山本 豊 笠原 良二 平 雅代 武田 修己 樋口 剛央 山口 能宏 白鳥 誠 佐々木 博
一般社団法人 日本生薬学会
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13499114)
vol.75, no.2, pp.89-105, 2021-08-20 (Released:2022-09-10)

The survey on the variety, amount and producing countries of crude drugs for medicinal use was conducted among member companies belonging to Japan Kampo Medicines Manufacturers Association in fiscal 2017 and 2018. The results showed that total amount of use and number of items of crude drugs were 25,326 tons of 263 items in 2017, and 26,391 tons of 264 items in 2018, respectively. Comparing production ratios among countries, Japan, China and the other countries produced 10.0%, 83.2% and 6.8% of total amount of use in 2017, respectively. Similarly, each ratio turned to 10.4%, 83.6% and 6.0% in 2018.
三巻 祥浩 指田 豊 安達 得夫 吉成 清
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13403443)
vol.48, no.1, pp.p86-91, 1994-03

Barks of Prunns lannesiana var. speciosa, P. maximowiczii, P. apetala, P. pendula forma ascendens and P. yedoensis of the subgenus Cerasus, and P. laurocerasus and P. spinulosa of the subgenus Laurocerasus were assayed for their constituents. The barks of the Cerasus plants were formed to be rich in flavonoids and their glucosides, and to contain 5, 4'-dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavanone 5-O-β-D- glucopyranoside (sakuranin) as a common flavonoid. On the other hand, no flavonoid was detected in the barks of the Padus and Laurocerasus plants, but they both contained cyanogenic glucosides as a common component. The difference of the constituents observed between the barks of the Cerasus plants and those of the Padus and Laurocerasus was well correlated to the taxonomic theory proposed by T. T. Yu (1984).
御影 雅幸 李 奉柱 朴 鐘喜 難波 恒雄
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.45, no.4, pp.336-341, 1991-12-20

「Jad Na Mu Ip」は韓国で淋疾や梅毒の治療薬として用いられる民間薬である. Jad は海松子, Na Mu は木, Ip は葉の意味であるから, その基源は一般にマツ科のPinus koraiensis SIEB. et ZUCC. チョウセンゴヨウの葉であるとされている2)がいまだ確証はない. Pinus 属植物は韓国にはチョウセンゴヨウのほか P. parviflora ヒメコマツ, P. pumila ハイマツ, P. bungeana シロマツ, P. densiflora アカマツ, P. thunbergii クロマツなど形態の類似するものが分布しているので3), 今回「Jad Na Mu Ip」の原植物を知る目的で市場調査を行い, 入手した商品および Pinus 属植物7種の葉を比較組織学的に検討した. その結果, 現在市販されている「Jad Na Mu Ip」はチョウセンゴヨウの葉であることを確証した. なおP. armandi タカネゴヨウは中国に産する種であるが, 形状がチョウセンゴヨウに似ているので参考のため検討した. Pinus 属植物の葉の組織分類学的研究に関しては, 土井ら4)が基本的形態を詳細に報告するとともに変種や雑種を含めた80数種について検索表を提出し, また早田ら5)がチョウセンゴヨウやヒメコマツの組織図を示しているので, 本論文では記載を最小限に止めた. The Korean folk medicine "Jad Na Mu Ip" has been used to cure gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. Though the crude drug has generally been said to be the leaves of Pinus koraiensis SIEB. et ZUCC. of the Pinaceae family, the scientific confirmation has not been made yet. Recent commercial "Jad Na Mu Ip" certainly seems to be the leaves of a Pinus plant. Therefore, to identify the botanical origin of this crude drug, the leaves of seven species of the genus Pinus growing in Korea, Japan and China, including P. koraiensis, were examined anatomically. The result shows the botanical origin of "Jad Na Mu Ip" is P. koraiensis.
難波 恒雄 菊池 徹 御影 雅幸 門田 重利 小松 かつ子 清水 岑夫 富森 毅
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.41, no.1, pp.35-42, 1987-03-20

Cinnamomum verum J. S. PRESL of family Lauraceae is one of the important cultivated medicinal plants in Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri-Lanka. The bark of the tree, "CINNAMOMI VERI CORTEX," KURUNDUPOTU in Singhalese, is known to be a famous spice under the name of Cinnamon. Besides, KURUNDUPOTU is also an Ayurvedic drug used for dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhoea, dysentery, vomiting, etc. Nowadays, as a spice, Cinnamon is divided commercially into thirteen grades on the bases of differences of the diameter and quantity of Foxing of the Quillings. Among these, we got nine popular grades from the Bureau of Ceylon Standard.To know the qualitical differences of each grade, anatomical and chemical studies of all these were made. Our results showed that higher graded Cinnamon had less mechanical tissues anatomically and contained more essential oils chemically. Moreover, in essential oils, the percentage of cinnamyl acetate was found higher and that of cinnamaldehyde was lower in higher graded ones.スリランカ(Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri-Lanka)における民族医療はアーユルヴェーダ(インド医学)が主流である. スリランカにおいて栽培される代表的なアーユルヴェーダ薬物の一つにKURUNDUPOTU(cinnamon bark の意味のシンハリ名)があり, このものはLauraceaeのCinnamomum verum J. S. PRESL(=C zeylanicum NEES セイロンニッケイ)のコルク層を剥いだ樹皮である. アーユルヴェーダではKURUNDUPOTU は強壮, 健胃, 駆風薬などとして用いられ, また民間的にも頭痛や感冒, 鼻汁, 呼吸器疾患, 下痢などに利用されている2). その産出量は年々増加しており, 大半は香辛料として輸出され, 一部が薬用あるいは料理用に国内で消費されている2). セイロン桂皮についてはすでに太田らにより日本市場品の内部形態3), コロンボおよびスイス市場品とコロンボ近郊などでの栽培品との内部形態による比較研究4)がなされているが, 品質についてはいっさい触れられていない. 現在, セイロン桂皮には商取引上13の等級があり, それらの等級はBureau of Ceylon Standardで規格されている. 等級はAlba, Continental 5 special, Continenta1 5, 同4, 同3, 同2, 同1, Mexican5 special, 同5, 同4, Hamburg 1, 同2, 同3の名称で呼ばれ, これらはQuimng5)の大さやFoxing6)の量で規定されている2). Albaが最高級品とされ, Continentalグループ, Mexicanグループ, Hamburgグループと続くが, Continentalグループの低級品よりはMexicanグループの高級品の方が品質がよいといわれている. これらのグループ名はそれぞれ輸出先国の違いを示しており, Hamburgグループ以外は番号の大きいものが高級品とされている. 今回, 栽培地を調査するとともにこれらの13等級のうち, とくに流通量の多い9等級を入手し, 各等級間の内部形態および精油成分の差異を検討したので報告する. また生薬市場および製薬工場において入手したKURUNDUPOTU等級についても検討した.
寺沢 捷年
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.41, no.2, pp.p85-96, 1987-06

The concept of "Hie-sho" (chillphobia) was reviewed with special reference to its diagnostic criteria, occurrence patho-physiological aspects and treatments. Questionnaire studies revealed that about 70% of female and about 50% of male patients visiting our clinic were suffering from "Hie-sho." This disorder was investigated patho-physiologically by using ultra-red thermography, core temperature thermography, and the microscopic video system. The results showed tha "Hie-sho" was closely related to disturbance of micro-circulation and its regulatory system. In traditional Kampoh medicine, "Hie-sho" has been interpreted as imbalance between three important factors, i.e., vital energy, blood and water. The cognition of the imbalance and the relevant Kampoh treatments were also reviewed in detail.
沢田 徳之助 山原 條二 島津 早苗 太田 利夫
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.25, no.1, pp.11-16, 1971-06-20

The contents of coloring matter and essential oil from the root of Curucuma domestica (C. longa) and the fungistatic action of them are tested. Essential oil shows a high effect against Aspergillus niger IFO. 6341, Penicillium citrinum IFO. 6352, Chaetomium globosum IFO. 6347 and Neurospora crassa IFO. 4596.
加藤 正博 稲葉 美代志 板鼻 秀信 大原 英治 中村 好一 上里 新一 井上 博之 藤多 哲朗
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.44, no.4, pp.288-292, 1990

Twentythree crude drugs and related plants were examined for their anticoccidial activity by the use of the experimental coccidiosis in chicken. The activity was found in the dry leaves and calyxes of some Hydrangea plants. As the active components of H. macrophylla subsp. macrophylla forma macrophylla, febrifugines were isolated which have been known to be contained in Dichroa febrifuga and H. umbellata. However, although the febrifugines in the latter two plants were reported to be mainly trans, in the H. macrophylla plants, cis-febrifugine was found to be a major component and the trans-counterpart, a minor component. Furthermore, the cis-isomer showed no anticoccidial activity in chicken even at the concentration level of 25 times the effective dose (3 ppm, IE=100) of the trans-isomer.
堀井 周文 小此木 明 高橋 隆二 鎌倉 浩之 袴塚 高志 合田 幸広
一般社団法人 日本生薬学会
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13499114)
vol.74, no.1, pp.46-57, 2020-02-20 (Released:2021-03-11)

Our previous studies [Horii, C., et al., Shoyakugaku Zasshi, 68(1), 9-12 (2014); Shoyakugaku Zasshi, 69(2), 59-65 (2015); Shoyakugaku Zasshi, 68(2), 65-69, (2014); Shoyakugaku Zasshi, 73(2), 73-83 (2019)], in which bioequivalence between the Kakkonto /Shoseiryuto decoction and its extract preparation was evaluated, revealed that some components can be marker compounds for bioequivalence but not others. In this study, we selected Hachimijiogan containing benzoylmesaconine, benzoylhypaconine, and 14-anisoylaconine specified as marker compounds by the Japanese Pharmacopoeia for quantification for quality control, and evaluated these components as possible marker compounds for bioequivalence.Six healthy adult males were randomly divided into two groups, and an oral administration crossover study was performed. Changes in the plasma concentrations of 10 components (benzoylmesaconine, benzoylhypaconine, 14-anisoylaconine, alisol A, alisol A monoacetate, alisol B, alisol B monoacetate, loganin, morroniside, and paeoniflorin) were evaluated. As a result, the plasma concentration of each component in both the decoction and extract preparation varied among blood collection sites. A t-test revealed a significant difference (p<0.01) in the plasma concentration of benzoylhypaconine 4 h after administration, a significant difference (p<0.05) in the plasma concentration of alisol A monoacetate 1 h after administration, and a significant difference (p<0.05) in the plasma concentration of loganin 4 h after administration, for the decoction and the extract. However, significant differences in the plasma concentrations of other constituents were not noted for the decoction and extract.Alisol B and alisol B monoacetate could not be quantified due to an inadequate SN ratio (SN rate 10 or more). Analysis of variance for 8 components after excluding alisol B and alisol B monoacetate showed a significant difference (p<0.05) in the area under the blood concentration-time curve (AUC0-8) for benzoylmesaconine in the subjects’ neck. The preparation, time and subjects did not differ significantly as a factor, so the statistical power (1-β) was calculated (except for alisol B and alisol B). Both the peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and AUC0-8 values for all 8 components had inadequate (< 80%) statistical powers (1-β).Next, the number of subjects needed to achieve sufficient statistical power was estimated based on the obtained results. The statistical powers of both Cmax and AUC0-8 were adequate (≧ 80%) when the number of subjects (1 group) was ≧ 24 (1 group) for benzoylmesaconine, ≧ 25 for 14-anisoylaconine, and ≧ 24 for alisol A. On the other hand, the statistical power was inadequate even when the number of subjects was 61 (1 group) for benzoylhypaconine, alisol A monoacetate, loganin, paeoniflorin, or morroniside.The contents of alisols have been reported to vary in Alisma Tuber. Considering conversion due to metabolism, alisol A is also difficult to use as a marker compound. Therefore, in this prescription, benzoylmesaconine and 14-anisoylaconine may be appropriate marker compounds.
vol.40, no.1, 1986-03-20

Though "Fu-pen-zi" from Korea has been considered to be derived from the fruits of Rubus coreanus MIQ. in general, we had already clarified that it was only used locally. In order to identify the botanical origin of Korean "Fu-pen-zi" available mainly in the recent markets of urban areas such as Seoul, Pusan, Daegu, Daejeon, etc., R. crataegifolius BUNGE and R. takeshimensis NAKAI of Section Microphylii were studied comparative anatomically. Our results showed that this "Fu-pen-zi" corresponded to the fruits with calyxes and often pedicels of R. crataegifolius growing in the Korean Peninsula. Its developmental degree was unripening (stage B) or ripening stage (stage C).
奥山 徹 高田 光正 柴田 承二 保尊 正幸 川田 忠典 正木 久朗 野口 輝彦
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.41, no.2, pp.p147-152, 1987-06

Some Chinese herbal prescriptions employed for a syndrome expressed in oriental medical concept as chest paralysis (Kyohi) and heartache (Shintsu) are thought to be effective for angina pectoris. We investigated the effects of 5 Chinese medicinal prescriptions, Kuolon-Xiebai-Banxia Tang (Karo-gaihaku-hange-to), Guizhi-Shenjiang-Zhishi Tang (Keishi-shokyc-kijitsu-to), Jupi-Zhishi-Shenjiang Tang (Kippi-kijitsu-shokyo-to), Renshen Tang (Ninjin-to) and Guizhi-Renshen Tang (Keishi-ninjin-to) and 6 individual herbs contained in these prescriptions on a human platelet aggregation induced by 2 μM ADP. All the prescriptions mentioned above showed a strong inhibitory effect in the secondary wave aggregation, while Jupi-Zhishi-Shenjiang Tang and Guizhi-Renshen Tang gave less effect in the primary wave aggregation. Of these herbs, Shenjiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma), Ganjiang (Zingiberis Siccatum Rhizoma) and Renshen (Ginseng Radix) showed a strong inhibitory effect, while Jupi (Aurantii Nobilis Pericarpium) promoted the primary wave aggregation. Gancao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) and Baizhu (Atractyloides Rhizoma) showed no activity.
榊原 仁作 永井 慎一 森 淳 竹谷 和視 堀田 芳弘
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.40, no.3, pp.p317-324, 1986-09

20R-Dihydroouabain (20R-DHO) and 20S-dihydroouabain (20S-DHO) were synthesized by reduction of ouabain (G-strophanthin) and separated by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. The relationships between the stereochemical structures and pharmacological activities of 20R- and 20S-DHO were studied by the use of isolated guinea-pig papillary muscle and renal Na^+, K^+-ATPase. 20S-DHO was more inotropic (pD_2: 5.0, 100% increase in contractile force at 3.0 x 10^<-5> M) and more inhibitory (pIC_<50>: 5.9) than 20R-DHO (pD_2: 4.6, 100% increase in contractile force at 1.0 × 1O^<-4> M, pIC_<50>: 5.5). On the other hand, both R and S compounds inhibited the positive inotropic effect of their parent compound ouabain; the potency of inhibition by 20S-DHO was greater than that by 20R-DHO. These results suggest that the pharmacological differences in 20R- and 20S-DHO may depend on the strength of hydrogen bond between the carbonyl oxygen and Na^+, K^+-ATPase receptor.
袴塚 高志 鎌倉 浩之 渡辺 淳子 香取 征典 松本 和弘 石丸 順之 諸田 隆 合田 幸広
一般社団法人 日本生薬学会
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13499114)
vol.74, no.2, pp.89-97, 2020-08-20 (Released:2021-09-08)

Dry extract preparations of Kampo medicines for prescription were approved for use approximately 40 years ago in Japan. Presently, most Kampo medicines are prepared in the form of granules with a few being prepared as tablets or capsules. Granule formulations are generally unsuitable for the elderly due to their bulky nature. Although patients and Kampo manufacturers have expressed a need for the introduction of more acceptable granule alternatives, their introduction has been a challenge due to the lack of guidelines based on bioequivalence evaluations for medicines that include multiple chemical components. For resolving this issue, the researchers at the National Institute of Health Sciences initiated a study in 2009 funded by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Several ingredients in Kampo extract products and corresponding standard decoctions were detectable and measurable in human plasma, and some compounds have been reported to be promising candidates for application in bioequivalence evaluations of Kampo formulations. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the potential to assess bioequivalence between kakkonto extract granules and tablets on the basis of the “Guidelines for Bioequivalence Testing of Generic Drugs (partial revision, PFSB/ELD Notification No. 0229010 dated February 29, 2012).”We investigated the pharmacokinetics of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, which are ingredients derived from Ephedra Herba in kakkonto formulations, following the oral administration of kakkonto extract granules (one pack) and kakkonto extract tablets (eight tablets). The study was conducted as a two-group, two-period, and open-label crossover study in healthy Japanese volunteers. The plasma concentrations of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine following the administration of the drugs were measured using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Subsequently, we calculated their pharmacokinetic parameters and evaluated their bioequivalence. Analysis of variance using the area under the plasma concentration time curve (AUC) and the maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) of both ingredients revealed that while AUC indicated bioequivalence, Cmax values were significantly different. Plasma concentration levels in both formulations were similar in most volunteers and differed among some volunteers, which was attributed to a high number of tablets per dose as opposed to intra-individual variation. We concluded that ephedrine and pseudoephedrine in kakkonto extracts are good marker compounds for the evaluation of bioequivalence in different forms of kakkonto products. Our results suggest that the marker compounds exhibiting similarity in pharmacokinetic parameters following the administration of Kampo extract granules and the corresponding standard decoction could be applied as markers for the evaluation of bioequivalence between already-approved Kampo extract granules and novel Kampo products based on the same extract as that of granules.
布施 淳一 金森 久幸 坂本 征則 矢原 正治
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13403443)
vol.48, no.4, pp.p307-311, 1994-12

Five flavonol glycosides, quercitrin (I), isoquercitrin (II), afzerin (III), hyperin (IV) and rutin (V) were isolated from the terrestrial part of Houttuynia cordata collected during the flowering season. The quantitative analysis of the five flavonol glycosides in Houttuynia cordata by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed the following results. (1) All the leaves, spikes and stems contained these five flavonol glycosides, and the content was the highest in leaves. (2) The main flavonol glycosides in spikes were I and IV. (3) The flavonol glycoside contents in leaves before and during the flowering season were about the same.
vol.46, no.3, 1992-09-20

中国市場に出回っている漢薬・絡石藤は主として絡石Trachelospermum jasminoides (LINDL.) LEM. (Apocynaceae)または〓〓Ficus pumila L. (Moraceae)のいずれかを基原植物とし,その茎葉が薬用に用いられている.一方,中隼人民共和国薬典は絡石藤の基原植物にT. jasminoidesの一種のみを規定している.絡石藤の効能はいずれを基原とするものも同じとされ,〓風止痛,咽喉腫痛,行〓止血,通経絡などに用いられ,〓風湿薬に分類されている.これは西洋医学での抗炎症,鎮痛,解熱,血液循環促進,免疫調整などの作用に相当するものと考えられている.著者らは前報で痛風に関連するXanthine oxidase阻害活性を調べ,基原植物を異にする絡石藤にはその生理活性に相違があることを見いだした.すなわちT. jasminoidesを基原とする絡石藤の葉部にとくに高い阻害活性が認められその活性はフラボノイド成分のapigenin, luteolin, luteolin-4'-O-β-D-glucosideに基づくことを報告した.今回は絡石藤の効能に該当するスクリーニング試験として,抗炎症作用,活性酸素産生抑制作用,血小板凝集抑制作用および絡石藤を瑞息型慢性気管支炎に用いるとの報告もあることから気管平滑筋弛緩作用についての検討を行った.
久保 道徳 勝城 忠久 長尾 孝治 水野 瑞夫 大橋 広好
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.31, no.2, pp.136-144, 1977-12-20

The Chinese crude drug so called "Gehua" has been used for the treatment of crapulence as a folk medicine in China, Formosa, Korea and Japan. The original plant of this was considered to be the flower of Pueraria spp. in Leguminosae. Four kinds of "Gehua" on Chinese, Formosan, Korean and Japanese markets, were taken as the materials. To clarify their origins, we studied external and internal morphological characters of Pueraria spp. collected in Hong Kong, Formosa and Japan. The main characters of them are shown in TABLE I. Consequently, the origins of "Gehua" on Chinese market are proved to be Pueraria chinensis OHWI, the Formosan ones are P. montana MERRIL., and Korean and Japanese ones are P. lobata OHWI. Chinese Pueraria flower which contains kakkatin (=6, 4'-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-isoflavone) is identified as the flower of Pueraria chinensis.
奥津 果優 門岡 千尋 小城 章裕 吉﨑 由美子 二神 泰基 玉置 尚徳 髙峯 和則
一般社団法人 日本生薬学会
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13499114)
vol.71, no.1, pp.41-48, 2017-02-20 (Released:2018-08-21)

“Shinkiku” is a traditional digestive drug prepared by the fermentation of wheat and some herbs with fermentative microbes. Shinkiku is manufactured in China and Korea, and also used in Japanese Kampo medicine as a component of Hangebyakujutsutemmato. However, there are currently no quality standards for shinkiku, and thus, the quality of shinkiku has considerable variation depending on its manufacturer. Although these variations would be partially derived from the differences in fermentative microbes, there are no studies about microbial diversities or chemical constituents in commercial shinkiku. Thus, we investigated the microbial diversity and chemical constituents of 15 commercial shinkiku samples to standardize its quality. PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rDNA and ITS1 sequences revealed that different microbes such as Lactobacillus sp. and Candida sp. were present in each shinkiku sample. On the other hand, most shinkiku samples showed amylase (12/15 samples) and lipase activities (9/15 samples) that behave as digestants. In addition, all samples commonly contained ferulic acid (>10 nmol/g), which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities. Thus, enzyme activities and ferulic acid were suggested to be one of the candidates for use as reference standards for the quality control of shinkiku. Exceptional shinkiku samples without enzyme activities showed a baked brown color, and ferulic acid content was inversely related with the brightness color of shinkiku (R2=0.47). Therefore, it seems that color indices would be effective to predict the quality of shinkiku such as enzyme activities and ferulic acid.
vol.47, no.2, 1993-06-20

著者らは生薬・マムシ(Agkistrodon blomhoffii blomhoffii BOIEの全身を乾燥したもの)の滋養強壮作用を薬理学的に検討し,その50%エ夕ノールエキスに抗胃潰傷作用,初期免疫増強作用を見い出し報告した.本報ではマムシや腹蛇(中国産マムシAgkistrodon blomhoffii brevicaudusで日本産マムシの亜種)の効能に解毒作用など肝臓機能の亢進作用を示すような記載が古くからあることから,実験的肝障害に対する作用を検討した.
vol.41, no.2, 1987-06-20

The concept of "Hie-sho" (chillphobia) was reviewed with special reference to its diagnostic criteria, occurrence patho-physiological aspects and treatments. Questionnaire studies revealed that about 70% of female and about 50% of male patients visiting our clinic were suffering from "Hie-sho." This disorder was investigated patho-physiologically by using ultra-red thermography, core temperature thermography, and the microscopic video system. The results showed tha "Hie-sho" was closely related to disturbance of micro-circulation and its regulatory system. In traditional Kampoh medicine, "Hie-sho" has been interpreted as imbalance between three important factors, i.e., vital energy, blood and water. The cognition of the imbalance and the relevant Kampoh treatments were also reviewed in detail.
vol.34, no.3, 1980-09-20

The recent progress of researches on Chinese traditional medicine is reviewed. During the past thirty years since the establishment of People's Republic of China, the research of traditional drugs has been directed mainly to the following themes. 1) Collection and evaluation of thousand years' experiences in traditional medicine. 2) Investigation and estimation of natural resources of drug materials. 3) Development of manufacturing technique. 4) Improvement of processing technique. 5) Improvement of drug preparation technique. 6) Researches on preventive medicine and therapeutics. 7) Researches on the classical theory of nature of drugs.