丸山 俊明
vol.75, no.651, pp.1225-1230, 2010

The first Juraku-tyo was the first castle town where was built along with Jurakudai in Tensyo 14-18 (1586-90).<br>Toyotomi government assembled the wealthy commonalty and ordered to inhabit in Juraku-tyo. The row houses were formed by intention of government and the financial power of commonalty. This paper is intended as an investigation of the row houses, which were found out in &ldquo;Gosyo-sandai-Jurakudai-Gyoukou Screen&rdquo;. It is clear that Toyotomi government intended to complete the row two-storied houses, which made the same eaves height.
青木 義次 湯浅 義晴
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.449, pp.47-55, 1993
21 16

We can find various types of extensions of private commodities such as plant-boxes, bicycles and other household goods in alley-space which tenement style houses are faced. We sometimes assert that the closed type public space facilitates private use more than the open type. But, the results of five surveys on the private commodities in 53 alley-spaces reject this hypothesis. These suggest that habitants in the open type alley-space use public space privately for making their tight community space and their behavior do not block the passage in public alley-space.
宮内 杏里 山本 直彦 増井 正哉 田中 麻里 パント モハン 濱岡 飛鳥 向井 洋一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.731, pp.93-103, 2017

&nbsp;This paper aims to discuss the areal extent and spatial structure of neighborhood, called <i>tol</i>, which possibly demarcate urban fabric with respect to worship and funeral procedure. Bhaktapur is known as one of the historic cities of the World Heritage Site in Kathmandu Valley. The analysis focuses on the house distributions that have the common votary area of the guardian deities' shrine and the use of the same crossing for funeral procedure.<br>&nbsp;A <i>tol</i> is one of the traditional neighborhood units. But it is not clear how <i>tols</i> are structured and what <i>tols</i> have in common. First, we take a look into the existing studies on origin and outline of a <i>tol</i>, and pay special attention to the following two studies. A research done by Pant (2001) has taken the approach that the key to consider a <i>tol</i> is the areal extent of worship to the guardian deities, <i>ganesh</i>. Another research done by Gutschow (1975) has claimed that the clue to determine <i>tol</i> boundaries is the ways of the Dead to crematories. It consider a <i>tol</i> as equivalent to the areal extent of use of the same <i>chwasa</i> which is a stone found often at the crossings on the way to crematories from the diseased houses.<br>&nbsp;<i>Ganesh</i> is often considered as a guardian deity at various neighborhood levels. That of a <i>tol</i> is called Tol Ganesh. A Tol Ganesh is normally placed on the main square in a <i>tol</i>, except when there is a presence of a more prominent deity of wider importance in the main square. People in the same <i>tol</i> usually worship the same Tol Ganesh. We find out that those living urban dwellings in located on both sides of a street worship to the same Tol Ganesh, but the depth of its areal extent on one side of a street seems shallow than the other side.<br>&nbsp;<i>Chwasa</i> is an aniconic ritual artifact made of a single stone placed on the crossing. Various articles left by the diseased are disposed on the stone as a part of the funeral procedures, for example clothes, umbilical cord or inauspicious belongings of the dead. We found 7 <i>chwasas</i> in the case-study area to the east of Dattatraya square. However the inhabitants in the peripheral part of the old city do not use these <i>chwasas</i> but use the temples or the crematories outside the city area. People living in the midst of the city area after disposing articles of the dead on <i>chvasa</i> also use the temples afterwards.<br>&nbsp;Next we compare the areal extent of worship to Tol Ganesh with that of use of <i>chwasa</i>. Whether or not a <i>ganesh</i> shrine and <i>chwasa</i> are closely placed will determines overlapping extent of both votary areas. However it became clear that the areal extent of use of <i>chwasa</i> have the same character with that of worship to Tol Ganesh in terms of <i>Ryogawa-cho</i> structure explained below and the difference in horizontal depth perpendicular to the street.<br>&nbsp;Finally, our suevey located <i>tol</i> boundaries in the eastern part of Bhaktapur. It turned out that there were 2 types of <i>tol</i> boundaries. i.e. the more common type whose boundaries lying on the backside of houses (<i>Ryogawa-cho</i> type), and the other one with boundaries lying on the street (<i>Katagawa-cho</i> type). Compering these three boundaries, (Tol Ganesh, <i>chwasa</i> and <i>tol</i>), <i>Katagawa-cho</i> type <i>tol</i> boundaries seem to be an exception. But we will try to find particular meaning in them in the next paper on historic urban formation.
若山 滋 藤原 隆
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.405, pp.141-147, 1989
6 1

We find out the Japanese emotion in mediaeval times with one's architectural space, as the result of analizing and considering the architectural terms in KOKINSYU and SHINKOKINSYU. In KOKINSHU,in the terms represent house, YADO is superior to other terms. And it find out the pessimism is related life from poet that include SUMAU. In SHINKOKINSHU, YADO is ordinary used, and IHO is appeared. These mean that the aesthetic of temporary and WABI residence are developed in emotion of this age. And we find out that emotion of architectural space grew variety from the terms represent part increased.
笠原 一人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.649, pp.727-736, 2010

This Paper examines the Architectural works and activities of Isaburo Ueno. He went to Berlin and Wien to study architecture in 1920's after graduated from Waseda Univ. in Tokyo. He worked at Josef Hofmann's studio, and got married with a Wiener Werkst&auml;tte designer Felice Lizzi Rix. After he came back to Japan, he established his own architectural studio. He founded 'The International Architectural Association of Japan' in 1927, and became the chairman of the association. He designed architectures based on modernism, while he applied some ornaments on his works. That ornaments designed by his wife Lizzi, as the collaborationist. Then after World War II, he devote to education of architecture and design.
四ヶ所 高志 塩崎 太伸 奥山 信一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.684, pp.355-364, 2013-02-28 (Released:2013-05-31)

The piloti, elevating the building above ground, is one of the most characteristic modernist structural types. This element also has spatial implications, as recognized by Le Corbusier's “Five Points” and exemplified in his “Villa Savoye (1928-31)”. After World War II a number of such houses made their appearance in Japan. Here we aim to illustrate and examine how Japanese architects of the time extrapolated a design theme from this model, based on a study of such work as it appeared in architectural publications. Initially, two aspects of the piloti concept were selected, and each scheme was then subjected to a “KJ-method” analysis (originated by KAWAKITA Jiro). First, we scrutinized the architect's intention in adopting a piloti scheme. Secondly, we attempted to assess each architect's distinct view of the spatial character of the prototype, as exemplified in his deployment of the piloti model. At this point, the composition of each house was assessed with regard to two aspects involving the relationship between building and ground, namely the interrelation of building to site and to its natural gradation. Finally, the mediation between each architect's thinking and the final composition has been plotted in terms of this dual classification.
苅谷 哲朗
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.582, pp.201-208, 2004-08-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
2 3

The purpose of this paper is to study by the hierarchical structure method with golden section for architectural elevations by Kenzo Tange. In case of many of his works of Kenzo Tange, people will find golden section on them. He requests his staffs to make models from the early stage of the design, and check the design and proportion quite repeatedly. Model makings are at the beginning in 1:500 scale, next in 1:200 scale, then in 1:50 scale , in 1:10 scale etc.. At each stages the. Frameworks of each scales are decided by him and by his old staffs. Therefore even if observers feel there is no les traces regulateurs or no modulor in the'design process in front of Kenzo Tange, golden section is gradually decided through the feed back process.
真木 利江 新畑 朋子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.748, pp.1117-1125, 2018 (Released:2018-06-30)

This paper aims to clarify the transition and the characteristics of the landscape design by Kenzo Tange in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park through investigation of the drawings and the descriptions of the park published in magazines and collections of his works, and the historical materials owned by the Hiroshima City Archives. Tange's plan, proposed in the architectural design competition held in 1949, is very famous for the idea that the principle axis oriented north and south through the park crosses at right angles with the axis oriented east and west along Peace Boulevard. Both the Peace Arch and the piloti of the Peace Memorial Museum open onto the north-south axis and divide the expanse from the Peace Boulevard to the Atomic Bomb Dome into 3 parts (forecourt, the Peace Square, and the area of memorial trees). The A-Bomb Dome appears as the focal point in the view along the axis. The creation of monumentality with an invisible axis not depending on massive objects in the park is esteemed as his original and excellent design. His design work continued from 1949 to 1955 when the construction had finished, and in the 1970's he proposed a new plan to solve problems which had been caused by postwar shortages in the supply of construction materials. We examined the proposals he made in each period, focusing on the treatment of the principal axis and how the park was designed to both commemorate the victims of atomic bomb and promote peace. His plan, drawn in 1949, included a detailed landscape design. The Peace Square was covered with turf and the memorial trees, planted in a grid, were pruned cypresses. The central hourglass shaped stretch was flanked by evergreen trees on the eastern and western parts of the stretch. There were also several paths lined with deciduous trees or pine trees along the river. The original plan for the Memorial Arch was cancelled and the Memorial Cenotaph designed by Tange was aligned to frame the A-Bomb Dome in 1952. The plan drawn in 1952 shows long and narrow flowerbeds on the principal axis in the northern part. Tange's original plan for a grid of memorial cypress trees was not realized when the planting was eventually carried out. In the 1960's the Peace Flame and the Peace Pond were aligned on the axis to the north of the cenotaph. In the 1970's, Tange proposed some ideas to improve the park. The primary idea was to pave the whole hourglass stretch with stones to show the atomic bombed town map as it had been at the time of the bombing. He also presented the idea to extend the Peace Pond to the river. Regarding the principal axis, we clarified that the concept of the invisible axis became obscure when the cenotaph was built. The concept in his 1970's proposal indicated that the initial idea of an invisible axis was realized in southern part of the park and on the other hand the visible axis was distinctly shown as the extended Peace Pond. Regarding the function of the park to promote peace, we clarified that the original plan called for different purposes for the northern and southern parts of the park: The northern part was to commemorate the victims whereas the southern part would promote peace, but these separated functions overlapped in an unrealized redesign proposal which would have put markers indicating property boundaries of the obliterated buildings that had previously stood in the center of the park, and also in the view from the cenotaph.
西應 浩司 松原 斎樹 森田 孝夫 宮岸 幸正 阪田 弘一 藏澄 美仁
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.554, pp.219-225, 2002-04-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
1 1

This study summarizes the results of a psychological experiment conducted in order to assess continuous recognition of street layout based on the dominant hemisphere of the brain. The experiment was conducted in two areas : one with a grid-shaped street pattern and another with an irregular pattern of winding streets. Subjects were asked to memorize route by studying a computer-animated simulation and walk the route by themselves. Originally the experiment included 18 right-dominant and 21 left-dominant. Analyzing questionnaire and errors in the cognitive maps, the right-dominant used more spatial expression than the left-dominant. However, there was no difference between both types in the number of completion of walking the route and drawing the cognitive maps.
番場 美恵子 竹田 喜美子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.592, pp.25-31, 2005
7 2

The purpose of this study is, as the elderly living in urban housing complex is the subject of this study, to reveal the change of their living activities and the process of transition. As a conclusion, not only the ko (=individual life style) is expanded in the elderly period, but also it observed the change of their ko centered living activities As they get more older, the identity is established and ko becomes the center of their lives. The important thing is actively inviting kyaku (=the guests to their lives) and having a balance between ko and kyaku in their lives.
増永 理彦 富樫 頴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.549, pp.247-252, 2001
4 2

The aim of this paper is to survey sharing or separating of bedrooms among elderly couples living in housings rented by UDC. The conclusion is as follows : 1 On the choice of bedrooms, the 43 couples share their bedrooms and the 47 don't share among the 90 elderly households. This choice of sleeping style is influenced not only by the size and number of bedrooms but also by the floor space of the housing units 2 The factors in making the choice include the availability of "Japanese style rooms" "rooms with Japanese style sliding door closet", "calmness", and so on. 3 The majority of the couples surveyed usually use Japanese style futon for sleeping, whereas western style beds are used more requently in larger housing units.
沢田 知子
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.547, pp.95-102, 2001
12 9

The study will propose designing dwellings to support and enrich the elderly and aged people. This study reports on a survey on the condoiiniui houses built about 20 years ago. In the survey, some characteristics of life style and way of living for their generation. In the parti, main findings are as follows. Characteristics are discussed; the increase of smaller dweller for aging after the separation of children; the increase of stay at home and that of accompany of wife and husband; the active hobby life, as the life style and way of living; the change of closed to open door of children's rooms; the change to separate sleeping of the couple.
池 浩三
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.65, no.537, pp.265-273, 2000

The suggestion that the logic and details of the Doric order was copied from earlier wooden construction is open to question because some scholars reject it as invalid hypothesises. Thus, this paper tries to interpret the meaning of the Doric elements from the mythological or philosophical point of view and confirms that the symbolism of the Parthenon is implied in the correspondence between the forms and their colours. A restored model (scale: 1/10) of the north-west corner of the Parthenon was manufactured as an effective method to understand such reality of the polychromy.
山田 有孝 永野 正行 山添 正稔 三浦 賢治
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.67, no.561, pp.73-80, 2002-11-30 (Released:2017-02-04)
1 1

The earthquake strong motion arrived from seismic fault via propagating in bedrock and local site. The adequate 3-dimentional dynamic analytical method is required in order to evaluate the seismic risk for the coming large earthquake. The development of computer technology makes it possible to carry out the dynamic analysis of huge 3-dimentional soil model. The finite element method (FEM) applied to space discrete and explicit method applied to time integration is useful. The FEM can represents soil irregularity more rigorous but expense longer computational time. This paper describes the method of FEM and explicit time integration considering multi volumes with variable mesh size and integral time increment. The proposed method demonstrates good computational performance for dynamic analyses of large 3-dimentional soil model. The prediction analyses for earthquake motions in Osaka area during hypothetical Tokai-Nankai earthquake is shown.
佐藤 篤司 三井 和也 青山 雅弘
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.82, no.736, pp.929-939, 2017 (Released:2017-06-30)

Steel products which have various characteristic (e.g. high ductility, high yield stress, low yield stress and high weldability) are used as main structure of building by diversification of demanded application, and technology for steel manufacturing has developed. Because steel square tubular member is processed cold-forming and welding in the process of manufacturing, residual stress will exist in the products. Moreover, due to the cold-forming process geometrical initial imperfection, i.e., global and local, will exist. These initial imperfections are still remained even so the technology for steel manufacturing is developed. The influence of the initial imperfection on the performance of the column is well known. However, the effect of the initial imperfection on the elasto-plastic behavior of square steel tubular columns under compressive axial force with one end bending moment is not clarified. In this paper, firstly, the effect of initial imperfection (i.e., initial global imperfection, initial local imperfection or residual stress) on the elasto-plastic performance is investigated independently; comparison between the experimental results are shown. Secondly, the effect of composite initial imperfections on the elasto-plastic performance is investigated. Firstly, followings were found from the analysis results where initial imperfection is introduced in the member individually. 1) The amplitude of the global imperfection has an impact on performance of the column. Also, the direction of the global imperfection has an impact on performance of the column. When the ultimate behavior was determined by local buckling, the deformation capacity decreased with an increase the amplitude of global imperfection to windward. On the other hand, when the ultimate behavior was determined by bending deformation in in-plate, the deformation capacity increased with an increase the amplitude of global imperfection. 2) The amplitude of the local imperfection has a great impact on performance of the column. The maximum bending moment and the deformation capacity significantly decreased with an increase the amplitude of local imperfection. 3) The magnitude of the residual stress which changes in plate thickness direction hardly has an impact on performance of the column. However, the amplitude of the residual stress which does not change in plate thickness direction has an impact on performance of the column. Secondly, followings were found from the analysis results where composite initial imperfections are introduced in the member. 4) The amplitude of the local imperfection is the most influential initial imperfection on the deformation capacity of the column, and the deformation capacity decreased with an increase of the amplitude of local imperfection. The influence of the amplitude of the global imperfection is insignificant on the deformation capacity. On the other hand, the amplitude of the global and local imperfection and the magnitude of the residual stress do not have significant impact on the maximum bending moment. 5) Validation of the numerical simulation were also performed; initial imperfections that can simulate test results in reasonable accuracy was shown.
小柳 由紀子 土居 義岳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.570, pp.125-131, 2003-08-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
1 1

This study aims both at reproducing the original plan of Madame du Deffand's apartment based on her inventory after death and at defining the feminine specificity of 18th century French women's habitations. Using this method based on the inventory after death developed by the Ecole d'Annales in France, we describe the functional characteristics of each room, mainly in terms of size and design. Analyzing the restitution's results in perspective with the knowledge of fine art and furniture, we shed further light on the social and cultural life of 18th century French women.
平賀 慎 杉田 洋 村川 三郎 近藤 貴道
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.616, pp.153-158, 2007-06-30 (Released:2017-02-25)
2 1

This paper proposes the cleanliness check system which is constructed by the evaluation of students for the purpose of efficient cleaning management. This system was applied to a certain university as a case study. First the viewpoints and judgment conditions on which the cleanliness of campus were evaluated were extracted by the hearing investigations to the students. Then, some items for the cleanliness check were decided based on these results. Furthermore, importance level to the check items and user satisfaction to the current conditions were investigated. As a result, the necessary knowledge to improve concretely the cleaning management was obtained.
小野 恭平
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.676, pp.1507-1512, 2012-06-30 (Released:2012-07-27)

The purpose of this paper is to explore attractions of yamazato (location of leisure activity / romance / secluded life / religion) described in literary works of Heian era. The followings have been obtained as conclusions. (1) yamazato as a place of leisure activity was the place that freed people from capital's daily lives and took them out of the real world and took them to another world. (2) yamazato as a place of romance was just like the world described in a story and released people from the reality of the boring capital. (3) yamazato as a place of secluded life and religion was a place that released people from the reality and this world itself. Yamazato in Heian era was deemed as a place that released people from the reality of the world, which was difficult to live in.
ドリス フーイ チー トー 久保田 徹
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.19, no.41, pp.219-224, 2013

The main purpose of this study is to evaluate thermal comfort levels in traditional Malay houses based on a field measurement, with an interest to apply its traditional passive cooling techniques to modern houses in Malaysia. The results reveal that indoor air temperatures are 1-2&deg;C higher than the corresponding outdoor air temperatures throughout the day except for a few morning hours around 9 a.m. Air movement obtained by open windows or ceiling fan is required to lower the SET* and improve thermal comfort. Solar heat control and a cool microclimate might be two fundamental traditional cooling techniques for these lightweight houses.