伊藤 裕子 相良 順子
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.42-48, 2015

A marital commitment scale was created to study marital relationships of middle-aged and elderly couples. This study examined the scale's reliability and validity. A total of 840 middle-aged and elderly married participants ranged from 37 to 89 years completed the marital commitment questionnaire and answered questions regarding marital love, perception of the balance of power between spouses, and the concept of gender roles. The results showed that marital commitment consisted of: personal commitment, resigned and instrumental commitment and normative commitment. Personal commitment was highly correlated with marital love. Resigned and instrumental commitment was correlated with perception of poorly balanced of power between spouses. Normative commitment was correlated with the concept of traditional gender roles. Thus the internal consistency as well as the construct and criterion-related validity of the marital commitment scale were confirmed. Gender differences were also identified. Men scored higher on personal and normative commitment, and women scored higher on resigned and instrumental commitment. The results are discussed in terms of gender.
河村 悠太 楠見 孝
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.21-31, 2015

Advertisements for charity generally employ one of two advertising strategies. The first appeals to the efficacy of support, while the second appeals to the necessity of support. Two experiments investigated the effect of each type of charity advertising on donations and on donors' explicit and implicit evaluations of the recipients. The results indicated that although participants' explicit evaluations of charity recipients were not changed by efficacy-based advertising, they were negatively influenced by necessity-based advertising. Furthermore, Experiment 1 detected moderating effects of empathic concern. The explicit evaluations of participants in the necessity-based advertising group were negatively correlated with their empathic concern. Implicit evaluations were consistently negative in both groups. Both advertising strategies were more effective at securing donations than the control group, which did not use any strategies. These findings suggest practical implications for charity advertising.
後藤 崇志 石橋 優也 梶村 昇吾 岡 隆之介 楠見 孝
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.32-41, 2015

We developed a free will and determinism scale in Japanese (FAD-J) to assess lay beliefs in free will, scientific determinism, fatalistic determinism, and unpredictability. In Study 1, we translated a free will and determinism scale (FAD-Plus) into Japanese and verified its reliability and validity. In Study 2, we examined the relationship between the FAD-J and eight other scales. Results suggested that lay beliefs in free will and determinism were related to self-regulation, critical thinking, other-oriented empathy, self-esteem, and regret and maximization in decision makings. We discuss the usefulness of the FAD-J for studying the psychological functions of lay beliefs in free will and determinism.
村山 綾 三浦 麻子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.1-9, 2015

This study defined Belief in Just World (BJW) multidimensionally and investigated the effects of Belief in Immanent Justice (BIJ) and Belief in Ultimate Justice (BUJ) on victim derogation and draconian punishment of perpetrators. Study 1 tested the validity of the multidimensional structure of BJW and demonstrated relationships between BJW and other psychological variables. In Study 2, we measured the reactions to the victim and perpetrator in an injury case reported in a news article, and evaluated the relationships of these reactions to BIJ and BUJ. The results revealed that BIJ was associated with a preference in draconian punishment of the perpetrator, while BUJ was associated with dissociation from the victim (a type of victim derogation). In addition, as hypothesized, we found that dehumanization of the perpetrator partially mediated the relationship between BIJ and victim derogation. We discussed relationships between the two types of BJW and just-world maintenance strategies in the situation where a victim and a perpetrator are both recognized.
髙本 真寛
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.1, pp.10-20, 2015

In response to recent calls in the literature for within-person examination of coping processes over time, this study used daily diary methods to investigate the relationships between daily events, coping, and daily affects. Every day for two weeks, 62 undergraduates recorded their perceived interpersonal stress, most troublesome events, how they coped, positive events, and positive and negative affect. A hierarchical linear model was used to examine the relations between these variables. The results suggested that both positive and negative events made significantly influenced current-day positive and negative affect. In addition, avoidance thinking was associated with within-level adjustment, while emotional sharing with others, distancing and positive reappraisal were associated with within-level maladjustment.
山内 弘継
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.49, no.5, pp.284-287, 1979-01-20 (Released:2010-07-16)

The purpose of this study was to investigate applicable verbal cues in the psychological measuring of affective and emotional states. Forty-two affective and emotional words were selected from 281 onomatopoeias by subjects (Exp. I). Five factors were extracted from the interrelation matrix among these words by the principal components analysis and then these factors were rotated by a normalized varimax criterion (Exp. II). Experimentally induced affective and emotional states were reflected in the subjects' response patterns to the words of each factor (Exp. III). These results suggested that words selected from onomatopoeia are a useful cue for further study in measuring affection and emotion.
伊藤 裕子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.71, no.1, pp.57-63, 2000-04-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
2 1

This study investigated the influences of age and length of education on gender conception, and the influences in turn of the conception on gender-role attitudes and preference, with multiple regression analysis. Of a random sample of 1 500 Tokyo residents, aged between 20 and 60, 342 women and 313 men completed a questionnaire concerning their views of gender. The questions were structured to measure their agreement to gender-stereotyped opinions and behaviors. Results were as follows: (1) The older both men and women were, the more rigid their gender conception was. (2) The longer the respondent's education was, the more flexible their gender conception was. (3) These tendencies were stronger for women than men. (4) Pass analysis indicated that age, education, and parents' gender-typed expectation affected gender conception, which in turn influenced gender-role attitudes, and also that gender-roles were chosen on the basis of gender-role attitudes. It was concluded that age and length of education affected gender-role attitudes and preference, through gender conception in the context of gender schematic processing.
古見 文一 子安 増生
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.1, pp.18-26, 2012 (Released:2012-09-26)
5 3

This study investigated the development of “mindreading” in young adults. Forty university students were divided into two groups (role-play group and no-role-play group). Then they participated in a perspective-taking task in which the use of mindreading is essential. The participants viewed a computer display of eight familiar objects in different compartments of a wall divider with four rows of four compartments. Some of the compartments were open to see through, while others had back panels and thus which, if any, object was present could only be seen from the participant's side. They were instructed to touch the display corresponding to an object in a compartment in accord with the instructions of a “manager” who stood behind the divider and thus could not see into all of the compartments. The no-role-play group made more errors than the role-play group, and took longer to respond. The effects of role play lasted during five successive task blocks. These results suggest that experience with role play activates mindreading in this perspective-taking task.
浜島 秀樹 中西 雅夫 藤原 奈佳子 仲秋 秀太郎 辰巳 寛
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.6, pp.511-516, 2005-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

False recognition can occur at high levels after participants study lists of associated words and are tested with semantically related lures. The present study attempted to determine the differences of young and elderly adults in retention interval on false recognition and remember-know judgments of critical lure. Young participants' mean age was 21.6 years (range 21-23 years). Elderly participants' mean age was 69.7 years (range 65-74 years). Participants engaged in estimating the frequency of usage of visually presented words, and they were tested both immediately and one week later after the study phase. We found that elderly adults were relatively more susceptible than young adults to this false recognition effect. Moreover, a reliable increase of false recognition for critical lures was observed across retention interval in young adults but not in elderly adults.
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, 2015-02
山本 陽一 兪 善英 松井 豊
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, pp.590-595, 2015

Fund-raising activities on behalf of victims of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake during the year after the earthquake were investigated in residents of the South Kanto area (<i>N</i> = 749), which is adjacent to the disaster area. The percentage of people that raised funds was 67.4%. We investigated the effects of the following on fund-raising activities: demographic variables (sex, age, and educational background), trait empathy (empathic concern, perspective taking, and personal distress), former experience with fund-raising activities, effects of similarity to victims (e.g., experienced inconveniences because of the disaster, or had problems returning home), and psychological closeness to victims (e.g., have family members or acquaintances that suffered from the disaster, or that once lived in the disaster area). The results indicated that fund-raising activities were affected by former experience with fund-raising, similarity to victims, psychological closeness to victims, empathic concern, and being female. The relationship between fund-raising activities for victims and empathy are discussed.
池原 一哉
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, pp.560-570, 2015-02
織田 弥生 髙野 ルリ子 阿部 恒之 菊地 賢一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, pp.579-589, 2015

We developed the 33-item Emotion and Arousal Checklist (EACL), which consisted of five subscales to assess emotions (Fear, Anger, Sadness, Disgust, and Happiness) and four subscales to assess arousal (Energetic arousal +, Energetic arousal −, Tense arousal +, and Tense arousal −). This checklist was developed to assess psychological state, both at a given moment and during the past week. In Study 1, confirmatory factor analyses identified nine subscales, whose internal consistency was indicated by their reliability. In Study 2, the EACL's validity was demonstrated by its correlation with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Multiple Mood Scale, General Arousal Checklist, Japanese UWIST Mood Adjective Checklist, and Profile of Mood States. In Study 3, changes caused by tasks that involved either reading emotion-inducing articles or performing a calculation indicated the validity of the EACL for measuring psychological state at a given moment. Further, the test-retest reliability of the EACL for assessing psychological state during the past week was confirmed. These studies confirmed the reliability and the validity of the EACL.
八田 武俊 八田 武志 岩原 昭彦 八田 純子 永原 直子 伊藤 恵美 藤原 和美 堀田 千絵
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, pp.540-548, 2015

In this study, we examined the relationships among higher brain function, trust or distrust, and gullibility in middle-aged and elderly people. It has been pointed out that the trust can be regarded the psychological frame of automatic processing in decision-making. The participants were 309 rural community dwellers (127 males and 182 females) whose mean age was 64.9 years old (<i>SD</i> = 9.9). The trust scale of Amagai (1997) and the Nagoya University Cognitive Assessment Battery were used to measure sense of trust and higher brain function, respectively. Gullibility was measured by self-report using two items. Correlation analyses showed that higher brain function positively correlated with degree of trust in others and negatively correlated with distrust. However, regression analysis demonstrated that only the relationship between category fluency and distrust was significant. Furthermore, the degree of distrust positively correlated with gullibility.
縄田 健悟 山口 裕幸 波多野 徹 青島 未佳
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.6, pp.529-539, 2015

Many researchers have suggested team processes that enhance team performance. However, past team process models were based on crew team, whose all team members perform an indivisible temporary task. These models may be inapplicable business teams, whose individual members perform middle- and long-term tasks assigned to individual members. This study modified the teamwork model of Dickinson and McIntyre (1997) and aimed to demonstrate a whole team process that enhances the performance of business teams. We surveyed five companies (member <i>N</i> = 1,400, team <i>N</i> = 161) and investigated team-level processes. Results showed that there were two sides of team processes: "communication" and "collaboration to achieve a goal." Team processes in which communication enhanced collaboration improved team performance with regard to all aspects of the quantitative objective index (e.g. current income and number of sales), supervisor rating, and self-rating measurements. On the basis of these results, we discuss the entire process by which teamwork enhances team performance in business organizations.
伊藤 裕子 相良 順子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.14201, (Released:2015-03-10)

A marital commitment scale was created to study marital relationships of middle-aged and elderly couples. This study examined the scale’s reliability and validity. A total of 840 middle-aged and elderly married participants ranged from 37 to 89 years completed the marital commitment questionnaire and answered questions regarding marital love, perception of the balance of power between spouses, and the concept of gender roles. The results showed that marital commitment consisted of: personal commitment, resigned and instrumental commitment and normative commitment. Personal commitment was highly correlated with marital love. Resigned and instrumental commitment was correlated with perception of poorly balanced of power between spouses. Normative commitment was correlated with the concept of traditional gender roles. Thus the internal consistency as well as the construct and criterion-related validity of the marital commitment scale were confirmed. Gender differences were also identified. Men scored higher on personal and normative commitment, and women scored higher on resigned and instrumental commitment. The results are discussed in terms of gender.