豊島 彩 佐藤 眞一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.13234, (Released:2015-03-10)
1 1

This study examined whether preference for solitude promotes emotional well-being after controlling for the influence of loneliness. We administered a questionnaire that included variables regarding preference for solitude, loneliness, positive affect, and negative affect. The sample consisted of 318 young adult university students and 253 individuals aged 65 and older. The results showed a significant negative correlation between preference for solitude and positive affect; however there was no correlation between preference for solitude and negative affect. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis confirmed a negative effect of preference for solitude on negative affect after controlling for the influence of loneliness, and there was no effect on positive affect. The results of this study supported the hypothesis concerning the relationship between preference for solitude and negative affect, and demonstrated that preference for solitude decreased negative affect and promotes emotional well-being.
山本 陽一 兪 善英 松井 豊
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, pp.590-595, 2015 (Released:2015-02-25)

Fund-raising activities on behalf of victims of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake during the year after the earthquake were investigated in residents of the South Kanto area (N = 749), which is adjacent to the disaster area. The percentage of people that raised funds was 67.4%. We investigated the effects of the following on fund-raising activities: demographic variables (sex, age, and educational background), trait empathy (empathic concern, perspective taking, and personal distress), former experience with fund-raising activities, effects of similarity to victims (e.g., experienced inconveniences because of the disaster, or had problems returning home), and psychological closeness to victims (e.g., have family members or acquaintances that suffered from the disaster, or that once lived in the disaster area). The results indicated that fund-raising activities were affected by former experience with fund-raising, similarity to victims, psychological closeness to victims, empathic concern, and being female. The relationship between fund-raising activities for victims and empathy are discussed.
鈴木 直人
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.5, pp.510-514, 2014-12
森 数馬 岩永 誠
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.5, pp.495-509, 2014

While enjoying music and other works of art, people sometimes experience "chills," a strong emotional response characterized by a sensation of goose bumps or shivers. Such experiences differ from having goose bumps as a defense response or from shivering in reaction to cold temperatures. The current paper presents the phenomenon of music-induced chills and reviews the chill-related emotional response, autonomic nervous system activity, and brain activity. It also reviews the musico-acoustic features, listening contexts, and individual differences that cause chills. Based on the review, we propose a hypothetical model regarding the evocation of music-induced chills. Furthermore, we investigate the strong emotional response associated with chills by exploring the relationship between music-related chills and non-music-related chills, and discuss future research directions.
畑野 快 杉村 和美 中間 玲子 溝上 慎一 都筑 学
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.5, pp.482-487, 2014

This study aimed to develop a 12-item version of the Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory (the 5th stage) (EPSI (5th)) and examine its reliability and validity. University students (<i>N</i> = 545) participated in this study. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed that a two-factor model provided a better fit than alternative one-factor models. An analysis of Cronbach's α coefficients and the test-retest method showed acceptable scale reliability. In accordance with our hypotheses, correlation analyses revealed that the EPSI (5th) subscale scores (i.e., synthesis and confusion) were significantly related to measures of self-esteem, life satisfaction with life, and identity confusion. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.
大沼 進
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.72, no.5, pp.369-377, 2001-12-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

This study examined how environmental change and others' behavior affected cooperative behavior and solution preference of the person in social dilemma situation. Participants in two experiments played an “environment game, ” in which gradual pollution in environment and reduction in profit rate were simulated. Information on behavior of other players was manipulated; in “free rider” condition, one person was an extreme free rider, and the others were cooperative; in “loafing” condition, everyone loafed. In both experiments, “Bad Apple Effect” was not observed clearly, and cooperative behavior increased as environmental pollution worsened. In Experiment 2, there was no main effect of others' behavior on solution preference. However, significant correlations were found among solution preference, motivation to control others' behavior, and perceived seriousness of the situation, only when an extreme free rider was among them.
八木 冕
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.13, no.3, pp.213-235, 1938-06-20 (Released:2013-05-21)

A coloured figure on a different coloured ground begins to lose sharpness and simplifies its form, when its brightness approaches that of the ground on which it lies. In other words, this means that a mere colour difference without an accompanying difference in brightness has a very low organizing power . This phenomenon has been already discovered and investigated by S. Liebmann (Psychol. Forsch., 9, 1927.), and further K. Koffka and M. R. Harrower, who called this phenomenon “Liebmann effect”, have inquired into it.by taking into account the interdependence of “colour and organization” (Psychol . Forsch., 15, 1931,). They have proved that the colour in any part of the field depends upon the formal characteristics of this figure. From such a standpoint, we attempted to confirm the influence of form upon the Liebmann effect.1. (Experiment 1) What will happen to a figure (in our experiment, a green figure)on a ground (blue), if the difference between the bnightness of the figure and the ground changes gradually,( in our experimental procedure,t here was no difference in their brightnesses at first and then the brightness of the figure was gradually increased by rheostat without changing that of the ground)? Under such a condition, we observed the changing appearances of many various figutes which had been used by M. Wertheimer in order to demonstnate the factors of “Prägnanzgesetz”. We could divide these appearances into five stages.a) At first, it seemed that we saw green clouds in blue sky . There was almost no form.b) Those green clouds began to segregate themselves but we could not say what it was.c) In the third stage, the segregated form could be slightly observed . The parts of the whole figure, however, appeared, as it were floating and being unstable at every moment, separately and disorderly on the blue ground.d) In the fourth stage, all the parts of the figure were organized in accordance with “Pägnanzgesetz” for example, two lines, which were relatively nearer, were phenomenally grouped into one rectangle. And in this stage, the better the form of a part, the more stable and saturated was it.e) In the last stage, all the parts of the whole figure were distinctly localized on the ground and were organized in one definite order. Now, its colour showing a good saturation, had “Eindringlichkeit” and appeared as if it spreaded out of the contour of its figure.2. (Experiment 2-6) In these experiments, we proved quantitatively by measuring the critical zone of Liebmann effect that the better the form of figure, the more difficult it was to enter into the state of Liebmann effect. Otherwise expressed, the rank order of the width in the critical zone of each figure which had the equal area, was as follows: circle, square, triangle and the irregular form gure (see Fig. 10 in the Japanese text). The same was true of the three dimfeinsional figures.The explanation for such a behaviour of various figures concerning the Liebmann effect as we have described above, is not difficult to give. We shall be able to understand its behaviour by considering “the simplicity of form” and moreover “the interdependence of organization and saturation”3. (Experiment 7-9) In Fig. 24 a, b and c in the Japanese text, the V-part (we called it c-pt.) was led into the state of Liebmann effect by changing its brightness, while the other part (u-pt.) of the same figure remained in clear articulation. Under these conditions, the Liebmann effect was more difficult to take place in the V-part of Fig. a than those of Fig.
佐々木 真吾 仲 真紀子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.585-595, 2014-02-25 (Released:2014-04-15)

This study examined the development of skills to report with different levels of exactness. A total of 62 first-grade children and 58 fourth-grade children were asked about numbers and lengths (numeral tasks) and colors and positions of objects (nominal tasks) with instructions suggesting different levels of exactness, “roughly” or “exactly”. In Study 1, the instructions were given as a between-subjects factor. The results showed that when the “roughly” instruction was given, participants gave approximate answers more frequently than when the “exactly” instruction was given especially in the numeral tasks, and older children did so more frequently than younger children. In Study 2, the instructions were given as a within-subjects factor: a half of participants were given “roughly” and then “exactly” instructions, and the others were given the instructions in the opposite order. The results showed that younger children could change the levels of answers depending on instruction in the numeral tasks but not in the nominal tasks, whereas older children could do so in both tasks. The results suggest that the skills for reporting with different levels of exactness are related not only to cognitive development, but also to the linguistic context, such as the tasks and instructions.
渡辺 友里菜 吉崎 一人
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.404-410, 2014

This study aimed to investigate the generality of conflict adaptation associated with block-wise conflict frequency between two types of stimulus scripts (Kanji and Hiragana). To this end, we examined whether the modulation of the compatibility effect with one type of script depending on block-wise conflict frequency (75% versus 25%) generalized to the other type of script whose block-wise conflict frequency was kept constant (50%), using the Spatial Stroop task. In Experiment 1, 16 participants were required to identify the target orientation (up or down) presented in the upper or lower visual-field. The results showed that block-wise conflict adaptation with one type of stimulus script generalized to the other. The procedure in Experiment 2 was the same as that in Experiment 1, except that the presentation location differed between the two types of stimulus scripts. We did not find a generalization from one script to the other. These results suggest that presentation location is a critical factor contributing to the generality of block-wise conflict adaptation.
望月 正哉 玉木 賢太郎 内藤 佳津雄
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.398-403, 2014

Previous studies demonstrated that observing another person's grasp action modulated the observer's attention to the object in a manner congruent with another person's action goal. These studies suggest that this grasp-cueing effect results from representation of the observer's understanding of action intention in the mirror neuron system. This system serves as the neural mechanism underlying action-oriented goals, regardless of whether they are those of the observer or others. The present study examined whether the grasp-cueing effect emerged even when a grasp action was observed from an egocentric (observer's own) perspective. Reaction times were faster when the target was presented over the object that was congruent with the action goal implied by the size of the hand aperture. This indicated that the grasp-cueing effect occurred when the stimulus was observed from an egocentric perspective, consistent with the view that this effect resulted from the observer's understanding of action intention as represented in the mirror neuron system.
島津 直実 越川 房子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.392-397, 2014

The aim of this study was to investigate the link between response styles and depression in university students. Ninety-two university students participated in a questionnaire survey, with a follow-up survey administered 4 weeks later. Structural equation modeling was conducted with analysis of moment structures. The model describing the causal relation from response style to depression fit the data best. These results indicate that the likelihood of future depression is increased by negative rumination response and decreased by distraction response for mood changing.
中井 宏 小川 和久
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.373-382, 2014

Interview and questionnaire surveys were conducted with bus drivers in Japan, with the goal of developing an educational program for better control of emotions among bus drivers. The interviews aimed at identifying stressors and ways in which stress negatively influenced bus services. The questionnaire survey, which was being developed as a self-diagnosis tool, further provided bus drivers with the opportunity to understand their own emotional tendencies. Factor analysis identified six factors underlying work-related stress: anger at unsafe behaviours of nearby road users, irritation caused by complaints from passengers, time pressures, anxiety about traffic accidents, impatience with slow passengers, and resentment of bad-mannered passengers. The influence of stress on the drivers comprised four factors: cognitive failure, sullen behaviour, abrupt acceleration/deceleration, and aggressive driving. Moreover, drivers with lower stress were relatively older and more experienced. Based on these results, educational materials were proposed with the aim of enhancing bus drivers' understanding of their emotional processes and coping skills.
藤尾 未由希
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.383-391, 2014

The impulsivity of people with tic disorders has been a recent focus of attention. This study aimed to investigate this phenomenon in people with and without tics in a non-clinical setting, focusing on the subjective urge experienced prior to impulsive behavior. In Study 1, we created a scale to measure the strength of subjective urges. This scale, which was found to comprise three subscales, had high internal consistency and high generalizability. In Study 2, using the scale developed in Study 1, we showed that people with tics felt stronger subjective urges than people without tics. This suggests that the relation between tics and impulsivity exists not only among people in clinical settings but also in non-clinical settings. Also, subjective urges significantly affect the severity of depression and this effect was pronounced in people with tics in this study. Thus, we should consider the presence or absence of tics when we discuss impulsivity, in particular the effect of subjective urges on depression.
服部 陽介 本間 喜子 丹野 義彦
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.4, pp.354-363, 2014

The purpose of this study was to clarify the contents of meta-cognitive beliefs about thought suppression and to investigate the relationship between these beliefs and the paradoxical effects of thought suppression. In Study 1, we developed a scale measuring the endorsement of meta-cognitive beliefs about thought suppression. This measure, the Meta-cognitive Beliefs about Thought Suppression Questionnaire (BTQ), has four subscales: Distraction, Paradoxical Effect, Regret, and Promotion of Concentration. In Study 2 and Study 3, the BTQ showed sufficient criterion-related validity and test-retest reliability. In Study 4, we conducted an experiment to investigate the relationship between meta-cognitive beliefs about thought suppression and its paradoxical effects. Results showed that the Paradoxical Effect subscale score significantly predicted the number of intrusive thoughts during thought suppression. The development process of meta-cognitive beliefs about thought suppression and implications for research about cognitive control are discussed.