心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.6, 2018-02
田戸岡 好香 樋口 収 唐沢 かおり
公益社団法人 日本心理学会

<p>This study investigated the consequences of suppressing negative thoughts about the food products. Consumers are still concerned about food safety after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Given that attempting to suppress stereotypical thoughts ironically leads to increased stereotype accessibility and use (rebound effect), this may be one of the reasons for continued concern. Participants were asked to describe their impressions about food coming from the disaster area. Half were instructed to suppress any negative impressions in their descriptions, whereas the other half did not receive this instruction. Participants then rated another food product from the same area. The results indicated that among participants with a low perceived vulnerability to disease, the group that was asked to suppress any negative thoughts rated the food more negatively than participants in the control group. However, among participants with a high perceived vulnerability to disease, there was no difference between the two groups because their negative impressions were likely readily accessible. We discuss the necessity of investigating a resolution for reputational damage in terms of suppression.</p>
西村 多久磨 福住 紀明 藤原 和政 河村 茂雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会

<p>The present study investigated the longitudinal changes in social skills among junior high school students. A total of 505 students (boys = 266, girls = 239) participated in a questionnaire survey every year from the first to third year of junior high school. The results of latent growth curve model indicated a decrease in <i>kakawari</i> skills consisting of assertion and developing relationships with peers, and an increase in <i>hairyo</i> skills consisting of compassion and maintaining relationships with peers. The model also revealed a positive relation between longitudinal changes in <i>kakawari</i> and <i>hairyo</i> skills. However, the results of growth mixture model extracted a profile characterized by increase in both skills and another profile characterized by a decrease in <i>kakawari</i> skills only. Considering the estimated mean level and changes of both skills, we found a widening gap in social skills among students. Furthermore, multi-group analysis for the growth mixture model indicated a sex-based difference in the changes. Overall, educational practices to facilitate <i>kakawari</i> skills are necessary for junior high school students, particularly for girls.</p>
三浦 正江 三浦 文華 岡安 孝弘
公益社団法人 日本心理学会

<p>This study compared the psychological health of children who moved to temporary housing following the Fukushima nuclear accident with those who stayed in their own houses. The questionnaire was designed to measure stress responses, positive events in daily life, positive affect, and social support. It was completed by 28 children who had evacuated from the affected area and lived in temporary housing; 106 children living in their own houses in Fukushima Prefecture; and 321 children living in a nonaffected area in Saitama Prefecture. The results showed that children who moved to temporary housing experienced more frequent bullying and play-related stressors, had less positive experiences related to events with family members and during lessons, and received less support from their teachers and friends than other children. However, the differences in living environments did not affect their stress responses or positive affect. These findings suggest the importance of providing temporary housing environments that enable children to experience close interactions with friends and adequate support from teachers.</p>
尾崎 幸謙
公益社団法人 日本心理学会

<p>Short-version questionnaires are often used in psychological research dealing with constructs, because the number of questions that the respondent must answer can be reduced. However, because such questionnaires do not include all of the items of the original scale, it is questionable whether the results have sufficient validity. In this research, a separate-version questionnaire was introduced, which can reduce the number of items in the same way as a short-version questionnaire, but is expected to have a higher degree of validity. A statistical comparison was performed between a short-version questionnaire and the introduced separate-version questionnaire, both by simulation and using real data, where the analysis model was a confirmatory factor analysis. The simulation considered the situation where the data used in a scale development study were different for the short-version and separate-version questionnaires. The results showed that the separate-version questionnaire had smaller biases than the short-version questionnaire, which indicates the usefulness of the separate-version questionnaires.</p>
福森 崇貴 後藤 豊実 佐藤 寛
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

<p>In this study, we developed a Japanese version of the Professional Quality of Life Scale for Nurses (ProQOL-JN). The scale was designed to evaluate the quality of life of people working as health care professionals and involves three subscales: compassion fatigue/secondary traumatic stress, compassion satisfaction, and burnout. The scale's reliability and validity were examined using data from 618 Japanese nurses. The results indicated that this scale had three component structures; furthermore, a test–retest correlation and an internal consistency indicated that the scale had high reliability. Correlations with the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, the Japanese version of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, and the Japanese version of the Burnout Inventory were mostly consistent with the current theory of professional quality of life, which supports the high validity of the ProQOL-JN. These results indicated that the scale has the required reliability and validity to measure nurses' quality of life.</p>
中谷内 一也 長谷 和久 横山 広美
公益社団法人 日本心理学会

<p>This study examined whether people's level of basic scientific knowledge is associated with their anxiety levels pertaining to a wide range of hazards. We conducted a nationwide survey and collected data from a highly representative sample (<i>N</i> = 1,073). Participants rated their anxiety level regarding 51 hazards as well as their level of trust in organizations regarding the management of each hazard. Additionally, they answered 11 basic scientific knowledge questions. The results of a hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that the level of people's basic scientific knowledge was associated with the level of anxiety they felt about hazards, even after controlling for the effects of sex and trust level. However, the results also suggested that the explanatory power of knowledge was low. The interpretation of these results is discussed with a focus on the deficit model of science communication.</p>
松本 明生 平岡 恭一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.3, pp.288-293, 2017 (Released:2017-08-25)

Impulsivity has been linked to traffic safety problems in many prior studies. However, it is not clear whether impulsivity, defined by the rate of discounting delayed monetary rewards, relates to drivers’ problematic behavior. We investigated the relationship between the discounting of hypothetical monetary outcomes and near accident (i.e. hiyari-hatto) experiences during driving among occupational drivers. A total of 189 occupational drivers (160 men) completed the delay discounting questionnaire and hiyari-hatto experiences scale. In completing the delay discounting questionnaire, participants were asked to perform the two delay-discounting tasks, in which they chose between ¥100,000 or ¥5,000 available after some delay (from 1 month to 5 years) or a lesser amount of money available immediately. Subjective equivalence points were obtained from participants’ choices on delay discounting questionnaires, from which the areas under the curve (AUC; Myerson et al., 2001) were calculated. The results indicated that the rate of discounting (AUC) was negatively correlated to near accident experiences. We discuss the need for future research on impulsivity, delay discounting, and traffic safety.
森 二三男
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.37, no.1, pp.39-43, 1966-04-10 (Released:2010-07-16)
扇原 貴志
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.16234, (Released:2018-03-10)

A scale for assessing the inclination for social child-rearing among university students was developed. Social child-rearing is defined as child-rearing not only by the parents but supported by society as a whole. The attitude of supporting this type of child-rearing has been called an “inclination for social child-rearing.” University students (n = 661) filled out a questionnaire and factor analysis results indicated four factors related to an inclination for social child-rearing: an orientation for problem-solving related to children and child-rearing; feelings of avoidance of children and child-rearing; an inclination toward child-rearing at home; and acceptance of the tax burden. In general, the inclination for social child-rearing was higher among women; this inclination was even higher when there were children or other child-rearing people in the participants’ proximity. Correlations with existing scales indicated that the inclination for social child-rearing was higher when social interests, social considerations, and nurturance were higher. These results indicate the concurrent validity of the scale developed in this study.
西村 多久磨 福住 紀明 藤原 和政 河村 茂雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.16048, (Released:2018-03-10)

The present study investigated the longitudinal changes in social skills among junior high school students. A total of 505 students (boys = 266, girls = 239) participated in a questionnaire survey every year from the first to third year of junior high school. The results of latent growth curve model indicated a decrease in kakawari skills consisting of assertion and developing relationships with peers, and an increase in hairyo skills consisting of compassion and maintaining relationships with peers. The model also revealed a positive relation between longitudinal changes in kakawari and hairyo skills. However, the results of growth mixture model extracted a profile characterized by increase in both skills and another profile characterized by a decrease in kakawari skills only. Considering the estimated mean level and changes of both skills, we found a widening gap in social skills among students. Furthermore, multi-group analysis for the growth mixture model indicated a sex-based difference in the changes. Overall, educational practices to facilitate kakawari skills are necessary for junior high school students, particularly for girls.
増井 啓太 下司 忠大 澤田 匡人 小塩 真司
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
vol.88, no.6, pp.566-573, 2018

<p>The purpose of this study was to develop the Japanese version of the Dispositional Greed Scale (J-DGS), and to examine its reliability and validity. The participants in this study were Japanese university students (<i>N</i> = 856). The principal component analysis indicated that the J-DGS had a unidimensional structure and adequate internal consistency. There were positive associations between the J-DGS and envy, psychological entitlement, materialism, impulsive buying behavior, extravagance, and neuroticism. Conversely, J-DGS scores were negatively correlated with self-control, self-esteem, life satisfaction, and agreeableness. These results, which are consistent with previous studies, confirmed the concurrent validity of the J-DGS.</p>
長峯 聖人 外山 美樹 三和 秀平 湯 立 黒住 嶺 相川 充
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.6, pp.587-593, 2018

<p>Research has suggested that regulatory fit creates value. In this study, the regulatory fit was defined as the fit between the regulatory focus and the advertising messages. We investigated the effects of regulatory fit on the evaluation of messages when familiarity with the message was low. This hypothesis was supported by two observations; when the familiarity with a message was low, regulatory fit was not observed among participants with a prevention focus. In contrast, regulatory fit was observed among participants with a promotion focus, with a higher preference for two-sided advertising. The significance of familiarity on the effects of regulatory fit and value is discussed.</p>
小林 智之 及川 昌典
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.6, pp.574-579, 2018

<p>It has been widely documented that egalitarianism motivates people to avoid stereotype use, which in turn facilitates intergroup interactions. However, in addition to perceptions of how the outgroup is perceived by the ingroup (stereotypes), perceptions of how the ingroup is perceived by the outgroup (meta-stereotypes) may also play an important role in intergroup interactions. We hypothesized that when negative meta-stereotypes are perceived, egalitarianism may increase vigilance toward stereotype use by the outgroup, thus exacerbating feelings of anxiety in intergroup interactions. Japanese participants were asked to report how they felt during an intergroup interaction with a Korean confederate, after being exposed to an article documenting positive or negative views Koreans might have of Japanese. The results were consistent with the notion that when negative meta-stereotypes are perceived, participants with high (versus low) egalitarianism experienced more anxiety in the intergroup interaction.</p>
井上 裕香子 長谷川 寿一 齋藤 慈子 清成 透子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
vol.88, no.6, pp.580-586, 2018

<p>The Social Value Orientation (SVO) explains individual differences in cooperation attitudes. In this study, we examine whether the SVO affects the time taken, and amount of information gathered, when judging the trustworthiness of other people. Participants were able to choose a partner based on the past allocation patterns of candidates, mimicking how people are able to select with whom they cooperate in their social environments. We investigated the effect of the SVO on the method of gathering information on character and choosing a social exchange partner. The results revealed that participants with a prosocial (cooperative) orientation took less time to choose a partner, gathered less information, and tended to choose partners who behaved equally with everyone, compared to participants with an individualistic (selfish) orientation. Our findings suggest that people with a prosocial orientation prefer partners who treat everyone equally, regardless of the relationship, while people with an individualistic orientation deliberately seek out candidates who are likely to provide a relationship which is beneficial to themselves.</p>
小林 麻衣 堀毛 一也 北村 英哉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.6, pp.525-534, 2018

<p>This two-part study aimed to examine the effects of temptation coping strategies on self-control when faced with a conflict between academic goals and temptations. The results of Study 1 indicated that the general use of temptation coping strategies promoted goal pursuits. Study 2 investigated whether differences in the difficulty of goal achievement had an effect on the effectiveness of temptation coping strategies. Goal Verification, Temptation Avoidance, and Goal Execution, which are subscales of the Scale of Temptation Coping Strategies in Academic Situations, were effective strategies to facilitate self-control regardless of the difficulty of goal achievement. However, Mood Changing, which is another subscale of the Scale of Temptation Coping Strategies in Academic Situations, was a strategy that did not affect self-control. These findings indicated that the temptation coping strategies were largely effective in academic situations. The implications of adaptive self-control are also discussed.</p>