沢山 美果子 Mikako Sawayama
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.40, no.3, pp.459-483, 2016-01-28

本稿では,江戸時代,とくに女と子どものいのちを救うための努力がなされていった18 世紀後半以降の民間療法に焦点をあてる。歴史人口学の研究成果によれば,江戸時代,女性が出産でいのちを失う率は高く,また乳児死亡率も高かった。「家」の維持・存続を願う人々にとって,女と子どものいのちを守ることは,重要な課題であった。そのため,江戸時代には,人々の生活経験をもとにした様々な民間療法が生みだされていた。ここでは,仙台藩の上層農民の家に写本として残された民間療法,その支藩である一関藩の在村医が書き残した民間療法を手がかりに,江戸時代の人々は,身体という内なる自然に起きる危機としての妊娠,出産にどのように対処し,母と赤子のいのちを守ろうとしたのか,そこには,どのような自然と人間をめぐる人々の認識や身体観が示されているかを探った。 考察の結果,次のことが明らかとなった。江戸時代後期には,人々が生活の中で経験的に蓄積してきた身体をめぐる民間の知恵を文字化した民間療法が広く流布していくが,そこに記された,妊娠・出産をめぐる処方,とりわけ対処が困難な難産の処方では,自然の生産物である動植物や清浄な身体からの排泄物が用いられる。それは,脅威としての自然を恵としての自然につくりかえ,自然と人間の一体化を図り身体を回復させることで,内なる自然に起きた困難を取り除こうとする試みであった。そこには,江戸時代の人々の,自然と人間を切り離せないものとして捉える捉え方が示されている。
若曽根 了太 若曽根 了太
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.46, no.1, pp.1-69, 2021

仏教的王権観念の地域への浸透は,中心から周縁への不可逆的な力の作用の結果として議論されることが多い。本稿では 19 世紀後半から 20 世紀初頭シャム東北地方ラオ社会(周縁)における仏教的王権観念の展開を,ラオス山地社会(外縁)を含む地域の視点で見直し,史料に依拠して描く。明示されたのはラオの聖者が,山地の先住民カーに支えられる神話的王権の力を宗教運動で取り込み,仏教的王権の神聖性を支える力へ転換させた点である。これは頭陀行僧による仏法をピーの上位におく信仰の序列化と並行し,結果シャム王権の仏教国教化を担うタンマユット派の地域進出を支えた。つまり仏教的王権観念の地域への浸透は,周縁と外縁のカリスマ宗教者の活動に依拠したと考えるのが妥当である。中心―周縁―外縁の枠組みは,中心を受容しうる周縁の動態性やロジックを可視化させ,中心史観の相対化をはかる点で有効である。Penetration of the Buddhist concept of kingship in a region is understood to be the result of an action with irreversible force, extending from the center to the periphery. The examination described in this paper draws on the history of kingship in the Buddhist conception of northeastern Lao society, which existed on the periphery of Siam during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with a perspective from the regional context of Lao mountain society (outer edge) using historical documents. Results indicate that the power of mythical kingship of the indigenous Kha people in these mountains was usurped by Lao saints in a religious movement and was transformed by them into a force of Buddhist kingship. This usurpation accompanied the growth of a pecking order in faith among head ascetic monks, who positioned the Buddha-dharma above and the spirits below. Consequently, they supported regional penetration of the Thammayut group, which was responsible for Buddhist thought on Siamese kingship. It is reasonable to assume that penetration of the Buddhist concept of kingship into the area was based on the activity of charismatic religious leaders of the periphery, including mountainous areas. The center – periphery – outer edge framework is useful for visualizing the dynamics and logic of a periphery that can accept the center and which can relativize the view of central history.
庄司 博史 Hiroshi Shoji
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.22, no.4, pp.765-801, 1998-03-31

The recent dissolution of the Soviet Union has had manifold effectson the reorganization of nations and small ethnic groups, especially inborder areas. In this article I examine problems that confront the Setos,a small Estonian subgroup in the southeastern border area of Estonia.After briefly reviewing the birth of the Estonian nation, I will describethe historical background of Petseri question, one of the Russo-Estonianterritorial disputes. I will then highlight practical problems and conflictsthat have arisen from the dispersion of the Seto community, following recentdemarcation of the border.Disintegration of the Soviet Union was definitely put into full swingby the successful departure of the three Baltic republics. Estonia, accordingto its present formal stand, should recover the whole territory as of1940, when it was annexed to the Soviet Union by military force threat.In fact, most part of Estonia's former Petseri region (Pechora in Russian), in the Southeast, has remained under de facto Russian control.Until 1920, the Petseri region was part of the Russian Pskov Province(guberniya) , but it was ceded with its inhabitants to the newly bornEstonian Republic by the Tartu Peace treaty, which recognized for thefirst time the independency of Estonia with clear borders. Almost twothirds of the approximately sixty thousand inhabitants of Petseri were,however, ethnic Russians, whereas three fourths of the remaining twentythousand Estonians were orthodox Setos. Estonia, during its shorthistory of independence, tried to integrate and 'civilise' the Setos, whohad been denigrated for example for their distinct dialect and conservativeliving traditions. Later in 1945, after reintroduction of the Sovietregime, three quaters of Petseri were again restored to Russia's PskovProvince (now termed oblast) , thus dividing the Setos into two administrativelydifferent areas.Due to the very limited sovereign controle of borders betweenformer Soviet republics, local residents could freely cross borders for dailyneeds in many areas. Setos on both sides were therefore able to keepclose contacts with each other.For local communities, real problems have only emerged in the early1990's with Estonia's splitting from the Soviet Union, and with its aspirationto recover the whole Petseri territory. Russia reacted to this invarious ways, including unilateral demarcation of a border, that dividesthe Setos into two groups that are unable to maintain regular and dailycontacts.The Setos launched efforts to preserve and activate Seto culturaltraditions in the late 1980s, and they see the present border issue as extremelythreatening to both daily life and to their cohesion as an ethnicgroup. The present paper examines the growth and vacillation of Setoethnic consciousness in the face of conflicts between Russia and Estonia.
小長谷 有紀 小長谷 有紀
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.45, no.3, pp.517-567, 2021

本稿は,19 世紀末から 20 世紀初頭にかけてモンゴルを訪問したさまざまな調査隊が撮影した写真について,研究上の重要な資料として利用されるように概要を紹介するものである。一次資料となる写真は各国のアーカイブなどで保管されているため,国別に扱う。具体的には,ロシア地理学協会などの地理学協会や,北欧諸国の博物館など,調査隊の派遣元や資料の所在地ごとに写真コレクションを紹介する。こうした総合的な紹介は,とりわけコレクションの横断的な比較分析研究に寄与するであろう。
八杉 佳穂 Yoshiho Yasugi
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.14, no.3, pp.519-670, 1990-02-28

Numeral systems of Middle American Indian languagesshow an enormous variety of ways of forming number words.But fundamental methods of counting are quinary, decimal andvigesimal. There may, however, exist no language having a purevigesimal system, which would require nineteen different numerals.So-called vigesimal systems generally have a decimal undertwenty, and very few languages possess only one system throughout.Therefore, terms such as quinary and decimal should beused under twenty and that of vigesimal over twenty. Thatis, I discuss separately numeral systems below ten, from ten totwenty, and above twenty. In this paper I limit myself to ananalysis of structural features, although I am interested incomparing each vocabulary.As a rule, numeral words are formed from combinations ofD and U, such as D x U+D, U x D+D, D+D x U, D+U x D.In this expression, the symbols U and D denote the numeralscorresponding to the unit- or base-word and the digit or minornumbers, respectively. For example, the number 33 is writtenas 3 x 10+3, of which 3 is D and 10 is U.Under 10, we have two systems, quinary and decimal.Quinary systems are observed in Southern Uto-Aztecan,Tarascan, Northern Otomanguean, Mixe-Zoquean, Sumu andCabecar-Chiripo (Fig. 2). But subtraction occurs in the case ofnine, and multiplicative or duplicative method in numbers 4and 8 in northern part of Middle America. Mixe-Zoquean showa quinary system, but the formation from 7 to 9 seems irregular,except in Tlahuitoltepec and Classical Mixe. Misquito hasalso rare system based on 6, for the numbers from 6 to 9.From 10 to 20, additive constructions with a base of 10 arecommon, but both orders of D+U and U+D are attested. Theformer is seen in Mayan, and the latter in other languages. ButHuastec, a Mayan language, has U+D order. This must havebeen obtained from neighboring languages, such as Totonacan orOtomian. The difference in formation of the number words11 and 12 divides the Mayan into Lowlands and Highlands.Numeral systems of the Southern Otomanguean are purelydecimal below 10, but follow the quinary method from 10 to 20and counting by twenties from 20 to 100. But NorthernOtomanguean possess some trace of the quinary method under10. The Tlapanec number sequence from 11 through 19follows the Southern Otomanguean pattern, although thegenetically related language, Subtiaba shows decimal under 20.Therefore, the quinary system mixed with decimal in Tlapanecmight have been borrowed from neighboring languages (Fig. 3).Thorough decimal systems are found in Seri, Northern Uto-Aztecan languages, and some Chibchan languages. Otherlanguages show vigesimal systems, of which additive constructionswith a preceeding unit (undercounting) are common, andadditive constructions with a succeeding unit (overcounting) areconfined to Lowland Mayan (including some Highland Mayan)and Yatzachi Zapotec (Fig. 4). Classical Zapotec uses asubtractive method for the five numbers below the next unit.From 20 up, Mayan languages show an interesting formation.Undercounting and overcounting are distinguished geographically(Fig. 6). Unit words for twenties, such as *k'a l, *winaq,*tah- or *may are used differently (Figs. 7-11). Although thevigesimal system is predominant throughout Middle America,the center is Mesoamerica and the system of the southernlanguages beyond Mesoamerica is different, that is, the coefficientsfollow the units (U x D).As shown above in the case of Huastec, borrowings are amongthe best witnesses to past contacts and relationships between oramong various languages. Many languages have borrowed theword for 100 from Spanish, but conserve their own words in thecoefficients, just like xun-sye:nta (1ˑ100) in Tzutujil. Even theword for 100 is formed from 5 x 20 in some languages, accordingto its system, and interval numbers between the hundreds areconserved (Fig. 12). That is, only a counting method byhundreds is borrowed. This indicates that only the formationprinciple can be borrowed, although borrowing is generallyexpected in lexical items.From 20 up, the modern Cakchiquel numeral sequencefollows undercounting, whereas Classical Cakchiquel conservedan overcounting system. Many languages of highland Mayahave a special word, mue' or mue for 80. This is utilized from80 to 99 in Modern Cakchiquel, but Classical Cakchiquel used itfor the numbers from 61 to 80, as indicated below;Modern Cakchiquel 60 os-k' al 61 os-k' al xun 80 xu-mue 90 xu-muc' laxuxClassical Cakchiquel os-k' al xun ru-xu-muc' xu-mueThis is another excellent example of borrowing of the principleof formation of words. In other words, only media, but notcontents, are borrowed. That is, structural or formal borrowingdoes occur.The diversity and uniformity of the numeral systems areshown plainly in the accompanying maps. On the one hand,diversity is attributed to different methods, such as decimalvigesimal,quinary-vigesimal, decimal-quinary-vigesimal, andthorough decimal. On the other, similar counting methodsextended beyond language boundaries are the result of borrowing,as mentioned above.
三尾 稔
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.41, no.3, pp.215-281, 2017

インド西部の都市ウダイプルでは,かつての支配者であるラージプートの貴族が不遇の死を遂げた後に霊となった存在サガスジーを神として崇拝する信仰が近年人気となっている。この信仰においては,聖典やそれに関する言説は重視されず,神霊の像としての現れに働きかけ,五感を通じて神格と交流するという実践こそが最重要とされる。神像は「ラージプートらしさ」を信者たちが意思を働かせあう形でこの世に具現させたものだが,像を現出させる究極的な行為主体はサガスジー本体であることが強調され,人間の意思の主体性は否定されるところにこの信仰の特性があった。しかし,中間層の信者が中心となるある社では,神像の現れに関わる信者側の個性や主体性が強調される傾向がある。この傾向はサイバー空間に現れたサガスジーにおいては一層顕著となっている。 本論文は図像優位的な神霊信仰に関わる宗教実践の特性を,神像と人,人と人の社会関係を総体的に捉える視点から解明し,その特性の変化の要因を現代インドの社会変化と関連づけて考察する。Recently, religious cults centered on Sagasjī—spirits originated from exnobleRajputs who died unfortunate deaths—have become popular among thecitizens of Udaipur in western India. Lacking any sacred texts or discourse,the cults treat religious practices as crucially important, working on theimages of the spirits and interacting with them through the corporeal senses.The images of the spirits take concrete 'Rajput-like' form through thecollaboration of followers' imaginations about 'Rajput-ness.' However, theytraditionally negate human individuality and the intention for spirits' embodimentin the images, with the supreme agency being ascribed to the spiritsthemselves. However, at one shrine for a certain spirit, where the bulk of followerscome from the urban middle class, the emphasis tends to be on thehuman intention for the materialization of the spirits. Moreover, that tendencyis even more conspicuous as the Sagasjī appears in cyberspace.This paper elucidates the characteristics of the religious practice of figurity,particularly that of spirit cults, considering the social relationshipsbetween the images and human beings as well as those among followers. Italso explores why those characteristics have changed against the backgroundof contemporary Indian social change.
八杉 佳穂 Yoshiho Yasugi
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.33, no.2, pp.139-225, 2009-01-30

ローマ字入力漢字仮名交じり変換という画期的な方法とコンピュータの技術進歩のお蔭で,自由に日本語が書けるばかりか,検索も自由に行われるようになり,書記法の問題は解決された感がある。しかし日本語の書記法については,難しいとか,国際化に適さないというような否定的な見解がいまだに多い。それらはアルファベットが一番進化した文字であるという進化思想や,西欧の基準を無理やり日本に適用させたことに起因している。 本論では,マヤ文字とかアステカ文字など中米の文字体系から得られた知見をもとにして,漢字仮名交じりやアルファベットの文字体系にまつわる「常識」を検討している。文字の本質は,意味ある単位をいかに表わすかということ,すなわち,表語である。一見やさしくみえるアルファベットも,表語という観点からみると,漢字となんらかわるところはない。 漢字仮名交じり表記法は,世界でほかにない珍しい書記体系だから,国際標準と信じられているアルファベットにかえなければならないのではなく,唯一無二であるから,学び磨き伝えていかなければならないという思想こそ大切である。
福岡 まどか Madoka Fukuoka
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.40, no.2, pp.349-367, 2015-11-27

The Indian epic poem the Ramayana has become widespread throughoutmany regions of Southeast Asia, being adopted as the main theme in variousperforming art forms such as theatre, dance drama, and mask dance upto the present day. In Indonesia, the art forms include wayang kulit (shadowpuppets), wayang golek (rod puppets) and sendratari (dance drama).This study takes up the subject of the Ramayana epic poem in Indonesiancomic works, indicating their characteristic structures and plots. Amongthe Indonesian comic books, the works of R. A. Kosasih (1919–2012) arethe best-known and most successful. His comic style is called komik wayangbecause of its close relationship to wayang theatre. Kosasih adopted manyepisodes from the wayang tradition, but dealt with them in his own way. Heintentionally changed the episodes and developed his own adaptation of theRamayana tale. In the process he created a new version that is not peculiar toany specific region such as Java, Sunda or Bali. Through the production ofcomic books, Kosasih succeeded in presenting the entire plot of Ramayanain a unique manner.
柳沢 英輔 Eisuke Yanagisawa
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.38, no.3, pp.421-453, 2014-03-25

本稿は,ベトナムにおけるキン族のゴング製作方法について,中部沿岸部のホイアン近郊にあるフッキウ村を事例に報告するものである。フッキウ村では,ゴング製作の知識や技術を代々受け継いだ職人がゴングを生産し,少数民族に販売してきた。ゴング製作の工程は,1 日目に原型の製作を,2 日目に鋳込み,研磨,調音などの作業を行う。鋳造によるゴング製作では原型の製作が最も重要であり,特に高度な技術を要する。また職人は少数民族の需要に合うように,鋳込みの材料に使用する金属の種類やその配合割合を変えている。村で最も優れたゴング製作職人の一人,ユン・ゴック・サン氏は,鋳造したゴングを少数民族ごとに異なる音色,音階に調律することができる。このようにゴング製作職人は,少数民族の需要に合わせてゴングを製作することで,ベトナムのゴング文化を支えてきた。
黒崎 龍悟 Ryugo Kurosaki
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.39, no.2, pp.271-313, 2014-11-28

自然植生が大きく後退したアフリカ農村における植林の普及は重要な現代的課題である。アフリカ農村での植林の実態については,人々の植林する動機に焦点を当てた研究が蓄積されてきた。しかし,植林技術が地域社会でどのように受容され継承されてきたかについての詳細な研究はほとんどない。本論文では,植民地期から植林の歴史をもつタンザニア南部の農村を対象にして,植林のような多年にわたる取り組みを必要とする外来技術が,地域社会にどのように根づいていくのかについて考察することを目的とした。同村ではイギリス委任統治時代に植林技術が持ち込まれ,村人は徐々に植林を受容していき,1950年代頃から積極的に植林を始める村人が現れ,2000 年以降には植林に取り組む人数が目に見えて増加していた。本論文では,関連政策や開発プロジェクトなどの動向を考慮しつつ,個々人の植林行動を長期的に追うことで,村人がどのような動機で,またどのような条件の下で植林を試み/繰り返しているのかを明らかにする。そして,植林技術の伝わる複数の経路について着目し,植林技術が地域社会内で広がり,世代を越えて継承されていく様子を動態的に把握する。
小山 修三 杉藤 重信 Shuzo Koyama Shigenobu Sugito
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-39, 1984-03-31

This paper applies techniques of computer simulation to theanalysis of Jomon demographic patterns. The computer programsare based on the following assumptions: (1) Population grows exponentially,with the equation Nt=No*evt; (2) there is an upperlimit to population size in a given area, termed carrying capacity(K); and (3) at the level K, population growth stops. In this program,we divided Japan into nine regions, such that when populationreaches the level K, the surplus migrates to other areas, according toprobablistic models.In dealing with carrying capacity, we initially assign the constantM, a hypothetical population maximum for an area; subsequentlyM is converted to K as a consequence the impact of climate andtechnology.Pollen analysis indicates significant climatic change during theJomon Period. This was precipitated by a warming trend, whichbegan after the last glacial, and continued until about 6000 B.P.,followed by a cooling trend which lasted until about 2000 B.P.This climatic wave caused significant change in the vegetation of theJapanese archipelago. In the East during the warming trend,coniferous forests were replaced by deciduous Fagus-Quercus forests,comprised of a variety of nut-bearing trees, which constituted animportant food source for the Jomon people. However, the nutbearingtrees are sensitive and often succumb in cold weather. Basedon these facts, we assume that carrying capacity increased during thewarming trend and decreased during the cooling trend in the regionsof East Japan. In West Japan, however, Yasuda [1980] suggeststhat during the warming trend the environment deteriorated owing todry summers. So here we assume that carrying capacity declinedduring the warming trend and then remained constant.The technology of Jomon food production, including the toolelements used for hunting, fishing and gathering, are well known froman early stage in East Japan. Thus we assume that although tools musthave been refined and systematized as Eastern Jomon technologydeveloped, they were not powerful enough to influence carryingcapacity, because the system did not prevent population decline in thecooling period. By contrast, farming, the true technological innovation,introduced from the Asian continent to Kyushu, changedJomon society into an agricultural one. In this simulation we stipulatethat when rice is introduced into a region it not only doubles theratio of population growth but also increases carrying capacity(five times).The results were compared with earlier estimates [KOYAMA 1978]based on the number of sites. Both data coincide well, especiallywith respect to the population curve throughout the Jomon period.In the East this curve shows a sharp increase of population until theMiddle Phase, where a rapid decline is observed (Late Phase). Inthe West population remained almost constant throughout the entireperiod. During the Jomon, the distribution of pupolation was highin the East, whereas in the Yayoi it was high in the West—representinga complete reversal between the two periods.
杉本 良男 Yoshio Sugimoto
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.40, no.2, pp.267-309, 2015-11-27

Yuki Konagaya 小長谷 有紀
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.45, no.3, pp.517-567, 2021-01-28

本稿は,19 世紀末から 20 世紀初頭にかけてモンゴルを訪問したさまざまな調査隊が撮影した写真について,研究上の重要な資料として利用されるように概要を紹介するものである。一次資料となる写真は各国のアーカイブなどで保管されているため,国別に扱う。具体的には,ロシア地理学協会などの地理学協会や,北欧諸国の博物館など,調査隊の派遣元や資料の所在地ごとに写真コレクションを紹介する。こうした総合的な紹介は,とりわけコレクションの横断的な比較分析研究に寄与するであろう。
佐々木 史郎 Shiro Sasaki
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.10, no.2, pp.451-480, 1985-10-22

The Evenk is the largest group of Tungus-Manchuspeakingpeoples in Siberia. Their bear festival is the so called"mountain-bear festival", a series of rites based on a bearhunted in its den. This paper examines a social aspect of thisfestival in order to attempt to solve problems concerning theirhunting-breeding organization which have not been dealt withby S. M. Shirokogoroff in his studies.The bear festival of the Evenks is usually held in autumn.It consists of a series of rites of bear hunting, skinning, meatcooking,feasting, and burial of the bear's bones. There is noqualification for participation, and anyone in a camp or a village,sometimes even forigners, can take part in the feast. Participantscan be categorized as a discoverer of the bear den, nimak(he is often a wife's brother of the discoverer), hunters, elders,and others. But some rules must be observed by each participant,according to his role in the festival. They often represent rulesor principles of hunting-breeding organization among the Evenks.By examining the rules of each category of participant, thefollowing conclusions were reached :1) Camps or villages of the Evenks are not formed onclan membership, but on a local or economic basis;2) Therefore, hunting customs or rules, which regulatehunters-breeders' activities regardless of clan affiliation, are moreimportant than clan rules in camps or villages;3) The structural superiority of the wife-giver group overthe wife-taker group sometimes appears as a hunting custom indaily and ritual activities;4) The leadership in a camp or a village is in hands ofelders; and5) Reflecting these social phenomena, the bear festival ofthe Evenks is a camp or village festival, and is supposedlyconnected with locality.Based on that it is necessary to collect and organize huntingbreedingcustoms or rules in order to advance Shirokogoroff'sstudies and to make a more complete model of Evenk society.
Norio Niwa 丹羽 典生
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.43, no.2, pp.189-268, 2018-10-31

本稿は,日本の四年制大学における応援団を事例として,応援組織の変化と現状を分析するものである。依拠するデータは,各大学応援団が刊行する印刷物や大学の学友会関連の情報,応援団関係者が運営するホームページやソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービスなどに散在する各種の情報を中心に筆者が集約・整理した。それらの分析を通じて,以下3 点のことを示した。ひとつめが応援団の起源と拡大について。国公立大学応援団のほとんどが戦後の大学改革と時期を同じくして第二次世界大戦後に起源をもつのに対して,私立大学の古くからある応援団はそうした断絶の影響をあまり受けていないこと。また,ベビーブーム世代の進学期に大学の量的増大に合わせて多くの大学で作られるようになったこと。ふたつめは,応援団の質的変化で,応援団の典型的な型とされることもある三部構成(リーダー部,チアリーダー部,吹奏楽部)は,もとの多機能的な応援団が機能分化とジェンダー構成の変化を経た結果,比較的近年生み出されたものであること。そしてみっつめに,応援団の多くは体育会所属であるが,一定数が独立団体的な位置づけにあることである。
桑山 敬己 Takami Kuwayama
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.31, no.1, pp.27-56, 2006-09-29

This article presents my observations of American anthropology, basedon my 11 years of stay in the United States as a foreign student and later as aprofessor. It provides descriptive accounts of the ways anthropology is actuallypracticed in America. As such, it may be considered an attempt at an‘ethnography of anthropology.’The opening chapter explains my background, both academic and personal,and the reasons why I returned to Japan even after becoming a permanentresident of the United States. The second chapter emphasizes the importanceof putting America in a relative perspective, thereby regarding it as representingonly one tradition out of many possibilities, despite the country’ssuperpower status. This viewpoint is applied in the third chapter, which analyzesthe development of American anthropology by comparing it with thatof Great Britain. The fourth chapter presents my impressions of some of themost influential American anthropologists by way of anecdotes. These illustratethe personal, rather than academic, aspects of American scholarship.The fifth chapter explores social factors in the academic culture of the UnitedStates, particularly the oscillation between obedience to authority and defiancethereof. The sixth chapter compares Japanese and American traditions ofscholarship, and points out that Japan’s strength lies in its versatility, whichcompensates for its lack of depth. In the seventh chapter are discussed someof the problems with which non-Western students are faced when studyingtheir own culture with American or British professors. The last chapter definesJapan as peripheral to the ‘academic world system.’ I conclude with a pleato the next generation of Japanese anthropologists that they should improveJapan’s international standing by conducting world-class research.
山中 由里子 Yuriko Yamanaka
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.27, no.3, pp.395-481, 2003-03-24

西アジアに伝わるアレクサンドロス大王に関する言説は,イスラームという信仰と不可分な関係にある。アラブ・ペルシア文学におけるアレクサンドロスは,宗教書においてのみならず,歴史書や叙事詩においても敬虔な信徒,神に特別な権威を与えられた真の教えの布教者,聖戦の闘士,そして預言者として描かれている。 本論文ではまず,アレクサンドロスが中世イスラーム世界においてこのように神聖視されるにいたった背景を明らかにするため,『コーラン』第18章「洞窟」に登場する二本角とアレクサンドロス伝説との関連を指摘し,また,イスラームに先行する一神教であるユダヤ・キリスト教がその宗教説話の中にアレクサンドロスを取り入れた経緯を辿る。 さらに,コーラン注釈書,預言者伝集,歴史書,韻文アレクサンドロス物語など,様々な分野のアラビア語・ペルシア語作品から具体的なテキストを採り上げ,それらを分析し,より象徴的・寓意的な存在である二本角と歴史的コンテキストの中のアレクサンドロスの微妙で密接な相関関係について考察する。 最後に,中国や日本の文献にまで伝わった二本角伝承にも触れる。