金田 章裕
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.59, no.1, pp.1-20, 1986-06-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
2 1

条里プランの完成・変容・崩壊のプロセスやその古代・中世における機能について,絵図類における表現に注目しつつ,包括的な検討を進めた。 条里プランは, 8世紀の中頃に,すでに存在していた条里地割に加えて条里呼称法が導入されることによって完成した.これは,三世一身法と墾田永年私財法の下での私領の増大と,それに伴う土地の記録・確認作業の急増に対応するものであったと考えられる.従って,条里プランは律令と共に中国から直輸入されたものでも,班田収授の開始と共に完成した形で存在したものでもなかった・また,唐代中国の一般的な土地表示法とも異なっており,古代日本の実情に合わせて次第に完成度を高めていったものであり,この点では都城プランにおける土地表示法とも同一軌道上にあった. このような条里プランは,一条一巻として作製された班田図に明示されて使用されたが,これには条ごとに里を連続して描いたものと,条ごとではあっても,里を一つ一つ個別に描いたものとがあったと考えられる.現存する絵図類には,この双方の様式を反映したものを確認することができる。 このような条里プランは,班田制崩壊後もさまざまな土地関係の許可あるいは権利・義務などの単位として,中世に至るまで重要な役割を果し続けた.とくに坪の区画が果した意義は大きく,これが今日まで広範囲にわたって条里地割を存続させ,村落景観の基盤となっている大きな理由である. これに対して,里の区画の方は条里呼称の単位として以上の機能を本来は有していなかったが,荘園あるいは村の境界として使用された場合もあった. 条里プランは,定着度の高い地域では16世紀まで機能し続けたが,中世には必要:性や情報量の多寡によって,絵図類などの表現にさまざまな間違いを生じていることもあった. 以上のような条里プランの完成・定着・崩壊のプロセスとともに,土地表示法は典型的には,古代的地名の条里地割に対応する分割ないし再編,条里呼称法と古代的小字地名の併用,条里呼称法のみによる表示,条里呼称法と小字地名の併用,といったプロセスをたどり,遅くとも16世紀末までに,現状のように小字地名のみによる表示法へと変化した.これらの各段階は歴史的な社会的・経済的段階と対応するものであり,同時に日本の村落景観の形成プロセスないし画期にかかわるものである.条里プランは,日本の歴史地理研究において,重要:かつ有効な手がかりとなるものである.
齊藤 俊樹 大谷 昌也 金城 光
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.3, pp.463-472, 2015-09-01 (Released:2016-03-01)

When we are shown pairs of human faces and instructed to decide which face is morepreferred, our gaze is gradually biased toward the face that we eventually choose. Shi-mojo, Simion, Shimojo, and Scheier (2003) coined this effect as the gaze cascade effect.In this study, we investigated whether the gaze bias could be observed in various judg-ments other than the preference judgment. In Experiment 1, we showed participants ahuman face and asked them to memorize it. Then we showed them another human faceand asked to do two kinds of judgments: the preference judgment where they had tochoose which face they liked more and the dislike judgment where they had to choosewhich face they disliked more. We found the gaze bias for memorized stimuli in bothjudgments. In Experiment 2, we showed other participants two human faces and in-structed to select one depending on each specific criterion for five different judgmentsincluding the preference judgment. The gaze bias was observed in all judgments, most robustly in the similar judgment where participants instructed to decide which face wasmore similar to themselves. Contrary to findings by Shimojo et al. (2003), our resultssuggest that the gaze cascade effect might be involved in the process of visual decision,not limited in preferential formation.
金児 正史 成川 公昭 平野 康之
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.30, pp.90-100, 2015

The contents of the lectures and the learner's reaction in the pre master's course in a mathematical domain are reported here. Two contents in the lectures are designed, the area of a circle and an isoperimetric problem. All learners were middle school students and have got high motivation for mathematics. Although the learners know the formula of the area of a circle well, they have little experiences which make them realize that the formula does really hold. In the first lecture, an argument − to compare the areas of inscribed regular polygons with the one of a unit circle, whose idea comes to the usual measure theory in the future, was explained. Through the process of calculating the areas of various kind of inscribed regular polygons to a unit circle, the learners appreciated that the area of a unit circle is really equal to π and convinced themselves of the fact. In the latter lecture, they have considered an isoperimetric problem and showed that the equilateral triangle has the largest area among the triangles with constant perimeter. Although a few mathematical concepts and treatments have been required to follow the procedure of the arguments, they overcame these difficulties eagerly and recognized two contents of mathematics in the pre master's course. Through the program in the pre master's course in a mathematical domain, we noticed that learners with high motivation for mathematics study many advanced contents extensively and extend their interests for themselves only with the help of introducing well−suited orientations and with the proper support to give some necessary concepts.
金井 将昭 中村 敏一 船越 洋
ペット栄養学会誌 (ISSN:13443763)
vol.14, pp.Suppl_69-Suppl_70, 2011

21世紀に入り、ヒトの情動障害や伴侶動物の行動異常は、社会活動に影響を与える疾患として益々重要性を増している。古くから、トリプトファン (Trp) 代謝が情動に影響することが知られているが、その分子機序の詳細は不明である。私達はTrp代謝からみた精神神経機能の解析を行うため、Trp代謝の中心酵素であるTryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) の遺伝子欠損マウスを作製し、Trp代謝ならびに情動行動におけるTDOの役割を解析した。その結果、TDOは全身ならびに脳内Trp代謝の中心酵素として働き、不安行動ならびに海馬等の神経新生を修飾する生理的な調節因子であることが明らかになった。
金子 創
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.56, no.1, pp.71-88, 2014 (Released:2019-08-24)

Abstract: This study focuses on Richard Cantillonʼs and Anne Robert Jacques Turgotʼs theories of the entrepreneur in order to revisit the conceptual structure of classical economic thought found-ed by Adam Smith. The frameworks of the classical concept of profit, assumed by Cantillon and Turgot are each examined to determine the following four issues: (a) whether a surplus of income over a given subsistence consumption level is distributed to an agent and whether it is saved accordingly; (b) whether and under what kinds of opportunity savings are invest-ed; (c) whether capital accumulation is attained as a consequence of investment; and (d) whether and how a surplus is accrued. Cantillon made four key assumptions in his work. First, he assumed that even if a sur-plus is distributed to an entrepreneur, it is not always saved. Secondly, whenever a surplus is saved, the savings are used only to buy land. Next, because savings are used only for land purchases, capital accumulation is hardly attained. Lastly, the surplus accrued by an entrepre-neur is due to his risk-taking behavior. By contrast, Turgot assumed that an entrepreneur normally saves the surplus that is dis-tributed to him, and that saving is not only used to buy land, but also used for productive in-vestment. He also assumed that because of this productive investment, capital accumulation can be achieved and that an entrepreneur could accrue a surplus from his risk-bearing, provi-sion of advanced labor service, or investment. This research, which takes into consideration each of their assumptions on the long-run state, provides a precise comparison between their frameworks of analysis of the entrepre-neur. Furthermore, this comparison makes it possible to explain that the foundation of the classical framework was related to a change in the assumptions on the behavior of an eco-nomic agent. JEL classification numbers: B 11, B 12.
金子 創
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.54, no.1, pp.82-99, 2012 (Released:2019-08-22)

The purpose of this article is to reinterpret Rich-ard Cantillonʼs concept of “profit” described in his Essai sur la nature du commerce en général (1755). It examines the conceptual relation between profit and Cantillonʼs two notions “intrin-sic value” and “entrepreneur.” By examining Prendergastʼs (1991) two possible interpretations of the relation of profit with the intrinsic value of a commodity and Brewerʼs (1992) discussion of entrepreneursʼ credit-worthiness, it is shown that Cantillonʼs profit interpreted by Prendergast is constructed of certain and uncertain parts. Certain part of the profit accruing to a commodity producer is the difference between the producerʼs labor value and subsistence level, and uncertain part, which characterizes the producer as an entrepreneur, is the balance between the sales price and the in-trinsic value of a commodity. This construction enables us to interpret Cantillonʼs profit with reference to entrepre-neursʼ labor value and to provide restrictive defi-nitions of Cantillonʼs notions of intrinsic value and entrepreneur. These restrictive definitions, which take into consideration the idea of long-run equilibrium price, indicate that Cantillonʼs notions of intrin-sic value and entrepreneur differ from Adam Smithʼs versions of “natural price” and “employ-er,” respectively. It is shown that the state where-in the price of each commodity equalizes with its intrinsic value and the existence of an entre-preneur receiving uncertain profit are conceptu-ally incompatible in economies in Cantillonʼs ar-gument. Our interpretations represent an explanation for the conceptual change of profit from Cantil-lon to Smith. JEL classification numbers: B11, B31.
金子 裕一郎
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.41, no.41, pp.48-57, 2002 (Released:2010-08-05)

This paper deals with three issues which will be considered in terms of waiting, developed as liquidity preference function problems after J. M. Keynes. Firstly, expectation is halved with time expectation in reflective expectation by reinterpretation of Lucas critique, and uncertainty of the reflective expectation formation is considered. Secondly, as an applied example of reflective expectation, it is considered why Keynes used a term of marginal efficiency of capital rather than marginal efficiency of investment. Thirdly, it is shown that the rational expectation formation would not contain expectation formation with waiting in Keynes' meaning.The argument is as follows. In section I, the problem of waiting is discussed as one of expectation formation. Then, our concept of waiting is defined as an expansion of it used in Keynes' General Theory, referring to Hicks' interpretation of liquidity preference function. In section II, Lucas critique is compared with Keynes' famous metaphor of a beauty contest, in order to examine the relationship between waiting and reflective expectation. The basis of the reflective expectation formation is pursued by using Lucas critique. In the traditional interpretation of Keynes, reflective expectation has been thought of in light of the metaphor of a beauty contest only in money market. However, reflective expectation also works in commodity market. While some regarded these problems as self-evident, others failed to deal with appropriately. It explains how they failed to recognize them as problem of action theory and how relevant theories remained to be lacking in their micro-foundation. The metaphor of a beauty contest and the differences between its implications and Lucas critique are also examined. In section III, it is explained that the marginal efficiency of capital plays a different role from marginal efficiency of investment by taking account of reflective expectation.Hence, it will be concluded that waiting could be conceptualized in a way that supports the marginal efficiency of capital as well as liquidity preference function, and that its concept deviates from the rational expectation formation.
金子 颯介 辻合 秀一
図学研究 (ISSN:03875512)
vol.48, no.2-3, pp.11-21, 2014 (Released:2015-09-01)


1 0 0 0 OA 形は微動する

金田 千秋
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.69, no.2, pp.73, 2018 (Released:2020-03-23)
金田 千秋
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.68, no.1, pp.25-36, 2017 (Released:2018-07-01)

I would like to nominate the thoughts of Hermann von Helmholtz, a celebrated German physiologist and mathematician in the nineteenth century, as a framework for interpreting sculptor Adolf Hildebrand’s great work, ‘Das Problem der Form in der bildenden Kunst’ (1893). It can be clearly inferred from Hildebrand’s letters that he had inspected Helmholtz’s popular papar on the non-Euclidean geometry system. The concept of the “plane” in this paper was decisive. Helmholtz’s thinking experiment, “Can an insect with only plane perception crawling on an egg recognize its three-dimensional curved surface?”, probably influenced Hildebrand’s sculpture-aesthetics, which analyzed the shapes of objects with a series of concepts, “face”, “layer”, “face layer”, etc. Helmholtz’s insight that “The world is made of flat surfaces” had thus profoundly affected the sculptor. What kinds of human abilities are needed to perceive the composition of the world? At the end of the eighteenth century, a controversy broke out between Immanuel Kant and the followers of Gottfried Leibniz about whether to lay the foundation of space on “intuition” or “intuition and concept”. However, Hildebrand’s involvement in this history made him confront the conflict between “intuition” and “intuition and concept”, which unexpectedly led to a serious political and racial problem.
金子 智太郎
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.66, no.1, pp.185-196, 2015-06-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

American documentary recordist, commercial producer, Tony Schwartz(1923-2008) is best known for the sound producer of a controversial political advertisement, "Daisy"(1964). Since 1940s, he recorded street music, voices of his neighbors, and diverse environmental sounds in Manhattan where he lived, and edit them to produce records. The aim of this essay is to understand how he listened to acoustic environment through his microphone and how his mode of listening was formed, by discussing these works and his texts, and cultural situation in which he was placed. It appears that his explanation about communication through electronic media in his advertisement theory evolved out of the practice of environmental sound recording. This essay therefore examines his documentary recording in detail referring to the theory, and attempts to show the importance of listening to "sound patterns" in acoustic environment for his practice. Sound pattern means sensorial qualities of sound that take on significance only after the listener has received them.