陳之内 将志 小野 武也 沖 貞明 梶原 博毅 金井 秀作 長谷川 正哉 坂口 顕 島谷 康司 清水 ミシェル・アイズマン 大塚 彰
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.23, no.1, pp.169-173, 2008 (Released:2008-04-05)
5 5

金子 隆一
映像学 (ISSN:02860279)
vol.33, pp.28-31, 1986-01-31 (Released:2017-06-30)

Nobuo Ina (1898-1978) wrote “Return To Photography”(1932) that was his first article on photography.He introduced New German Photography Theories – “Neue Sachlichkeit”, “Reportage-Photo”, “Bauhaus” and others into Japan. They gave photography new concepts; “Real - Photography”, “Photography as Documents and Report of life”, “Photography as Light Plastic”.Ina added another concept; “Photographer as Social Being”. This article also discussed a historical vision on modern photography. His point of view was always focused on the active relation of photography to society.After World War II Nobuo Ina wrote several articles on the history of photography. “Establishment of Modern Photography and its Evolution” was published serially from 1964 to 1968 in which he opposed Beaumont Newhall’s and Helmut Gernsheim’s historical visions on modern photography. He believed that the true origin of modern photography was in Germany.Ina positioned Japanese photography in the History of World Photography from this point of view.
角田 直也 金久 博昭 福永 哲夫 近藤 正勝 池川 繁樹
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.35, no.4, pp.192-199, 1986-08-01 (Released:2010-12-10)
11 3

本研究では, スポーツ選手89名 (短距離5名, 長距離10名, バレーボール8名, サッカー12名, ボート22名, スピードスケート16名, 相撲16名) と一般男子14名を対象に, 大腿四頭筋 (MQF) とそれを構成する大腿直筋 (RF) , 外側広筋 (VL) , 内側広筋 (VM) , 中間広筋 (VI) の各断面積における種目差および等尺性脚脚伸展力 (KES) との関係について検討し, 以下の結果を得た.1.MQF断面積は, 相撲 (110.18cm2) が最も高く, ついでスピードスケート (104.09cm2) , バレーボール (99.36cm2) , ボート (96.30cm2) , サッカー (89.92cm2) , 短距離 (86.34cm2) の順であり, 長距離 (73.86cm2) が最も低い値を示した.短距離および長距離を除く他の種目は, 一般人 (75.32cm2) より有意に高い値であった.2.MQFを構成する各断面積は, 相撲, バレーボール, スピードスケートが高い値を示し, 短距離と長距離は, 一般人とほぼ同様な値であった.3.大腿部の全筋断面積に対するMQF断面積の比率は, バレーボール (58.66%) およびボート (57.53%) が高く, サッカー (53.81%) が低い値を示した.しかし, MQF断面積比率は, いずれの種目も一般人との間に有意な差を示さなかった.4.MQF断面積に対する各構成筋群の断面積比率では, サッカーがRFで, スピードスケートがVLで, それぞれ一般人および他の種目より有意に高く, 種目によって特異的に発達する筋が認められた.5.MQF断面積とKESの間には, 0.1%水準で有意な相関関係が認められた.またMQFを構成する各断面積も, KESと0.1%水準で, 有意な相関関係にあり, 断面積が大きな筋ほど, 相関係係数が高くなる傾向が認められた.6.MQF断面積当りのKESは, サッカー (8.97N/cm2) が最も高く, バレーボール (7.10N/cm2) が最も低い値を示した.サッカーのMQF断面積当りのKESは, 一般人 (8.06N/cm2) および長距離 (7.31N/cm2) より5%水準で, バレーポールと相 (7.50N/cm2) より1%水準で, それぞれ有意に高い値であった.サッカーを除く他の種目間の値には, 有意な差は認められなかった.
佐藤 暁子 金井 篤子 SATO Akiko KANAI Atsuko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.64, pp.111-117, 2017-12-28

In recent years, studies on resilience have been increasing at home and abroad. One of the reasons of this increase is that resilience has attracted a lot of expectations because it is believed to enhance social adaptation. However, in the studies on resiliency so far, we have had no sole fixed definition for this concept of. In these studies, the term “resilience” was used in different ways, and the methods and the objects of these studies were different as well. Therefore, we have had a lot of confusion over this concept. In addition, the differences between the concept of resilience and the psychological stress model are not clear, either. In this paper, we will review how the resilience concept developed in studies of abroad. Also, we will cover the existing issues while providing the overview of the current status of resiliency studies in Japan.
金城 美幸
東洋文化研究所紀要 = The memoirs of Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (ISSN:05638089)
vol.171, pp.114-188, 2017-03

This paper presents a commentary and a Japanese translation of Deir Yassin: The Destroyed Palestinian Villages, No. 4 (1987. Kana’ana, Sharif, and Nihad Zeitawi. Birzeit: Center for Research and Documentation of Palestinian Society.). The original book is written in Modern Standard Arabic (its descriptive part) and in the village dialect (citations from villagers’ speeches). It is one of the publications from a research project conducted from 1986 to 1998 at Birzeit University, located in the West Bank of the occupied Palestinian territories. This research project aimed to collect and record Palestinian refugees’ oral narratives of their native villages that were destroyed in 1948 because of the establishment of the State of Israel. The book is composed of the following four chapters: (1) The popular history of the village; (2) The clans and families; (3) The village in the 1940s; and (4) The politics, the escape, and the exodus. This project preceded a new wave of historical accounts in Palestinian refugee communities of their original village, and more than 120 similar books have been published since then, recording their homeland based on the former villagers’ narratives. It is noteworthy that these books based on oral history began to be written after the Palestinian diaspora leaders were defeated in Beirut (1982). Many Israeli and Palestinian researchers have argued over the question of why Palestinian Arabs became refugees in 1948. As Israel has ruled most of the area in the region, the historiographies in Israel have dominated the Palestinian historical narrative. Especially after the 1980s, when Israeli historians started to publish their research on the cause of the refugee problem based on the then newly declassified state archives, the "positivist" historiographies gained a great influence over the historical dispute as a whole. In this renewed debate, the Palestinian oral histor y was sidelined again and was regarded as a distor ted narrative. This translated text is dedicated to the village of Deir Yassin, which will always be linked with the massacre that took place in 1948. Although Deir Yassin is the village that has most often been refer red to in the historical dispute, refugees’ memor y of the village reveals the rich layers of folklore that once existed there. The villagers’ narratives show us how much the destruction of their homeland means to them, a point that has long been dismissed in the traditional historical dispute.
熊原 秀晃 西田 順一 坂井 洋子 金平 真由美 金平 桂一郎 進藤 宗洋 田中 宏暁
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.1, pp.251-261, 2014 (Released:2014-06-13)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of acute exercise mimicking boxing on affect and mood states. In a randomized crossover design, 16 adults (35.8±6.6 yrs) underwent both a boxing exercise program based on shadow boxing (Boxing) as well as a boxing program combined with a focus mitts workout (pad work) (Boxing+Mitts). The Waseda Affect Scale of Exercise and Durable Activity (WASEDA) and the Profile of Mood States-Brief Form (POMS-Brief) were administered before and after both exercise programs. There were no gender differences in any psychological scales before and after the programs as well as in heart rate during exercise. The Boxing+Mitts program tended to show a lower exercise intensity, defined as the percentage of the average heat rate reserve (HRR), than the Boxing program (40.4±13.3 vs. 50.4±17.5%HRR, p<0.10). However, both programs were considered to give a moderate level of exercise intensity on average, which is regarded as the minimum intensity required to improve individual cardiorespiratory fitness. The Boxing program significantly improved all 3 scales of negative affect, positive engagement and tranquility assessed by the WASEDA. Moreover, the POMS-Brief showed an iceberg profile after the program, which was followed by significant decreases in the scores of tension-anxiety, depression-dejection, anger-hostility and confusion, and a significant increase in the vigor score. In addition, a composite score of total mood disturbance calculated by summing the subscale scores changed in a positive direction. The Boxing+Mitts program was shown to lead to similar changes in the WASEDA and POMS-Brief. However, no significant program×time interactions (by two-way ANOVA) were observed in any of the scales. These results indicate that acute boxing-style exercise programs would improve negative psychological variables and enhance both feelings of pleasant activation, as well as relaxation. A further study is warranted to explore whether any long-term (chronic) effects on mental health exist, and to compare these programs with other modes of exercise.
及川 和美 荒金 圭太 倉藤 利早 斎藤 辰哉 松本 希 高木 祐介 河野 寛 藤原 有子 白 優覧 小野寺 昇 Oikawa Kazumi Arakane Keita Kurato Risa Saito Tatsuya Matsumoto Nozomi Takagi Yusuke Kawano Hiroshi Fujiwara Yuko Baik Wooram Onodera Sho
川崎医療福祉学会誌 = Kawasaki medical welfare journal
vol.20, no.2, pp.453-456, 2011

本研究は,「水中だるまさんがころんだ」運動時の心拍数と酸素摂取量の変化から水中運動としての「だるまさんがころんだ」の特性を明らかにすることを目的とした.被験者は,健康成人男性8名(年齢 : 21±2歳,)とした.被験者は,鬼が「だるまさんがころんだ」と発声している時に最大努力で水中を移動し,声が止んだ時に静止した.鬼までの距離を20mとした.鬼に到着するまでを1セットとし,3セット繰り返した.セット間には,3分間水中立位安静を行った.測定項目は,心拍数と酸素摂取量とした.運動後の心拍数および酸素摂取量は,1セット目の運動時と比較して,1セット目以降の運動時が,同等あるいはそれ以上の値を示した.水中でも陸上の「だるまさんがころんだ」と同様にインターバルトレーニング様の心拍数と酸素摂取量変化を示した.運動生理学的な分析から「水中だるまさんがころんだ」が身体トレーニングの要素を持つことが明らかになった.
金子 隆昌 村上 周三 伊藤 一秀 深尾 仁
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.71, no.606, pp.43-50, 2006-08-30 (Released:2017-02-17)
8 11

This paper (Part 1) gives an outline of the series of this productivity research and presents on the results of field intervention experiment. Here, we focused our attention on the effects of air change rate and studied thermal / air environmental effects on academic performance. The field intervention experiment was conducted in actual classroom with actual students, during normal lessons. It also involves quiz that are a part of a teaching curriculum. When air change rate is increased from 2.6 to 18.6m^3/h per person, academic performance evaluated by quiz score is improved significantly by 5.8% on average (p<0.0007). Similar trends were observed for self-estimated performance. Correlation analyses show that lower air change rates link to reduced academic performance. This experiment indicates that improving indoor environment conditions in classroom can substantially improve academic performance.
丹田 勝敏 富樫 正樹 竹内 一郎 力石 辰也 小柳 知彦 金川 匡一 平野 哲夫 関 利盛 坪 俊輔
日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.83, no.12, pp.1970-1977, 1992

CYAの適正な投与法が移植成績の向上に重要と考え, 移植後早期3ヵ月間の急性拒絶反応とその後の graft の予後に影響を及ぼすと思われる諸因子について retrospective に検討した.<br>対象は1986年3月から北大泌尿器科・市立札幌病院腎移植科及び関連病院にて, CYA中心の免疫抑制法 (2剤: CYA+PRD 10例, 3剤: CYA+PRD+AZAまたはMIZ 44例) で治療した生体腎移植患者54例である. 各症例を治療期間 (1期: 移植日~15日, II期: 16~30日, III期: 31~60日, IV期: 61~90日) に分け, 急性拒絶反応の有無とその後の graft の予後との関係を, CYAの副作用軽減を目的とした併用薬剤 (AZAまたはMIZ) の有無, CYAの初期投与量, CYAの血中 trough level の3項目を中心として検討した.<br>各治療期間においてAZAまたはMIZの有無, CYAの初期投与量は急性拒絶反応出現頻度と有意な関係を認めなかった. しかしCYA trough level がI期で150ng/ml未満, またIII期で100ng/ml未満の場合に有意に急性拒絶反応の発症頻度が高かった (p<0.01).<br>graft の予後については, CYAの初期投与量は有意な関係を認めなかった. また, AZAまたはMIZの併用も2剤治療群と比較して graft 生着率に有意差を認めなかった. 一方CYA trough level がI期で150ng/ml, III期で100ng/ml以上の至適レベル到達症候群の graft の生着率はそれ以外の群と比べ有意に高かった. (p<0;05).<br>以上より特に移植後早期3ヵ月以内のCYA trogh level は移植成績の向上に重要と思われた.
角谷 健斗 進藤 友陽 金子 成彦
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2018, 2018

<p>These days, the number of traffic accidents due to drivers' sudden diseases is increasing. Therefore, it is desired to detect sudden diseases by making use of drivers' biological signals measured while driving. To detect such diseases, we need to know how biological signals change with the disorders. However, it is difficult to measure physiological signals at sudden diseases and propose the method for detecting such conditions. In this study, we construct a cardiovascular model which can reproduce mechanism of a cardiovascular system, and calculate biological signals by assuming sudden diseases in the model. In the cardiovascular model, stroke volume, the blood volume pumped by a heart per beat, is determined based on the operating conditions of the system. Besides, we considered positions of baroreceptors and pressure sensors of a cardiac system in blood vessels. Then, we succeed to construct detection method for sudden diseases based on the calculated biological signals. We use K-nearest method and LOF method for a detection algorithm and found that combination of systolic blood pressure and heartbeat interval is adequate for detection, and LOF method is useful for the discrimination of disease.</p>
石坂 正大 久保 晃 金子 純一朗 野村 高弘 韓 憲受 貞清 香織 堀本 ゆかり
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.32, no.5, pp.627-630, 2017 (Released:2017-10-23)
1 1

清水 豊禾 金子 成彦 草鹿 仁
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2019, 2019

<p>Recently, traffic accidents due to the sudden change in the physical condition of the driver is attracting attention. In our previous study, we constructed a cardiovascular model capable of reproducing the mechanism of a cardiovascular system, and calculated biological signals by assuming sudden diseases in the model. In the cardiovascular model, stroke volume, the blood volume pumped by a heart per beat, is determined based on the operating conditions of the system considering the positions of baroreceptors and pressure sensors of a cardiac system in blood vessels. However, the simulated result did not well reproduce the measured pulse wave signal. In this study, we reexamined the treatment of bifurcation part of the blood vessel and successfully improved the accuracy of the simulation.</p>
七戸 秀夫 川堀 真人 寳金 清博
一般社団法人 レギュラトリーサイエンス学会
レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌 (ISSN:21857113)
vol.8, no.2, pp.115-121, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)

脳梗塞に対する細胞治療が国内外で臨床試験として開始されつつある. 2012年度に, われわれは 「脳梗塞の再生医療」 に関して厚生労働省から革新的医薬品・医療機器・再生医療製品実用化促進事業実施機関に選定された. 本事業のもとで, われわれは自家骨髄間質細胞 (bone marrow stromal cells: BMSC) 移植による脳梗塞再生治療の医師主導治験 (第Ⅰ相 : RAINBOW研究) を準備し, 2017年6月に最初の被験者が登録された. 本治験は, ①ウシ胎仔血清 (FBS) などの代替として, 他家ヒト血小板溶解物 (platelet lysate: PL) を添加し, 自家BMSCを培養する, ②脳梗塞周辺部へ脳定位的手術により細胞を直接移植する, ③MRIによる移植細胞の挙動把握を目的とし, 超常磁性酸化鉄 (SPIO) 製剤によりBMSCをラベルする, ④FDG-PETやIomazenil-SPECTを用いて, 細胞移植がホスト脳に及ぼす影響を評価するなど, 過去の臨床試験と異なる新規性のあるプロトコルを採用し, われわれは第2世代の臨床試験と自負している. 本稿ではBMSC移植治療の作用機序と治療戦略, 非臨床試験, 治験プロトコルの観点から, われわれの経験を報告する.
片山 剛 千里金蘭大学 教養教育センター
no.16, pp.121-132,
