寺岡 隆 長尾 桂子 長谷部 とし子
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.31, no.6, pp.327-336, 1961

The present study was mainly intended to inquire into the effects of preceding trials over the performance of following problem series when the preceding series was diferent from the subsequent one about the cue for the solution. Simple anagram series were used as problems, and were given to junior high school students. Experimental series were divided into the preceding and the subsequent series with respect to the letter-orders used as cues. Though two series were arranged with different letter-orders, these letter-orders were, generally, constant through each series. Each anagram was presented one after another to the subjects at the rate of 10 seconds per one.<br>1) Experiment I was designed to find the effects of trial number of preceding series. Subjects were divided into groups in terms of the number of trials in the preceding series-6, 12, 24, 42, and 60 trials, five groups in all. There was no transfer effect in the group which performed 6 trials in the preceding series. In the group which performed 12 trials, rather negative transfer was observed in terms of the median on trials to reach the learning criterion though there was a positive transfer with respect to the total number of correct responses in the subsequent series. More marked negative transfer was found in the group which performed 24 trials. As the number of preceding trials, however, became as large as 42 or 66 significant positive transfer appeared.<br>In order to explain the non-monotonous variation of transfer effects indicated by these results, it was hypothesized that a response tendency at each trial was determined by the composition or algebraic summation of the two tendencies existed simultaneously at the trial, <i>viz</i>., the facilitation and the inhibition, and, that these two tendencies were different in the process of development though they were both functions of the number of trials.<br>In addition, inquiry was made about the case where the letter-order of preceding series was not constant but was varied at random every trial. Under this condition, only the group which performed 24 preceding trials showed negative transfer, and the other four groups showed no transfer.<br>2) Experiment II was designed to investigate the case where there were differences between the preceding and subsequent series with respect to the difficulty of solution. In the case where the problem had similar difficulty in the both series, the results were the same as in Experiment I. In the case where the preceding series was easier than the subsequent, the phase of negative transfer was hard to appear while there was no great difference about the phase of positive transfer. In the case where the preceding series was more difficult, the phase of negative transfer was, inversely, hard to appear while there was no great difference about the phase of positive transfer. These results were also explained by the above-mentioned two-factor hypothesis.<br>3) The relation between two cases where the letter-orders were constant and random through the preceding series was examined in Experiment III. In Experiment IV, the case where the shift of cues between two series was made gradually was tested, and moreover, in Experiment V, the case where cues were changed one after another every block of trials was investigated. But these results were not necessarily clear.
新国 佳祐 邑本 俊亮
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.85.13311, (Released:2014-06-01)

This study explored the effects of a comma on the processing of structurally ambiguous Japanese sentences with a semantic bias. A previous study has shown that a comma which is incompatible with an ambiguous sentence’s semantic bias affects the processing of the sentence, but the effects of a comma that is compatible with the bias are unclear. In the present study, we examined the role of a comma compatible with the sentence’s semantic bias using the self-paced reading method, which enabled us to determine the reading times for the region of the sentence where readers would be expected to solve the ambiguity using semantic information (the “target region”). The results show that a comma significantly increases the reading time of the punctuated word but decreases the reading time in the target region. We concluded that even if the semantic information provided might be sufficient for disambiguation, the insertion of a comma would affect the processing cost of the ambiguity, indicating that readers use both the comma and semantic information in parallel for sentence processing.
藤井 義久
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.68, no.6, pp.441-448, 1998
1 10

The purposes of this study are to construct the College Life Anxiety Scale for measuring the level of college students' anxiety and to examine its reliability and validity. After collecting items about the anxiety in college life, factor analysis was performed on the data obtained from 2 782 college students. The result, firstly, showed that the College Life Anxiety Scale consisting of 30 items had three factors, which were daily life anxiety, test anxiety and college maladjustment. Secondly, it was indicated that the Scale had both high test-retest reliability and internal consistency (.82 and .84, respectively). It was also suggested that the Scale had high content, clinical, and criterion-related validities. In conclusion, the College Life Anxiety Scale is well able to measure the level of college students' anxiety in their usual life.
笠置 遊 大坊 郁夫
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.81, no.1, pp.26-34, 2010 (Released:2010-08-13)
1 2

This study examined how people can handle the multiple audience problem of self-presentation (Fleming, 1994), when faced with two or more audiences while simultaneously wanting each audience to form or maintain a different impression of the presenter. In the laboratory, female participants had a brief conversation with either an opposite-sex (male) or a same-sex (female) confederate. The results showed that when no one else observed the conversation, the participants presented themselves as physically attractive to the opposite-sex more than to the same-sex audience. On the other hand, when another same-sex individual was observing the conversation, the participants presented themselves to the opposite-sex audience as less physically attractive but more socially desirable and friendly. The importance of this compensatory self-enhancement strategy in the multiple-audience situation is discussed.
梅本 堯夫 森川 弥寿雄 伊吹 昌夫
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.26, no.3, pp.148-155, 1955 (Released:2010-07-16)
17 42

A table of Japanese nonsense syllables was already standardized by Umemoto in 1950 (1). But association values of Umemoto's table are generally too low, and it is very difficult to memorize a list taken from the table. So we measured anew the association value and meaningfulness of all possible Japanese two-letter pure-sound syllables. As our new tables contain many meaningful words, we thought it would be more convenient to express the index as 100-association value, and we called it non-association value. Furthermore the number of associated words per syllable were computed, and we called this the index of meaningfulness of the syllables. This index is the same as that of Noble (2).Subjects were 975 boys and girls of high schools in Kyoto city. The time allowed for association task was ten seconds per syllable. 1892 syllables were divided into 40 subtables. One and same control list was given to all groups of Ss for testing the homogeneity of groups, and according to the results some conversions were made.To test the validity of these tables, and experiment was conducted. Materials were three lists of seven pairs each, with alphabet capitals on the stimulus side and the syllables from our tables on the response side. The non-association values of response syllables were 0-4, 25-29 and 50-54. Ss were university students. Exposure time was two seconds. Anticipation method was used. Results showed as in Fig. 3 and Table 5, that the higher the non-association values, the more trials were needed to reach the criterion.
田渕 恵 三浦 麻子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.632-638, 2014

This study examined the effects of the reactions of younger adukts toward older adults on the psychological attributese and behavior of elderly. Participants were 34 older male adults aged 60-82 years. They completed a questionnaire on generativity before and after the experimental condition, and were also observed taking flyers on different topics after the experiment. They were assigned to the younger condition or the same generation condition. In both conditions, the participants were asked to talk to recipients about experiences from their youth and the wisdom they have gained. The recipients responded to the participants in either a positive or a neutral way. The results showed that generativity was promoted most when the younger recipients responded in a positive manner, whereas the neutral reactions of younger recipients led to the inhibition of generativity. Younger persons' positive reactions promoted the participants' helping behaviors, as indicated by the flyers they took. The present study shows increases in the generativity of the elderly following positive reactions from younger recipients not only on questionnaires but also in an experimental setting.
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, 2014-02
篠原 恵介 畑 敏道
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.618-624, 2014

We investigated the effect of a post-training chronic infusion of <i>N</i>-methyl-<span style="font-variant: small-caps;">d</span>-aspartate (NMDA) receptor blocker on retention of spatial reference memory in rats. In Experiment 1, we trained 4 groups of rats for 4 days (4 trials/day) in the Morris water maze task. In a single probe trial after retention intervals of 1, 7, 14, and 28 days, the 1-day group showed more goal crossings than shown by the other 3 groups. In Experiment 2, a chronic infusion of the NMDA receptor antagonist <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">d</span>-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (<span style="font-variant: small-caps;">d</span>-AP5) or a control vehicle into the lateral ventricle was initiated 1 day after the training session, and continued for 6 days. In the subsequent probe trial (7 days after training), the rats that had received the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">d</span>-AP5 infusion showed significantly more goal crossings than the controls. These findings suggest that an NMDA receptor blockade following acquisition facilitates retention of spatial reference memory.
佐藤 德 杉浦 義典
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.605-611, 2014

Previous studies showed that incidental feelings of disgust could make moral judgments more severe. In the present study, we investigated whether individual differences in mindfulness modulated automatic transference of disgust into moral judgment. Undergraduates were divided into high- and low-mindfulness groups based on the mean score on each subscale of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). Participants were asked to write about a disgusting experience or an emotionally neutral experience, and then to evaluate moral (impersonal vs. high-conflict personal) and non-moral scenarios. The results showed that the disgust induction made moral judgments more severe for the low "acting with awareness" participants, whereas it did not influence the moral judgments of the high "acting with awareness" participants irrespective of type of moral dilemma. The other facets of the FFMQ did not modulate the effect of disgust on moral judgment. These findings suggest that being present prevents automatic transference of disgust into moral judgment even when prepotent emotions elicited by the thought of killing one person to save several others and utilitarian reasoning conflict.
髙坂 康雅
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.596-604, 2014

This study reports the development of The Scale of Social Interest for Elementary School Children and examines its reliability and validity. Elementary school students of fourth, fifth, and sixth grades responded to provisional items of the scale, as well as scales assessing mental health, adaptation to school, and sympathy. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted using the provisional items. The following three factors, which had also been identified by Kosaka (2011), were extracted: feelings of contribution, feelings of belonging to society and trust in society, and self-acceptance. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated sufficient fitness. The reliability of the scale was confirmed based on internal consistency and stability. The predicted relationships among the scale and mental health, school adaptation, and sympathy were demonstrated. Based on these results, the reliability and validity of the Scale of Social Interest for Elementary School Children were confirmed.
下田 芳幸 石津 憲一郎 樫村 正美
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.576-584, 2014

The effect of self-evaluation of emotions on subjective adaption to school was investigated among junior high school students (<i>n</i> = 217: 112 boys, 105 girls) who participated in a questionnaire survey. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that for boys "Infringement and maladjustment" differed based on their self-evaluation of anger and anxiety. For girls, on the other hand, the self-evaluation of anger alleviated psychological stress, worsened the "Relationship with the teacher" and the "Relationship with the class", whereas self-evaluation of anxiety played a role in increasing psychological stress and deteriorating the "Relationship with the class." Furthermore, negatively evaluating either anger or anxiety heightened the "Motivation for learning" in girls. These results suggest that the evaluation of emotions is different in boys and girls and for different emotions.
佐々木 真吾 仲 真紀子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.585-595, 2014

This study examined the development of skills to report with different levels of exactness. A total of 62 first-grade children and 58 fourth-grade children were asked about numbers and lengths (numeral tasks) and colors and positions of objects (nominal tasks) with instructions suggesting different levels of exactness, "roughly" or "exactly". In Study 1, the instructions were given as a between-subjects factor. The results showed that when the "roughly" instruction was given, participants gave approximate answers more frequently than when the "exactly" instruction was given especially in the numeral tasks, and older children did so more frequently than younger children. In Study 2, the instructions were given as a within-subjects factor: a half of participants were given "roughly" and then "exactly" instructions, and the others were given the instructions in the opposite order. The results showed that younger children could change the levels of answers depending on instruction in the numeral tasks but not in the nominal tasks, whereas older children could do so in both tasks. The results suggest that the skills for reporting with different levels of exactness are related not only to cognitive development, but also to the linguistic context, such as the tasks and instructions.
加藤 道代 黒澤 泰 神谷 哲司
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.566-575, 2014

We developed the Coparental Regulation Inventory to assess the regulatory behavior of the mothers in involving fathers with child rearing. We translated and modified the short form of the Parental Regulation Inventory (PRI) for Japanese couples in different stages of child rearing. An online questionnaire was conducted with mothers (<i>n</i> = 500) and fathers (<i>n</i> = 500) whose youngest child was less than 21-years-old. Exploratory factor analysis identified two factors, which were labeled "encouragement" and "criticism". The resulting Coparental Regulation Inventory (the modified PRI) had high internal consistency and test-retest reliability. The construct validity of the scale was supported by its correlation with parenting alliance, marital satisfaction, and the father's involvement. These findings suggest that the scale is an adequate instrument for identifying the behaviors of mothers related to coparenting. In addition, we examined the frequency of encouragement and criticism used by the mother in relation to the child-rearing stage using cross-sectional analysis. In the mothers' reports, mothers with infants and children encouraged fathers more than mothers with early and late adolescents. Mothers with late adolescents criticized fathers less than mothers with infants. In the fathers' reports, mothers gave more encouragement to fathers who had infants than at any other age, whereas the child's age was not related to mothers' criticism perceived by the fathers.
田中 寛一
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.9, no.5, pp.923-951, 1934

(一) 此の稿は東洋諸民族の智能を比較する用具として問題の解釋及び解答に國語の力を必要としない團體智能檢査に關する一試案の報告である。<br>(二) 被驗者は東京市内の尋常小學校三校、高等女學校一校、中學校一校、高等女學校一校の兒童生徒で、男子一五八〇名、女子一五七一名で合計三一五一名である。<br>(三) テストとして選定したものは十種類であるが、小學校等に於て使用する場合を考慮して所要時間短縮の目的で八個のテストの成績について整理した。而して、十個のテストを全部用ひた場合と八個を用ひた場合とでは小學校兒童六學級のものについて調査した所によれば、綜合成績に於て〇・九七五の相關のあることを發見した。それ故に十個のテストを全部用ひても八個だけを用ひても智能檢査としては效果の上に大差はない。<br>(四) 各テスト相互の相關係數は餘り大でない。<br>(五) 同一の組の兒童に四ケ月の間隔を隔てゝ二回行つた綜合成績間の相關係數は八個のテストの場合の平均〇・八七七、十個の場合の平均〇・八七九である。<br>(六) 各年齡級の成績の分配状態から見れば個人差を辨別するに十分な脱逸度を示し、又分配曲線の形状から見ると正常な曲線に近い。<br>(七) 國民智能檢査の成績とこのテストの成績とを相關せしめると、八個を利用した場合に〇・七〇一、十個を利用した場合は〇・七三六である。<br>(八) 前記 (四) (五) (六) (七) の事實から、此のテストは一般智能の測定用具として、かなり信頼してよからうとおもはれる。<br>(九) 此の檢査法によつて兒童及び生徒の智能を測定した場合に、各個人の成績を判定する場合の基準として、八歳から十六歳までの各年齡級に於ける各滿月毎に代表値及び標準錯差を示す假標準表 (第十三表) を設定して置いた。此の標準表は近い將來に於て被驗者を増すことによつて改訂するつもりである。
小川 徳子
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.66, no.5, pp.319-326, 1995

This sudy examined how categorization varies with relevant knowledge. Subjects were undergraduates, and they were asked to sort a set of pictures or photographs based on whatever features they liked. In Experiment 1, three groups of subjects (15 each) sorting 31 cards portraying fictitious animals were explained about each card nothing (Group 1), apparent physical features of each animal (Group 2), or physical as well as ecological features (Group 3). Results showed that: (1) in Groups 1 and 2 most frequently used features were physical features, while in Group 3 they were ecological features; (2) the structure of category system were either predominantly single-criterion type or multiple-criteria type, and the distribution of types differed among groups. In Experiment 2, three groups of subjects (14 each) sorting 36 photographs of leaves were explained in advance nothing (Group 1), a botanical principle of classification (Group 2), or its evolutionary basis (Group 3). Results revealed that relevant features and category structures differed among groups. These findings suggest that categorization behavior varies with the qualitative and/or quantitative nature of relevant knowledge.
伊藤 健彦
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.5, pp.488-497, 2013-12-25 (Released:2014-03-01)

This study presents a new model of psychological processes to predict English communication behaviors of Japanese high school students. Various models have been proposed in Japan, based mainly on Canadian models, to predict second-language communication behaviors. This study shows problems with the previous models in Japan and introduces a new model from the perspective of “Expectancy-Value Theory”. Questionnaire Survey 1 compared the previous model and the modified models which suggested that a new psychological variable, “Value in English Communication”, was necessary to construct the new model. In Survey 2, the new model was further modified by incorporating into it various English learning values which the Japanese have. This study makes a significant contribution to studies and practices of teaching English as a foreign language in Japan.
幸田 紗弥華 菅原 健介
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.2, pp.83-89, 2009 (Released:2012-03-06)
6 7

This study of 241 female college students examined the relationship among binge-eating, dieting, and stress, assessed at two different times. The results of path analysis showed significant paths both from binge-eating to dieting and from dieting to binge-eating were significant. In other words, binge-eating often results in dieting, and dieting often results in binge-eating, which becomes a vicious circle. The path from stress to binge-eating was significant, but not the path from binge-eating as a way of coping.

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