田中 敏嗣
vol.32, pp.862-863, 2017-10-28

伊藤 寛隆 田中 敏光 杉江 昇
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence : AI (ISSN:13460714)
vol.18, pp.161-164, 2003-11-01

In order to realize advanced man-machine interfaces, it is desired to develop a system that can infer the mental state of human users and then return appropriate responses. As the first step toward the above goal, we developed a system capable of inferring human tactics in a simple game played between the system and a human. We present a machine learning system that plays a color expectation game. The system infers the tactics of the opponent, and then decides the action based on the result. We employed a modified version of classifier system like XCS in order to design the system. In addition, three methods are proposed in order to accelerate the learning rate. They are a masking method, an iterative method, and tactics templates. The results of computer experiments confirmed that the proposed methods effectively accelerate the machine learning. The masking method and the iterative method are effective to a simple strategy that considers only a part of past information. However, study speed of these methods is not enough for the tactics that refers to a lot of past information. For the case, the tactics template was able to settle the study rapidly when the tactics is identified.
杉浦 司 田中 敏光 佐川 雄二 手島 裕詞
vol.2010-CG-139, no.5, pp.1-6, 2010-07-09

一般に類似画像検索では,画像に様々な処理を施して抽出した特徴を比較している.しかし,画像から特徴量を抽出する処理には多くのコストがかかるため,対象とする画像が多数になると検索時間がかかりすぎる問題がある.本研究では,特徴抽出に GPU を活用することで類似画像検索の処理時間の短縮を図る.モルフォロジー演算を用いる特徴抽出処理を GPU(GeForce GTX285) に実装した場合,CPU(Core i7 920) で実行した場合に比べて類似画像検索全体で約 3 倍の高速化が見込める.
三嶋 仁 田中 敏光 佐川 雄二
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.49, no.12, pp.4080-4087, 2008-12-15

本論文では,グラフィックスハードウェアを使って,メタボールを直接リアルタイム表示する方法を提案する.提案手法は,レイキャストと同様に,視線上を等間隔に区切ったサンプル点でポテンシャルを計算する.ただし,ポテンシャルが存在しない場所で無駄な計算を行うことを避けるために,各粒子の最大影響範囲を表面とする球を包含する立方体を作成し,その視点側の半分を計算候補領域に選ぶ.そして,計算候補領域が不連続の場合には,Zバッファによる前後判定を使って次の計算候補領域にサンプル点を移動することで,効率的なサンプリングを実現する.また,選ばれたサンプル点のポテンシャルを,それぞれの粒子によるポテンシャルを画像に加算合成する方法で計算する.閾値を超えたサンプル点を物体の中にあると判定し,直前のサンプル点との間を補間して,物体の表面を推定する.さらに,視線方向に並んだ4点を同時に計算することで.処理コストを減らす.このような,GPUの特性を活用した実装により,メタボールの実時間表示を実現した.実験では,4 096個の粒子を使って表現した物体を,256×256画素のサイズで,30 fps前後で表示することができた.This paper presents a real time rendering method for metaballs. The method computes potential at equal interval sampling points like ray-casting. However, in order to remove unnecessary sampling points, a bounding cube is created for each particle then its front-half is selected as the sampling area. At each pixel, the initial sampling point is selected on the front surface of the nearest are. The sampling point shifts at same interval step by step. However, if the sampling areas are not continuous on the ray, the sampling point is made to jump to the next area by using modified Z-buffer algorithm. For each particle, potential at the sampling points is added to the accumulation buffer, which is the same size of the image. Then potential at each pixel is evaluated. If the value is over the threshold, surface of the object is estimated by interpolating between the sampling point and the proximate point. In addition, the cost is reduced by computing 4 sampling points along the ray together. By considering feature of GPU, real-time rendering is realized. The experimental result confirmed that 256×256 images including 4096 metaballs are created in 30 fps.
田中 敏
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.52, no.4, pp.213-218, 1981-11-20 (Released:2010-07-16)

The purpose of this study was to classify and characterize hesitation phenomena in Japanese speech. Twenty college students were asked to make a story about a series of pictures. The types of hesitation which were also found in English speech were identified in the stories. Then they were analyzed further in terms of the kinds of lexical unit and the location in a sentence. The major results were as follows: (a) repetitions and false starts occurred at nouns more frequently than at the members of Jodoshi-Joshirui (one of functional word classes) and (b) significantly larger parts of both filled and unfilled pauses were located between phrases than within them. Finally, functional role of each type in speech production was discussed.
田中 敏弘
物理教育 (ISSN:03856992)
vol.48, no.2, pp.155-158, 2000

田中 敏秀 宮本 俊明
一般社団法人 日本臨床リウマチ学会
臨床リウマチ (ISSN:09148760)
vol.21, no.3, pp.273-278, 2009-09-30 (Released:2016-03-31)

The patient was an18-year-old female who first showed high CPK levels in August 2000 (when she was 12years old). Muscle biopsy confirmed dermatomyositis. Together with skin rash, she was diagnosed with juvenile dermatomyositis. She was treated with oral prednisolone (PSL) at a daily dose of 60 mg (≒2 mg/kg). Cyclosporine A (140 mg daily) was added for complicating interstitial pneumonia. However, her disease frequently relapsed when she had the common cold or other triggering factors. Various second-line treatments, such as intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) (45 g; 2 sessions), monthly IVCY (700 mg/body; 22 sessions), pulse methylprednisolone (1 g; 9 sessions), azathioprine (AZP, 50 mg daily), methotrexate (MTX, 16 mg weekly) and mycophenolate mofetil (3 g daily), were attempted for relapses. However, her flare never placed under good control. On the first visit to our clinic at the age of 18 years (February 2007), she showed a significantly increased level of serum CPK. Despite the combination of oral PSL (20 mg daily), AZP (150 mg daily) and MTX (16 mg weekly), her CPK reached8, 154 IU/L. Thus, AZP and MTX were substituted with tacrolimus (TAC), which had never been used, and pulse therapy with methylprednisolone (m-PSL) followed by oral m-PSL (48 mg daily). Her serum levels of myogenic enzymes were normalized after this treatment and no relapse has been observed for a year.    Recently, there have been domestic and overseas studies describing the effectiveness of TAC on myositis. This is another case demonstrating the efficacy of the combination therapy of steroid hormone and TAC on dermatomyositis resistant to various immunosuppressants.