黒田 亮
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.9, no.5-6, pp.891-900, 1934 (Released:2013-05-21)

When any emotion reaches to a high degree of intensity there takes place a sense of graze in a certain locality over the external surface of our body. The sense of graze is in quality something like a feeling experienced when we, in a bath, receive on the abdominal region a surge caused by moving our hand. It is rough and devoids of compactness, it is felt near the surface of our skin, being never taken for visceral disturbance which usually appears deep in the visceral cavity. In looking down from height, we are aware of the sense at the calf of our legs the same instant when we experience danger. The author calls this a calf phenomenon.In the negative emotions, for instance of fear or dread, it is felt at the back, but in case of positive emotion of joy on the other hand it is localized on the ventral side, especially on the chest. While the sense is static in the calf phenomenon, it is dynamic in nature in intense fear or joy, that is it runs a certain distance with a certain speed; the speed seems to increase in accordance with the increase of their intensity. It closely resembles a sense of touch and is clearly distinguished from visceral or organic sensation by its superficial, at least somatic origin. The fact that it disappears as soon as the emotion concerned looses its intensity or comes to disappeare shows that it is essential bodily changes subjectively experienced in intense emotions.Though at present its physiological nature is not clear enough, we are prone to accept Cannon's thalamic theory in so far as it is of somatic kind, shallowly seated and has no direct connection of with excitations visceral organs. The James-Lange theory is not consistent with the existence of the sense of graze essential to emotions.The sense is differently localized in different qualities of emotions, in general the positive emotions on the ventral side and the negative on the dorsal one. This fact is biologically of significance because the positive emotions have to do with situations favorable and acceptable and the negative ones on the other hand with those unfavorable and rejected to an organism.(The author)
西村 多久磨 村上 達也 櫻井 茂男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.14326, (Released:2015-07-10)

The purpose of the present study was to develop a simplified scale to assess loneliness in children. Participants were 646 elementary school students (335 boys and 311 girls) from 4th to 6th grade and 24 homeroom teachers who identified lonely children within the participants of their classes. The student participants completed the Five-item Loneliness Scale for Children (Five-LSC) and other scales measuring social skills, social competence, and withdrawal to confirm the validity of the Five-LSC. The results showed that the Five-LSC was both reliable and valid. In addition, there were no grade or sex differences in loneliness. Future research using the Five-LSC was discussed.
山根 隆宏
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.14035, (Released:2015-07-10)

This study examined the stress-buffering effects of sense making among parents of children with developmental disorders. A model assuming that social support is related to sense making and that coping strategy mediates sense making and stress response was examined via a questionnaire survey of mothers of children with developmental disorders (N = 245). The results of structural equation modeling analysis suggested the following: (a) the stress-buffering effects of sense making were mediated through an emotional approach coping strategy and sense making was positively related to stress response mediated through an active coping strategy; (b) seeking a meaning directly increased one’s stress response, which was indirectly mediated by an avoidant coping strategy; and (c) the effects of social support on sense making and coping strategy, as well as stress response, varied with the kind of social resources from whom mothers anticipated support. These results suggest that sense making affects stress response in mothers of children with developmental disorders through the social support they anticipate and the coping strategies they adopt.
中山 留美子 中西 良文 長濱 文与 中島 誠
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.170-176, 2015

The present study examined the influence of interpersonal motivation on university adjustment in freshman students enrolled in a First Year Experience (FYE) class. An interpersonal motivation scale and a university adjustment (interpersonal adjustment and academic adjustment) scale were administered twice to 116 FYE students; data from the 88 students who completed both surveys were analyzed. Results from structural equation modeling indicated a causal relationship between interpersonal motivation and university adjustment: interpersonal adjustment served as a mediator between academic adjustment and interpersonal motivation, the latter of which was assessed using the internalized motivation subscale of the Interpersonal Motivation Scale as well as the Relative Autonomy Index, which measures the autonomy in students' interpersonal attitudes. Thus, revising the FYE class curriculum to include approaches to lowering students' feelings of obligation and/or anxiety in their interpersonal interactions might improve their adjustment to university.
野崎 優樹 子安 増生
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.160-169, 2015

Emotional competence refers to individual differences in the ability to appropriately identify, understand, express, regulate, and utilize one's own emotions and those of others. This study developed a Japanese version of a short form of the Profile of Emotional Competence, a measure that allows the comprehensive assessment of intra- and interpersonal emotional competence with shorter items, and investigated its reliability and validity. In Study 1, we selected items for a short version and compared it with the full scale in terms of scores, internal consistency, and validity. In Study 2, we examined the short form's test-retest reliability. Results supported the original two-factor model and the measure had adequate reliability and validity. We discuss the construct validity and practical applicability of the short form of the Profile of Emotional Competence.
豊島 彩 佐藤 眞一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.142-149, 2015

This study examined whether preference for solitude promotes emotional well-being after controlling for the influence of loneliness. We administered a questionnaire that included variables regarding preference for solitude, loneliness, positive affect, and negative affect. The sample consisted of 318 young adult university students and 253 individuals aged 65 and older. The results showed a significant negative correlation between preference for solitude and positive affect; however there was no correlation between preference for solitude and negative affect. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis confirmed a negative effect of preference for solitude on negative affect after controlling for the influence of loneliness, and there was no effect on positive affect. The results of this study supported the hypothesis concerning the relationship between preference for solitude and negative affect, and demonstrated that preference for solitude decreased negative affect and promotes emotional well-being.
児玉 真樹子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.150-159, 2015

The constructs of career resilience were clarified and a scale was developed to assess them. Company employees (<i>N</i> = 241) participated in an online survey. The results of an exploratory factor analysis indicated a five-factor structure of career resilience with a high Cronbach's alpha: (a) ability to cope with challenges, problem-solving, and adaptation; (b) social skills; (c) novelty and diversity of interests; (d) future orientation; and (e) helping. The results of a correlation analysis showed that all five factors of career resilience directly promoted career development. The results of a two-way analysis of variance and <i>t</i>-tests revealed that all factors except for novelty and diversity of interests reduced the negative effects of risk on career development. The results confirmed that career resilience consisted of four factors: (a) ability to cope with challenges, problem-solving, and adaptation; (b) socialskills; (d) futureorientation; and (e) helping.
上田 祥代 薬師神 玲子 石口 彰
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.121-131, 2015

The responses of an information-processing system such as a computer contain noise. As this noise increases, the system becomes uncontrollable and the operator may be exposed to a significant risk. In this study, we investigated whether operators' ability to perceive operation-response noise influenced the decision to stop the operation of the system under the condition in which the operation system became gradually uncontrollable. In Experiment 1, we examined the correlation between operators' ability to discriminate the variance of operation-response noise and their performance in the stop-operation decision-making task. In Experiment 2, we trained a group of operators in variance discrimination task, and investigated the training effect on the performance in the stop-operation decision-making task. We demonstrated that the higher the operator's ability to discriminate variance, the earlier they decide to stop the system operation. However, the ability to discriminate variance did not influence to other indices of this decision-making. These results indicate that sensitive perception of operation-response noise causes the earlier stop operation, but it is not sufficient to lead to optimal decision-making in this regard.
藤井 勉 上淵 寿 山田 琴乃 斎藤 将大 伊藤 恵里子 利根川 明子 上淵 真理江
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.132-141, 2015

The purposes of the present study were (a) to use both a relational-anxiety Go/No-Go Association Task (GNAT) and an avoidance-of-intimacy GNAT in order to assess an implicit Internal Working Model (IWM) of attachment; (b) to verify the effects of both measured implicit relational anxiety and implicit avoidance of intimacy on information processing. The implicit IWM measured by GNAT differed from the explicit IWM measured by questionnaires in terms of the effects on information processing. In particular, in subliminal priming tasks involving with others, implicit avoidance of intimacy predicted accelerated response times with negative stimulus words about attachment. Moreover, after subliminally priming stimulus words about self, implicit relational anxiety predicted delayed response times with negative stimulus words about attachment.
三浦 麻子 小森 政嗣 松村 真宏 前田 和甫
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.102-111, 2015

In this article, we investigated the expression of emotional responses to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake by analyzing the frequency of negative emotional terms in tweets posted on Twitter, one of the most popular social media platforms. We focused on differences in time-series variations and diurnal changes between two kinds of disasters: natural disasters (earthquakes and tsunamis) and nuclear accidents. The number of tweets containing negative emotional responses increased sharply shortly after the first huge earthquake and decreased over time, whereas tweets about nuclear accidents showed no correlation with elapsed time. Expressions of anxiety about natural disasters had a circadian rhythm, with a peak at midnight, whereas expressions of anger about the nuclear accident were highly sensitive to critical events related to the accident. These findings were discussed in terms of similarities and differences compared to earlier studies on emotional responses in social media.
今在 慶一朗
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.112-120, 2015

The labor tribunal system, which is a form of alternative dispute resolution rather than a type of lawsuit, requires both parties' agreements to settle disputes and maintains a high settlement rate. As most of parties involved in the system are said to expect that labor problems should be settled fairly, it is assumed that they will readily accept the results offair procedures. However, it seems that laborers who submit claims for compensation have a different concept of justice than employers or company employees in charge of settlements and this determines the attitudes toward the results. This study conducted a survey of participants in the labor tribunal system, and suggest that laborers attribute the validity of this system's results directly to judges, while company representatives attribute it to the procedure conducted by the judges.
木村 昌紀
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.91-101, 2015

How do people inferentially evaluate others' levels of intimacy with friends? We examined the inferential evaluation of intimacy based on the observation of interpersonal communication. In Experiment 1, participants (<i>N</i> = 41) responded to questions after observing conversations between friends. Results indicated that participants inferentially evaluated not only goodness of communication, but also intimacy between friends, using an expressivity heuristic approach. In Experiment 2, we investigated how inferential evaluation of intimacy was affected by prior information about relationships and by individual differences in face-to-face interactional ability. Participants (<i>N</i> = 64) were divided into prior- and no-prior-information groups and all performed the same task as in Experiment 1. Additionally, their interactional ability was assessed.<b> </b>In the prior-information group, individual differences had no effect on inferential evaluation of intimacy. On the other hand, in the no-prior-information group, face-to-face interactional ability partially influenced evaluations of intimacy.<b> </b>Finally, we discuss the fact that to understand one's social environment, it is important to observe others' interpersonal communications.
木村 昌紀
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.13003, (Released:2015-05-28)

How do people inferentially evaluate others’ levels of intimacy with friends? We examined the inferential evaluation of intimacy based on the observation of interpersonal communication. In Experiment 1, participants (N = 41) responded to questions after observing conversations between friends. Results indicated that participants inferentially evaluated not only goodness of communication, but also intimacy between friends, using an expressivity heuristic approach. In Experiment 2, we investigated how inferential evaluation of intimacy was affected by prior information about relationships and by individual differences in face-to-face interactional ability. Participants (N = 64) were divided into prior- and no-prior-information groups and all performed the same task as in Experiment 1. Additionally, their interactional ability was assessed. In the prior-information group, individual differences had no effect on inferential evaluation of intimacy. On the other hand, in the no-prior-information group, face-to-face interactional ability partially influenced evaluations of intimacy. Finally, we discuss the fact that to understand one’s social environment, it is important to observe others’ interpersonal communications.
河村 悠太 楠見 孝
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.21-31, 2015 (Released:2015-04-25)

Advertisements for charity generally employ one of two advertising strategies. The first appeals to the efficacy of support, while the second appeals to the necessity of support. Two experiments investigated the effect of each type of charity advertising on donations and on donors’ explicit and implicit evaluations of the recipients. The results indicated that although participants’ explicit evaluations of charity recipients were not changed by efficacy-based advertising, they were negatively influenced by necessity-based advertising. Furthermore, Experiment 1 detected moderating effects of empathic concern. The explicit evaluations of participants in the necessity-based advertising group were negatively correlated with their empathic concern. Implicit evaluations were consistently negative in both groups. Both advertising strategies were more effective at securing donations than the control group, which did not use any strategies. These findings suggest practical implications for charity advertising.
池田 浩 古川 久敬
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.69-75, 2015

This study examined the interactive effect of management by group goals and job interdependence on employee's activities in terms of task and contextual performance. A survey was conducted among 140 Japanese employees. Results indicated that management by group goals was related only to contextual performance. Job interdependence, however, had a direct effect on both task and contextual performance. Moreover, moderated regression analyses revealed that for work groups requiring higher interdependence among employees, management by group goals had a positive relation to contextual performance but not to task performance. When interdependence was not necessarily required, however, management by group goals had no relation to contextual performance and even negatively impacted task performance, respectively. These results show that management by group goals affects task and contextual performance, and that this effect is moderated by job interdependence. This provides a theoretical extension as well as a practical application to the setting and management of group goals.
吉崎 聡子 平岡 恭一
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.55-61, 2015

The purpose of the present study was to examine the multivariate relations between career exploration and its predictors. University sophomores and seniors completed a questionnaire about career exploration, career decision-making self-efficacy, career decision-making outcome expectations, and career motivation. Canonical correlation analysis showed that combining all predictors, i.e., career decision-making self-efficacy, career decision-making outcome expectations, and career motivations, accounted for a large portion of the career exploration variance. Of subfactors of career motivation, only "integrated and identified regulation" was significantly related to career exploration. This result suggests that career exploration is predicted by self-efficacy as well as a highly self-determinated extrinsic motivation.
新井田 恵美
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.49-54, 2015

Studies of goal management have examined how to manage multiple goals. Previous research (Finkelstein & Fishbach, 2010) showed that healthy eating made one hungrier. This study hypothesized that participants were hungrier when a health goal was not activated than when it was activated. It is expected that in such cases, goal shifting might be more likely to occur because goal progress had been perceived. Two experiments were conducted and their results were in line with this hypothesis. Participants reported being hungrier when their health goal were not activated than when these goals were activated. We consider the effect of goal activation on goal management and its implications for future research.
服部 陽介 丹野 義彦
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.62-68, 2015

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the causal relationship between meta-cognitive beliefs about thought suppression and intrusive thoughts. We conducted structural equation modeling using a cross-lagged effect model and a synchronous effect model. Results revealed that the Paradoxical Effect subscale score synchronously increased the frequency of intrusive thoughts. On the other hand, the frequency of intrusive thoughts did not affect the degree of confidence in meta-cognitive beliefs. These results demonstrate a causal relationship between meta-cognitive beliefs about thought suppression and intrusive thoughts. The cognitive processes underlying this causal relationship and future directions of research about thought suppression are discussed.