小清水 敏昌
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.2, pp.194-202, 2020 (Released:2021-01-28)

目的:1895(明治 28)年の「喘息煙草説明書」の記載事柄について調査し,また喘息煙草の来歴,使用方法や売薬の制度なども調査した. 方法:国立国会図書館,東京大学医学図書館,たばこと塩の博物館などにおいて関係文献を調査した. 結果:緒方洪庵の息子達(次男:惟準,三男:惟孝)および小林謙三(適塾生)の 3 人が喘息煙草に関与していた.次男は軍医であり喘息煙草を考案し,三男は薬舗主となり「喘息煙草説明書」を作成した.謙三は内務省から許可された喘息煙草を自店で製造販売した. 結論:喘息煙草の材料は印度大麻草であり,初版の日本薬局方から同エキス剤と共に収載.同チンキ剤は第三版から収載された.3 製剤は戦後の第六版日本薬局方で削除されたが,わが国では 66 年間大麻製剤が収載されていた.Cannabis 製剤が約 150 年前の江戸時代から日本で使用されていたことは特筆すべきことである.
小林 由佳 吉澤 重克 金子 誠二 清水 敏克
一般社団法人 日本環境感染学会
日本環境感染学会誌 (ISSN:1882532X)
vol.31, no.3, pp.158-164, 2016 (Released:2016-08-18)
2 2

現在,消毒剤として広く使用されている次亜塩素酸ナトリウムに比して,人体への影響が少なく,有機物存在下でも殺菌効果が期待できる亜塩素酸水について,Escherichia coli (E. coli)の殺菌効果とネコカリチウイルス(feline calicivirus: FCV)の不活化効果およびその濃度と効果との関係を検証した.  亜塩素酸水は有機物としてのウシ血清アルブミン(bovine serum albumin: BSA)存在下でも,殺菌・不活化効果があり,この時の遊離塩素濃度と殺菌・不活化効果に高い相関性が認められた.  さらに,亜塩素酸水と次亜塩素酸ナトリウムを,有機物としてのBSAと接触させ,接触前後の遊離塩素濃度の推移並びに溶液に対するE. coliの殺菌効果およびFCVの不活化効果を検討した.  亜塩素酸水のBSA接触後の遊離塩素濃度は,30分以上の接触時間でほぼ一定となり,残存遊離塩素は40~70%であった.高濃度の次亜塩素酸ナトリウム溶液でもBSAと30分間接触後の遊離塩素は激減した.  亜塩素酸水はBSA接触後,E. coliおよびFCVに対する有効な殺菌効果およびウイルス不活化効果が確認されたが,次亜塩素酸ナトリウムではそれらが認められなかった.  亜塩素酸水は次亜塩素酸ナトリウムと比較して有機物との共存下における遊離塩素濃度が高く,有機物存在下でも消毒効果が期待できる薬剤であると考えられた.
清水 敏之
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.2, pp.173-178, 2016-02-01 (Released:2016-02-01)

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a family of pattern-recognition receptors that recognize microbial components and initiate subsequent immune responses. TLR7 and TLR8 recognize single-stranded (ss)RNA and initiate innate immune responses. Moreover, several small-molecule compounds have been identified as TLR7 and TLR8 activators. We determined the crystal structures of unliganded and ligand-induced activated human TLR8 dimers. Upon ligand stimulation, the TLR8 dimer was reorganized such that the two C-termini were brought into proximity. Ligand binding induces reorganization of the TLR8 dimer, which enables downstream signaling processes. To elucidate how TLR8 recognizes its natural ligand, ssRNA, as well as how the receptor can be activated by ssRNA that is structurally and chemically very different from the chemical ligands, we performed crystallographic studies of TLR8 in complex with ssRNA. TLR8 recognizes, at distinct sites, uridine and small oligonucleotides derived from the degradation of ssRNA. Uridine bound the site on the dimerization interface where small chemical ligands are recognized, whereas short oligonucleotides bound a newly identified site. Based on structural information, new compounds have been developed. We describe the crystal structure of a newly developed agonist, C2-butyl furo[2,3-c]quinolone.
関口 貴哉 和田 圭二 清水 敏久
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.142, no.7, pp.498-505, 2022-07-01 (Released:2022-07-01)

This study proposes a novel active power decoupling (APD) control method focusing on the power generation characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) arrays. Numerous studies have been conducted on the APD method for achieving a long lifetime of a residential PV power generation system. The APD method reduces the power pulsation, which contains twice the utility frequency caused by a single-phase PV inverter. Compared with the passive power decoupling method using electrolytic capacitors, the APD method incurs power conversion loss due to the increase in passive components and power devices. Many studies have considered the efficiency improvement of the APD method, however most of them focus on the power conversion loss of the APD circuit. It is necessary to consider the power conversion efficiency of the power conditioner and the power generation efficiency of the PV array collectively to improve the efficiency of the PV system. Therefore, in this study, a compensation power control for APD circuit focusing on the power generation characteristics of the PV array is proposed, and the validity of the proposed APD control was verified by evaluating the efficiency based on real-time simulation and experimental results of a 1kW power conditioner.
関口 浩二 遠山 哲次郎 荒田 崇 清水 敏晶
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海洋開発論文集 (ISSN:09127348)
vol.13, pp.853-858, 1997 (Released:2011-06-27)

Lake Saroma is an inland sea-lake on the Sea of Okhotsk. As the lake's environment is suitable for aquiculture, it is widely used for natural sea farming.Ice floes usually reach Okhotsk Sea coast of Hokkaido from late January through early February. When ice floes arrived before Lake Saroma had sufficiently frozen up, the inflow of ice into the lake damaged aquiculture facilities. As a countermeasure for this, construction of ice booms to control ice floes began in 1994 and 10 spans out of 13 planned have since been completed.In this study, the effectiveness of ice booms in controlling ice floes in an actual sea area is confirmed, factoes concerning the tension of the main wire, an important point in design, are analyzed using research results, and the design and actual values are compared.
清水 敏行 建部修見 工藤 知宏
情報処理学会論文誌コンピューティングシステム(ACS) (ISSN:18827829)
vol.45, no.6, pp.23-34, 2004-05-15

最近のクラスタ向け計算機,とりわけラックマウント型では,限られた容積に多くの機器が実装されているため,それを冷却するファンの振動によってHDD等のデータ転送性能が低下する問題が生じていることが分かった.従来より外部からの振動によってHDD の転送性能が影響を受けることは知られていたが,我々の実験によりHDD の仕様以下の強さの振動であっても特定の周波数の振動が連続的に加わると20?90%の転送速度の低下が見られ,ときにはHDD が回復不能なダメージを被る場合があることが明らかとなった.本稿ではこの問題について紹介し,HDD の転送速度の周波数特性を詳細に調べることで原因の推定を試みる.またその結果をふまえて,解決の一手法について述べる.Performance of latest HDDs can be affected by the mechanical vibration of the cooling fan. This phenomenon is often observed in recent low height rack-mounted type computers, which have number of components in its limited capacity of the enclosure. The head positioning servo of latest HDD's are designed considering the effect of vibration. However, we found that the transfer rate of HDD is sometimes degraded by the continuous vibration even when the magnitude of the vibration is smaller than the specified allowance. Moreover, such vibration cause an unrecoverable damage in some cases. This paper introduces such phenomena, and tries to investigate the cause of the phenomena by analyzing frequency response characteristics of the HDD transfer rate in detail. This paper also discusses ways to avoid these problems.
石田 英子 大戸 梅治 清水 敏之
日本結晶学会誌 (ISSN:03694585)
vol.59, no.2-3, pp.108-113, 2017-06-30 (Released:2017-07-01)

Fertilization, the crucial step in sexual reproduction, requires the fusion of haploid sperm and egg to create a genetically distinct offspring. Despite many studies on mammalian fertilization, the molecular mechanisms underlining the membrane fusion remain largely unknown. At present, IZUMO1 on the sperm surface and JUNO on the egg surface are known as the only protein pair essential for fertilization. In this review, we focus on the crystal structures of human IZUMO1, JUNO and IZUMO1-JUNO complex. These structures reveal the molecular mechanism of mammalian gamete recognition, and provide information for development of non-hormonal contraceptive agents.
山本 忠弘 阿曽 正登 清水 敏昭
日本火災学会論文集 (ISSN:05460794)
vol.34, no.1, pp.17-23, 1984 (Released:2012-07-04)

It is well known that on addition of water onto a large amount of quick lime an exothermic reaction occurs and accumulated energy brings about a fire. However, even a small amount of desiccant for foods (about 110 g) brought about a fire in Himeji City of Hyogo Prefecture last year. Authors had interest in the fire caused by a desiccant and tried 47 ignition tests using desiccant (I) and quick lime in technical grades (II). The tests were carried out under conditions like the fire: Package of (I) or (II) was placed in sugar can (200 φ × 270 H) filled with a large volume of newspapers and tissue papers. Water was dropped into the opened package. 1) In 33 ignition tests for (II), ignition occurred 8 times and smoldering 10 times. The shortest time reached to ignition was 40 minutes and 34.6 ml of water was dropped for this period. The longest time was 90 minutes and 60 ml was dropped. When water was dropped at the rate of 0.5 - 0.9 ml/min in the range of these times and water amounts, the possibility reached to the ignition was high. 2) In 14 ignition tests for (I), smoldering occurred 4 times and smoke filled inner parts of the can. In the case of (I) having low calorific values such as less than 4 kcal/mol, smoke did not occur and the temperature did not rise to over than 200 °C. 3) Calorific values of (I) with water were 5 - 6 kcal/mol in average and less than 1/2 as compared to those of quick lime in 100% purity (determined value, 14.6) and in technical grades (11.9). The lowest one was 3.3 kcal/mol. 4) When the package included desiccant was immersed in water for 2 hours, about 70% of initial weight increased. The packing paper can pass fairly large amounts of water.
松盛 裕明 清水 敏久
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会誌 (ISSN:13405551)
vol.141, no.10, pp.621-623, 2021-10-01 (Released:2021-10-01)

宮野 美幸 熊原 比路美 風間 裕子 岡澤 敬彦 金城 浩和 赤塩 恵子 清水 敏夫 外間 政信 木村 薫
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会学術総会抄録集 (ISSN:18801749)
vol.60, pp.33, 2011

丹治 裕美 大戸 梅治 清水 敏之
日本結晶学会誌 (ISSN:03694585)
vol.55, no.5, pp.285-289, 2013-10-31 (Released:2013-11-01)

The Toll-like receptors(TLRs)are a family of pattern-recognition receptors that recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns and activate innate immune system. TLR8 is activated by single-stranded RNA or synthetic imidazoquinoline compounds. We determined the crystal structures of unliganded and liganded TLR8 to clarify signaling and activation mechanism of TLR8.TLR8 monomer was ring-shaped structure in which N- and C-termini interacted directly. Both in the unliganded and liganded forms, TLR8 formed m-shaped dimer in which two C termini converged in the middle. Ligands were located in the two equivalent positions in the dimerization interface related by the non-crystallographic two-fold axis. The C-termini of the two TLR8 protomers were separated by 53 Å in the unliganded form; whereas, C-termini of the two monomers were brought into close proximity(~30 Å)in the liganded form, which would enable the subsequent dimerization of the TIR domains and downstream signaling.
豊福 明 吉田 美紀 嶋村 知記 古賀 勉 瀬戸 富雄 清水 敏博 中小田 直子 松原 聖子 有吉 祐二 喜久田 利弘 都 温彦
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.11, no.1, pp.88-95, 1996-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

We have proposed that the management of serious psychosomatic TMJ disorder should be undertaken in a hospital environment where the patient can be fully investigated and the response to medication and psychotherapy monitored.This is not only because they are too tired to do anything but also they wander about many hospitals having wrong conviction that occlusion is the cause of many systemic disorders.To release the oral function from this pathological attention of brain, we reduce their symptoms by antidepressants without dealing with their occlusion. In this process, we take a psychotherapeutic method to make them notice their changes to understand that occlusion had nothing to do with patient's symptoms.A 34-year old man, complaining of TMJ disorder and systemic fatigue and many symptoms, was shown as a case example in the process of improvement of wrong conviction.Once he came to our department, but was lost to follow-up, and wandering many hospitals including neuro-pcychiatry. 8 months after the last visit, the patient came to our hospital again for admission.In the process of therapy, constant stimuli were provided to patients in the therapeutic frame, in which the therapist tried to maintain an emotionally steady attitude toward him and gave active support to his healthy mind, through stable and proper comments without being affected by perpetual and entrapping inciation of his ill mind.Comstancy not only in psychological stimuli but also bodily sensation was evaluated as one of the most important factors for the cure of the disorders. Psychosomatic therapy by the dentist made it possible for this patient to resusciate his own bodily (especially oral) perseption.
関口 貴哉 清水 敏久
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.139, no.8, pp.761-762, 2019-08-01 (Released:2019-08-01)

Various studies have been conducted on photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems that focus either on a generation control circuit (GCC) to prevent power reduction due to a partial shade or on an active power decoupling method (APD) to reduce the power pulsation with twice the utility frequency. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, only few studies have examined the PV power generation systems in which both the GCC and the APD functions are installed. In this paper, a novel PV power generation system equipped with both the GCC and the APD functions is proposed, and its fundamental operation is verified.