中村 敦子
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.82, no.6, pp.883-911, 1999-11-01

赤阪 賢
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.58, no.1, pp.27-66, 1975-01-01

赤阪 賢
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.58, no.1, pp.p27-66, 1975-01

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり西スーダンの地域的特性は、サハラ砂漠を越えて恒常的に維持された地中海世界ことにイスラム世界との歴史的交渉により、イスラム文化が社会に深く刻印されていることにある。そこでは社会の根底に深い流動性が潜んでおり、従来のアフリカ部族社会論において取られた小宇宙としての部族のモザイク的配列という視点では、西スーダンの地域の正確な把握に程遠い。九世紀以後、相ついで広域的展開を遂げた古「王国」の存在も、こうした西スーダンの地域的特性を如実に示すものである。植民地分割の直前の時代である十九世紀においても、Uthman dan Fodio, Al-haji'Umar そして Samory Ture の'カリスマ的権威を帯びた指導者の征服活動により、広大な政治的領域(しばしば「帝国」と称される) が形成された。これらは互いに色合いを異にしながらもイスラム改革運動をその基盤に持つ点で共通の性格を有している。しかしその領域的展開や領域支配の構造については、各々の社会構成や直面した政治的・軍事的局面により独自の展開がみられるのである。Le trait caractéristique de la région du Soudan ouest, c'est que la culture islamique est profondément imprimée dans la société. Il se fait de la communication, depuis longtemps, avec le monde islamique à la côte sud de la Méditerrané, via le Sahara. Ainsi il y a grande mobilité à la base de la société. C'est pourquoi la modèle des arrangements mosaïques des tribus en qualité des microcosmes, dont on usait dans les études des tribus africaines, n'a pas d'efficacité suffisante pour saisir la réalité de cette région. Ces caractères, se sont-ils montrés déjà dans les développements territoriaux des "anciens royaumes" depuis IXe siècle. Au XIXe siècle même, à la veille du partage colonial, des vastes territoires politiques (on les appelle, de temps en temps, "empires ") ont été formés par les conquêtes des dirigeants, Uthman dan Fodio, Al-hajj'Umar et Samory Ture, tous pourvus de l'autorité charismatique. Ces territoires, avec toutes différences, ont des caractères communs en tant qu'ils tiennent aux mouvements réformistes islamiques. Mais nous retrouvons aussi des particularité de chaque "empire" partant de sa construction sociale, de sa situation politique ou militaire, en ce qui concerne son développement territorial ou sa structure du gouvernement.
溝上 宏美
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.88, no.3, pp.421-454, 2005-05

一九四五年二月のヤルタ会談の結果、ポーランドの東部領土はソ連に併合され、ワルシャワには共産勢力の強い影響を受けた臨時政府が誕生した。当時、ポーランド亡命政府の後見国としてその軍を指揮下においていたイギリス政府は、以降、帰国拒否が予測されたポーランド兵の処遇問題に直面する。四六年初頭、国際的圧力を受けてポーランド軍の解体を迫られたイギリス政府は、帰国拒否兵士の再定住先を模索したが、諸外国だけでなく、英連邦諸国、植民地など帝国内部からも好意的な反応は得られなかった。他に受け入れ先がないなか、最終的に四六年五月、イギリス政府はポーランド兵を国内に受け入れ、その定住を支援する組織としてポーランド人再定住軍団を編成することを決定した。 従来、ポーランド人の受け入れの背景としては、国内の労働力需要が指摘されてきた。しかし、その受け入れ、再定住政策は、対ポーランド政策に留まらない、イギリスのより広範な対外政策によって規定されていたのである。
金井 静香
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.78, no.3, pp.p339-371, 1995-05

高橋 秀直
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.86, no.1, pp.35-70, 2003-01

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり王政復古政府とは、慶応三年一二月九日の王政復古クーデターより翌年一月三日から始まる鳥羽伏見戦までの政府である。本稿はこれの政治過程と政権構造を明らかにしたものである。政治過程についての主要論点は以下の通り。一、薩摩と徳川慶喜の対立はこの時期、一貫して高まっていたわけではなく、クーデター後しばらくは薩摩は慶喜に対し融和路線をとっており、それが武力対決路線に転じたのは、二四日以降である。二、関東での薩摩の攪乱行動は西郷隆盛の大謀略ではなく、薩摩指導部の見合わせ命令を無視した現地の暴走であった。三、二四日以降、薩摩は開戦を望みながら、公議原理にのっとった名分を見つけることが出来ず苦悩し、薩摩藩邸焼き討ちの報にも事情がわからず困惑していた。政権構造について見れば、その理念は列藩会議を核とする天皇・公議体制であった。しかし、この理念は現実のものとならず、成立したのは、公家倒幕派が決定権をもつ一種の公家政権であった。新政権は武家勢力を十分に包摂できず、この時期、諸藩の割拠傾向は極点にまで達した。公家倒幕派は政権への求心力をたかめるべく、公議原理にしたがった政権運営にむけて動くが、これは政治的には、「公議政体派」への接近を意味し、薩摩倒幕派は窮地に陥ったのである。Keiou 4.1.3. The purpose of this article is to illuminate the actual political processes of the period and analyze the political structure of the regime. As regards these political processes, this article makes the following points: 1, the Satsuma domain, han, maintained a rather conciliatory attitude toward its political rival Tokugawa Yoshinobu after the coup. It was only after December 24th that Satsuma decided to destroy Yoshinobu politically and militarily; 2, the disturbance organized by some Satsuma men in Edo that December was not executed on the order of Saigo Takamori, one of the top leaders of the Satsuma han, but was an arbitrary act of the Satsuma men in Edo, and it took the Satsuma leadership in Kyoto by surprise; 3, after the 24th, Satsuma leaders hoped to attack Yoshinobu, but they felt the necessity of a pretext that many people would feel legitimate. As they could not find such a pretext, they were remained troubled and at a loss until directly prior to the battle of Toba-Fushimi. This article also clarifies some of the characteristics of the structure of this government. The political ideal of the government was that of Tennou-kougi 天皇公議, a government in which the dainyou 大名, lords of the domains, played the core role in a national assembly. However, the actual character of the government was oligarchic, a small clique of kugyou 公卿, elite aristocrats, ran the government. As a result, many domains refused to follow the orders of the government. The authority of the central government had been declining since the arrival of Perry in 1853, but this trend reached its peak with the ousei-fukko regime. In order to enhance the support of the domains for the central government, the kugyou gradually changed their political stance, moving away from support for Satsuma toward Yoshinobu. This move drove Satsuma into a deeper crisis.
鍛治 宏介
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.96, no.2, pp.251-287, 2013-03

本稿は、江戸時代において近江八景という一つの知識が、刊本や写本という書物を介して社会に伝播し、さまざまな地域・階層の人々に教養として受容されていく過程を、近江八景を詠んだ漢詩と和歌を素材に検討したものである。まず朝廷や五山文化圏で産み出された近江八景詩歌が、堂上歌壇のみならず地下歌壇においても流布していたことを明らかにした。さらに『扶桑名勝詩集』の板元吉田四郎右衛門に注目して、吉田家は書肆を営む一方、院雑色という朝廷の下級役人としての側面も有し、朝廷の知を社会に広げる回路として、近江八景詩歌が刊本世界へ流入する役割を果たしたことを指摘した。それから一八世紀以降の日用教養書における展開に注目し、さまざまな誤謬も内包しつつ、手習教育の教材に利用されるなど、近江八景詩歌の伝播の射程が格段に広まったことを明らかにした。以上の検討を通じて、江戸時代書物文化における知の流通構造の一端を描き出した。In the Edo period, knowledge about the "Eight Views of Omi" 近江八景 (Omi hakkei) spread through society by way of written works in the form of manuscripts and printed books. Such information was received by people of various regions and social strata became common knowledge. In this article I clarify the process of the diffusion of the "Eight Views of Omi" as a topic of Chinese and Japanese poetry. The "Eight Views of Omi" refers to eight beautiful scenes near southern Lake Biwa, "The autumn moon at Ishiyama temple" 石山秋月, "Evening glow at Seta" 瀬田夕照, "The weather clearing at Awazu" 粟津晴嵐, "Returning sails at Yabase" 矢橋帰帆"The evening bell at Mii temple" 三井晩鐘, "Night rain at Karasaki" 唐崎夜雨, "Geese descending at Katata" 堅田落雁, "Snow on Mt. Hira at sunset" 比良暮雪, that were based on the "Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang Rivers" 瀟湘八景 in China. In the early 17th century, the court noble Nobutada Konoe 近衛信尹', who was a central figure of the imperial court salon, composed Japanese poetry on the "Eight Views of Omi, " and in the mid-17th century, a Zen Buddhist monk Gyokushitu Soboku 玉質宗撲, who played an active part in the literary circles of the Five Mountains五山, composed Chinese poetry on the "Eight Views of Omi." This Chinese and Japanese poetry circulated in manuscript form not only in aristocratic poetry circles 堂上歌壇 but also in non-aristocratic poetry circles 地下歌壇 as exemplars that poets should consult. Then, in the second half of the 17th century, this poetry was recorded in The Fuso meisho shishu 扶桑名勝詩集 of Shiroemon Yoshida 吉田四郎右衛門, a publisher in Kyoto, and the range of diffusion was greatly extended. In addition to publishing, Yoshida also served among a lower- ranking group of officials serving the imperial court who were called in zoshiki 院雑色, and his publishing was closely related to the court nobles. In other words, Shiroemon Yoshida played a role in creating a circuit that extended imperial court culture into society. I have been able to confirm that the Fuso meisho shishu was found in the libraries of cultured people and scholars in various regions, but even more significant is the fact there exist many examples of the works of writers of other genres that quote the Chinese and Japanese poetry found in the Fuso meisho shishu. In this way, this Chinese and Japanese poetry on the "Eight Views of Omi" spread through the world of printed books, and this call be confirmed by their appearance as topics in gazetteers and novels, and various other publications including ukiyoe prints, and by the fact that they appeared in entertainments such as kabuki or joruri and other genres including crafts and clothing. In addition, after the 18th century, articles about this poetry began to appear in books that conveyed basic knowledge and culture necessary for everyday life, such as orai-mono 往来物 (epistolary textbooks) and the Setsuyoshu 節用集 (a Japanese-language dictionary), and they were also used as exemplars in teaching materials at private elementary schools in various parts of Japan. Through the above examination, I have drawn an intellectual map of the structure and circulation of Edo-period book culture that extended from the top levels of the imperial court down to the lowest ranks of children doing writing Practice. I have been able to point out various trends that influenced the "Eight Views of Omi" becoming common knowledge among many Japanese people. As an example, the southern part of Lake Biwa in Omi became a sightseeing spot as a result of the increasing number of tourists who sought to see the "Eight Views of Omi" and, in addition, inspired by admiration of Omi, cultured persons in other regions discovered new versions of the eight views in their own regions.
浜井 和史
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.87, no.1, pp.1-35, 2004-01

箱田 恵子
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.88, no.2, pp.233-258, 2005-03

一八八六年の「ビルマ・チベット協定」では、ビルマ人の北京への貢使派遣の継続と、英国のビルマ統治とが英国・清朝それぞれによって承認された。一九世紀中国を取り巻く国際環境の変容を、近代条約体制による伝統朝貢体制への挑戦・優越と捉える研究史の文脈からすれば特異な性格を持つこの協定に対し、従来の研究は朝貢という儀礼に限定される中華的宗属関係の特質から説明を行ってきた。つまり、名義上の宗属関係を追求する清朝に対し、英国はハートの建議を入れて「虚名を譲って実利をと」ったと。しかし、このハートの提案が実はマカートニーと李鴻章への対抗策として作成されたという事実は見過ごされている。また、駐英公使曾紀澤と中国本国との外交方針を「積極」と「消極」・「実利」と「虚名」として対比する分析粋組みが一般的だが、実はこうした清末中国外交をめぐるイメージは、ハートやオコナーあるいは李鴻章という双方の交渉担当者が、各々交渉を有利に進めるために強調したものであり、その背景には、中国西南辺境地域の現状を維持したいが十分な統治能力に欠ける清朝の現実があった。つまり、「虚名(朝貢) 」と「実利(ビルマ併合) 」との取引が前面にでる背後で、雲南―ビルマ間の国境・通商という重大問題においては、現状維持を認める妥協が、李鴻章とオコナーを中心に図られたのである。
上垣 豊
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.70, no.5, pp.p766-795, 1987-09

上田 早苗
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.62, no.3, pp.p329-349, 1979-05

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり「夫耕婦績」は、太古以来の社会通念であって、とくに儒家独自の思想と言う訳ではなかった。しかし、漢代に至り、儒家の進出とともに、この「夫耕婦績」の理念が押し進められ、社会の末端にまで浸透するようになる。「夫耕婦績」の通念を儀式化したのが、文帝の治世より始まる「藉田親桑」の儀礼である。皇帝が籍田の儀礼を、皇后が親桑の儀礼を執行し、天下の夫婦男女に対して労働の在り方を示そうとしたのである。つまり、家族内部では、性別による分業がおこなわれ、男が耕作を、女が採桑、養蚕、紡績、機織及び裁縫など一連の仕事を分担する。漢代にあっては、女性労働にもとづく布帛の類が正規の課税として徴収されたり、あるいは布帛を以って租税に代えたとする事例は見当らない。魏晋以降の税制は、この「男耕女績」をふまえて成立しており、理念としては夫 (男) から租を、婦 (女) からは調を徴収することを意味し、夫婦の労働によって完結する。The idea of 'fukêng-fuchi' 夫耕婦績 was a very old one and did not belong exclusively to the Confucian school. But in the Han period, with the rise of Confucian school, that ideology penetrated every section of society. And the ceremony of 'chieh t'ien-ch'ing sang' 藉田親桑, which made it an established manner, was initiated in the reign of Emperor Wên 文帝. That is, both emperor and empress set an example of the way of labor by themselves. Since then, as sexual division of labor was established, man began to take the part of cultivation and woman of picking mulbery leaves, silkworm-raising, silk-reeling, weaving and sewing. Though we cannot find the case in which the silk produced by woman was collected as regular tax, the tax systems after the Wei-Chin 魏晋 periods were based on the 'fukêng-fuchi' idea, which means that tsu 租 was assigned to man and tiao 調 to woman.
尾下 成敏
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.92, no.5, pp.862-891, 2009-09

本稿の目的は、天正十年(一五八二) 六月から同十二年七月までの間の羽柴秀吉と徳川家康の関係に留意する形で、秀吉の東国政策の内容や、それを規定した背景を明らかにしようとすることにある。 検討の結果、(1)天正十年六月の本能寺の変後、北条氏の動向に対処すべく、秀吉と家康が提携し、対家康戦開始前の秀吉が徳川攻めを目論んではいなかったこと。(2)天正十年冬以降の秀吉が、家康の取り組む『惣無事』、すなわち織田信長在世時の停戦状態への回帰を掲げて北条方と反北条方の停戦を実現せんとする無事に関与し、北条氏の版図拡大の動きを封じようとしたこと。(3)秀吉の『惣無事』関与後も北条方と反北条方の抗争が続き、結果、関東で新たなる戦争が起こる可能性が浮上したこと。(4)こうした事情や織田信雄の勧誘を背景として、家康が対秀吉戦に踏み切ることなどを明らかにした。
君塚 進
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.44, no.6, pp.909-925, 1961-11

いわゆる両港両都開港土市延期交渉の為、竹内保徳を正使とする一行が、文久元年~二年 (1862~63) にわたり、欧州六箇国に派遺された。この一行は、それが鎖国のあと最初の欧行であり、かつ当時日本との間に最も外交上問題の多かつた英・仏・露 (樺太定境の目的もある。) へ使することからして、各国事情の偵探が、また大きな目的であつた。組頭柴田剛中の日記によれば、全行程は、(一)、往路、(二)、五箇国巡行、(三)、普仏再渡、(四)、復路に分けられるが、ここでは (一) を紹介する。江戸出発 (十二月二十二日) 後最初の外地香港には、事情探索に一週間の滞在をしているが、これには当時の米国の南北戦争の影響があつた。以後シンガポール (太平天国の乱を探る。) はじめ、英アジア政策上の要点を辿り、エジプト (トルコ領) を経て、マルセーユに到着 (三月五日) しているが、エジプトおよびマルタでは「仏器先後渡」の紛糾が起つた。これ等実際の体験により、一行の国際感覚は大いに高められた。In order to postpone the foreigner's residing period in Edo 江戸 and Osaka and to open the ports of Niigata 新潟 and Hyôgo 兵庫, the party, leaded by Yasunori Takeuchi 竹内保徳, was sent to the six countries in Europe, such as France, England, Holland, Prussia, Russia and Portugal, from 1862 to 1863; this meant the first travel to Europe after a long national isolation and the Important mission of investigating the condition of these countries with which our country had many diplomatic problems. According to the diary of Takenaka Shibata, chief attendant, we can divide their whole travel into four parts, (1) the outward travel, (2) the round travel of the five countries beside Portugal, (3) reentrance into Prussia and France, and (4) the return travel. This article treats the section (1) the outward travel. After the sailing from Edo 江戸 on January 21st, through Nagasaki 長崎, they stayed for a week in Hong Kong to investigate conditions there, this long stay which was under the influence of the Civil war in America. And then, passing Singapore at first and other points for the English advance to Asia, through Egypt of the then Turkish territory (under the construction of Suez Canal), they reached Marseilles on April 3rd. On the way they investigated in Singapore they investigated the Boxer Rebellion and in Egypt and Malta some trouble happened between France and England about the problem whether first landing place should be France or England. Through these experiences they had their international sense more improved.
宮 紀子
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.88, no.6, pp.814-844, 2005-11

中国の歴代王朝は、孔子と儒教を尊重し、山東省曲阜筆の孔子廟とそこに住まう孔子の子孫を特別に保護してきた。衍聖公とは、宋代以降、本家の当主が世襲してきた爵位である。孔子の子孫は、戦争や一族の内紛によって、次第に曲阜から全国各地に散らばっていった。『新安文献志』には、大元ウルスの至正年間に、衍聖公が徽州在住の孔子の子孫に発給した極めて珍しい命令書が収録されている。この命令書は、携帯する者が孔子の正統な子孫であることを証明し、かれらが江南に進学する際に、宿泊費、旅費、食費、書籍購入費を、当地の廟学、書院が支給することを命じた一種のパスポートであった。とうじ、孔子の子孫のみならず顔子、孟子の子孫もこの特別待遇をうけられた。こうした命令書の発給が可能になった背景には、仁宗アユルバルワダ以降の朝廷によって進められた衍聖公の権力の強化と、全国から集められた孔・顔・孟三氏の家系図の整理事業があったと考えられる。Successive Chinese dynasties have esteemed Kongzi 孔子 (Confucius) and Confucian learning and have bestowed special privileges to the temple of Kongzi at Qufu 曲阜 in Shandong and to his descendants. Yanshenggong 衍聖公 was the hereditary title of nobility granted to the heirs of Kongzi after the Song dynasty. The descendants of Kongzi were gradually dispersed throughout the land from Qufu due to warfare and internal strife within the family. As a result of the Jurchen advance into northern China in particular, the main line of Kongzi was split into two houses, and holders of the title Yanshenggong arose in Qufu under the Jin dynasty and also in Quzhou 衢州 under the Southern Song. Furthermore, amidst the turmoil at the demise of the Jin dynasty, the Mongol court, or the bureaucrats who administered the Shandong area under their rule, strove from early on to protect Qufu and the descendants there, but, because of over zealousness on both sides, the awkward situation of having two holders of the title Yanshenggong at the same time arose at Qufu. The situation was soon remedied by the intervention of the Mongol court, but this was ultimately simply papering over a deeper rift, and become a source of the long-term conflict within Kongzi family at Qufu. On the other hand, after take over of the Southern Song by the founder of the dynasty, Kublai khan, the Kongzi family in Quzhou relinquished the title of Yanshenggong, and thereafter only one person held the title. However, the questions of just when after the time of Kublai the Yanshenggong obtained real power, what concrete authority was exercised, and what orders were issued to temple schools 廟学 and private academies 書院, the Kong family and Confucian scholars throughout the land has never been examined. Nor can it be said that historical sources of various types such as texts, stone inscriptions and archival government documents that are concerned with the relationship between the Kong family in Qufu and branches of family around the nation have been sufficiently explored. In the work known as the Xinanwenxianzhi 新安文献志 are found the extremely rare written orders of 55th Yanshenggong, Kong Kejian 孔克堅, to Kong Kehuan 孔克煥, and his three brothers, descendants of Kongzi who resided in Huizhou 徽州 during the Zhizheng 至正 era of the Daion ulus (Yuan dynasty). This written order verified the holder as a genuine descendant of Kongzi and functioned something like a passport, ordering that the costs of lodging, travel, food, and book purchases be born by the local temple schools and academies when these descendants traveled in the South江南. Moreover, the same written orders were issued to other descendants of Kongzi throughout the nation. The famous mid-Ming era official Wu Kuan 呉寛 actually saw one of these documents. Furthermore, it was not only the descendants of Kongzi, but also those of Yanzi 顔子 and Mengzi 孟子 who also received such special treatment. Because a particularly plush lifestyle was guaranteed them, there were even cases of officials resigning their posts to become itinerant scholars. Kong Keqi 孔克斉, the author of Zhizhenghiji 至正直記, was probably able to travel about the land and obtain vast knowledge, and establish his reputation as a collector of books and rubbings by virtue of having received such an order from the Yanshenggong. The historical background that made the issuing of such orders by the Yanshenggong possible was the deliberate bestowal and strengthening of the authority of Kong Sihui 孔思晦, the 54th Yanshenggong (who had Jurchen blood and was the father of Kejian) by the imperial court after Renzong 仁宗 (Ayurbarwada), and the fact that he was provided personnel, material assistance, and funding because his home functioned as the national general headquarters of Confucian scholars and as a government office. It should also be noted that Kong Sihui himself directed the organization of the lineages of the three families, Kong, Yan, and Meng.
芝井 敬司
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.64, no.3, pp.p353-387, 1981-05

望月 直人
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.101, no.2, pp.356-391, 2018-03

一八八〇年代前半にベトナムをめぐって生じた「越南問題」は、清朝が自らの属国とみなす国をめぐって欧米諸国と戦火を交えた唯一の事例清仏戦争に至った。従来、「越南問題」は、清朝とフランス両当事国の問題として検討されてきたが、本稿は第三国として関与したアメリカの影響を検討する。第一章では、一八八三年七月初めに行われた清朝による対米仲裁依頼が、国際世論と国際仲裁を結びつけたアメリカ駐清公使ヤングの助言に基づくことを示す。第二章では、国際仲裁の実現を目指したアメリカ外交官の活動が、清仏の対立を深刻させたことを明らかにする。第三章では、一八八三年一一月に清朝の発した各国宛同文通牒が、アメリカ駐清公使館員の助言にも依拠していたこと、この同文通牒が国際世論を動かして和平の実現という目的とは逆に、清仏の軍事衝突を決定的としたことを示す。The Sino-French war that occurred in 1880s is the only case of the Qing dynasty going to war with a Western country over countries regarded as its vassals. Previous scholarship has focused on the negotiations between the Qing dynasty and France, and has argued that the differences between the traditional East Asian international order (the so-called Tributary System) and the Western and modern international order triggered the war. But during the Sino-French controversy the Qing dynasty repeatedly proposed the arbitration of a third party, but France refused. It is thus difficult to say that the Sino-French war was a clash of two different world orders. In 19th-century East Asia, countries gradually adopted international law, and they benefited greatly employing it. International law, however, was plagued by problems of weakness of jurisdiction and enforcement of the law, and efforts to reach a peaceful settlement of international disputes by using international law often led to difficulties in diplomatic negotiations. This article thus focuses on American good offices in 1883 and considers their influences and results. In the first section, I reconsider the process of the request by the Qing dynasty to the United States for arbitration in July 1883. John Russell Young, U.S. Minister in Peking, often had talks with Li Hongzhang李鴻章, Chinese Governor-General of the Zhili, in the first half of 1883. Young attached great weight to public opinion and arbitration, and he advised Li to use international public opinion and international arbitration as international political resources. At the beginning of July 1883, Li adopting Young's advice, requested arbitration by the United States. In the second section, I consider the efforts of the American embassy in Paris during July and August. On 23 July, Levis Parsons Morton, American Minister in Paris, met Paul-Armand Challemel-Lacour, the French Foreign Minister. Responding to the offer of international arbitration by United States, Challemel-Lacour said, "if the pretentions of the Chinese government were known, perhaps it would be possible for France to avail herself of the good offices so kindly tendered by the United States." Challemel-Lacour's intent was to turn down the American offer in a roundabout way, but Morton interpreted the statement to mean if the Qing government would offer peace terms, it was possible that the French government would accept the American offer. In order to initiate international arbitration, the American embassy in Paris attempted to clarify the differences between the Qing dynasty and France. They advised Zeng Jize曾紀沢, Chinese Minister in Paris, to send their terms of peace to the French government, but these terms incurred French displeasure and deepened the confrontation between the two countries. In the third section, I discuss the origin and the results of a circular note that was sent by the Zongli Yamen総理衙門, the Chinese Foreign Office, to all foreign embassies in Peking on 17 November 1883. By examining the letter of Li Hongzhang sent to the Zongli Yamen, I found that the Qing court, which made the decision to send this note, had adopted the advice of Chester Holcombe, the first secretary of the American Embassy in Peking. This circular note aimed to arouse international public opinion to stop the advance of the French army and it corresponded to Holcombe's idea of a peaceful settlement. Holcomb evaluated the role of international public opinion and international arbitration in international politics highly. But this faith sent an erroneous sign to Chinese officials, especially the Qing-yi 清議 faction, which harbored unrealistic expectations. But, in reality, this note could be interpreted as an ultimatum, and the French minister in Peking, who also had received the circular note, advised his government to use force. In December 1883 the French army attacked the Qing army in Vietnam, and it ultimately proved impossible to stop the use of force by simply arousing international public opinion.
菊池 信彦
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.89, no.4, pp.549-580, 2006-07
