佐藤 洋輔 沢宮 容子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.4, pp.356-366, 2018-10

This study examined the associations between sexual orientation, interpersonal factors, response styles, and mental health. A total of 1,330 graduate and undergraduate students—205 LGBs (lesbians, gays, and bisexuals) and 1,125 heterosexuals—completed a questionnaire on the topics of interpersonal stress, social support, two types of response styles (rumination and problem-solving), depression, and anxiety. The analysis of variance results indicated that LGB respondents reported more rumination and interpersonal stress and less social support than heterosexual respondents. Moreover, path and mediation analyses revealed that sexual orientation can increase depression and anxiety through interpersonal factors that promote rumination or inhibit problem-solving. These results suggest that LGB youth experience greater stress in interpersonal relationships, and this stress promotes maladaptive response styles that can exacerbate mental health.
伊川 美保 楠見 孝
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.4, pp.367-375, 2018-10

食品は生きるために必要な栄養分を供給するが,多くの食品に発がん物質が含まれていることも否定できない事実である。例えば,国際がん研究機関(International Agency for Research on Cancer: IARC)が 2015 年に加工肉や赤肉に発がん性があると発表したことは,マスコミで取り上げられるや否や国内で大きな話題となった(農林水産省,2015)。こうしたことから,リスクとベネフィットを比較検討して食品を選択することが重要と考えられる。The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of numeracy on risk and benefit perceptions of food. Previous studies have shown that people tend to rely on affect feelings when appraising risk and benefit. These studies have also shown that people manifest an inverse relationship between perceived risk and benefit. However, there have not been so many studies about the roles of numeracy and critical thinking on balanced perceptions of risk and benefit. Therefore, the present study used two online surveys to clarify their roles. Results showed that people with higher numeracy had better comprehension of food risk/benefit information. Results also showed that perceived risk and benefit had a positive correlation for people with higher numeracy after information had been provided. These results were similar between Study 1 on coffee (N = 461) and Study 2 on red and processed meat (N = 496). The results suggest that people with higher numeracy have balanced perceptions of food risk/benefit, relying more on numerical information than on affect.
三雲 真理子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.61, no.5, pp.291-298, 1990-12-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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This experiment was attempted to investigate the strategies of pitch coding in melody processing. Twenty-six musically trained and twenty-six musically naive subjects were instructed to make recognition for melodies after a 12-s retention interval, during which four conditions of interference (i.e. pause, interfering melody, nonsense syllables, musical note names) were interpolated. Both the standard and comparison melodies were 6-tone sequences which composed of high-tonality structure or low-tonality structure. It was found that the recognition of musicians was severely distrupted by the “note names” under a tonal melody, while it was disrupted by “interfering melody” under an atonal melody. On the other hand, the recognition of non-musicians was significantly worse than musicians, and there were no significant differences in distruptive effects between the interferences. These findings suggest that musicians could used verbal (note names) coding strategy for tonal melody and sensory pitch coding strategies (ex. humming, whistling) for atonal melody, but that non-musicians could not use any effective strategies for melody coding. Results were also discussed in relation to contour and pitch of melodies.
柳田 武夫
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.7, no.4, pp.559-596, 1932 (Released:2010-07-16)
田村 和子 井上 果子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.79, no.6, pp.506-513, 2009 (Released:2011-11-03)
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This study investigated some discriminative features of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) with both clinical and normal samples using a self-report questionnaire. This questionnaire was administered to 116 clinical outpatients (diagnoses: thirty two BPD; twenty four schizophrenia; twenty six depression; twenty nine neurosis; and five other mental disorders) and to 216 college students as a normal sample. Factor analysis produced six factors: emptiness; hallucination and egorrhea; distortional body image and acts of self-inflicted injury; impulsive acting-out; loss of emotional control; and grandiose omnipotence. Distortional body image and acts of self-inflicted injury discriminated BPD the most from the other samples. No significant differences were seen between the BPD and Schizophrenia samples in terms of the hallucination or egorrhea subscales. An intense loss of emotional control, particularly control of negative emotions such as rage, was apparent in the clinical samples, which was not evident in the normal sample.
山口 麻衣 鈴木 直人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.78, no.4, pp.441-445, 2007-10-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

The measures used in previous studies did not consider the situation where an individual exhibits impulsive behavior. The present research examines the relationship between self reported measures and behavioral measures of impulsive abandonment and panic behavior in a problem-solving situation. The self Impulsive Behavior Questionnaire (Yamaguchi & Suzuki, 2005) was the self-reported measure of the impulsive behavior tendency. The 91 undergraduate participants were grouped based on this score (high, n=31; middle, n=33; low, n=27) were used. The behavioral measures were the correct detection and commission errors on the Continuous Performance Test. The result showed that the high impulsive group made a significantly higher number of commission errors than did the low group. The findings of this study support a consistent relationship between behavioral and self-reported measures.
鈴木 孝明
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.4, pp.403-408, 2018-10
富田 真紀子 西田 裕紀子 丹下 智香子 大塚 礼 安藤 富士子 下方 浩史
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.17223, (Released:2018-11-15)

A work-family balance scale was developed for middle-aged and elderly individuals. Employed people (N =1,351, 788 men and 563 women; age range, 40 to 85 years; mean age, M = 54.82, SD = 9.86 years) in the seventh study-wave of the National Institute for Longevity Sciences-Longitudinal Study of Aging participated in the study. We hypothesized a four-factor structure consisting of “work-to-family conflict,” “family-to-work conflict,” “work-to-family facilitation,” and “family-to-work facilitation.” An item pool based on previous studies was developed and administered to the participants, and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on their responses. The results identified 16 items related to work-family balance with a four-factor structure, which supported the hypothesis (GFI = .924, RMSEA = .073). Multiple-group analysis of populations based on age group (middle-aged, elderly) and gender established the configural and measurement invariance of the scale. Moreover, reliability (α = .69―.85) and criterion-related validity were confirmed based on mental health. Furthermore, age (the 40s, 50s, 60s, over 70) and gender differences were partially identified in the four subscales that were developed.
吉田 俊和
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.45, no.4, pp.189-197, 1974-10-10 (Released:2010-07-16)

The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the energizing effect of cognitive dissonance. The hypothesis tested, derived from the Hull-Spence drive theory, stated: On a simple task, performance of Ss in the dissonant situation will be superior to that of Ss in the consonant situation. On a complex task, on the other hand, the reverse will be the case. Ss used were 80 7th-graders. Dissonance was manipulated by exposing each S to discrepancy between his self-image and his image held by his friends. The predicted Dissonance × Task interaction effect was nearly significant. Considering the factor of Ss' self-esteem affecting the effect of dissonance manipulated, the results obtained tend to support the hypothesis.
寺井 仁 三輪 和久 浅見 和亮
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.4, pp.419-428, 2013-10-25 (Released:2013-12-25)
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The Remote Associates Test (RAT) is one of the most popular tasks in experimental studies of insight in psychological and neuroscience studies. Since the RAT was originally developed for English-speaking countries, we developed a Japanese version of the RAT. This paper provides a brief overview of the structure of the task based on chunk decomposition using Japanese kanji characters and a list of sets of words as experimental stimuli, with representative data for experimental studies of insight.
新国 佳祐 邑本 俊亮 深谷 優子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.3, pp.193-201, 2012 (Released:2012-11-23)
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This study explored the phonological role of punctuation in silent reading. Previous studies have suggested that commas trigger prosodic information, such as a pause, in implicit phonological processing during reading, which influences sentence processing considerably. In this study, 24 graduate and undergraduate students read, either silently or under articulatory suppression, syntactically ambiguous Japanese sentences with different types of semantic bias. Each sentence was presented with or without a comma that was either compatible or incompatible with each semantic bias. The results showed that in the silent reading condition, commas affect the duration of sentence reading and that even a comma that was incompatible with the semantic bias increased the interpretation that each comma favored. However, in the articulatory suppressed condition these effects of commas disappeared. We concluded that commas phonologically affect the processing of syntactically ambiguous sentences, which indicates that commas elicit prosodic information when constructing phonological representations in reading.
藤井 勉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.1, pp.93-99, 2014-04-25 (Released:2014-04-15)
5 1

The present study focused on the discrepancy between explicit self-esteem and implicit self-esteem, using the Name Letter Task with 86 graduate students. In line with suggestions from previous research, participants high in explicit self-esteem but low implicit self-esteem (called “defensive high self-esteem”) showed higher in-group favoritism than participants who had high explicit and implicit self-esteem (called “secure high self-esteem”). Participants with defensive self-esteem reported higher levels of depression than secure self-esteem participants. These results strengthen the generalizability for the conceptualizations of “defensive” and “secure” high self-esteem. However, participants with low self-esteem did not show significant interactions with any variables.
西村 多久磨 村上 達也 櫻井 茂男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.4, pp.345-355, 2018 (Released:2018-10-25)

Development of prosociality and a trajectory in prosocial behaviors have been a major interest among developmental psychologists. The present study investigates age-related changes in prosocial behaviors from middle childhood to early adolescence based on the relational approach, emphasizing relations with the recipients of the prosocial behaviors (i.e., prosocial behavior toward family, strangers, and friends). A total of 1,829 Japanese students (944 boys and 885 girls) from mid-elementary and junior high schools (ages 9―14 at the time of the first measurement) participated in a one-year longitudinal study. This sample consisted of five cohorts: the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade samples. The results of the latent difference score model showed a decrease in prosocial behaviors once, as mean level of individual changes; while at the same time, the model indicated a bounce-back in prosociality after the middle of the junior high school period. Additionally, we found unique changes in prosocial behaviors toward family in the form not following the overall developmental trajectory.
藤田 統
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.30, no.2, pp.122-133, 1959 (Released:2010-07-16)
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力丸 慈圓
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.9, no.5-6, pp.901-921, 1934 (Released:2013-05-21)

Since the previous paper was published elsewhere (vol.9, No.1, of this Journal) the writer has been able to extend the range of his work both as to number of persons tested and variety of locality, by which means he was enabled to obtain the reactions of about 7500 new subjects. The present paper is a report of a part of the results derived from the combined materials, new and old.Using the chemical compound, para-ethoxy-phenyl-thio-carbamide, 8824 Japanese, 5933 Formosans (Chinese origin), 1756 natives (Formosan aborigines of various tribes) were tested and their reactions reported in writing or orally. In all races the reaction showed great individual divergences, some experiencing a bitter taste, others finding the compound sweet, sour, or salty, while by some no reaction was felt apart from tactual sensation. Roughly classified, the reactions may be said to fall into three categories-the tasteless, the bitter, and the others. The frequency proportion of the bitter reaction was the highest, the tasteless the next, and that of the others the lowest. This order was alike for all races.(cf: Tables I and II.)The actual size of the frequency percentage for the same category, however, showed the existence of a great difference between the various races. The frequency percentage of the tasteless was found to be largest for the Japanese people, the figures for the Formosans were as small as about 50% of those for the Japanese, while those for the natives were less than one eighth of those for the first. Of the three native tribes, the Atyal has the largest ratio of non-tasters, though compared with that of other races it is very low; in the case of the other two native tribes it is almost negligible. The percentages of the bitter-tasters were found to be just the inverse of those for the non-tasters, in the same order of race, as given above, i. e. lowest for the Japanese and highest for the natives. As a matter of fact, the existence of the racial difference in respect of the frequency of non-tasters of the compoud-so also that of the bitter-tasters-is doubtlessly conclusive, and would appear to deserve more extensive and analytical investigation, for such a remarkable difference promises to lead to the discovery of some essential racial characteristic of service in the study of many important aspects of scientific and practical data when more carefully elaborated. The racial difference in the frequency of the sweet and other tasters, on the other hand, presented itself as insignificant when having regard for probable errors.(cf. Tables II, III, IV.)In connection with these racial differences, some of the conditions which might be suspected as affecting the difference, and might often complicate or even lead to wrong conclusions in extreme cases, have been studied in so far as the statistical method is concerned. First: Comparing the percentages of the tasteless cases for the populations in the north, middle and the south of Formosa (average temperature: 21.6°, 22.1°, 23.1°C. respectively), no statistically significant difference was found, which suggests that no local influence affects the ratio.(cf. Table v.) Of course, since the local conditions possibly responsible for the ratio may be numerous and vary greatly, a decisive conclusion as to local influence in general has yet to be worked out. But it is demonstrated, in the present study at least, that no local influence capable of affecting the racial difference can be isolated. Second: Statistically significant differences in percentage among the tasteless was not found between the sexes of all the Japanese, Formosan and Atyal peoples.(cf. Table VI.) Moreover with the Japanese the sex difference in this category was statistically examined at age intervals of two years and the percentages of the non-tasters of the one sex was compared with that of the other in the corresponding age class.