河内 将芳
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.85, no.5, pp.700-723, 2002-09

個人情報保護のため削除部分ありThe Gion-e, usually known as the Gion-matsuri, of the Sengoku Period 戦国時 代 in Kyoto tends to be thought of as a festival against authority. This paper argues how the characteristic of the Gion-e changed in relation to the Muromachi Shogunate 室町幕府 and the Sanmon Enryakuji 山門延暦寺 and especially focuses on yamahoko 山鉾. Yamahoko are (dashi 山車) that were and still are pulled or shouldered during Gion-matsuri. In this paper the following points are clarified. The groups of inhabitants who bore the yamahoko gradually transformed the essence of the cho 町, a local community, within the context of the changes in the relationships with the Shogunate and Sanmon daisyu 山門大衆, i.e., the mass of priests from Enryakuji, after Ounin and Bunmei Wars 応仁・文明の乱. What accelerated the change was not the existence of authority, but was rather the relation with Sanmon daisyu, although the Sanmon daisyu sometimes delayed the start of the Gion-e. In addition, the Tenbun Hokke War 天文法華の乱, a total confrontation between Sanmon daisyu and armed adherents of Hokke Sect 法華宗, and the relationship with the Shogunate gave birth to an alternative system supporting the yamahoko.
楠 義彦
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.96, no.1, pp.71-99, 2013-01

大石 一男
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.87, no.4, pp.486-517, 2004-07

河野 一隆
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.91, no.1, pp.33-66, 2008-01

国家形成と軌を一にして特殊な構造と豊かな副葬品を備えた厚葬墓が登場することの追求は、人類史的な課題でもある。本稿では弥生~古墳時代の倭王権から倭国への変化の中に、日本列島における神聖王権から初期国家への移行過程の歴史的特質が埋め込まれているとみる視点から、弥生王墓や古墳の変遷を再整理し、モニュメントとしての古墳造営の意義を考察した。なぜ、特定個人の墓の造営に莫大な社会のエネルギーが集約されるのか。また、それがなぜ国家形成期に登場するのか。これらの説明として、王権の支配領域外から流入する財を、王権の領域内部で計画的かつ安全に消費するために、財を威信財へと意味転換し、その交換および消費に伴う負債関係を、現実の社会政治的関係の基軸へと読み替えるシステムが社会成員によって創出され、それが社会に埋め込まれたという視角を提唱する。同時に、財による中心―周辺関係の形成が、境界を生み出すことで、律令制国家の前段階がすでに古墳時代中期には現出していたことを想定した。しかし、このようなメカニズムは、倭王権による渡来系技術者の掌握・配布によって破綻し、古墳造営は公共性の創出機能を喪失する。ここで国家形成における厚葬墓は、その役割を終えることになる。Why royal tumuli with special burial structures and accompanied by many grave goods appeared concomitant with state formation is a basic problem of human history. I argue that the special characteristics of the historical shift from sacred kingship to the early state are embedded in the transition from Wa 倭, ancient Japanese, kingship to Wa state, which occurred during the transition from Yayoi to Kofun period. From this standpoint, I reconsider the transition from Yayoi 'Royal Tumuli' to Kofun mounded tumuli and the significance of the mounded structures as monuments of state formation. Why was a great deal of social energy concentrated in mound building for a single individual and why did these tumuli appear in the period of state formation? I propose the following as explanations for these problems. In order to stem the flow of the wealth outside the territory of the king, such wealth had to be regularly and safely consumed within the territory of the king, meaning that it was converted into forms of wealth invested with prestige. A social system was created by members of this society by revising these debt relations of exchange and consumption into the basis for actual socio-political relations and embedding them within the society. At the same time, the formation of core-periphery relations based on this wealth represented by prestige goods produced the boundaries of the territory of the king. This can be regarded as a preliminary step toward the mature Ritsuryo 律令 state, which appeared in the middle Kofun period. However, this mechanism was destroyed by the control and diffusion of immigrant engineers by Wa kings, and the operation of tumuli lost the function of a public work projects. In this way, the role of the royal tumuli that was characteristic of the process of state formation came to a close.
吉本 道雅
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.83, no.4, pp.531-559, 2000-07

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり商君変法には膨大な研究の蓄積があるが、その史実性の問題は等閑視されてきた。本稿は、『史記』の商君関係の記述の包括的分析に基づき、この問題を検討する。第一章では、秦本紀・商君列伝・六国年表を比較検討して、これらの商君関係の記述の先後、『史記』が利用した商君関係資料の概要、『史記』の創作のありかたを確認する。第二章では、秦本紀・商君列伝の矛盾を手掛かりに、通説と異なり、『史記』が変法開始を孝公元年に置くことを確認する。『史記』以前の商君説話は、変法期間を十年程度とするが、年代記的資料の実在の商君は孝公二十四年のほぼ全期間にわたって活動する。『史記』がこの矛盾を解消するため、一つの説話の起点を孝公元年に、今一つの説話の終点を二十四年に置くことを確認する。第三章では、変法関係の記述を分析し、年代記的資料との矛盾を内包する第一次変法の記述は、法家が商君を理想の変法者として記号化したのちに創作されたものであること、第二次変法の記述は、年代記的部分をも含むが、阡陌制は、漢代以降、商君に附会されたものであることを論ずる。『史記』の商君関係の記事には、年代記的記述、法家すなわち昭襄王朝以降に成立した秦の商君学派の説話、秦・商君が否定的に記号化された漢代以降の儒家の説話が混在する。年代記などの確実な資料による限り、商君変法の史実性は認めがたい。近年増加しつつある戦国秦漢出土文字資料を扱うに際して、商君変法なる「史実」を自明の前提とするのではなく、一個の「歴史認識」として相国化することが要請されよう。Many scholars have studied Shangjun 商君 (Lord Shang)'s Reforms, but the historical reality of the Reforms has never been examined. In this article, the author attempts to examine this problem on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of Shiji 史記's description of Lord Shang. In the first part, he comparatively examines Qinbenji 秦本紀, Liuguonianbiao 六国年表 and Shangjunliezhuang 商君列伝, and confirms the order of these descriptions of Lord Shang, the general condition of materials concerning Lord Shang quoted by Shiji, and the characteristics of Shiji's creation. In the second part, on the basis of analysis of the contradiction between Qinbenji and Shangjunliezhuang, he confirms that Shiji, opposed to the popular theory, dated the start of the Reforms to the 1st year of the reign of Xiaogong 孝公 of the Qin State. Legends about Lord Shang before Shiji told that the Reforms continued for ten years or so, but the real Lord Shang recorded in the chronicle materials acted during almost the whole of Xiaogong's 24 year reign. The author argues that to solve this contradiction, Shiji dated the start of one legend to the 1st year, and the end of another to the 24th year of Xiaogong's reign. In the third part, he analyzes descriptions about the Reforms and concludes that descriptions about the first Reforms contradictory to chronicle materials were created after symbolization of Lord Shang as an ideal reformer by legalists, and some of the descriptions about the second Reforms certainly contained chronicle materials, but the Qianbo 阡陌 system was secondarily added to Lord Shang after the Former Han period. Shiji's descriptions about Lord Shang are a mixture of chronicle materials, legends created by legalists of Lord Shang's school established in the Qin state after Zhaoxiangwang 昭嚢王's reign, and legends created by Confucians of the Former Han period after negative symbolization of the Qin state or Lord Shang. As far as reliable materials such as chronicles are concerned, the historical reality of the Reforms can not be confirmed. While analysis excavated literary materials of the Warring States, Qin and the Former Han periods have recently increased, the Reforms must not be premised as an absolute historical reality, but be regarded as merely part of historical tradition.
小泉 洋
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.73, no.3, pp.p390-420, 1990-05


1 0 0 0 IR <彙報>・<會報>

史學硏究會 (京都帝國大學文學部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.8, no.1, pp.168-182, 1923-01-01
石坂 尚武
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.68, no.4, pp.p585-612, 1985-07

小塩 慶
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.100, no.6, pp.641-677, 2017-11

本稿では、国風文化期における中国文化の受容の在り方を再検討する。従来の日本史研究ではほとんど扱われることのなかった『浜松中納言物語』『松浦宮物語』に見られる異国描写を手掛かりとして、平安時代の人々が何によって異国像を形成していたか、またその背景にはどのような社会状況を想定できるかを考察した。『浜松中納言物語』からは、類書的な漢籍知識や絵画による文化受容があり、その背景には、「宮仕え」を軸とした身分・性別を超えた文化の総体の存在を指摘できる。『松浦宮物語』には漢籍による文化受容が見られるが、令式に規定された古典的な漢籍がなお重要な位置を占めていた。中国から輸入された書籍の実態を再検討すると、それらが国風文化に与えた影響は限定的であったといえる。当該期に中国文化が広く受容されたのは、唐物の輸入といった対外交流以上に、唐絵や漢籍知識の類書化、漢籍の学習方法などの国内の文化動向によるものである。This article employs literary works, which have seldom been regarded favorably as objects of analysis in Japanese historiography, as primary sources to re-examine the structure of mid-to-late Heian culture (国風文化 kokufû-bunka). Specifically, it employs two fictional narratives, the Hamamatsu chûnagon monogatari 浜松中納言物語 and the Matsuranomiya monogatari 松浦宮物語, that use foreign countries as the background of the tales as keys to clarify the reception of Chinese culture and its reality in the period of kokufû-bunka. In the first section, I examine the Hamamatsu chûnagon monogatari. One can note that two types of expression can be discerned therein: expressions using Chinese literary works (漢籍 kanseki) and expressions that were verbal representations of Chinese-style paintings. However, the knowledge of Chinese literary works used by the author had previously been incorporated in Japanese narratives and paintings including the Collection of Japanese and Chinese Poems for Singing (和漢朗詠集 Wakan rôeishû), and thus did not extend beyond the boundaries of common knowledge known to the nobility of the time. In other words, one could say that there was a certain fixed, shared knowledge of Chinese literary works within the noble society of the day. In order to consider the background to the spread of such knowledge, I next considered the manner in which literature was received. At that time the mode of the reception of literature differed according to one's social status. Narrative fiction had a dual character, used both for entertainment and for education. In the salons of women of the highest ranks of the nobility, illustrated narratives were collected and also produced. For women in the middle rank of the nobility, these narratives were difficult to obtain, but they would occasionally receive them from women in the upper levels of the nobility. These two different types of reception were brought together by women in service to the influential families. In other words, the middle-ranking noble women who read the narratives given by higherranking noble women and who were the recipients of culture were transformed into the producers of new culture by becoming involved in the production of narratives in the salons. In this way, a cultural entity that spanned social ranks was formed, and the knowledge of Chinese literary works shared in noble society was selected. In the second section I examine the Matsuranomiya monogatari. Here too, one can point out representations of foreign lands based on Chinese literary works, but unlike the case of the Hamamatsu chûnagon monogatari, a greater degree of knowledge of Chinese works was required. I have focused in this article on the fact that classical works and histories such as the Book of the Han (漢書 Hanshu/Kanjo) and the Book of the Later Han (後漢書 Houhanshu/Gokanjo) and literary works such as the Anthology of the Verse of Bai Juyi (白氏文集 Baishi wenji/Hakushi bunshû or Hakushi monjû) played a large part in the basic character building and that histories of the Tang dynasty were in contrast only used to elaborate on official titles and characters' names. It can be surmised that this discrepancy was due to the manner of studying Chinese works by male government officials ever since the period of kokufû-bunka. Male officials studied under officials who had been educated in the Daigaku and they often studied Chinese works and were equipped with sufficient knowledge of classics and histories studied in the Daigaku and of the Baishi wenji, which was considered equally important. However, in regard to other Chinese works, it is thought that they were not studied fully enough to be applied to Japanese literature. Moreover, from the period of kokufû-bunka to the creation of the Matsuranomiya monogatari in the late 12th century, one cannot see a great change in the circumstance regarding the study of Chinese literary works. In the third section, I examine the influence of foreign relations in the move to the period of kokufû-bunka based on the foregoing considerations. Examples of imported Chinese literary works that can be found in historical records are limited, and it has become clear that only certain social classes (members of the imperial and regental houses, scholars, and Buddhist monks) could import literary works with relative ease. Considering that even these people could not necessarily obtain all the works they sought, there is little evidence that literary works imported from China were widely disseminated throughout various social classes. Moreover, the majority of literary works imported during the period were the Selections of Refined Literature (文選 Wenxuan/Monzen) and Baishi wenji and did not represent new knowledge. At least in terms of literature, the Chinese culture that had the most influence during the period of kokufû-bunka was chiefly from those works imported prior to the Jôwa era. These works were made into narratives and pictorialized, and through their study by male officials, they were incorporated into Japanese culture. While the manner in which Chinese culture was received during the period of kokufû-bunka involved the importation of material objects from China, it can be concluded that it largely depended on classical Chinese knowledge that was a matter of ideas.
桑山 由文
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.79, no.2, pp.157-191, 1996-03

美川 圭
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.67, no.3, pp.p344-374, 1984-05

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり鎌倉期公家政権の政治制度史が他に比して大変遅れている中で、本論稿では鎌倉中期以降、公家政権に於て重要な職制と なる院伝奏、および朝幕関係の変化を考える上で重要な関東申次の制度的成立を、鎌倉初期までさか上って具体的に考察する。また北条時頼による徳政申入、九条道家の失脚、時頼による関東申次の指名。寛元四年(一二四六) に起ったこれらの政治的事件に対応して、院評定を軸とする公家政権の政治機構の制度化が行なわれたが、従来その相互関係は十分明らかとなってはいない。政治的事件と政治機構の対応関係を明らかにし、その政治的意義を述べ鎌倉期政治史全体への展望を示すことがこの論稿の目的である。I will consider the establishment of two political institutions, Kantomoshitugi 関東申次 and In-denso 院伝奏, from early Kamakura 鎌倉 period when they appeared; the former was an important one in Imperial Court after middle Kamakura period, the latter played a great role between the Imperial Court and the Shogunate Government. There are fewer studies of political institutions of the Imperial Court in Kamakura period than other subjects. And there are many unkown points about the relation between political occurences and institutions, though political institutions of the Imperial Court, in which In-hyojyo 院評定 was a central axis, were organized in relation to political occurrences, Hojo Tokiyori's 北条時頼 offer about benevolent administration, Kujo Michiie's 九条道家 down-fall, and Tokiyori's nomination of Kanto-moshitugi in 4th Kangen 寛元 (A.D. 1246). So I clear that relation and finally I position these institutions in political history of Kamakura period.
島津 毅
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.97, no.6, pp.849-884, 2014-11

木土 博成
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.99, no.4, pp.525-557, 2016-07

本稿は、従来不分明であった琉球使節の成立過程を明らかにすることで、近世琉球の地位の確定を論じるものである。寛永一一(一六三四) 年に京都に上った琉球人は、再検討の結果、先行研究にいう「恩謝使」ではないことが判明した。「御代替」(徳川秀忠→家光) を名目に、薩摩藩が急遽仕立て上げたこの一行を、琉球使節の嚆矢と見ることはできない。寛永一一年には、家光が島津氏に琉球高を宛て行ったことから、琉球が島津氏に属するという側面、すなわち「附庸」が確定したのであった。その後、寛永二一年に挙行された江戸上りは、(1)徳川・尚家の慶弔事という継続性のある名目に対し、(2)薩摩藩主が引率したもので、(3)琉球国王が正式に派遣したものであることから、ここに琉球使節が成立したといえる。寛永二一年の琉球使節により、幕府と書を交わす「異国」=琉球が確定し、「附庸」と「異国」の二要素から成る近世琉球の地位は、ついに確定を見たのである。This paper discusses the early-modern establishment of the status of modern Ryukyu by clarifying the process of the formation of Ryukyuan embassies (Ryukyu shisetsu 琉球使節), which has not been previously clarified. The Ryukyu Kingdom (Ko-Ryukyu, meaning old Ryukyu), which had existed as a state (kokka 国家) since the Middle Ages, came to an end when it was defeated in the Shimazu clan invasion of Keicho 14 (1609) and the new era of early-modern Ryukyu began. Although early-modern Ryukyu continued to exist as a state, it had to build new relationships with the Edo shogunate and the Satsuma domain. Ryukyuan embassies represent these new relationships well It has been argued that the word Ryukyuan embassies refers to two kinds of missions: the Onshashi 恩謝使 (sent by the Ryukyu kings on the succession of a new shogun) and the Gakeishi 賀慶使 (sent by the shogunate on the enthronement of the Ryukyu king from the Sho family). Several studies concerning the meaning of these embassies for the shogunate, the Satsuma domain and the King of Ryukyu have been made. Nevertheless, it has not been made clear when and how the Ryukyuan embassies were established, which is one of the most fundamental issues. In reconsidering the issue, it became clear that the Ryukyuan people who arrjved in Kyoto in Kanei 11 (1634) who have been regarded as the beginning of Onshashi in the previous studies were not such a mission. In fact, at the time of miyogawari (the succession of Tokugawa Iemitsu following Hidetada) in Kanei 11, this party of Ryukyuan people (originally sent to the Shimazu clan) was suddenly constituted as an embassy to the shogunate by the Satsuma domain nominally as a miyogawari embassy. Therefore, we cannot regard this particular party as the beginning of the Ryukyuan embassies. In Kanei 11, the Shogun Iemitsu officially confirmed by letter that Ryukyu was a feudatory vassal state of the Shimazu clan and the status of fuyo (dependency) was thus established. About 10 years later in Kanei 21, an Edo-nobori (a mission to Edo) was conducted by the Ryukyuans. This mission was dispatched for consecutive events--the birth of Tokugawa Ietsuna and the enthronement of Sho Ken. Furthermore, this embassy was led by the Shimazu clan from Kagoshima to Edo as an embassy to the shogun in Edo from the beginning, not just suddenly reconstituted for that purpose as the one in Kanei 11 had been. Moreover, as symbolized by the fact that a letter provided by the King of Ryukyu was delivered, this embassy was officially sent by the King of Ryukyu. To sum up, the embassy of Kanei 21 satisfies the following three conditions: (1) the continuity of events involved, (2) havjng been led by the Shimazu clan and (3) having the official approval of the King of Ryukyu. These facts suggest that Ryukyuan embassies were formally established at this point. The exchange of letters with the Roju (members of the shogun's council of elders) by the Ryukyuan embassy of Kanei 21 confirmed Ryukyu as ikoku (a foreign country), and it can also be said that the status of early-modern Ryukyu as fuyo and ikoku had finally become formalized. In other words, the status of early-modern Ryukyu, which is well understood today, was confirmed only after going through the two phases of Kanei 11 and Kanei 21. The dual status confirmed at this point in time was exceedingly favorable to the Satsuma domain as it ensured Ryukyu as fuyo of the Shimazu clan and also an ikoku in the eyes of the shogunate. Therefore, we have to bear in mind that the Satsuma domain deftly used the two statuses of fuyo and ikoku for different strategies when they described Ryukyu to third parties. In other words, when we consider the establishment of early-modern Ryukyu, we must see the essence of the matter through the fluidity constituted by the dual statuses of fuyo and ikoku.
藤田 恒春
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.70, no.1, pp.p118-155, 1987-01

松田 利彦
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.78, no.6, pp.866-901, 1995-11

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり本稿は、朝鮮植民地期初期の武断政治を象徴する憲兵警察機構を、当時期の植民地財政の緊縮と独立運動の後退という二つの規定要因に即して理解しようとした。憲兵警察機構は併合前後の短期間に人員の確保・末端機関の展開を完了したが、以後は財政条件に規定されその規模は停滞した。もっとも、地方行政費をしのぐ予算が憲兵警察に投入された結果、実質的な地方支配者としての憲兵警察の地位は固まっていった。かかる治安体制は「平穏」な朝鮮には不要だとの批判を一部から受けるが、治安当局は独立運動の退潮を必ずしも楽観しておらず、むしろ韓末国権回復運動を根絶する過程で民衆掌握の必要性を再認識したのだった。高等警察を重視し、教育や宗教などの側面を中心に民衆生活への干渉を行った憲兵警察は、やがて第一次大戦期、ロシア革命や民族自決主義の影響を察知する。にもかかわらず一般民衆の経済的窮境を度外視し機構拡大の必要もさしあたって感じていなかった憲兵警察機構は、かかる認識を三・一運動によって突き崩されていくことになる。The gendarme-dominated policing system (憲兵制度), a symbolic apparatus of Japanese military rule in colonial Korea, was greatly infuenced by factors unique to the 1910's. First, the curtailed budget in the early days of colonial period did not allow the police to have more manpower than was necessary to suppress the Korean "Righteous Army" (義兵) in 1907. In addition, the tight budget did not allow the colonial government to expand police stations except immediately after the annexation of Korea. Disbursements for the police exceeded, however, that for local administrative organizations, and therefore gendarmes and policemen played a role in administrative matters. Second, the anti-Japanese movements decreased after the annexation. While some critics claimed that a powerful police system was not suitable for a "peaceful" Korea, the colonial police did not share their optimistic view. Instead, the police frequently intervened in religious and educational matters in order to prevent the recurrence of an independence movement. During World War I, gendarmes and police remained cautions, for the Russian Revolution and the priciple of self-determination elucidated by Wilson in his 14 points were not political movements whose ideology was conducive to the continuation of Japanese colonial rule. But the police officials failed to notice the extreme poverty of Korean populace and, as a result, they didn't find any need to strengthen the police force. It was not until the March First Movement that they recognized the inadequacy of police power in community control.
狩野 直禎
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.59, no.1, pp.p86-106, 1976-01

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり諸葛亮(孔明) は古今にまれなる忠臣であり、また神謀奇略、たぐひなき武将ということになっている。この様な評価は、東晋南朝の正潤論の勃興とともに盛んになり、宋代、朱熹によって完成されたといえよう。また「三国志演義」は、この様な評価を広く大衆に植えつけるのに大きな役割を果した。本稿では正潤論が勃興する以前、孔明死後約七~八十年の間に見られる孔明像を追及するのを目的とした。孔明像の出発点となるのは、いうまでもなく陳寿の「三国志」である。まず三国志の諸葛亮伝について、亮自身が青年時代に志向した人物が、どのようなものであったかを考え、ついで同時代人の評価へと進む。そこに見られるのは、亮を秀れた政治家として見る方向が強い。陳寿の諸葛亮評もその線上にある。しかし陳寿とほぼ同時代人の張輔は、亮を政治家・武将の両面から高く評価しようとしている。It has been believed that Chu-ko Liang (Kung-ming)諸葛亮 (孔明) was an very loyal subject and an exceedingly skillful tactician. Such estimation prevailed with the rise of Chang-jun-ism 正潤論 in Tung Chin Nan ch'ao 東晉南朝 dynasty, and Chu hsi 朱熹 established it in Sung 宋 dynasty. 'San kuo chi yen yi' 「三国志演義」 played an important role in making the view popular. In this article, the author aims to investigate the opinions on him during seventy or eighty years from his death, that precede the rise of Chang-jun-ism. First, the author argues about what young Chu-ko Llang himelf would be, based on 'Life of Chu-ko Liang' 「諸葛亮伝」 in 'San kuo chi' 「三国志」, written by Chen Shuo 陳寿, in which the first estimation of Chu-ko Llang in history appeared. Then, the article treats the other contemporaries' views. They esteemed him rather as an excellent governor. It was almost the same with Chen Shuo, while Chang Fu 張輔, a cotemporary of Chen Shuo, esteemed him highly both as a governor and as a general.
佐藤 達郎
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.78, no.4, pp.p557-585, 1995-07

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり従来、漢代の人事制度については察挙制度に研究が集中してきた。しかし、それとは別に勤務日数を積むことにより自動的に昇進していく制度のあったこと、通常大半の官吏はこのような制度により昇進を遂げていたのであろうことが大庭修氏によって指摘されている。従来、このような日常の人事と察挙との区別が明らかにされないまま、漠然と「選挙」なる呼称のもとに漢代の人事制度が論ぜられてきた。本稿はこの両者の区別を明らかにするとともに、察挙に非ざる日常の人事の制が後世の尚書による人事―「銓衡」―の起源をなす事を論ずるものである。 まず漢代における察挙によらぬ日常的人事の存在とその際の手続きについて、続いてそれを掌る担当官庁が前漢末頃三公より尚書へ移行したこと、後漢の文献に見える三公による「選挙」とは非常の察挙を指していたこと、従って日常的人事は依然尚書により行われていたこと、後漢末期になるとこのような尚書による人事が後世のように「銓衡」の語で呼ばれるようになったこと、を順次論述する。Previous studies of the Han system for the promotion of officials focused primarily on the recommendation system 察挙制度. As Professor Oba has pointed out, however, there was another promotion system, through which officials could be promoted routinely by serving a certain term ; most officials obtained their promotions through this system. Most previous studies do not distinguish this system from the recommendation system, and refer to both systems as the election system 選挙. This article clarifies the differences between the recommendation system and the routine promotion system. There was a routine promotion system in the Han period, managed according to documents on the administration of officials and rules for their promotion. At the end of the Western Han, the office charged with the management of this system was shifted from the purview of the Three Dukes 三公 to that of the Imperial Secretary 尚書. In some records from the Eastern Han, it appears that the Three Dukes still managed this system, but the system referred to in these records by the term "election" was in fact the recommendation system and not the routine promotion system. Though the routine promotion system was also referred to as "election " in some contemporary records, it remained under the control of the Imperial Secretary. Toward the end of the Eastern Han, the routine promotion system began to be called quqn heng 銓衡 ; it can be regarded as the origin of the evaluation-election system (quan xuan 銓選)managed by the Ministry of Personal 吏部尚書 in the later periods.
宮崎 市定
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.46, no.1, pp.81-104, 1963-01

孔子は天の存在を認めたが、それは不可知な神秘的存在であり、従って天の命も亦、人間からは窺知するを得ない、理知以外の存在であった。彼のいう仁は人の道であり、不可知な天命によって人事の結果がいかに左右されようとも、それによって信念を動揺させてはならないと教えた。これが 「知命」 の意味である。然るに墨子は天を正義の神とし、政治革命の如き大きな政治的変動も、天が主権者の行為の善悪に対して加える賞罰の結果だと説明した。併し実際にはこのような賞罰は必ずしも世上に実行されていない。次に現われた孟子は、政治革命は天の命によって起るが、それは人心の帰趨に従って起るとし、天命と歴史現象とを不可分なものと説明した。そして仁義を行うのは、外部にある利を得んがためではなく、天が人の心に生みつけた性の善なるに従うためであるとした。孔子から孟子への思想的発展は、中間に墨子の存在を考慮しなければ、正しい理解に到達できない。
松浦 茂
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.86, no.2, pp.176-208, 2003-03

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり雍正四年(一七二六) から五年にかけて、清とロシアは北京で国境交渉を行ない、モンゴル地方と並んで、ネルチンスク条約で先送りされたウダ川地方の帰属に関しても、協議を行なった。その際に両国は、それぞれの地図を交換して検討することにし、ロシアは清にホマンの地図帳などを提供した。その中には巨大なカムチャツカ半島が描かれていて、幻の土地エゾはその南端にあると記されていた。清はエゾ問題に関心をもち、エゾの地を探して沿海地方やサハリン北部を調査したこともあったが、サハリン中部以南については、一度も調査を行なったことはなかった。北京会議では結局ウダ川地方の帰属を決定することはできなかったが、清はエゾをロシア領とするロシアの見解に衝撃を受けた。そこで会議の終了直後から、サハリン中・南部とエゾとの関係を明らかにするために、サハリン中・南部の調査を開始し、同年には早くも上京していたアムール川下流のホジホン、ダイジュをサハリン中部の東海岸を派遣した。さらに雍正七年にはシサ国(日本) との関係を解明するために、イランハラの驕騎校イブゲネらを同地方に送ったが、このときイブゲネらは、日本本土製のよろい・刀・漆器などをもち帰っている。それから雍正十年にはイブゲネらを再度サハリンに送り、中・南部のアイヌを始めとする、全部で百四十六戸の住民を従属させた。この結果清の勢力は、サハリンの南端に達して、サハリンのほぼ全島がその勢力下に置かれたのである。In 1690 (the twenty-ninth year of the Kangxi reign) the Qing government dispatched nine investigative parties to the regions on the left bank of the Amur River in order to certify the border with Russia, which had been determined by the Treaty of Nerchinsk the previous year. One of the parties reached the northern part of the Sakhalin. Then, in 1709 (296) and 1711 the Qing again dispatched parties to the Maritime Province and the northern part of Sakhalin in order to create a new map of East Asia, ''she Map of a Comprehensive View of Imperial Territory" 皇輿全覧図. But the parties were unable to investigate the central and southern parts of Sakhalin. In 1726 (the fourth year of Yongzheng reign) and 1727, the Qing and Russian governments entered diplomatic negotiations in Peking concerning the border between the two countries. They discussed the demarcation lines of not only the Mongol district but also the Uda River district, which had not been settled during the negotiations for the Treaty of Nerchinsk. On this occasion the two countries exchanged and examined each other's maps. The Russian ambassador provided the Qing ambassadors Homann's atlas, in which there was depicted an enormous Kamchatka peninsula to which the legendary land of Yezo had been appended in the south. Ultimately, the two countries were unable to decide on the border in the Uda River district at the Peking conference, and the Russian view that Yezo was the territory of Russia caused alarm within the Qing government. Therefore immediately after the conference, the Qing government began to investigate the central and southern parts of Sakhalin in order to clarify the geographical relationship between Sakhalin and Yezo. In 1727 the Qing government sent Daiju, who lived in the lower reaches of the Amur River but happened to have been in Peking, to the eastern coast of central Sakhalin. In 1729 it dispatched bannermen such as Ibgene, a Lieutenant in Ilan hala, to the same district in order to clarify the relationship with Sisa gurun (Japan). They collected and brought back Japanese armor, swords, and lacquer ware. Then in 1732, the Qing again dispatched Ibgene and others to Sakhalin. They subordinated three clans of the Ainu people in the central and southern areas as well as three clans of the Nivkhi people in the northern part of the island, totaling 146 households in all. As a result of these efforts, the Qing advanced to the southern end of the Sakhalin, and obtained control of almost all the island.