辻本 裕一 谷 優 山道 岳 辻村 剛 中田 渡 任 幹夫 辻畑 正雄
Japanese Journal of Endourology (ISSN:21861889)
vol.32, no.1, pp.116-119, 2019 (Released:2019-07-27)

【目的】大阪労災病院で入院加療を行った結石性腎盂腎炎に対して臨床的検討を行った. 【対象・方法】2007年~2018年の73例をステント留置の有無に分けて比較検討を行った. 【結果】ステント留置無し (27例) のほうが有り (46例) より有意に結石最大径が小さく (7 vs 10 mm, p=0.0393), WBC (12000 vs 15900, p=0.0428) と好中球数 (9354 vs 11882, p=0.0199) が少なかった. 全身状態が悪い4例はステント交換のみ, 残り69例は自然排石14例, ESWL32例 (5例がTUL追加), TULのみ22例, 腎摘1例であった. 73例中61例 (84%) がstone free, 69例 (95%) がstent freeとなった. 【結論】従来からの治療方針は有用であると思われた.
髙畑 正子 日浅 友裕 奥村 玲子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.18, no.1, pp.30-38, 2021-12-25 (Released:2021-12-25)

By the spread of Corona disease, some nursing students were forced to take on-campus training, giving up joining trainings on outside clinical scenes. The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between the self-efficacy of those nursing students who took on-campus training -- focusing on the change of thinking process occasioned by spread of Corona disease -- and the four sources of Bandura.A questionnaire survey was conducted on 67 students who completed the practice of adult nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, A University.As a result, it has been made clear that achievement of practical goals and vicarious experiences are related to awareness of students’ self-efficacy, "human relationship formation skills," "basic nursing skills," and "assessment skills." Linguistic persuasion and emotional state are associated with "human relationship formation skills," "basic nursing skills," "assessment skills," and "stress tolerance" of students’ self-efficacy.
髙畑 正子 日浅 友裕 奥村 玲子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.16, no.1, pp.70-77, 2019-12-24 (Released:2019-12-24)

In teaching practices of nursing care for grown-up patients, if you as students can improve your ways of action to perform assigned tasks and achieve goals properly, then can you get more self-efficacy? The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is any connection between the two issues.A questionnaire survey was carried out of 65 students who took adult nursing practice at Faculty of Nursing, A University. The practice evaluations of “Understand patients and their families,” “Practice nursing care to solve health problems,” “Understand nursing aids for changing patients’ way of life” and “Find nurses’ own tasks for learning” were related to awareness of students’ self-efficacy. And further, “Relationship with patients,” “Relationship with bedside training teachers,” “Relationship with instructors of coping with surrounding conditions” were related to the same category. “Relationship with patients” was related to two factors necessary for raising levels of self-efficacy: “Human relationship formation skills” and “Basic nursing skills.”
鴨井 正樹 清水 能人 河内 光男 藤井 靖久 菊池 武久 水川 士郎 吉岡 薄夫 木畑 正義 三橋 正和
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.30, no.4, pp.153-158, 1972-07-25 (Released:2010-10-29)
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The metabolism of orally administered maltitol was investigated and compared with clinical study, especially in two groups, one which exhibited diabetic type and the other non-diabetic type (contained intermediate type) in 50g glucose tolerance test.The following results were obtained. The variation curves of blood sugar, immunoreactive insulin, and non-esterified fatty acids levels effected by 50g maltitol tolerance test in both groups had been extremely lower than those effected by 50g glucose tolerance test.So, it was considered that maltitol per se had been hardly absorbable through intestinal wall, clinically as so with animal study. In the case of concurrent administration of 50g maltitol and 50g glucose, the absorption of glucose was inhibited, resulting in a lower increase of blood sugar level than in the case of an individual administration of 50g glucose.
森河 裕子 中川 秀昭 田畑 正司 西条 旨子 千間 正美 北川 由美子 河野 俊一 寺西 秀豊 城戸 照彦
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.46, no.6, pp.1057-1062, 1992-02-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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We studied an outbreak of itai-itai disease in the Jinzu River basin, in Toyama, Japan. One hundred and fifty females recognized as itai-itai disease patients till by 1990 were studied for the ages and years of onset and residence in the cadmium-polluted area.1. Cases were recognized from as early as 1929, increased gradually to the peak of 1955-1959 and rapidly decreased up to the 1970s.2. It was found that the later the patients was born, the younger the age of onset, though there was no difference of ages of onset between the cases born in the 1910s and the cases born from 1920.3. The onset of itai-itai disease was most frequently seen at 50-59 years of residence in the cadmium-polluted area. It was found that the later a person started to inhabit the cadmium-polluted area, the shorter the period of residence in the cadmium-polluted area up to onset of itai-itai disease.4. Comparing the patients who inhabited the cadmium-polluted area from birth and those who had moved there from non-polluted areas, the age of onset was higher in the latter, but there were no significant differences in the period of residence up to onset.From these findings, it appeared that itai-itai disease was not caused by aging, but by cadmium exposure starting from the 1910s.
増野 智章 重永 武彦 西山 譲幾 田中 愛 藤島 宣大 宮﨑 周也 板井 真梨子 畑 正広 門田 淳一
特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会
気管支学 (ISSN:02872137)
vol.43, no.2, pp.150-155, 2021

河邊 聰 内藤 郁子 野村 正樹 畑 正一郎 大森 靖子 平家 直美 林 茂 吉田 光一 木村 忠紀 堀 榮二 遠藤 康雄 志村 公夫 冨家 裕久
一般財団法人 住総研
住宅総合研究財団研究論文集 (ISSN:18802702)
vol.34, pp.433-443, 2008

堀畑 正臣
国語国文学研究 (ISSN:03898601)
vol.47, pp.1-16, 2012-02-10

村上 元庸 牧川 方昭 前野 幹幸 畑 正樹 七川 歓次
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.10, no.1, pp.22-24, 1986-07-28 (Released:2012-11-20)

When abducting the arm, the scapula and the humerus move cooperatively. This cooperation is known as “scapulohumeral rhythm”, and a constant relationship is said to exist between the abduction angle of the humerus and that of the scapula.But since the glenoid is too small to support the humeral head, it may happen that the humeral head will be dislocated or the soft tissue, like tendons or capsule, will be exposed to a excessive load, if the resultant force through the humeral head does not directly face to the glenoid. So we guess that a change of the resultant force which is consist of load and muscle power to the humerus may change the incline of the glenoid even at the same humeral abducting angle.In this study, we investigated the relationship between the glenoid inclination angle and the humeral abduction angle with or without block of the supraspinatus muscle power by the suprascapular nerve block.The subjects of this experiment was 5 healthy men, and the angle was measured by X-ray films which were taken at every 45 degrees abduction position with voluntary effort to abduct isometrically before and after the nerve block, and also the abduction torque was measured simultaneously by the Cybex- II.The result was that the inclination angle of the scapula was decreased after block, as the maximum defference at 90 degree abduction by 6 degree. And the torque was decreased by the mean of 25 %.From our hypothesis that the resultant force faces the glenoid perpendicularly, these results could be explained by the functional anatomy of the supraspinatus tendon. At 0 and 135 degree abduction the supraspinatus runs perpendicularly to the glenoid, so the resultant force does not change the direction after block. But at 90 degree abduction the position of the insertion of the supraspinatus is the highest of all abduction angle, so it acts to pull down the head. The resultant that force after block changes the direction upward, and so the glenoid inclination angle decreases to face the head.From these results, we guess a resultant force to the humeral head always faces to the glenoid by controlled constraction of the muscles around the shoulder.
村上 元庸 小島 保二 前田 敏博 牧川方 昭 福田 眞輔 畑 正樹 吉川 玄逸
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.16, no.1, pp.96-102, 1992

An ultrastructural study of the sensory nerve endings in monkeys' shoulder joints was undertaken, stained by Tago's method, which is the histochemical staining of acetylcholinesterase.<BR>The Pacini-type corpuscle is oval in shape and it consists of inner and o uter cores. At the center of the inner core, there is an unmyelinated axon terminal. The axon terminal has numerous mitocondoria. The lamellated inner core is composed of Schwann cell processes. Reaction products are found in the space between the axon terminal and the lamellar cell processes, in the interlamellar spaces and in some caveolae.<BR>In the Ruffini-typ e corpuscle, the axon terminal loses its mylin sheath and branches several times. The axon terminals are incompletely surrounded by a Schwann cell cytoplasm. The axon terminal has numerous mitochondoria and agranular vesicles. The Schwann cell cytoplasm surrounds a bundle of collagen fibrils. The reaction products are found between the axon terminal and the Schwann cell cytoplasm, and also around the Schwann cell cytoplasm.<BR>From their characteristic structure, it seems that the Pac i n i-type corpuscles respond to a pressure force from the humeral head. While the Ruffini-type corpuscles respond to a stretch force. The latter were thought to have a more important role as sensors of a dynamic stabilizing system.
藤原 宣夫 田畑 正敏 井本 郁子 三瀬 章裕
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.1998, no.601, pp.85-92, 1998-08-22 (Released:2010-08-24)

柳枝工施工部におけるヤナギ林の発達過程を推定することを目的とし, 矢作川において施工後の経過年数の異なる8箇所の柳枝工を対象に, 植物社会学的手法による植生調査を実施した. その結果, 3~5年経過では挿し木により導入されたカワヤナギが優占する高さ5m程度の低木林, 10年経過では高さ7mのカワヤナギが優占する低木林が認められた. 10数年経過ではアカメヤナギとジャヤナギが優占する高さ10m程度の高木林が認められ, この高木林は自然のヤナギ林と同様な構造を有していた. 高木林はカワヤナギ低木林が立地の乾燥化に伴い次第に変化したものと考えられ, この変化には河川水位の低下が関与したものと考えられた.
水田 敏夫 小畑 正明 江上 桂子
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:24330590)
vol.35, no.2, pp.249-262, 1990-07-02 (Released:2018-01-15)

Morphology, abundance and vertical distribution of vesicles were studied in a thick (40-60 m) andesitic lava flow, that lies in the underground of Kumamoto City. The vesicles are frozen bubbles that were fomed in the molten lavas at the time of its eruption. The lava can be divided into three zones: (1) an upper vesicular zone (2) a middle non-vesicular and compact zone and (3) a lower, thinner vesicular zone. The vesicles in the upper zone are elongated vertically, probably due to bouyancy-driven ascent of the bubbles, and those in the lower zone are flattened and elongated horizontally, that may be ascribed to a viscous shear flow at the bottom of the lava flow. Size distribution of the vesicles typically display nearly the log-normal distribution. Abundance, the mean size and the number density of the vesicles are greater in the upper zone than in the lower zone. Such vesicle distribution pattern is consistent to the hypothesis that the lava originally contained abundant bubbles when it was poured on the ground and then the bubbles started to ascent in the lava. Vesicles in the lower zone were the bubbles trapped by the advancing cooling front from the bottom surface of the lava. Bubbles that have escaped from the cold trap below have been accumulated in the upper zone and have been frozen in the lava upon cooling from the top surface. Mass balance calculation, however, indicates that much of the bubbles that were originally present in the lava, have been escaped through the lava surface. A dynamic cooling model was, therefore, proposed, that is to say, in the presence of surface flow in the lave during its cooling, impermeable lava crusts may not be maimtained so that gas bubbles may leak out of the lava into the air.