馬場 康之 今本 博健 吉岡 洋 山下 隆男
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.42, no.2, pp.421-430, 1999-04

本報では, ADCP(AcousticDopplerCurrentProfiler)による海浜流の鉛直分布に関する現地観測の概要とその結果について報告する。本現地観測は, 「鹿島灘での海象の共同観測」の一環として運輸省港湾技術研究所波崎海洋観測施設において行われたもので, 1998年9月13日から10月7日にかけて実施された。観測内容はADCPによる流速分布計測の他に, 超音波波高計による波浪観測も行われた。沿岸方向の流動は海上風との対応がよく・水深方向に一様な流れ場となっていた。台風5号が観測地点付近に接近した際には, 全水深にわたって強い沖向きの流れも観測された。Nearshore current, which is a coastal current in the nearshore zone, is mainly generated by breaking waves inside the surf zone and winds in the wide area of the coastal zone. In order to investigate vertical distribution of nearshore current, the field observation was performed by using high frequency ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) installed on the sea bottom at Hazaki Oceanographical Research Station (HORS).Longshore currents are strongly related with longshore components of the wind speed, and vertical distribution of longshore currents is almost uniform. On-offshore currents have characteristics of shear flow, and strong offshore currents were observed under the strong wind condition
中川 一 里深 好文 大石 哲 武藤 裕則 佐山 敬洋 寶 馨 シャルマ ラジハリ
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.50, pp.623-634, 2006

木村 政昭
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.37, pp.p293-317, 1994-04

Seismic and volcanic data during this century reveals that most of all eruptions in Japan should be followed by large earthquakes (M ≧7.0) in concerned places. The time-space relation between major eruptions and great earthquakes larger than M7.7 in Japan shows a reverse correlation given by the following equation.T=50.61-18.17logDT: Interval from the starting time of an eruption to the occurrence time of the earthquake. D: Distance from the concerned volcano to the epicenter of the shock. This implies that the eruption occurs in earlier time prior to the concerned shock if the epicenter of the earthquake is nearer from the volcano. Based on this relation, the crustal breaking time in the estimated epicenter should be known. This suggests that the eruption occurs by the increased stress generated from the epicentral region. The increased strain should squeeze up magmas before breaking the crust. Recent eruptive activities strongly suggest that the strain has been critically accumulated in several regions such as northern and southern parts of central Japan and eastern Kyushu.
三浦 勉 飯尾 能久 SIBSON Richard H. 岡田 知己 松本 聡 PETTINGA Jarg BANISTER Stephen 平原 聡 中山 貴史 中元 真美 山田 真澄 大見 士朗 米田 格 濱田 勇輝 高田 陽一郎 深畑 幸俊 小菅 正裕 TOWNEND John REYNERS Martin GHISETTI Francesca C.
京都大学防災研究所年報. B = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. B (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.57, pp.94-101, 2014-06

We observe the seismic activity in the northern part of the South Island in New Zealand since Nov. 2009. New Zealand is located at the border between the Pacific plate and the Australian plate and the Alpine Fault runs along the boundary from southwest to northeast in the South Island. A lot of earthquakes occurred there, e.g., 1929 Murchison (M7.7), and 1968 Inanghua (M7.2). We observed aftershocks of the 2011 Christchurch earthquake for 2 years since Mar. 2011. Now, We expand the observation network with about 40 seismometers in northern part of the South Island.
間瀬 肇 幸正 一伯 高山 知司
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.41, pp.367-382, 1997

海域をまたぐ中小規模の橋梁では, 橋脚に波が打上がり橋面へ飛沫が降り注ぐという間題が生じることがある.本研究は, 橋脚への波の打上げ特性を明らかにし, その軽減対策を検討したものである.円柱に対する波の打上げ実験から波の打上げが橋脚設置地点の通過波高にほぼ比例して増加することを明らかにした.橋脚前方に潜堤を設置して通過波高を減少させ』ることによってある程度打上げ高を低減できることを示した.また, 数値計算によって現地に設置する潜堤の効果を検討した.
木股 文昭 石原 和弘 植木 貞人 内田 和也 小山 悦郎 佐藤 峰司 鈴木 敦生 高山 鐵朗 竹田 豊太郎 辻 浩 寺田 暁彦 中坊 真 浜ロ 博之 平野 舟一郎 松島 健 宮島 力雄 森 済 八木原 寛 山本 圭吾 渡辺 秀文
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.35-43, 1999-04

1998年以降, 火山活動が活発化している岩手山火山において, 火山活動に伴う地殻上下変動とその圧力源を議論する目的で, 水準路線を設置し, 1998年7, 9, 11月に精密水準測量を実施した。1998年9月3日, 水準測量実施中に, 直下でM6.1の地震が発生し, 20cmに達する断層運動を水準測量で検出した。岩手山南麓ではこの4ヶ, 月間に4cmに達する山側隆起の上下変動が観測され, その圧力源は岩手山西方に深さ3km前後と推定される。Earthquake swarm is observed around the Iwate-san Volcano, Northeast Japan since 1998. The leveling route with distance of 36 km was set up around the volcano and the precise levelings have been repeated to discuss the crustal deformation four times in July, September, September and November in 1998. When the precise levelingis doing in September 3, 1998, earthquake of M6. 1 was occurred close to the volcano. One leveling team was making leveling in the epicenter area, Re-levelings were repeated since the next day of the earthquake, and coseisimic deformations of 20 cm are detected along the leveling route. However the precursor of the vertical movements is not recognized in the leveling data made just before the earthquake. Uplift of the Iwate-san Volcano is observed and which amounts to 4 cm in the period of July to November in 1998. The pressure sources of the vertical deformations are estimated to be under the west side of the volcano with depth of 3 kim, which is the almost the same location of the pressure estimated by GPS measurements and the DInSAR (Differential Interferometric SAR).
河田 惠昭 柄谷 友香
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.43, pp.1-12, 1999

これまで, 著者らは大規模な人的被害に基づく間接被害額を平均寿命とGRPの関係を用いて評価し, その手法を1995年の阪神・淡路大震災などの災害事例に適用してきた。この手法を世界各国に適用しようとすれば, 各国の統計デ」タが必ずしも公安されていないなど問題がある。そこで本研究では, 普通死亡率と平均寿命の関係に着目することによって, 従来の手法を簡便に用いることができるようにした。その手法を1999年のトルコおよび台湾の地震に適用した結果, 人的被害による社会的価値の損失は33.3億ドルおよび30.9億ドルと推定された。This Paper proposes a method to estimate indirect losses due to large scale natural disastersbased on the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and the average life span. We already applied to estimate indirect losses due to the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster. This approach requires death data in the damaged areas for calculation of average life span, which is not always available in many countries in the world. Therefore, we tried our conventional model to apply other countries using a correlation between the crude death rate and the average life span. In this paper, we put the method to the quakes in Turkey and in Taiwan in 1999. It was found that indirect losses in the first year were roughly estimated to be $3.33 billion in Turkey and $3.09 billion in Taiwan respectively.
京都大学防災研究所年報. A = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. A (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.10, pp.77-111, 1967-03-01

ペルー7チリ両国内の計13ヵ所において, 京都大学防災研究所とペルー地球物理研究所, サン・アグスチン大学地球物理研究所, チリ大学地球物理学・測地学教室との共同による長期の地殻変動連続観測が, 1965年10月から1966年1月にかけて開始された。この共同観測の正式名称は, 「地震に伴なう地殻変動の国際共同観測」といわれる。序報では, 共同観測の目的と意義を明らかにすると共に, 観測対象地域である南米太平洋岸の地体構造や地殻変動に関連の深い地球内部の諸現象と, それらを考慮して配置された地殻変動観測所の分布, 各観測用横坑の状況, 観測器械の種類・性能, などを詳述して, 今後逐次公表予定の観測報告に関する基礎資料に供したい。末尾にはこの共同観測を開始するに到った経緯と過程を参考までに附記した。For the purpose of researching the relations between crustal movements and seismicactivities and finding out some clues for earthquake prediction, the international cooper-ative observations of the crustal movements were planned to execute by the three countriesof Japan, Peru and Chile.The eight of thirteen observation stations are distributed in Peru and the five in Chile, and the observations in Peru and Chile were commenced respectively at the end of 1965and the beginning of 1966.In this preliminary report, the significance of the observations, the process from planto practice of the observations, the main contents of agreement on the cooperative works.The locations and conditions of the observation stations, the equipments and methods ofthe observations and the like are described in some detail.
光田 寧
京都大学防災研究所年報. A = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. A (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.10, pp.377-383, 1967-03-01

本研究の目的は雨滴あるいは海面より舞上った水滴が空中に混在している場合・暴風の機械的破壊作用がそれを含まない場合に比して増大するかどうかということを再検討することにある。暴風雨の中に立てば顔に当る雨滴は我々に痛みを感ぜしめるし, また窓ガラスを打つ雨滴は非常に激しい音を立てる。しかし, その強さが我々が構造物を設計したりする時に考慮しなければならないほどの破壊作用を有するものかどうかということについてはあまり詳しく調べてられいなかったのが実情である。The effects of rain or Water drops on storm damages are studied. The increase ofmean air density from rain water contained in the air is negligibly small and wind forceexerted on the structure does not increase even in heavy rain. However, the momentumof each droplet is estimated to be large enough to destroy a small part of structures, such as coating surface.
若林 実 南 宏一 西村 泰志
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.24, pp.p225-243, 1981-04

An experimental study is made to know the effect of working axial compression on the reductionof load carrying capacity of interior beam-to-column connection in steel reinforced concrete frames.Experimental variable is the ratio of applied axial compression to the ultimate compressive strength.Main discussion is concentrated on the shear strength, failure mechanism, strain history of webpanel and flange portion and hysteretic characteristics involved in the large deformation range undermonotonic and repeated loading. It is concluded that the load carrying capacity of beam-to-columnconnection that is supposed to fail in shear is hardly affected by magnitude of axial compressionon column
奥田 節夫
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.27, pp.p353-368, 1984-04

Historical records of large slope failures in Japan and foreign countries were collected andanalyzed to investigate occurrence frequency of the large slope failures and some dynamical andgeometrical features of debris deposits of the slope failures.It is shown that large slope failures have occurred in Japan much more frequently than inWestern countries. The relationship between the volume of slided debris and the equivalentcoefficient of friction for the debris motion is common to Japan and Western countries. Thefeatures of deposits spreading of slided debris showed a similar relationship between deposit areaand volume, but different shape over a wide range of debris volume with various types of slopefailures.
森 信人 鈴木 崇之 木原 直人
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.53, pp.425-432, 2009

沿岸域における台風時の強風時の表層近くの強混合鉛直混合を対象に着目し,現地観測と数値計算を実施した。両者の解析結果から台風接近時に顕著な水温の低下が観測され,極浅海で生じる低温水が沖に輸送されて沿岸部の水温を低下される。海面での海面粗度やTKEフラックスを波浪のスペクトルから与えることにより,台風最接近時の水温低下が再現されている。Since major driving forces of vertical mixing processes are wind and wind wave mixing, the boundary condition of turbulent kinetic energy flux at the ocean face is formulated as cubic of friction velocity by Craig-Banner relation. It is not well verified in general conditions including wave conditions and shallow water environment. This study estimates effects of wave conditions on vertical mixing processes at the ocean upper layers in the stormy condition. The field observation was conducted during typhoon Melor in 2009. The observed water temperature distributions indicate importance of wind and wave induced mixing in the nearshore. The numerical results show that the wave induced vertical turbulent flux significantly influences on the water temperature and the current, respectively.
光田 寧
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.40, pp.47-61, 1997-04
Kondo Tamiyo Hayashi Haruo Topping Kenneth MAKI Norio BANBA Michiko TAMURA Keiko TATSUKI Shigeo TANAKA Satoshi HORIE Kei HASEGAWA Koichi KARATANI Yuka FUKASAWA Yoshinobu
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.47, pp.305-313, 2003

本稿は、フィリピン・マリキナ市において、現地の自治体職員と日本の防災専門家とのコラボレーションによって策定された総合的な地震防災計画の策定プロセスとその内容について報告するものである。計画の策定は、計5回のワークショップを通して現地の自治体職員らによる合意形成のもとで行われた。Comprehensive Earthquake Disaster Reduction Program (CEDRP)は、参加型のプロセスを通して策定された地震防災計画であり、その総合性・包括性、防災の4段階を考慮に入れた点などで先駆的である。今後は、計画の実現に向けての実行計画をすすめると同時に、CEDRPの有効性、効果などを再び検証して計画の質の向上を図っていくことが求められているといえる。As a collaborative effort, earthquake disaster experts from Japan joined with a local stakeholder team made up mainly of Marikina City administrators to develop a comprehensive and integrated Marikina Comprehensive Earthquake Disaster Reduction Program (CEDRP). The CEDRP features a systematic structure in which a single goal is elaborated into ten objectives, along with policies/strategies and programs/projects while also taking into account the four phases of the disaster management cycle. The ten objectives can be categorized into three general policies summarizing physical, informational and strategic countermeasures.