KONDO J. Electro-technical Laboratory
Prog. Theor. Phys. (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.32, 1964
13 3010

Based on the s-d interaction model for dilute magnetic alloys we have calculated the scattering probability of the conduction electrons to the second Born approximation. Because of the dynamical character of the localized spin system, the Pauli principle should be taken into account in the intermediate states of the second order terms. Thus the effect of the Fermi sphere is involved in the scattering probability and gives rise to a singular term in the resistivity which involves c log T as a factor, where c is the concentration of impurity atoms. When combined with the lattice resistivity, this gives rise to a resistance minimum, provided the s-d exchange integral J is negative. The temperature at which the minimum cccurs is proportional to c^<1/5> and the depth of the minimum to c, as is observed. The predicted log T dependence is tested with available experiments and is confirmed. The value of J to have fit with experiments is about -0.2ev, which is of reasonable magnitude. Our conclusion is that J should be negative in alloys which show a resistance minimum. It is argued that the resistance minimum is a result of the sharp Fermi surface.
AL-HAQ Muhammad Imran SUGIYAMA Junichi ISOBE Seiichiro
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
Food science and technology research (ISSN:13446606)
vol.11, no.2, pp.135-150, 2005-05-01
4 162

Microbial control of postharvest diseases has been extensively studied and appears to be a viable technology. Food safety must be ensured at each postharvest processing step, including handling, washing of raw materials, cleaning of utensils and pipelines, and packaging. Several commercial products are available for this purpose. The time is ripe for developing new techniques and technologies. The use of electrolyzed water (EW) is the product of a new concept developed in Japan, which is now gaining popularity in other countries. Little is known about the principle behind its sterilizing effect, but it has been shown to have significant bactericidal and virucidal and moderate fungicidal properties. Some studies have been carried out in Japan, China, and the USA on the pre- and postharvest application of EW in the field of food processing. EW may be produced using common salt and an apparatus connected to a power source. As the size of the machine is quite small, the water can be manufactured on-site. Studies have been carried out on the use of EW as a sanitizer for fruits, utensils, and cutting boards. It can also be used as a fungicide during postharvest processing of fruits and vegetables, and as a sanitizer for washing the carcasses of meat and poultry. It is cost-effective and environment-friendly. The use of EW is an emerging technology with considerable potential.
Ritsuko Yamamoto-Honda Yoshihiko Takahashi Yasumichi Mori Shigeo Yamashita Yoko Yoshida Shoji Kawazu Yasuhiko Iwamoto Hiroshi Kajio Hidekatsu Yanai Shuichi Mishima Nobuhiro Handa Kotaro Shimokawa Akiko Yoshida Hiroki Watanabe Kazuhiko Ohe Takuro Shimbo Mitsuhiko Noda
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
pp.EJ16-0521, (Released:2017-03-18)

Type 2 diabetes, which is characterized by a combination of decreased insulin secretion and decreased insulin sensitivity, can be delayed or prevented by healthy lifestyle behaviors. Therefore, it is important that the population in general understands their personal risk at an early age to reduce their chances of ever developing the disease. A family history of hypertension is known to be associated with insulin resistance, but the effect of a family history of hypertension on the onset of type 2 diabetes has not well been examined. We performed a retrospective study examining patient age at the time of the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes by analyzing a dataset of 1,299 patients (1,021 men and 278 women) who had been diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes during a health checkup. The mean ± standard deviation of the patient age at the time of the diagnosis of diabetes was 49.1 ± 10.4 years for patients with a family history of hypertension and 51.8 ± 11.4 years for patients without a family history of hypertension (p < 0.001). A multivariate linear regression analysis showed a significant association between a family history of hypertension and a younger age at the time of the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, independent of a family history of diabetes mellitus and a male sex, suggesting that a positive family history of hypertension might be associated with the accelerated onset of type 2 diabetes.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.19-0535, (Released:2020-03-09)

The Kiso horse is native to Japan and is on the verge of extinction. Here, we used microsatellites to characterize changes in their genetic diversity over time. We divided a population of Kiso horses that genotyped during 2007–2017 into three groups based on birth year: Group 1, 1980–1998 (70 horses); Group 2, 1999–2007 (61 horses); and Group 3, 2008–2017 (42 horses). We genotyped 31 microsatellites to calculate average number of alleles, observed heterozygosity, and expected heterozygosity. All indicators decreased across age groups. The results indicate that Kiso horses have been experiencing a drop in genetic diversity, and the population is expected to experience further decline unless appropriate measures are implemented.
葛谷 雅文 深柄 和彦 Agathe RAYNAUD-SIMON Cornel Christian SIEBER Jürgen M. BAUER Stéphane M. SCHNEIDER
静脈経腸栄養 (ISSN:13444980)
vol.26, no.3, pp.935-954, 2011 (Released:2011-06-15)

伊藤 秀三 金 文洪 呉 文儒 李 じゅん伯 方 益燐 高 有峰 盧 洪吉 孫 泰俊 松野 健 松岡 数充 東 幹夫 茅野 博 OH Moon-you LEE Joon-baek GO You-bong RHO Hon-kil SOHN Tac-jun KIM Moon-hong 李 〓佰 方 益燦 慮 洪吉

済州島と佐世保の潮位差変動調査から,夏季には潮位差変動が比較的少ないこと,夏季の方が冬季に比べて潮位差が大きくなっていることが判明した.海面下3mに抵抗板を持つ漂流葉書を九州西方域に流し,それが海上で回収された結果から,同海域の対馬暖流の流れが,夏季には20cm/s程度であることが示唆された.東シナ海を鉛直方向に密度一様とした簡単な数値モデルをによると,朝鮮海峡に向かう流れが,東シナ海の等深線の分布に深く関係していることが示唆された.済州島周辺の海洋観測の結果,冬季には黄海暖流が済州島西方から朝鮮半島沿岸に流入し,夏季には黄海低層冷水が朝鮮半島沿岸を南下してくる様相が明らかになった.済州島周辺で1991年から1992年にかけての橈脚類群集の季節変化を調査した結果,黒潮域にも生息する7種の外洋性種が主要構成要素であり,Paracalanus indicusが早春,初夏,初冬に,Calanus sinicus,Acartia steuteri,Corycaeus affinis,Oncaea pluniferaが冬季と夏季に,A.omoriiが秋季のみに最高出現頻度を示すことが判明した.対馬浅芽湾および朝鮮半島南部沿岸の表層堆積物中の渦鞭毛藻シスト群集を初めて観察するとともに,表層水温と種多様度に正の相関関係のあることを示した.済州島の東水岳旧火口のボーリングにより,鬼界カルデラ起源のアカホヤ火山灰が済州島にも降下したことが判明した.西帰浦西方の旧火口ボーリングにより約50000年前以降の連続した堆積物が採取された.約20000年前の堆積物からは淡水産渦鞭毛藻シストが発見された.男女海盆の堆積物の花粉分析から最終氷期最盛期頃の照葉樹林は南九州低地部に対応していたことが明らかになった.陸上高等植物では,照葉樹129種について対馬暖流域の日韓島嶼域における分布を明らかにした.このうち53種は日本のみに,4種だけが韓国側に,残りは日韓両方の島嶼に分布する.岩角地植物のうち,チョウセンヤマツツジは日韓両方の尾根上と河岸の岩角地に自然分布し,済州島ではチョウセンヤマツツジ-シマタニワタリ群集が新記載された.また日韓両地にはダンギク-イワヒバ群集の岩角地での発達を確認した.朝鮮半島南部,済州島,五島・福江島,対馬,隠岐,鹿児島地域で採取したアユの19酵素をデンプンゲル電気泳動法で分析した結果,多型的な12の遺伝子座のうちGpi-1では福江島産と他地域,Pgm-1では隠岐産と他地域に明らかな差があり,いずれも人口アユ種苗放流による創始者効果によると考えられた.朝鮮半島南部,長崎周辺,福江島,中通島,対馬で採取したタカハヤに含まれる8種の酵素について検討した結果,朝鮮半島南部の個体群が九州本土や島嶼の個体群と僅かな遺伝的距離でつながっていることから本種の種個体群としての統一性が示されたとともに,中通島や下対馬のような分断された個体群では強い遺伝的浮動によって特異な遺伝子構成が保持されていることが明らかになった.血漿と赤血球中のタンパク質の電気泳動法およびミトコンドリアDNAの制限酵素切断法によって対州馬と済州馬の系統関係を検討した結果,両者は極めて近縁であることが判明したとともに,それらの起源が蒙古の野生馬(Equus przewalskii)にあることが示唆された.朝鮮半島,済州島,対馬,壱岐,五島列島,九州で採取したショウリョウバッタ,ショウリョウバッタモドキ,オンブバッタの過剰染色体(B染色体)を調査した結果,いずれの地域の集団にも過剰染色体が検出された.さらにオンブバッタでは朝鮮半島と九州の集団に共通の染色体多型がみられた.以上の事実は地質時代には朝鮮半島と九州が陸続きであった事を裏付けている.朝鮮半島,中国,台湾,南西諸島,九州およびその島嶼域のショウジョウトンボの染色体型を検討した結果,2n♂=24(n=12)型と2n♂=25(n=13)型の南北方向の分布境界が奄美大島と屋久島の間にあり,東西方向の分布境界が対馬と朝鮮半島の間にあること,さらに2n♂=24(n=12)型が日本列島に固有の染色体型であることが明らかになった.
Jae-Sung LEE Nese SREENIVASULU Ruaraidh Sackville HAMILTON Ajay KOHLI
Center for Academic Publications Japan
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (ISSN:03014800)
vol.65, no.Supplement, pp.S26-S28, 2019-10-11 (Released:2019-10-16)

As a staple food crop rice caters to the energy needs of more than 4 billion people around the globe. Since the 1980s, rice breeding focused on breeding for superior grain quality with good texture, taste, palatability and aroma. The recent rise in double burden nutrition challenges suggests that there is a pressing need to focus on incorporating nutritional traits also in rice breeding efforts. The present rice based diet contains nutritional gaps mainly due to the milling process which removes health promoting compounds present in rice bran. Therefore, less milled or brown rice consumption is highly recommended to achieve nutrition sustainability. Brown rice contains relatively higher amounts of dietary fibre, moderate amount of proteins, unsaturated lipids, micronutrients and several bioactive compounds. Some landraces consumed as brown rice have low glycemic index properties; hence they might be helpful to counter the growing type II diabetes. Colored rice varieties with red or purple pericarps are known to possess high levels of bioactive compounds such as cyanidin-3-glucoside, various flavanoids and γ-oryzanol. Germinated brown rice has more potential health benefits, for example, 10-fold of γ-aminobutyric acid than milled rice. For future nutritional intervention, we recommend further explorations into the nutritional value of brown rice as well as to modify the endosperm for enhanced nutrition without altering the texture to ensure consumer acceptance.
Yuji Nagatomo Tsutomu Yoshikawa Hiroshi Okamoto Akira Kitabatake Masatsugu Hori on behalf of J-CHF Investigators
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Reports (ISSN:24340790)
vol.2, no.3, pp.143-151, 2020-03-10 (Released:2020-03-10)

Background:Heart rate (HR) reduction by β-blocker might not benefit patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) with atrial fibrillation (AF).Methods and Results:The J-CHF study was a prospective randomized multicenter trial that assigned 360 HFrEF patients to a 2.5 mg/5 mg/20 mg target dose of carvedilol. Carvedilol was uptitrated over 8 weeks and then the dose was fixed. Of 321 patients available for analysis, AF was identified in 65 (20%). Using the median absolute change in HR at 32 weeks (∆HR), the subjects were further divided into group A (∆HR >−6 beats/min) and B (∆HR ≤−6 beats/min). Both in sinus rhythm (SR) and AF, baseline characteristics and achieved carvedilol dose were similar between groups A and B. In SR, the time-dependent change in left ventricular EF (LVEF) and LV end-diastolic dimension (LVEDD) over 56 weeks was more favorable in B compared with A (∆LVEF, P=0.036; ∆LVEDD, P=0.047), and ∆HR was independently associated with ∆LVEF (P=0.040). Group B had a lower rate of the primary endpoint, defined as a composite of death and hospitalization due to cardiovascular causes including acute decompensated HF at 3 years (P=0.002). ∆HR was an independent predictor of the primary endpoint (P=0.01), but this was not observed in AF.Conclusions:Response to the carvedilol HR reduction might differ in HFrEF between SR and AF.
Joong-chul Lee Sung-wan Lee Yun-ghi Yeo Gi Duck Park
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.27, no.4, pp.1049-1051, 2015 (Released:2015-04-30)
2 4

[Purpose] The study investigated stretching for safer a golf swing compared to present stretching methods for proper swings in order to examine the effects of stretching exercises on golf swings. [Subjects] The subjects were 20 amateur golf club members who were divided into two groups: an experimental group which performed stretching, and a control group which did not. The subjects had no bone deformity, muscle weakness, muscle soreness, or neurological problems. [Methods] A swing analyzer and a ROM measuring instrument were used as the measuring tools. The swing analyzer was a GS400-golf hit ball analyzer (Korea) and the ROM measuring instrument was a goniometer (Korea). [Results] The experimental group showed a statistically significant improvement in driving distance. After the special stretching training for golf, a statistically significant difference in hit-ball direction deviation after swings were found between the groups. The experimental group showed statistically significant decreases in hit ball direction deviation. After the special stretching training for golf, statistically significant differences in hit-ball speed were found between the groups. The experimental group showed significant increases in hit-ball speed. [Conclusion] To examine the effects of a special stretching program for golf on golf swing-related factors, 20 male amateur golf club members performed a 12-week stretching training program. After the golf stretching training, statistically significant differences were found between the groups in hit-ball driving distance, direction deviation, deflection distance, and speed.
Rocio Cancino-Vázquez Miguel Salvador-Figueroa Emilio Hernández-Ortiz Julieta Grajales-Conesa Alfredo Vázquez-Ovando
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
Food Science and Technology Research (ISSN:13446606)
vol.26, no.1, pp.59-64, 2020 (Released:2020-03-08)

Sensory descriptors of mango ‘Ataulfo’ treated with dose of γ-rad (Cobalt 60) of 0, 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 kGys were evaluated. Eight trained panelists evaluated eleven sensory descriptors, three on taste, four on texture and four on odor. Judges found significant differences (P < 0.05) for sweetness, sourness, astringency, juiciness, firmness, mango odor and honey odor in at least one treatment. The principal component analysis revealed a positively association between juiciness, mango odor, and honey odor with the irradiation dose of 0.30 kGy, besides the positively association between creaminess and the irradiation dose of 0.15 kGy. Any descriptors were influenced clearly by the radiation with dose at 0.45 kGy. Dose of 0.15 kGy of radiation can be used as phytosanitary treatment without substantially affecting the sensory properties of mango ‘Ataulfo’.
Fuyu Miyake Chimed-Ochir Odgerel Yuko Mine Tatsuhiko Kubo Toshiharu Ikaga Yoshihisa Fujino
Japan Epidemiological Association
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
pp.JE20190312, (Released:2020-03-07)

Background: Customarily, bedrooms in Japan are left unheated. Although several studies have reported that the use of a heating system has positive outcomes on respiratory infection and asthma, the preventive effect of heating systems against infectious diseases in children is not well known.Methods: We conducted a cohort study using two questionnaire surveys, one before the winter season in November, 2018 and the second after winter in March, 2019.Participants were 155 children who did not use a heating system in the bedroom and 156 children who did.Results: Having a heated bedroom with a heating system was associated with decreased odds for the frequency of cold (≥3 times) (adjust odds ratio (AOR): 0.35, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.19-0.65), duration of fever (≥3 days) (AOR: 0.38, 95% CI: 0.22- 0.66), duration of medicine for a cold (≥3 days) (AOR: 0.91, 95% CI: 0.87-0.95), hospital visit due to cold (≥3 days) (AOR: 0.54, 95% CI: 0.31-0.94), absence from school or nursery (≥3 days) (AOR: 0.43, 95% CI: 0.27-0.70), influenza infection (AOR: 0.43, 95% CI: 0.26-0.71) and gastroenteritis (AOR: 0.39, 95% CI: 0.21-0.72). Influenza vaccination reduced the odds of influenza infection (AOR: 0.36, 95% CI: 0.22-0.59) and absence from school or nursery (≥3days<=) (AOR: 0.62, 95% CI: 0.39-0.99).Conclusion: This study implies that the heating of bedrooms may have a preventive effect against infections among children. Broader dissemination of this knowledge in Japan will require cultural change through public health awareness.
Masashi Tsuchida Takehiro Fukushima Shuhei Nasuda Ali Masoudi-Nejad Goro Ishikawa Toshiki Nakamura Takashi R. Endo
The Genetics Society of Japan
Genes & Genetic Systems (ISSN:13417568)
vol.83, no.1, pp.43-53, 2008 (Released:2008-03-28)
22 28

Rye chromosome 1R contains many agronomically useful genes. Physical dissection of chromosome 1R into segments would be useful in mapping 1R-specific DNA markers and in assembling DNA clones into contig maps. We applied the gametocidal system to produce rearranged 1R chromosomes of Imperial rye (1Ri) added to common wheat. We identified rearranged 1Ri chromosomes and established 55 1Ri dissection lines of common wheat carrying a single rearranged 1Ri chromosome. Fifty-two of the rearranged 1Ri chromosomes had single breakpoints and three had double breakpoints. The 58 breakpoints were distributed in the short arm excluding the satellite (12 breakpoints), in the satellite (4), in the long arm (28), and in the centromere (14). Out of the 55 lines, nine were homozygous for the rearranged 1Ri chromosomes, and the remaining lines were hemizygous. We developed 26 PCR-based EST markers that were specific to the 1Ri chromosome, and nine of them amplified 1Ri arm-specific PCR products without restriction-enzyme digestion. Using the nine EST markers and two previously reported 1R-specific markers, we characterized the 55 1Ri dissection lines, and also proved that we can select critical progeny plants carrying specific rearranged 1Ri chromosomes by PCR, without cytological screening, in 48 out of the 55 hemizygous dissection lines.
Hideki Origuchi Haruki Itoh Shin-ichi Momomura Ryuji Nohara Hiroyuki Daida Takashi Masuda Masahiro Kohzuki Shigeru Makita Kenji Ueshima Masatoshi Nagayama Kazuto Omiya Hitoshi Adachi Yoichi Goto
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.84, no.3, pp.427-435, 2020-02-25 (Released:2020-02-25)

Background:There is little evidence regarding the effect of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (CR) on exercise capacity or the long-term prognosis in patients after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). This study aimed to determine whether participation in outpatient CR improves exercise capacity and long-term prognosis in post-CABG Japanese patients in a multicenter cohort.Methods and Results:We enrolled 346 post-CABG patients who underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing during early (2–3 weeks) and late (3–6 months) time points after surgery. They formed the Active (n=240) and Non-Active (n=106) CR participation groups and were followed for 3.5 years. Primary endpoint was a major adverse cardiac event (MACE): all-cause death or rehospitalization for acute myocardial infarction/unstable angina/worsening heart failure. Peak oxygen uptake at 3–5 months from baseline was significantly more increased in Active than in Non-Active patients (+26±24% vs. +19±20%, respectively; P<0.05), and the MACE rate was significantly lower in Active than Non-Active patients (3.4% vs. 10.5%, respectively; P=0.02). Multivariate Cox proportional hazard analysis showed that participation in outpatient CR was a significant prognostic determinant of MACE (P=0.03).Conclusions:This unique study showed that a multicenter cohort of patients who underwent CABG and actively participated in outpatient CR exhibited greater improvement in exercise capacity and better survival without cardiovascular events than their counterparts who did not participate.
Masutaka Furue Takahito Chiba Gaku Tsuji Dugarmaa Ulzii Makiko Kido-Nakahara Takeshi Nakahara Takafumi Kadono
Japanese Society of Allergology
Allergology International (ISSN:13238930)
vol.66, no.3, pp.398-403, 2017 (Released:2017-07-25)

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic or chronically relapsing, eczematous, severely pruritic skin disorder mostly associated with IgE elevation and skin barrier dysfunction due to decreased filaggrin expression. The lesional skin of AD exhibits Th2- and Th22-deviated immune reactions that are progressive during disease chronicity. Th2 and Th22 cytokines further deteriorate the skin barrier by inhibiting filaggrin expression. Some IgEs are reactive to self-antigens. The IgE autoreactivity may precipitate the chronicity of AD. Upon activation of the ORAI1 calcium channel, atopic epidermis releases large amounts of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), which initiates the Th2 and Th22 immune response. Th2-derived interleukin-31 and TSLP induce an itch sensation. Taken together, TSLP/Th2/Th22 pathway is a promising target for developing new therapeutics for AD. Enhancing filaggrin expression using ligands for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor may also be an adjunctive measure to restore the disrupted barrier function specifically for AD.