安田 幸子 上田 伊佐子 森田 敏子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.95, pp.15-28, 2018

<p>本研究の目的は<b>,</b>高等学校5 年一貫校専攻科で学ぶ看護学生の看護倫理に関する思考の特徴を見出し倫理教育への課題を明らかにすることである。5 年一貫校専攻科の看護学生を対象に①宗教上の理由からの輸血の拒否<b>,</b>②出生前診断による選択的人工妊娠中絶<b>,</b>③脳死者からの臓器移植<b>,</b>など6 状況を設定し<b>,</b>倫理上の諸問題の思考の特徴を見出す質問紙調査を行った。学生の価値基盤は倫理原則であったが<b>,</b>倫理的根拠ではなく自己の感情による判断の可能性があり多角的な思考ができていなかった。さらに<b>,</b>10 名を対象とした半構造的面接を行い<b>,</b>倫理的問題と認知した要因として<b>,</b>【倫理的問題の認知の基盤】<b>,</b>【認知の仕方】<b>,</b>【感情】の3 カテゴリーが形成された。学生は看護観<b>,</b>学習内容との比較<b>,</b>患者の言動<b>,</b>患者の立場の想像から倫理的問題を捉え解釈し思考していたことから<b>,</b>倫理教育に関する課題は倫理に関する知識の確実な獲得と看護観の深化<b>,</b>感受性豊かな学生に育成することが示唆された。</p>
宮澤 友輔 梅原 麻子 平島 由絵 林 しの 塩田 洋 橋田 誠一
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
no.77, pp.19-28, 2009-03

We developed highly sensitive enzyme immunoassay for insulin that allowed the measurementof insulin in urine and dried blood on filter paper. As a result of having comparedurinary insulin with blood insulin after OGTT, serum insulin levels by dried blood on filterpaper at 60 minutes were significantly correlated with total urinary insulin value during120 minutes (p<0.01).Subsequently we compared an insulin level in the morning urine from three groups ofnon-diabetic non-obese subjects, non-diabetic obese subjects and the diabetic patients,respectively. The total insulin value in urine of the non-diabetic obese subjects was significantlyhigher than both of non-diabetic non-obese subjects and the diabetic patients(p<0.05). On the other hand, by the correction with the urinary creatinine, the increasethat was more significant than non-diabetic non-obese subjects was found in both of nondiabeticobese subjects and the diabetic patients (p<0.01).From these results, urinary insulin in the morning is a good marker for the risk of diabetesmellitus and may be effective in determining which patients need exercise guidanceand nutritional education.
小川 フェネリーひとみ 上田 伊佐子 森田 敏子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.94, pp.73-82, 2017-09-09 (Released:2018-04-18)

清本 奈々恵 松村 豊大
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.94, pp.161-180, 2017-09-09 (Released:2018-04-18)

岡林 春雄
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.96, pp.109-116, 2018-09-09 (Released:2019-02-20)

平成30 年度に心理学では,国家資格の養成制度がスタートする。そのような中で,心理学教育をあらためて考える必要が出てきた。科学としての心理学の歴史,そして,これまでに心理学に起こった資格制度の絡む混乱を検討することによって,心理学教育にあたっては,①応用型の学力観をもち,学習者に向き合い,人間教育を忘れずに行うこと,②心理学理論が出てくる背景を方法論とともに理解し,自分の都合での勝手な解釈・判断を排除すること,③学習者の主体性を重視し,学習者が成長するきっかけを与える教育をすること,④大学前教育(高校教育等)で心理学を行う場合,心理作用のメカニズムに言及し,学習者の人間関係のさらなる向上を目指す教育が必要である,といったことが提起された。
葛原 隆

長弘 千恵 小笹 美子 仲野 宏子 橋本 文子 森脇 智秋 古川 薫 外間 知香子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.95, pp.63-70, 2018

<p>子ども虐待の相談件数は2016 年度12 万件と年々増加し<b>,</b>虐待による死亡数も改善しない状況である。行政保健師は<b>,</b>地域内の全妊婦に関わり妊娠届時から長期的視野に立って早期発見・早期対応することが可能な職種である。妊娠届出と母子健康手帳の交付は子育て支援のスタートであり<b>,</b>これらに携わる保健師の支援について今までの研究で明らかになった活動内容を活用して支援の方向性を検討することを目的で文献検討を行った。方法は<b>,</b>保健師が行った妊婦に対する子ども虐待予防や早期対応に関わる子育て支援についてデータベースを用いて検索し<b>,</b>妊娠届出からの支援活動に関する21 文献を検討した。結果は<b>,</b>妊娠届出の時点で要支援家庭であるか否かのふるい分けが可能であり<b>,</b>妊婦の背景を踏まえた早期対応で虐待予防が可能であることが示唆された。今後の課題として<b>,</b>妊娠届出時の情報内容と情報活用法と多機関多職種との細かな連携の必要が示唆された。</p>
堀口 誠信
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.78, pp.83-94, 2009-09

This paper focuses on the educational philosophy in Finland which has led studentsthere to reach the highest rank in the world in many achievement tests such as TOEFL orPISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). As a result of such success,many researchers are visiting Finland these days, and, in November 2008, I went therewith the specific purpose to establish a method of developing presentation skills among collegestudents and fixing the criteria in evaluating these students' presentations in Japan.By showing how classes in Finland are conducted, I will discuss the ideology of Finnisheducation, or "the FINNISH METHOD of education."The FINNISH METHOD of education is based on how effectively teachers can helpstudents acquire communicative skills through discussion. In the FINNISH METHOD,"discussion" doesn't simply mean talking with others but two parties coming to a conclusionwhich is favorable to both parties. This is done by persuading the other party, recognizingthe different values of others, and, sometimes, getting through hardships of confrontingopposite opinions. This special idea of "discussion" can be applied to help studentsobtain skills to solve problems in groups and obtain a sense of global communication skills.Both skills are best adapted to solve the PISA tests, but the Finnish Educational Ministrystarted to emphasize these two skills not because they would like to raise the students'scores in PISA but because the Finnish people came to realize the importance of these conceptsin order to survive the terrible economic situation after the collapse of the SovietUnion in the 1990s, which used to be the biggest market for Finland. In order to build awelfare nation, Finnish people had to develop skills to solve problems in groups, not individually,and, living in a small country surrounded by such big nations as Sweden or theSoviet Union, they had to develop necessary global communication skills.※Acknowledgment : This work includes the result of the research supported by KAKENHI(20530870), or Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) ["Establishing the Method toDevelop Presentation Skills and the Criteria in Evaluating Presentations by Referring tothe FINNISH METHOD of Education"] by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS).
榊原 達哉
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.80, pp.81-90, 2010-09

My purpose of this paper consists in analysing<<the thought of community>>or<<thethought of the State>>in the thought of Emmanuel L&eacute;vinas. While a certain scholar did notalways come to study the subject of the State or the community in the history ofinterpretations of L&eacute;vinas, however, it does not only seem to be very important for me, butalso to be essential on deeply thinking the political thought of L&eacute;vinas, that the problem ofthe State or the familiy etc, namely, that of the community occupys a central place in thediscussion around, not only the political thought of L&eacute;vinas, but also his philosophicalthought. That is the reason why I would like to insist on these discussions in the use of thedecipherment lattice of Jacques Derrida's readings of L&eacute;vinas, from both a political levelviewpoint and a philosophical level viewpoint. In analysing these discussions or theseproblems, there are then two consequences, i.e., political consequense, and philosophicalconsequense. The latter is that of the philosophical discussion which concerns thedeconstruction of the philosophy founded by the representation from Platon to Heidegger,and the former is that of political discussion which is how to think actually, fundamentallyraison d'&ecirc;tre of the community, and so the perpetual peace. We will understand that thesetwo problems become the same problem in the philosophy of L&eacute;vinas.
榮田 絹代 森田 敏子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.92, pp.53-82, 2016-09

Objective: To identify the impact that role-lettering has on promoting self-understanding and understanding of others in nursing students, and to discover the educational implications of acquiring interpersonal and communication skills. Method: The research was designed as an exploratory validation of inductive and descriptive factors of role-lettering, and for validation of clinical hypotheses. Subjects were 215 2-year course nursing students in Kyushu Prefecture. They were mailed a self-administered survey and a qualitative analysis of their responses was conducted. Results: 102 surveys were returned, with 93 valid responses (43.3%). The valid surveys contained the following responses: "dissatisfaction and anger," "complaints and predicaments," "tension and mixed feelings," "expectations for others," and "confirmation of others' feelings." The returned surveys contained the following responses: "dissatisfaction and criticism," "valid complaints and justifications," " difficulty in understanding and response," "different perspectives," and "expectations and hopes for self." Based on the feeling of good or ill will towards others, limitations for self-understanding and understanding for others were revealed. Of the seven clinical hypotheses, five were validated. Discussion: Clarifying one's emotions through role-lettering and sharing the standpoint of others aids in self-dialog, promotes empathic understanding, displays an interest in and concern for others, and deepens self-understanding and understanding of others. Five of the seven clinical hypotheses were validated, and educational implications that promote self-understanding and the understanding of others obtained.
井上 加奈子 森田 敏子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.92, pp.13-36, 2016-09

Objective: This study aims to clarify the following aspects when students meet patients during their participation in nursing practicum: what they experience (their awareness) "in the here and now;" the significance they place on their own practicum experience; and how they attain, form, and deepen their clinical knowledge which consists of situational knowledge, embodied knowledge, and knowledge of relations. Methods: A semi-structured interview was conducted with seven 4th-year students who had completed their nursing practicum at a nursing university, with the interview content qualitatively analyzed. Results: The interview time was 70±31 minutes. The subjects were aged 22±1 years. Although the students had experienced feelings of perplexity and confusion concerning nursing practicum and their patients' states at the beginning of the practicum, the study found that they were ultimately able to form and deepen their clinical knowledge through their relationships with the patients. Discussion: At the beginning of the students' nursing practicum, they felt perplexed at various situations around them. Then, bolstered by their desire to become involved with the patients, they focused on their patients present with them "in the here and now." By getting closer to the patients' worlds, the students assimilated clinical knowledge. When the students were liberated from their own operative emotions in their interaction with the patients, their clinical knowledge deepened. This study suggests that students' growth can be enhanced if support is provided, allowing students to become aware of their sensation of being together with the patients "in the here and now" and to form their "clinical knowledge." This process, in turn, deepens their clinical knowledge and mode of formation and deepening.
森本 滋郎 堀尾 誠 田淵 敏明
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.90, pp.59-65, 2015-09

It is said that if the competition rate to get into university decreases by two times it will be difficult to secure the present competiveness. Therefore it is essential to create as soon as possible a competitive environment as well as review the admission quota. As well, in order to reduce the rate of students dropping out of school, we must offer a better education. The fluctuation of the number of applicants and the number of incoming students is a severe problem in regards to management, educational research, and grant donors. However, even if various measures to create a better education are implemented, it not easy to avoid the problem of failing to achieve the admission quota. One proposal to solve this difficult issue is making clear the structural phenomenon of the decrease of the number of applicants and the number of incoming students. By doing so it might be possible to see what needs to be done. For this study we could understand the condition of the fluctuating number of applicants and incoming students by using a model, namely, the model of Kermack-McKendrick that maps the spread of infectious diseases, and we considered the implementation of a plan for increasing the number of incoming students. In our conclusion we describe two main results in order to increase the number of incoming students to match the admission quota.
児嶋 輝美
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.84, pp.65-74, 2012-09

I suggest that there is a necessity to understand about hand-play songs well from the viewpoint of an instructor at a nursery education and day care training school. That is because nursery school and kindergarten teachers don't think about what kind of value hand-play songs have as a teaching materials in most cases though they find them necessary. Therefore the purpose of this study is to consider their meaning as teaching materials on the present fields of childcare by studying the history of hand-play songs by means of music books, which have been published since the Meiji era (1868-1912). Music of hand-play songs is divided into four types: traditional children's song, foreign songs, creative songs, and anonymous songs. Based on the facts clarified from the history of each type, I found the following 2 points at issue. 1.The value of hand-play songs as a teaching material is great because one is free to use it in any form of play. Singing in the same manner as the original song is not necessarily correct. It is only natural that the melody or the words should change through the process of playing by nursery teachers and children, and it means creating the original songs as well. 2.Hand-play songs become an opportunity for music education because they repeat hand-play songs day after day, it has an effect of cultivating children's sense of rhythm and music. Moreover, it gives children an opportunity to enjoy various music, such as Western music and Japanese traditional children's song.
高畑 常信 鴨田 恒子
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
no.77, pp.1-39, 2009-03

Deng-Shiru (1743〜1805) was one of the most remarkable and influential shufa-jia(calligrapher) and zuanke-jia (seal engraver) during the Qing period (1644-1911), and leftan extraordinary impact for future generations."Deng-Shiru Fashu-Xuanji" (1963, Renmin-Chubanshe) is a collection of works ofDeng-Shiru selected for publishing by Deng-Yizhe descended from Deng-Shiru. So far,there have been some studies dealing with part of this publication, but no comprehensiveresearch paper is available. This study aims to integrate past studies and present newresults.The contents are as follows:1) Rewrite the scripts written with ink brush by Deng-Shiru in Zhuan-shu (the engravedseal style of Chinese character writing), Li-shu (the square plain style of Chinesecharacter writing), Kai-shu (the square style of Chinese character writing), Xing-shu (theintermediate style of Chinese character writing), Cao-shu (the cursive style of Chinesecharacter writing) into the modern Chinese characters2) Translate the scripts into Japanese.3) Collect past research papers.4) Annotate on the important related writings obtained by searching works of Qinglitterateurs.5) Describe the new findings and results of the study.
高畑 常信
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.89, pp.(1)-(28), 2015-03

Gui (鬼) and Shen (神) are the ancestral souls and gods of a mountain or river. Guai, (怪), Li (力), Luan (乱), and Shen (神) are gods that use a supernatural creature, which revolts against order, and mountains and rivers. Kongzi (孔子) prayed to these deities and taught people to obtain happiness and profits through their own efforts without asking for such. However, many people thing that they would like to obtain happiness simply without having a longing for the things with the "mystical supernatural power" which man cannot know, and without going through a painful struggle. Although Kongzi (孔子) taught the ideal in opposition to many people following the social customs of the day, many people must have followed the social custom rather than his ideal. Previously work by academics have focused on stone monuments with an inscription of three characters (Shigandang:石敢當) or five characters (Taishanshigandang:泰山石敢當). These monuments pay homage to an evil spirit and although the custom of erecting such started in China, they can been see in various places in Japan. For example, Okinawa (沖縄) and their surrounding islands such as Amami Oshima (奄美大島) and Tokunoshima (徳之島), as well as Kagoshima (鹿児島), Miyazaki (宮崎) and Akita (秋田) prefecture. I investigated various sites in Okinawa with Shigandang and noted their locations on a map. There are very few place where Shigandang can be seen. This paper presents a different viewpoint taken by many so far and examines the historical progress of the Shigandang from past to present.
Mariotti Giuseppe
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.88, pp.63-83, 2014-09

Piano playing is a very complex motor act that requires an enormous degree of coordination and comprehensive daily training. The pianist's technical training is usually separate from the musical training, and consists mostly of exercises that contain several repetitions of brief note patterns. Those patterns are intended to overcome deficiencies in the structure of the hand, like a limited span between fingers, or to master recurring difficult passages of the piano literature. In the typical school environment, those technical exercises are chosen from the several available piano methods. However, the conceptions of most methods are well over one century old and based on antiquated assumptions. For example, most methods focus excessively on the increase of fingers' muscles strength. This misconception leads to very inefficient and time-wasting practicing strategies with deplorable results like muscle soreness and pain, tendinitis and even focal dystonia. The vast majority of high school and university piano students in Japan are affected by those playing-related musculoskeletal disorders. Many research projects on musicians' sensorimotor system have amply demonstrated that the main requisite for a proficient piano technique is movement coordination instead of finger strength. This is confirmed by the empirical description that eminent pianists give of their extraordinary technique. The daily exercises presented here were developed and tested over a 5-year span, and are based on recent neuroscience research. The exercises are rather simple and short, and have a moderate melodic sense in order to avoid monotony. They are newly created, or adapted from historical sources, and are targeted to piano students of high school and university grade. These exercises have shown to be useful in the improvement of students' auditory-sensorimotor skills, and they can lead to a better music-making.
古家 弘幸

大島 隆幸

研究成果の概要:糖尿病などに代表される生活習慣病の最重要原因は肥満であり、核内受容体型転写制御因子PPAR-gamma は、脂肪細胞の分化制御を介した肥満の倹約因子である。今回我々は、PPAR-gamma のSUMO 化修飾の生理学的意義を明らかにすることを目的に、まずPPAR-gamma2 特異的ノックダウンマウスを作成した。そしてこのマウスは、痩せの大食いと共に、脂肪肝が全く認められないという表現系を示した。
向井 理紗

ヒト T 細胞白血病ウイルス 1 型 (HTLV-1) は成人 T 細胞白血病 (ATL) や HTLV-1 関連脊髄症の原因となるレトロウイルスであり、特に ATL は発症後その半数が1 年以内に死亡する悪性度の高い疾患である。これまでに、ATL 患者由来の T 細胞に例外なく発現するウイルス由来因子として HTLV-1 bZIP factor (HBZ) が同定されており、HBZ こそが ATL 発症に必須な因子であると推測されている。本年度は、HBZ の宿主細胞内での生理機能を明らかにすることを目的として研究を行なった。我々のグループは HBZ と相互作用する宿主因子を網羅的に探索するため、酵母ツーハイブリッド法を行ない、ヒトセントロメアに存在し、染色体の構造形成に関与するとされている CENP-B を同定した。共免疫沈降法により、HBZ と CENP-B の相互作用は酵母内のみならず、それぞれを一過性に動物細胞内に発現させた場合、HTLV-1 感染 T 細胞株を用いた場合でも確認された。さらに、詳細を解析した結果、HBZ と CENP-B はそれぞれ互いの中央領域を介して相互作用することを見いだした。これまでに CENP-B は C 末端に存在する二量体化領域を介してホモ二量体を形成し、N 末端に存在する DNA 結合領域を介して α-サテライト DNAに存在する CENP-B box へ結合することが報告されている。CENP-B と HBZ を共発現させた場合、CENP-B の二量体化量は変化しなかったが、CENP-B の DNA 結合能は顕著に抑制することを見いだした。また、クロマチン化された DNA においても同様の結果が得られた。また、HBZ は CENP-B 依存的なヒストン H3K9 のトリメチル化修飾亢進能を強力に阻害することが明らかとなった。