南都 奈緒子
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.90, no.6, pp.893-926, 2007-11

自治体史の序文には、住民を共同体の成員へと組み入れる意図がしばしば見受けられる。過去の共有により成立する「記憶の共同体」がここから立ち上げられているとすれば、自治体史は住民の共同性を支えるメディアなのだろうか。 山梨県の「恩賜林」は、小物成地から官有地、御料地、県有地へと、明治期に所有を転々とした林野である。本稿はこれに関する市町村史の歴史叙述を事例とし、ローカル・ヒストリーのもつ共同体構築志向の内実を検討した。二つの事例地域からは、「記憶の共同体」の設定にそれぞれの地域事情が反映されていることが明らかになった。全県の市町村史からは、実質的な「記憶の共同体」が市町村の領域よりも小さいもの、市町村の領域と一致するもの、全県にまで拡大されたものの三類型が得られ、本文中の歴史叙述に注目するとき、自治体史から立ち上げられる「記憶の共同体」は自治体の領域に必ずしも一致しないことが示された。
浅野 清
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.47, no.5, 1964-09

上松 俊弘
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.85, no.1, pp.64-87, 2002-01

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり本稿の目的は、ビッドル来航時の日本側の対応、およびその後の洋式軍艦導入問題を分析することにより、弘化・嘉永期の海防政策とビッドル来航の意味を問うことにある。そのビッドルは、弘化三年(一八四六) に本格的な帆船戦列艦を率いて来航したが、その際日本との対応において開戦の危機が生じたのであった。このビッドルショックともいうべき事件により、幕府は海防政策の見直しをすすめたが、そのなかで洋式軍艦の導入問題が焦点の一つとなった。洋式軍艦導入による海上防御を主張する浦賀奉行の意見は、海防四家や海防掛などが主張する台場による陸上防御案の前に幕府内部での合意を得ることができなかった。したがって、阿部政権は陸上防御の海防方針をとり、その後の御備場見分の際に提出された復命書をほぼ完全に実施していったのである。Commodore Biddle's expedition, which culminated in his anchoring of a squadron American warships in the vicinity of Uraga bay in 1846, nearly led to war, and accordingly caused a political crisis, as the Tokugawa bakufu struggled with the notion of how to defend Japan from foreign navies. This study intends to reveal the parameters of debate concerning the defense of Japanese waters during the years 1846-53, particularly regarding whether or not japan was to purchase a western-style warship. The bakufu official in charge of the defense of Uraga bay (the Uraga bugyo 奉行) advocated the purchase of a western-style warship, but they were overruled by the both the bakufu official in charge of naval defense (the kaibo kakari 海防掛) and the four daimyo houses responsible for naval defenses (the kaibo yonke 海防四家), who in fact advocated the construction of coastal batteries. Accordingly, the Abe regime had no choice but to promote the creation of these coastal batteries.
向井 佑介
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.87, no.5, pp.563-602, 2004-09

桑林 賢治
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.100, no.3, pp.403-426, 2017-05

In 2005, the Japanese government expanded its list of cultural properties to include cultural landscapes (bunkateki keikan 文化的景観). Medieval manors in particular were evaluated and selected for conservation based on their historical significance. Human geographers have pointed out that evaluations on the basis of heritage are often limited to or exclude specific periods of history. For example, manorial-landscape evaluations tend to focus primarily on the era in which the manor was functional rather than the present, and neglect how the landscape has been transformed over time. Accordingly, spatial-scale evaluation is also necessary to understand how local residents perceive a cultural landscape and participate in its formation and conservation. Inasmuch as residents'perceptions do not necessarily coincide with the official evaluation, conservation would hinge on both largescale assessment and local-scale considerations. Given the perspective described above, the evaluation of manorial cultural landscapes must be executed in connection with historical views as well as spatial issues. Hence, this paper considers the inherent problems in conservation as a result of conflict between historical evaluation and current local understandings of manorial landscapes. The study area, Ōgi 大木 district, Izumisano City, Osaka Prefecture, was home to the medieval manor Hineno-shō 日根荘, owned by the Kujō family, and it was designated a national historic site in 1998. Later, in 2013, Ōgi district was registered as "The Rural Landscape of Hineno-shō Ōgi" (nōson keikan 農村景観). The findings are summarized as follows: First, there is a gap between the historical evaluation and the residents'consciousness regarding the history represented by the landscape of the Ōgi district. The former emphasizes the landscape's connection with the period of the functioning of Hineno-shō and ignores other periods, whereas the latter dismisses the landscape's relation to one particular time period, and focuses on it a more ambiguous unspecified past. Furthermore, efforts to strengthen the historical value of the area by unifying the cultural landscape with the national historic site can be seen in Izumisano's official actions. In contrast, the activities of local residents do not demonstrate the same appreciation for the landscape's history. In other words, the different evaluations applied in accordance with each position are manifest in the disparate claims of the two groups. Under the circumstances, most residents have a positive view of the registration and conservation of the landscape as a cultural property. Such an acceptance, however, is formulated with the understanding that historical evaluations and residents'perceptions are not in accord. There is a possibility that conflict in the Ōgi district over conservation and utilization of the landscape will arise as residents gradually acknowledge the historical significance of Hineno-shō. This study illustrates the difficulty in reaching consensus due to discordant views regarding conservation and utilization of manorial cultural landscapes.
南 基鶴
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.73, no.5, pp.p682-721, 1990-09

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり本稿は、幕府の対蒙古政策の歴史的性格を究明する試みで、その政治的・社会的背景に考察をしぼった。まず、蒙古国書に対する朝幕の対応の違いを比較し、幕府の「牒状無礼」=「返牒無用」の名分論的強硬策が朝廷の「返牒」を抑制、外交上の主導権を確保する政策であったと解した。つぎに、蒙古襲来前夜における幕府内の矛盾の爆発=「二月騒動」を分析し、この事件を経て得宗権力の政策主導権が確立されたが、得宗の政治的不安感は解消されなかったと見た。さらに、「異国征伐」計画は、御家人の動向による防禦体制の動揺を背景としており、単に外敵への攻撃に止まらず、防禦体制の強化・再編と得宗の権力基盤の拡大を図ったものと捉えた。最後に、幕府の諸国寺社への異国降伏祈祷令と諸国一宮・国分寺の興行には、国家的危機を顧みない武士=在地領主の意識と行為を規制し、幕府の将軍の権威下に彼らを結集・支配しようとする意図がこめられていたと理解した。The purpose of this paper is to examine the historical character of the Kamakura Bakufu's policy toward Mongolia, with focus on the political and social background of the policy. First, I compare the different ways the Imperial Court and the Bakufu dealt with the message from the Mongol Empire. The conclusion is that the Bakufu's strong policy to stick to formality -- which is to say that because the foreign message is impolite, the Bakufu feels no need to reply -- was to restrain the measures of replying taken by the Court and to secure the inntiative of the Bakufu in diplomatic matters. Second, I analyze the "February Strife" 二月騒動 that exposed the contradictions within the Bakufu just before the Mongol invasion. After the strife, the power of the Tokuso established the leadership of policy, but the Tokuso's consciousness of political unrest was not resolved. Third, behind the counterattack plan toward Korean Peninsular 異国征伐 there lay the instability of the defense system caused by the economic burdens and complaints of the Gokenin in Kyusu. The plan attempted not only resistance of the foreign invasion, but also the reinforcement and reorganization of the defense system as well as the extension of the power base of the Tokuso. Last, in order to restrain both the thought and behavior of warriors who had not considered the national crisis, and to unite and control them under the authority of the Shogun, the Bakufu gave orders that the temples and shrines in various provinces pray for the surrender of the foreign enemies, and conducted the restoration of the Ichinomiya and Kokubunji in various provinces.
朴 秀哲
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.83, no.2, pp.171-196, 2000-03

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり織田政権による寺社支配の性格については、二つの説が対立しつづけている。本稿では、それを前提に、主に織田政権における寺社支配の原理や構造について考察した。まず、信長の寺社支配類型を、(1)「全面的弾圧」型、(2)「全薦的保護」型、(3)「一部保護」型の三つに分類した。それを通して先行研究のように、信長の寺社弾圧・「根切」政策と寺社保護・寺社領「温存・回復」政策の中で、どちらかだけを重視するのは見直す必要があると強調した。そして、三つの類型にわかれる基準について分析し、忠節→保護・敵対→弾圧の論理を提示した。また、信長が軍事的奉公=忠節を寺社に求める事例は、主に天正初期に集中しており、織田政権の安定化につれ、その数が激減してしまう現象とその意義を考察した。次に、信長における寺社支配の展開について検証した。特に従来にはほとんど言及されなかった、信長の高野山に対する「悔返し」主張がもつ意味を分析し、それと秀吉とのつながりについて糾明した。また、天正一〇年甲・信地方における「礼銭免除」政策をとりあげ、中でも「取次銭」の免除に注目した。礼銭は中世、とりわけ室町・戦国期に盛んであり、ほぼ全時期にわたって織田政権も室町幕府と同様に、礼銭のしくみから脱皮しえず、慣行化した中世以来の礼銭構造は依然として続いていた。本稿では、織田政権がかかる構造からの脱皮へとその方向を転換したのを、この甲・信地方の「礼銭免除」政策とし、織田政権における一つの画期として天正一〇年に注目すべきだと提唱した。There are two conflicting theories regarding the characteristics of management of religious institutions under the Oda regime, but both theories lack adequate explanation about the system. Thus this paper considers the regime's principle and structure of the management system of shrines and temples. In Chapter 1, the characteristics of Nobunaga's management of religious institutions can be divided into three different categories; overall oppression, overall protection and partial protection. In this paper, I argued that these three categories were neither confronting nor contrary to each other; in fact, they co- existed. This paper examines the basis on and criteria under which Nobunaga divided the system into 3 categories, and mentions the concept of loyalty- protection and resistance-oppression. Increasingly, Nobunaga demanded military duty as a sign of loyalty to him around the Tensho period but his demand subsided as the regime secured stability. This paper will also examine the implication of this phenomenon. Chapter 2 considers the development of management over religious institutions during the Oda regime. I will examine implications of Nobunaga's call for recapturing (悔返し) the Koyasan temple in the Tensho 8, and point out that Nobunaga tried to break away from the Middle Age concept. The recapturing plan was carried over to the Toyotomi regime and was included in his policy framework. In relation to the Reisen (礼銭) Exemption policy, which was carried out in Kai and Shinano provinces under Nobunaga's command in Tensho 10, the emphasis was placed on the clause prohibiting commission (取次銭), which was also included in the policy framework. From the previous period, Nobunaga, like Muromachi Bakufu, found it difficult to depart from the Reisen structure, which had become customary and used to be carried out since the Middle Ages. The Reisen Exemption policy was the indication of Nobunaga's effort to reform the old structure and therefore, the Year of Tensho 10 should be seen as one of the defining moments in the annals of the Oda Regime.
前川 貞次郎
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.35, no.1, pp.1-37, 1952-05

櫛木 謙周
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.62, no.5, pp.p756-764, 1979-09

虎尾 達哉
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.68, no.6, pp.p815-855, 1985-11

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり本稿では、先づわが正史上において「監護喪事」のために差遣される使人を監喪使と仮称し、この監喪使が果してわが喪葬令百官在職条(監喪規定) の適用を示すや否やを疑い、次で階唐監護使とわが監喪使の実態を各々検討・比較した上で、正史における監喪使辞退の諸例と葬司辞退のそれとの類似性を手掛りに遂に監喪使の実体を装束・山作両司によって構成される葬司長・次官級官人五位以上と考定するに至った。この葬司はやがて『延喜式』太政官・葬官条(葬司規定) に継承される何らかの慣例・法規によって編成されたと想定される。そして、さらにこの間の事情を考察した結果、唐令の継受によるわが監喪規定はその不可欠の前提たる体系的喪礼の未継受・欠如のために適用に至らず、実際には天皇・皇后等の御葬司に準ずるわが国固有の葬司の編成が行われたとの推定に及んだのである。In the historiography of ancien Japan we can often find the acounts of funeral supervisors temporarily appointed when dignity died. This papre persues the substance of such funeral supervisors recorded in history. The results are as follows. 1) Those funeral supervisors were not in accordance with the provision in Taiho 大宝 and Yoro 養老 code which established funeral supervisors. 2) Substantially they were a chairman or vice-chairman of two commisions : one was engaged in dignifying a funeral, and the other in building a grave. 3) Ancient Japanese governors adopted the provision of funeral supervision from T'ang, 清 but not the systematic Confucian courtesy of funeral which was indispesable to funeral supervision. That is the reason why none was actually appointed to supervise a funeral in Japan. 4) Instead of funeral supervisors, the two commissions were organized in imitation of several commissions organized in case of Emperor's death or empress's. This institution was peculiar to Japan.
和田 光弘
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.70, no.5, pp.p733-765, 1987-09

鈴木 直志
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.93, no.1, pp.71-97, 2010-01

成田 千尋
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.99, no.2, pp.257-289, 2016-03

小林 准士
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.96, no.4, pp.525-565, 2013-07

魚津 知克
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.100, no.1, pp.178-211, 2017-01

佐々木 博光
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.101, no.2, pp.427-446, 2018-03

For the generations who experienced the overwhelming influence of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber, the image of Calvinists devoting themselves to the accumulation of money in order to expand their own enterprises is incompatible with an altruistic spirit represented by alms and charity. However, Calvinists were in fact devoted to relief of the poor and they developed their own system, the diaconate. Here I clarify the important role the diaconate played for Calvinists in leading a devout life by showing the results of regional historical studies on poor relief under the institution. A newmeaning for the word "diaconate" came from the Jean Calvin's understanding of the Bible. In his 1541 Ecclesiastical Ordinances, Calvin explained four important roles inside the church, that of pastor, elder, teacher and deacon, and regarded the diaconate as an office for poor relief within the community of the faithful, while Luther and Zwingli still followed the old Catholic understanding of "attendant clerical servant." Calvin accounted for this change by referring to the descriptions of the ancient church in Acts 5 [6: 1-6]. Calvinists established an office for relief of the poor within the household of the faithful, while the Lutheran and Zwinglian left poor relief to the city government. Thus, conflict between the diaconate and the civic official would often occur. In this paper I address case studies of Geneva in the early modern era, Lyon and Nîmes in France under the Edict of Nantes from 1598 to 1685, and six cities in Holland from 1572 to 1620. For Geneva, I make use of articles on municipal poor relief by Robert M. Kingdon and a book by Jeannine E. Olson on the private fund called the Bourse française, which was chiefly used to support religious refugees from France. The Geneva diaconate appeared only within the Bourse française. The deacons helped not only the poor themselves but also those on the doorstep of poverty by hiring them for many tasks, especially sewing, errand-running and child care. The deacons occupied themselves with poverty in a double fashion, both in ameliorating measures and prevention. For Lyon and Nîmes, I relied on articles by Wilma J. Pugh. As regards France, where under the Edict of Nantes Catholics and Protestants rivaled one another, I compare the conditions of the poor in Lyon, where Catholics consistently dominated Protestants with those in Nîmes, where both communities were equally matched. The frequency of charitable bequests was under the Catholic church in Nîmes overwhelming higher than in Lyon, while the frequency was equal under the Reformed church in Nîmes and Lyon. In Nîmes the frequency of bequests by the Catholics rivaled that of the Reformed church. I summarized concluding that competition between the two confessions was sometimes favorable for the development of municipal administration of poor relief. For Holland, I made use of Charles H. Parker's study of poor relief in the six cities of Gouda, Leiden, Dordrecht, Amsterdam, Harlem and Delft. These were of great help for my study of the diaconate. The poor relief in early modern times has often been considered from the viewpoint of discipline: that is of howto make the poor become independent, as seen in the earlier scholarship of Michel Foucault and Bronisław Geremek. Based on his individual research in Delft, Parker paid special attention to the fact that although some of the poor were clearly refused attendance at communion due to a moral lapse, not all of them were immediately excluded from poor relief. In most cases, when the poor were initially charged with a transgression, the deacons did not cut them off automatically. It is not difficult to imagine that there were humanitarian concerns about maintaining a minimum standard of living and a strong push from influential figures, but those factors appear to be insufficient. The relief for the poor by the deacons did not aim at a hard and active disciplining of the poor as might be assumed, but at a soft disciplining that patiently waited for selfimprovement by the poor themselves. It was often said that the Calvinist Reformation led to the growth of individualism in Europe. However, when seen from the viewpoint of relief of the poor, it was obviously "a Reformation of the community". In conclusion I indicate that it is highly probable that an antithesis to the hard-edged European images that we have held of the "capitalist spirit" of Weber and of the theories of discipline of Foucault can be seen in the poor relief of the Calvinists.