山本 多喜司
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.217-219, 2014-06
新国 佳祐 邑本 俊亮
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.210-216, 2014

This study explored the effects of a comma on the processing of structurally ambiguous Japanese sentences with a semantic bias. A previous study has shown that a comma which is incompatible with an ambiguous sentence's semantic bias affects the processing of the sentence, but the effects of a comma that is compatible with the bias are unclear. In the present study, we examined the role of a comma compatible with the sentence's semantic bias using the self-paced reading method, which enabled us to determine the reading times for the region of the sentence where readers would be expected to solve the ambiguity using semantic information (the "target region"). The results show that a comma significantly increases the reading time of the punctuated word but decreases the reading time in the target region. We concluded that even if the semantic information provided might be sufficient for disambiguation, the insertion of a comma would affect the processing cost of the ambiguity, indicating that readers use both the comma and semantic information in parallel for sentence processing.
小林 敬一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.203-209, 2014

This study examined the effect of reading tasks on the integration of content and source information from multiple texts. Undergraduate students (<i>N</i> = 102) read five newspaper articles about a fictitious incident in either a summarization task condition or an evaluation task condition. Then, they performed an integration test and a source choice test, which assessed their understanding of a situation described in the texts and memory for the sources of text information. The results indicated that the summarization and evaluation task groups were not significantly different in situational understanding. However, the summarization task group significantly surpassed the evaluation task group for source memory. No significant correlation between the situational understanding and the source memory was found for the summarization group, whereas a significant positive correlation was found for the evaluation group. The results are discussed in terms of the documents model framework.
浅井 継悟
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.196-202, 2014

The Over-Adaptation Tendency Scale is designed to assess internal (self-inhibitive personality traits) and external (other-directed behavioral adaptation strategies) characteristics of over adaptation. The relationships among over-adaptation, subjective well-being, and family relationships were investigated using this scale. The scale was administered to undergraduate and graduate students (<i>N</i> = 408). The results indicated that for both men and women, all internal aspects of over-adaptation were significantly and negatively associated with the participant's cognition of past, present, and future subjective well-being. Furthermore, for women, all external aspects of over-adaptation were significantly and positively associated with future subjective well-being and family cohesion was associated with both internal and external aspects. These results are discussed in relation to the characteristics of over-adaptation.
福川 康之 小田 亮 宇佐美 尋子 川人 潤子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.188-195, 2014

This study developed a Japanese version of the Perceived Vulnerability to Disease (PVD) scale. Analysis of the data from Japanese university students (<i>N</i> = 435) replicated the two–factor structure of the original scale: one factor that assessed beliefs about one's own susceptibility to infectious diseases (perceived infectability) and the other factor that assessed emotional discomfort in contexts that connoted an especially high potential for pathogen transmission (germ aversion). Tests of reliability and validity for each subscale indicated overall promising results. It would appear that the results reflect at least in part an evolutionary adaptive psychological mechanism for the ancestral environment.
德吉 陽河 岩崎 祥一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.178-187, 2014

We conducted two studies to develop a Japanese version of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II (PGIS-II), and examined its reliability and validity. PGIS-II was developed as a multidimensional measure of the multiple processes of the Personal Growth Initiative (PGI). The PGI describes an active, intentional engagement in the process of personal growth for self-improvement of life experiences. Study 1 (<i>N</i> = 204) reports the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the Japanese version of the PGIS-II. The CFA confirmed that 4-factor model showed acceptable fit indices, with reliability coefficients ranging from .67 to .84. Concurrent validity of the PGIS-II was indicated by the correlation with happiness, the positive score for automatic thoughts. Study 2 (<i>N</i> = 101) reports the concurrent validity of the PGIS-II using scales for locus of control, self-esteem and coping. Results suggested significant correlations between scores on the PGIS-II and locus of control, self-esteem and some coping subscales. The overall results suggest that the Japanese version of the PGIS-II has satisfactory statistical reliability and validity.
中田 英利子 森田 泰介
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.168-177, 2014

This study developed a valid and reliable questionnaire measuring individual differences in reality-monitoring error experiences in everyday life. A 50-item preliminary questionnaire was constructed on the basis of the findings from a pilot diary study. In study 1, we administered the questionnaire to 316 undergraduates, along with a dissociative experience scale to examine criterion-referenced validity. Using factor analysis, we obtained the 32-item Reality-Monitoring Error Experience Questionnaire (RMEEQ). A significant positive correlation was found between scores on the RMEEQ and the dissociative experience scale, thereby which indicates the RMEEQ's criterion-referenced validity. In Study 2, we examined the test-retest reliability of the RMEEQ by administering it to 66 undergraduates on two occasions separated by three weeks. We found a significant test-retest correlation. Taken together, these results show that the RMEEQ is a valid and reliable measure of reality-monitoring error experiences in everyday life.
武藤 世良
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.157-167, 2014

This study examined the semantic organization of "sonkei" (a feeling of respect) and respect-related emotion words such as "awe" and "admiration" in Japanese university students. Native Japanese university students rated the semantic similarity of 153 pairs of 18 respect-related words having been collected from synonym dictionaries. Hierarchical cluster analysis of similarity ratings revealed two main distinctions at the highest level of abstraction: "person-focus respect, emotional attitude" (sustained respect for a particular person considered to be superior) and "action-focus respect, emotional state" (temporal respect for a praiseworthy action). The former included three basic categories: (a) respect mingled with mild love; (b) idolatry (worship and adoration); and (c) respect mingled with fear (awe). The latter included two basic categories: (d) admiration and (e) respect mingled with surprise (wonder). The word "sonkei" was included in category (a). Also, multidimensional scaling revealed three dimensions of respect-related words: focus, valence, and self-oblivion. These findings suggest that for Japanese university students, respect is typically a kind of emotional attitude, but they sometimes experience respect as an emotional state ("state respect").
中谷内 一也 工藤 大介 尾崎 拓
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.139-147, 2014

This study investigated the levels of public trust in organizations associated with the Great East Japan Earthquake. In Study 1 (<i>N</i> = 639), the levels of trust in eight organizations as well as the determinants of trust–perceived salient value similarity (SVS), ability, and motivation– were measured twice, first immediately after the earthquake and then a year later. The results indicated that the trust levels for six of the eight organizations had been preserved, supporting the double asymmetric effect of trust. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that SVS explained trust more when the organization had been less trusted. Trust in the organization explains well the perceived reduction of the target risk. The results of SEM in Study 2 (<i>N</i> = 1,030) replicated those of Study 1, suggesting the stability of the explanatory power of the determinants of trust. Implications of the study for risk management practices are discussed.
吉田 甫 孫 琴 土田 宣明 大川 一郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.130-138, 2014

The present study examined influences of reading aloud and performing simple calculation on the cognitive functioning of healthy elderly adults, based on the findings that these tasks activated the prefrontal lobe. The elderly adults' memory and inhibitory functions were assesed by Short-Term memory, CST, Stroop, and SRC tasks, before and after intervention for 18 months. The study found that the learning group had significant improvement from the pre- to the post-test for the short-term memory, STM, CST, and Stroop tasks. On the other hand, there was significant decline over the 18 months in the control group which was given only the assessment tasks. These results are discussed in terms of the effectiveness of cognitive training.
植村 友里 松本 良恵 神 信人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.111-120, 2014

Why do people behave altruistically toward others, even in situations where nobody would observe their behavior? We formulated the following hypothesis regarding this question: "Reputations are decided by behaviors in situations that nobody can observe, rather than by behaviors in situations that can be observed by others." The validity of this hypothesis was examined through a Prisoner's Dilemma experiment. In the first stage, participants played the Prisoner's Dilemma game in a situation where nobody could observe them. In the second stage, participants selected another partner in the game, based on information about their behavior in the first stage. The results indicated that participants tended to choose people that behaved altruistically in situations where nobody could observe them. Furthermore, this tendency was stronger with cooperative participants. These results support the hypothesis of this study.
李 楊 山岸 俊男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.1, pp.100-105, 2014

The strong reciprocity model of human cooperation (SRM) argues that strong reciprocators, who cooperate with others and punish non-cooperators, sustain within-group cooperation. However, the assumption that altruism and punishment are products of the same psychological mechanism of strong reciprocity has not been fully verified. Second-party punishment, for example as measured through rejection of unfair offers in the ultimatum game, has been demonstrated to have no relationship with cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma and other games. In this study, we tested the assumption of the SRM by comparing the participants' levels of cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game and their inclination for punishment in a third-party punishment game. Non-student recruited from the general population (<i>N</i> = 182) participated in the study. The results show a weak but positive correlation between cooperation and third-party punishment, which is consistent with the SRM model.
藤井 勉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.1, pp.93-99, 2014

The present study focused on the discrepancy between explicit self-esteem and implicit self-esteem, using the Name Letter Task with 86 graduate students. In line with suggestions from previous research, participants high in explicit self-esteem but low implicit self-esteem (called "defensive high self-esteem") showed higher in-group favoritism than participants who had high explicit and implicit self-esteem (called "secure high self-esteem"). Participants with defensive self-esteem reported higher levels of depression than secure self-esteem participants. These results strengthen the generalizability for the conceptualizations of "defensive" and "secure" high self-esteem. However, participants with low self-esteem did not show significant interactions with any variables.
石川 健太 山口 美和子 澤 幸祐 高田 夏子 大久保 街亜
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.1, pp.87-92, 2014

This study investigated the effect of interpersonal dependency on judgments of gaze direction of individuals with different facial expressions. Based on interpersonal dependency scores, 46 participants were divided into two groups (high interpersonal dependency and low interpersonal dependency). Participants judged the gaze direction of photographs of faces with angry, neutral or happy expressions. Relative to the low interpersonal dependency group, the high interpersonal dependency group was more accurate in the judgments of gaze direction. This tendency was more salient for the happy and neutral expressions than for the angry expressions. Since people with high interpersonal dependency are highly motivated to seek support from others, this result suggests that they are sensitive to signals with pro-social information such as the gaze direction of others with positive attitudes.
浅野 良輔 五十嵐 祐 塚本 早織
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.1, pp.69-79, 2014

Hedonia (seeking pleasure and relaxation) and eudaimonia (seeking to improve oneself in congruence with one's values) uniquely contribute to well-being. The authors developed and tested the construct validity of a Japanese version of the Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motives for Activities (HEMA) scale that had been originally developed in North America. Drawing on the theoretical and empirical evidence from research on emotion, we proposed that people would pursue well-being in three different directions: pleasure, relaxation, and eudaimonia. In Study 1, we used the original HEMA scale to examine the Japanese attainment of well-being. The results supported the hypothesized three-factor model. Study 2 revealed that the Japanese version of the HEMA scale measured pleasure, relaxation, and eudaimonia. Each of these subscales showed statistically sufficient internal consistency. There was no gender difference in any of these measures. Scores on the scale systematically corresponded with external criterion variables, such as life satisfaction, affect, Ryff's psychological well-being, social support, and lifestyle. Implications for psychological research and public policies that cover the topic of the pursuit of well-being are discussed.
小倉 慈子 矢澤 久史
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.1, pp.80-86, 2014

This study investigated the hypothesis that narcissistic personality traits would affect risk-taking behaviors through self-monitoring. The Narcissistic Personality Inventory Short Version (NPI-S), the Self-monitoring Scale (SM), and the Risk-taking Behavior Scale for Undergraduates (RIBS-U) were administered to 192 university and graduate students. There were three NPI-S factors ("sense of superiority and competence", "need for attention and praise", and "self-assertion"), two SM factors ("extraversion" and "other-directedness"), and the single risk-taking factor of the RIBS-U. Covariance structure analysis was then conducted to test whether narcissistic personality traits would affect risk-taking behaviors through self-monitoring. Analysis showed that the factors of "sense of superiority and competence" and "need for attention and praise" affected risk-taking behavior through the "other-directedness" factor. However, the "self-assertion" factor was found to have a direct effect on risk-taking behavior.
小林 晃洋 大久保 街亜
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.1, pp.60-68, 2014

The Operation Span Test (OSPAN) is widely used to assess working memory capacity. However, this instrument has been rarely used to test Japanese participants because its task was not sufficiently difficult. The mean score for the original computerized OSPAN often reached a ceiling when Japanese participants were tested. In this study, we developed a computerized version of OSPAN for Japanese participants by increasing the task difficulty of the arithmetic procedures. The OSPAN scores were normally distributed and the mean score was approximately 50%. There were positive correlations between OSPAN scores and other scores of working memory measurements, such as a reading span test and a digit span test. These results suggest that the Japanese OSPAN is a reliable and valid measurement of working memory to test Japanese participants.
有光 興記
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.1, pp.50-59, 2014

A Japanese version of the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS-J) was developed. In Survey 1, confirmatory factor analysis of data from participants indicated that the SCS-J had an acceptable fit to the model, as well as good internal consistency, similar to the original. In Survey 2, a test–retest correlation of the SCS-J for 101 participants indicated good reliability for the scale. In Survey 3, 148 participants completed the SCS-J and the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, the Subjective Happiness Scale, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait form, and the Beck Depression Inventory. The partial correlations between the SCS-J and the other scales were analyzed, using self-esteem, or self-criticism as the control variables. The results demonstrated that self-compassion was associated with self-esteem and the mental health of the Japanese participants. These results indicate that the SCS-J has good reliability and validity as a measure of self-compassion.
白井 利明
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.65, no.1, pp.54-60, 1994-04-20 (Released:2010-07-16)
21 25

The present study attempts to construct an Experiential Time Perspective Scale, which measures not only the experience of personal future, but also those of the present and the past and, it will measure, at the same time, two aspects of future, namely, hopefulness and goal-directedness. This scale was administered to 460 university and professional school students. The results showed rather high internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Correlational analyses with Time Attitude Scale (Nuttin & Lens, 1985) showed convergent and discriminant validity in each subscale, except for the dimension of hopefulness. However, the different relationships of subscales with fear for the future and self-esteem confirmed the validity of this scale including that of hopefulness.
伊藤 健彦
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.5, pp.488-497, 2013

This study presents a new model of psychological processes to predict English communication behaviors of Japanese high school students. Various models have been proposed in Japan, based mainly on Canadian models, to predict second-language communication behaviors. This study shows problems with the previous models in Japan and introduces a new model from the perspective of "Expectancy-Value Theory". Questionnaire Survey 1 compared the previous model and the modified models which suggested that a new psychological variable, "Value in English Communication", was necessary to construct the new model. In Survey 2, the new model was further modified by incorporating into it various English learning values which the Japanese have. This study makes a significant contribution to studies and practices of teaching English as a foreign language in Japan.