it enables objective observations. Responses to the questionnaire were obtained from 141 mothers. The main results are as follows: 1) The amount of housework decreased on the part of mother during the period of Childbirth Satogaeri, but it increased on the part of her mother. In other words, the female members of any family are responsible for much of the housework. 2) After Childbirth Satogaeri, an increase of housework affected negatively mother's efficacy of child care and her affirmative feeling toward the baby. 3) Whether or not mother experiences Childbirth Satogaeri, her near relatives play an important role in child care support when the baby is around four months old.
武藤 世良
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.157-167, 2014 (Released:2014-06-25)
4 7

This study examined the semantic organization of “sonkei” (a feeling of respect) and respect-related emotion words such as “awe” and “admiration” in Japanese university students. Native Japanese university students rated the semantic similarity of 153 pairs of 18 respect-related words having been collected from synonym dictionaries. Hierarchical cluster analysis of similarity ratings revealed two main distinctions at the highest level of abstraction: “person-focus respect, emotional attitude” (sustained respect for a particular person considered to be superior) and “action-focus respect, emotional state” (temporal respect for a praiseworthy action). The former included three basic categories: (a) respect mingled with mild love; (b) idolatry (worship and adoration); and (c) respect mingled with fear (awe). The latter included two basic categories: (d) admiration and (e) respect mingled with surprise (wonder). The word “sonkei” was included in category (a). Also, multidimensional scaling revealed three dimensions of respect-related words: focus, valence, and self-oblivion. These findings suggest that for Japanese university students, respect is typically a kind of emotional attitude, but they sometimes experience respect as an emotional state (“state respect”).