渥美 さやか 大沼 美貴 末永 恵美 丸山 卓郎 菱田 敦之 木内 文之 小林 進 合田 幸広 袴塚 高志
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.20, no.3, pp.178-189, 2013

ブラックコホシュはキンポウゲ科サラシナショウマ属Cimicifuga racemosaの根及び根茎に由来する西洋ハーブであるが、健康食品等として流通するブラックコホシュ製品からはC. racemosa以外の近縁種の混入が報告されており、基原鑑別法の確立が望まれてきた。そこで我々は、葉緑体trnL領域のDNA配列を基に、特異的プライマーを用いたPCRによりC. racemosaと近縁植物を区別するARMS法を確立した。7種のサラシナショウマ属植物を用いた検討では、ARMS法によりC. racemosaとそれ以外の種を正しく判別することができた。同様に、国内市場で流通するブラックコホシュ製品の基原鑑別を行った結果、8製品のうち2製品には近縁種が使用され1製品にはサラシナショウマ属植物は含まれないことが明らかになった。さらに、国内市場品16製品に対して行ったTLC及びHPLCによる指標成分分析の結果は、ARMS法による鑑別結果とよく一致した。以上の結果より、植物組織を含むブラックコホシュ製品の基原鑑別において、ARMS法は有用であると考えられた。
吉川 典子 高 智美 扇間 昌規 西島 基弘 伊藤 誉志男
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.2, no.2, pp.102-105, 1996-03-29 (Released:2017-12-01)

The use of sodium chlorite, permitted so far only as a breaching agent for cherry, coltsfoot, grape and peach, was recently expanded to a fungicide of the peels of citrus fruits for confectionery, vegetable, and egg shells. Remainder of chlorite in these foods after dipping into the agent was determined by ion chromatography (IC). The remaining chlorite in the vegetables and that on the egg shells were 40-130 ppm and 10 ppm, respectively. However, these remaining chlorites were completely removed by washing with water. Furthermore, the permeability of the agent through the egg shell was studied. It was found that no agent did permeate into the shell within 12 hours after the use at even ten fold excess of permitted dose.
田村 幸一 富 裕孝
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.5, no.2, pp.239-243, 1998

It has been reported that some kinds of perilla extracts had anti-allergic activities. During the investigation of <i>in vitro</i> anti-allergic activity, it was found that red perilla extract had efficieny activity. A water soluble red perilla extract was prepared. And existence of caffeic acid, rosmaric acid and luteorin which have been reported to have anti-allergic activity was confirmed in the extract. It was also found that the red perilla extract had strong SOD-like activity and inhibitory activity for hyalurobidase. Tablets containing the red perilla extract were prepared and given for the person having symptoms of pollinosis. Effects of red perilla extract on the symptoms of pollinosis were examined comparing that of <i>Rubus suavissimua</i> extract. The results suggested that red perilla extract has more efficient effects for relieving the symptoms of sneezing, of rhinoclesis and of rhinorrhea than <i>Rubus suavissimus</i> extract. No side effect was reported.
趙 伯陽 桜井 陽平 柴田 清澄 吉川 史隆 友田 豊 水上 元
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.21, no.1, pp.42-47, 2014

ナスのヘタは尋常性疣贅(イボ)の治療に伝承的に用いられている。また、ナスのガク片部のエタノール抽出物が尖形コンジローマの治療に有効であったことが報告されている。そこで、ナスのエタノール抽出物の各種ヒト腫瘍細胞株に対する細胞致死活性を調べたところ、ヒト卵巣ガン由来の細胞株であるHRAに対して細胞致死活性を示し、その効果はガク片部からの抽出物が可食部からの抽出物よりも強かった。この抽出物から活性に基づく分画を行うことにより、2つの細胞致死活性成分9-oxo-(10E, 12Z)-octadecadienoic acid (9-EZ-KODE)および9-oxo-(10E, 12E)-octadecadienoic acid (9-EE-KODE)を単離・同定した。9-EE-KODEは、9-EZ-KODEの約10倍高い細胞致死活性を示した。また、9-EE-KODEの細胞致死活性を各種細胞株を用いて比較したところ、HRAに対して他の細胞株よりも約5倍強い活性を示した。ナスのガク片部の9-EE-KODE含量は可食部よりも高かった。
金 海麗 田中 隆 河野 功 藤岡 稔大 吉田 都 石丸 幹二
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.13, no.3, pp.136-140, 2006-12-30

Shoot, adventitious root and hairy root cultures of Solidago altissima L. were established. Chlorogenic acid and 3, 5-dicaffeoylquinic acid were isolated from the hairy root cultures. 3, 5-dicaffeoylquinic acid was the major secondary metabolites in various tissue cultures of this plant. These polyphenol compounds were easily isolated as the polyphenol-soybean protein complex from the extract of this plant. Solidago altissima L., producing polyphenol compounds with the high concentrations, seemed to have a potential to be as a new resource for functional compounds.
冨岡 華代 高津 万結香 巽 美智 長谷川 絢 北田 善三
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.21, no.1, pp.15-20, 2014

A method has been developed for determining amygdalin (AM) and its degradation products, benzyl alcohol (BeOH), benzaldehyde (BAL) and benzoic acid (BA) in Chinese quince fruit utilizing high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A sample was extracted with 0.05 mol/L citric acid solution (pH2.2) and cleaned in an InertSep C18 cartridge and an InertSep NH<sub>2</sub> cartridge. The HPLC separation was performed on an Inertsil ODS-4 column using acetonitrile-0.01 mol/L phosphate buffer (pH2.0) (15:85) in the mobile phase. A UV monitor was used for detection. The effects during growth period on the amount of 4 components of sarcocarp and seed of Chinese quince was examined. AM content in seed increased proportionally each month. This increase was especially significant in seed retrieved in November. AM was detected in commercially available Chinese quince in the range of 0.03-0.06 mg/g sarcocarp, 0.21-1.75 mg/g seed. BA was not detected in any samples.
矢野 潤 上地 理恵 雨坪 知音 義平 邦利
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.8, no.3, pp.155-160, 2002-01-24

北元 憲利 田中 智之 加藤 陽二 辻 啓介
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.7, no.2, pp.86-92, 2000-10-28

馬場 二夫 森田 茂 杉田 たき子 石綿 肇
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.2, no.1, pp.51-53, 1995-10-01

陶磁器製の食器からの鉛とカドミウムの溶出濃度の調査と,アメリカ食品医薬局(FDA)により提案された鉛の規制値案への適合率を調べる目的で,以下の実験を行った.溶出条件は,わが国の現行試験法(国際標準化機構,ISO,でもほぼ同一条件)である4%酢酸を用いて25℃で24時間の条件で実験をおこなった.鉛およびカドミウムの測定はICPによった.実験に用いた83種の市販試料のうち,鉛の溶出は44試料で,また,カドミウムの溶出は26試料で認められた.試料内側(食品と接触する面)から溶出した鉛の平均値±S.D.,最高値,最低値はそれぞれ0.48±1.32, 8.78, 0.00 μg/cm^2であった.カドミウムでは,それぞれ0.01±0.03, 0.25, 0.00 μg/cm^2であった.鉛の溶出は,ゆう薬のある54試料中16試料で,また,ゆう薬の無い29試料全てで認められた.平均値は,前者で0.04±0.18 μg/cm^2,後者では1.28±2.00 μg/cm^2であった.カドミウムの溶出は,ゆう薬のある54試料中9試料で,また,ゆう薬の無い29試料中17試料で認められた.平均値は,前者で0.00±0.01 μg/cm^2,後者では0.03±0.05 μg/cm^2であった.本実験に用いた83試料中1試料で規格値(抽出液中5 ppm)を超える7.37 ppmの鉛が溶出した.これらの結果は,約20年前に同一溶出条件の下で行われた調査結果と比べ,1/10またはそれ以下であった.以上の結果を,わが国の現行規格(ISOの規格案も同じ)に従って分類してTable 3に示した.違反事例の1試料を除き,最高値でも規格値よりかなり低濃度であった.また,深さが2.5cmを超える73試料のうち57試料(78%)では鉛の溶出がFDAの規格案である0.1 ppm以下であった。
木村 雅行 池田 雅和 柴田 英之 池田 祥子 松本 圭介
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.11, no.2, pp.67-74, 2004-09-28 (Released:2017-12-01)

To estimate the laxative threshold (LT) and 50% effective dose (ED50) for diarrhea of a galactooligosaccharide (GOS) syrup (43% GOS ; 9.5% lactose ; 18% glucose ; 6.3% galactose ; 24% water), we asked 24 healthy subjects (12 men and 12 women ; age, 20 to 58 years ; weight, 39.0 to 96.0 kg) to ingest 190mL of aqueous solutions containing 5 different amounts (11.7,23.3,46.7, 70.0, 93.3g) of the syrup once every week from a low content to high one. Of the 24 subjects, 16 had diarrhea after ingestion of any test beverage. We estimeted the LT and ED50 of the GOS syrup by using a regression equation between the minimal dose levels (g/kg body weght) of the syrup caused diarrhea and the cumulative incidence of diarrhea. For the entire population, the estimated LT was 0.68 g/kg (0.30 g/kg as GOS) and the ED50 was 1.39 g/kg (0.60 g/kg as GOS). For men, the LT and ED50 were 0.65 g/kg and 1.13 g/kg, respectively, as compared with 0.90 g/kg and 1.50 g/kg for women. An increased frequency of bowel movements seemed to increase the incidence of diarrhea. The other abdominal symptoms reported were borborygmus (88%), flatus (58%), and abdominal distention (46%), all of which were transient, as was diarrhea. We also examined the safety of ingesting daily near amount of LT of the GOS syrup (15 g/person daily as GOS) for 2 weeks in 20 healthy adults. Although this dose increased the occurrence of abdominal gas in these subjects, the prevalence of diarrhea was unchanged as compared with that for the placebo beverage. These results show that the GOS syrup is safe even in repeated intake for near amount of LT.
小笠原 健 荒川 史博 穐山 浩 合田 幸広 小関 良宏
Japanese Society of Food Chemistry
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.10, no.3, pp.155-160, 2003-12-12 (Released:2017-12-01)

生野 彰宏 南川 佑太 竹林 慎一郎 奥村 克純
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.28, no.1, pp.23-32, 2021 (Released:2021-04-20)

Many studies have shown that folate deficiency induces DNA hypomethylation and DNA damage. DNA hypomethylation is thought to occur during DNA replication through deficiency of the DNA methylation donor synthesized using folate. However, the relationship between DNA hypomethylation and DNA damage caused by folate deficiency is not well understood. Here, we analyzed DNA damage caused by folate deficiency during the cell cycle S phase in which DNA hypomethylation occurs. Using HeLa cells, we first detected accumulation of intranuclear γ-H2A.X, a DNA double strand break marker, by immunofluorescent staining. We found that DNA damage occurs primarily during S phase, and that folate deficiency enhanced S phase-dependent DNA damage. We also found that folate deficiency caused slowing of the DNA replication fork and a delay in the onset of middle-late S phase. Detailed analyses of DNA damage in S phase progression suggested that the folate deficiency-induced DNA damage increased in all stages of S phase, particularly in middle-late S phase cells. To examine the relationship between DNA damage and DNA hypomethylation, we analyzed the methylation state of the promoter region of the human LINE1 repetitive sequence, where heterochromatin is formed and replicated during middle to late S phase. We found that DNA methylation decreased by about 10% under the folate deficiency condition. Taken together, our results suggest that DNA hypomethylation is associated with DNA damage caused by folate deficiency.
中西 希代子 宮本 文夫 橋本 博之 本郷 猛 林 千恵子 石井 俊靖
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.20, no.1, pp.37-41, 2013-04-22 (Released:2017-01-27)

Daily intake of glyphosate in 2010 and 2011 at Chiba prefecture was estimated using total diet samples prepared according to the market basket method. One hundred eighty six and 175 kinds of foods were purchased from supermarket at Chiba in December 2010 and December 2011, respectively. The purchased foods were divided into 14 food groups as total diet samples, and contents of glyphosate in those groups was analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence (HPLC-FL). Glyphosate was detected from second food group (Cereals and potatoes) and 13th food group (Seasonings and spices, other foods) among 14 food groups. Estimated daily intake of glyphosate in all food groups were 24.2μg/day in 2010, and 17.6μg/day in 2011. These estimated daily intake were accounted for 0.064% in 2010, and 0.047% in 2011 of the ADI assuming a body weight of 50 kg. The foods contribute to glyphosate detected from second food group were breads, fu, boiled noodle, macaroni, and that in 13th food group was soy sauce. Glyphosate detected by HPLC-FL method from above two food groups and those foods was identified by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Above these foods were all contained flour. Therefore, it seems to be high possibility that detected glyphosate is originated from flour.
浅野 未来 西塔 正孝 永井 毅
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.29, no.1, pp.52-60, 2022-04-27 (Released:2022-04-27)

The aim of this study was to clarify the contents of functional components of banana jam prepared using fully ripened banana fruits and to compare the functional properties of banana jam and commercially available (CA) banana jams. The contents of β-carotene and flavonoids of prepared jam were remarkably high when compared with those of CA banana jams. The jam showed high scavenging activities against superoxide anion radicals and DPPH radicals. These activities and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of the jam were on the same level as those of fully ripened banana fruits, suggesting the concentration of the functional components such as phenols by heat treatment. In addition, the jam exhibited angiotensin I-converting enzyme and hyaluronidase inhibitory activities. Therefore, these findings provide useful information not only for the consumers but also jams and its related industries, and a new market for jams may be achieved.
大井 和裕 義平 邦利 荒木 和美 落合 爲一 中野 昭夫 佐竹 元吉 今吉 有理子 岩渕 久克
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.18, no.3, pp.174-182, 2011-12-15 (Released:2017-01-27)

Five samples of lavenders including four different varieties were collected in Hokkaido Furano area from five different populations. The flowering tops of the samples were soaked into dichloromethane and the extracts were analyzed using GC/MS. Fifty four peaks were observed and 45 of them were identified or their reasonable structures were estimated. Most abundant components common to all samples were linalyl acetate (1), linalool (2), lavandulyl acetate (3), coumarin (4), (E)-β-farnesene (5), 7-metheoxy coumarin (6). Statistical analyses (a clustering analysis, a principal component analysis) were performed on the abundance of the 54 components. The results were as follows: (1) Chemical profiles of the samples which belong to the same variety collected at the same site were essentially the same regardless their collecting time of the day. (2) The difference in the variety resulted in different chemical profile.
三枝 隆裕 藤尾 雄策
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.5, no.2, pp.230-235, 1998

木戸 和貴子 吉川 友佳子 中村 衣里 橋本 ゆかり 戸根 瑛美 松浦 寿喜
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.19, no.3, pp.185-190, 2012-12-21 (Released:2017-01-27)

The inhibitory effects against hyperglycemia of "alleged health foods" containing mulberry leaves as an ingredient were compared using an experimental model of digestion and absorption in rats. Rats, after gastric and portal venous catheterization, were continuously fed an aqueous sucrose solution by intragastric administration, and portal venous glucose concentrations were maintained at a constant level. The rats were administered either five types of mulberry leaf tea or three types of mulberry leaf granules, and the time period during which the portal venous glucose concentration showed levels significantly lower than baseline, i.e., the duration of the inhibitory effect on hyperglycemia, was compared. The results showed that although all of these health foods demonstrated an inhibitory effect against hyperglycemia, a comparison of the efficacy based on the duration of this inhibitory effect revealed large disparities among the products, of a magnitude of 17-fold among the mulberry leaf teas and 11-fold among the granular mulberry leaf products. This discrepancy in the efficacy of these types of products could not be discerned by analogy based on the label or the ingredients described on the product. Although alleged health foods are ordinary foods, and efficacy is not demanded, a uniform level of quality assurance is necessary, given that the general consumer purchases these products in expectation of a certain level of effect.
坂元 史歩 佐藤 恭子 米谷 民雄
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.3, no.2, pp.136-140, 1997

The components in a commercial natural food additive "lemon peel extract" and the acetone extract of a commercial lemon peel were studies using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS). HPLC chromatograms for both preparations were almost the same. The peaks corresponding to citral (cis- and trans-forms) were observed as the main peaks in the HPLC and LC/MS chromatograms; however, the peak corresponding to geraniol was not detected. In Japan, four synthetic antimolding agents (o-phenylphenol, diphenyl, thiabendazol and imazalil) are permitted for lemon. By comparison of the retention times and the photodiode-array sepctrum with those of four authentic samples in HPLC, it was suggested that o-phenylphenol was contained in the commercial "lemon peel extract". The quasi molecular ion peak of o-phenylphenol was detected by LC/MS using the atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) method in the negative mode, and the mass spectrum of the compound that was thought to be o-phenylphenol, was identical to that of the authentic sample. Nevertheless, the amount was so low that it could not contribute to the antimolding activity of the commercial "lemon peel extract". Three other synthetic antimolding agents were not detected in the commercial "lemon peel extract".
俣野 和夫 細野 恭平 藤井 正美
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.1, no.1, pp.68-72, 1995-03-28 (Released:2017-12-01)

CO2 is a food additive that has been listed in "THE JAPANESE STANDARDS FOR FOOD ADDITIVES" since its first edition. According to the questionnaire research conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare regarding domestic and imported CO2, a total of 120,000 tons of food grade CO2 from 25 companies was shipped in Japan during 1993. Based on this figure, I think it is necessary to examine how muchCO2 is currently used and to calculate the per capita and per diem Japanese intake, as one of the basic food additives. The atmosphere is composed of 0.035% CO2. Also, various alcohlic beverages such as beer and foamy liqueurs contain CO2, which is produced during the fermentation and manufacturing process. It is a basic component of food and drink. Therefore, we must inspect the various aspects of CO2 when we examine its daily intake. In studying the use of additives which are regarded as company confidential know-how, it is a general procedure to conduct a hearing to determine the production statistics of the food in question. From these studies, we obtained the following estimated breakdown of CO2 that was shipped as food additive: 70,000 to 75,000 tons for airtight rooms and pouches to prevent the oxidation of foods. In the aforementioned types of use, CO2 dissipates immediately after it serves its purpose and is irrelevant to human intake. Also, the quality of food grade CO2 is high and it is often used in other fields such as medicine, research, and foam plastics. The total for these uses is estimated to be approximately 10,000 tons. The human intake of CO2 is mainly attributed to carbonated drinks. According to a industry source, 18,115 tons of CO2 is used in carbonated drinks and 20% of the gas dissipates when the containers are opened. In order to estimate the accumulated amount of CO2 in food, we assumed the following figures for the calculation purpose: 1,200 tons for the CO2 content of beer; 876 tons of CO2 content of canned "chuhai" (Japanese distilled spirit) and foamy liqueurs; and the 20% CO2 loss when the containers are opened. Based on the above assumption, we estimated the per capita and per diem intake of CO2 as food additive in Japan to be 373mg based on Japan's 1993 population. We used only those 20 years of age and older because of prohibition of minors from drinking. As for CO2 as a food component, beer is the largest contribution. Based on the amount of beer and the shipped CO2 content, we estimated the per diem and per capita figure of 943mg. The daily consumption of CO2 is 12,040mg, which is more than ten times larger than the aforementioned intake from foods. This is because we ihnale air that contains 0.035% CO2. As for the respiratory amount, we assumed the per diem and per capita figure of 17.5m3 as an average of man and woman. From this viewpoint, we found that the per capita and per diem CO2 intake of a Japanese is 13,356mg in total. However, this figure is extremely small in comparison to approximately 900g of CO2 that is contained in human expiration. For your reference, 456 tons of sodium dicarbonate, 88.5 tons of magnesium carbonate, and 38.6 tons of calcium carbonate were shipped in 1990 in Japan as medical and pharmaceutical products. They are used as antacid and produce CO2 in human bodies. The produced amounts of CO2 are 238, 22.3, and 17 tons respectively with the total of 277 tons. If we assume that about 70% of the prescribed doses are taken, it amounts to 194 tons and we can obtain the per capita and per diem figure of 4.3mg.
多田 敦子 杉本 直樹 古庄 紀子 石附 京子 佐藤 恭子 山崎 壮 棚元 憲一
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.16, no.2, pp.92-96, 2009-08-24 (Released:2017-01-27)

Ozokerite, a natural gum base used as a food additive, is described as a purified wax substance found in veins of wax shale and is composed mainly of C29-C53 hydrocarbons, in the Notice (1996) relating to existing food additives in Japan. In order to evaluate the quality of commercially available ozokerite, we have analyzed the constituents. GC/MS analysis of ozokerite showed that the main components were saturated C22-C38 hydrocarbons, while the minor components were saturated C39-C58 hydrocarbons. The range of carbon numbers observed in the main saturated hydrocarbons was lower than those referred to in the Notice. The total concentration of the main saturated C22-C38 hydrocarbons was found, by GC/FID analysis, to be 81%.