山本 一哉
奄美ニューズレター (ISSN:13488872)
vol.14, pp.6-12, (Released:2016-10-27)
藤枝 繁 小島 あずさ 大倉 よし子

太平洋を漂流する海洋ごみの流出地を明らかにするため,2010 年 4月から黒潮流域の伊豆諸島,小笠原諸島,北太平洋海流流域のミッドウェー環礁,ハワイ諸島,米国西海岸,黒潮上流域の台湾ののべ 307 海岸等において,14,647 本のディスポーザブルライターを採取した。ライターに記載された店舗名等から流出地を判別した結果,伊豆・小笠原諸島,ミッドウェー環礁,ハワイ諸島では,日本の太平洋沿岸を含む東アジアを流出地したものがほとんどを占めたが,台湾では日本からの漂着は見られなかった。
片岡 千賀之
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要 (ISSN:0453087X)
no.31, pp.p57-80, 1982

Due to progress in fisheries capitalization, boat fisheries had been realized through motorization in order to expand their fishing towards offshore, while in the coastal fishings, set net fisheries hadimproved with changes in the shape given to these art and the materials used.In case of yellowtail set net fisheries, such changes have evolved through four steps as follows:1) The traditional yellowtail catching methods were fixed gill net and triangular set net madeof rice straw. But a unique type so-called "yellowtail drift gill net" was used in MiyazakiPrefecture. This was invented by Kiemon Hidaka and his son Kameichi Hidaka in 1875.2) In 1892, the triangular set net made of hemp was invented by Kameichi Hidaka and his son Eizaburo Hidaka. This has been found effective and has been adopted in big-scale catch consequently contributing much to high productivity.3) In 1910, the same persons introduced for the first time the square set net made of hemp. Traditionally, it was made of rice straw used only for capture of tuna. With this new modification, it was possible to catch not only yellowtail but also tuna and was made popular throughout Japan.4) In 1919, Terushige Horinouchi in Kochi Prefecture introduced the trap set net. Thismethod, although effective, expanded slowly because the trap caught not only yellowtail, a prefered specie, but the miscellaneous fish caught in a big quantity. However, during the gainedpopularity especially with low-income fishermen due to its low cost and more stable capture compared to square set net method (3).The innovations have progressively contributed to high production on the national level.However in Miyazaki Prefecture as well as in the other places, fluctuations in catch had been experienced every now and then with peaks observed more or less every ten years.Such fluctuations in catch depend upon enviromental conditions such as natural cycles in water current andother man-made factors such as overfishing brought about by new innovation in fishing gears. Before these new innovations were introduced, no problem existed regarding utilization offishing grounds especially in undevelopment areas. This was due to the fact that only moving fishing gears were commonly utilized. When a shift from moving fishing gears to fixed gill net and eventually to set net occurred, several problems arose mainly; a) Claims on fishing groundareas which was of common use for all. b) Manpower, the set net methods require a number of people in the community for the operation.Due to the existence of such problems, it was necessary to create regulations for proper utilization of fishing grounds. In 1901, the "Meiji" Fisheries Law was established for the first time defining fishing rights were necessary to use the fishing ground. In 1910 and in 1933 at the hight of the "Showa" economic crisis, the law was revised in order to motivate establishment of fisheriesco-operative for the benefit of all. As a result, the set net fishing right were given more to theseco-operatives allowing them to engage in bisiness, nevertheless the fisheries law didn't discribe any precedence of its ownership and management.
"肥後 伸夫 上水樽 豊己"
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.28, pp.119-129,

"Using, as the experimental apparatus, a trawl net the full body of which was made to be lifted at a certain distance from the sea bottom, some experiments were carried out on its limit of catchability.In this experiment the apparatus was made of the following gears: firstly, a lot of long chains were attached vertically to the floats, and secondly, these were made to be set to the ground rope and to the lower belly of the trawl net.The results obtained are as in the following:1) The size of the trawl net is as follows; namely, the length of the head rope is 29.8 m, the full length of the net is 26.0 m. To this is attached a beam which is as long as 18.0 m. This trawl net was hauled at the speed from 0.5 knot to 3.0 knot. 2) The catchable towing speed was ascertained to be within the range from 1.5 knot to 2.0 knot. The vertical distance of the off bottom trawl net from the sea bottom was counted to be 40~70 cm.3) The main kinds of the caught fish were as follows: - Taius tumifrons; Nephrops thomsoni: Octopus thomsoni; Navodon modestus; while Seurus undosquamis; Chelidonichthys kumu, and Muraenesox cinereus were uncatchable; on the other hand stones, shells, starfish were left untouched, too.4) The vertical distances of the net detached from the water bottom wereascertained to be almost equal both in case of the measuring on the spot and in that of the experimental model measuring.""底曳網全体を海底から僅かに離底させて曳網する実験を試みた。底曳網は浮子綱長 29.8m, 網の全長 26.0m の規模のもので, 18m のビームに装着し, 0.5 ノットから 3.0 ノットまで曳網した。離底の装置は浮子に長いチェンを垂下したものを数多く沈子綱と底曳網の下網に取りつけたものである。結果は次の通りである。1) 漁獲可能の曳網速力は 1.5 ノットから 2.0 ノットまでである。その時の離底の高さは, 40~70cm である。2) 入網魚の主なものはキダイ,エビ,タコ,ウマズラハギでエソ,ホウボウ,ハモ,アナゴは入網しない。3) 同時に曳網実験をおこなったトロール網,小型底曳網に比較して,石,貝,ヒトデ等の混獲物はほとんどみられない。4) 計器による実測と模型実験による網の離底の高さは略一致する。また網口高さは,低速側で模型実験値が若干高くなるが, 25 ノット以上になると略一致する。"
北村 有迅 小濱 賢 村里 晃 長谷川 亮太 笠原 慎平 眞邉 健人 川端 訓代 キタムラ ユウジン コハマ ケン ムラサト コウ ハセガワ リョウタ カサハラ シンペイ マナベ ケント カワバタ クニヨ KITAMURA Yujin KOHAMA Ken MURASATO Kou HASEGAWA Ryota KASAHARA Shimpei MANABE Kento KAWABATA Kuniyo
南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers (ISSN:13450441)
vol.56, pp.3-6, 2015-03-31

小片 守 折原 義行 吾郷 一利 吾郷 美保子 オガタ マモル オリハラ ヨシユキ アゴウ カズトシ アゴウ ミホコ OGATA Mamoru ORIHARA Yoshiyuki AGO Kazutoshi AGO Mihoko
南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers (ISSN:13450441)
vol.38, pp.3-6, 2003-02-28

自殺を予防する方策を探るための第一歩として,鹿児島県島嶼地区における最近3年間(1999-2001年)の自殺例について検討したところ,総数は165人,年間平均自殺率(人口10万対)は29.0であった.男性自殺率は46.5で,女性の値13.0に比して有意に高値を示した.10年前(1989-1991年)と比較すると,男性60歳代に有意の増加を認めた.自殺の背景を10年前と比較すると,男性では厭世,経済的理由の割合が有意に増加していたが,女性では差を認めなかった.昨今の景気低迷が島嶼地区においても特に60歳代男性に大きく影響していることがうかがえる.自殺者の世帯人数の比率を島嶼地区全体と比較すると,自殺者では独居,2人暮らしの比率がともに有意に高値を示した.したがって,夫婦や家族相互の心の交流が自殺者減少のための重要な要素と思われる.また,自殺企図経験者の割合が男性では12%,女性では21%を占めていたことから,特に自殺未遂経験者を対象とした心理学的ケアなどの社会的対策によって自殺者数を減少できるのではないかと考える. Cases of suicide in the islands of Kagoshima Prefecture for the last three years (1999-2001) were investigated. The total number was 165. Average annual suicide rate (per 100,000 population) was estimated to be 29.0. Suicide rate in the male (46.5) was larger than that in the female (13.0; p<0.0001). Suicide rate in the male in sixties was larger than that in 1989-1991 (p=0.0002). As a background of suicide, pessimistic and economical reasons of male suicides were increased (p<0.0001). Recent business depression might have lead to increase male suicidal number. Single or two-person households and past suicide attempt were considered to be risk factors for suicide. Protective activities by government, society and family should be developed for reducing suicidal number.SECTION ONE: HUMAN ACTIVITY: Report 1
笠原 泰夫 原田 秀逸
鹿児島大学歯学部紀要 (ISSN:03897834)
vol.23, pp.11-14, 2003

Taste bud distribution on the soft palate (SP) and within three types of tongue papillae (fungiform; FF, foliate; FL, and circumvallate; CV) were examined histologically in the rat and marmoset at different postnatal ages. Serial paraffin sections (10/μm) were made and stained by HE, and digitized images of each section were examined. At birth, the number of matured (i.e. containing taste pore) SP taste buds preceded to that of FF taste buds in the rat. One week after birth, 90% of SP taste buds and 80% of FF matured taste buds. In contrast, no taste buds with a pore were observed at birth within FL and CV in the rat. In the marmoset, the number of FF taste buds at day 1 was 334. While only 20% of all the taste buds at birth possessed a taste pore, 39% of 174 SP taste buds at day 1 possessed a taste pore. The number of matured taste buds at day 1 was small for the center CV (19 of 59), one side CV (7 of 25), and one side FL (2 of 16) in the marmoset. The total number of taste buds increased with increasing age, reached a maximum at two months of age: FF, 1069; SP, 609; CV-center, 530; CV-side, 390; FL, 201, and decreased thereafter in the marmoset. These results suggest that the maturation of SP taste buds precedes to that of taste buds in other areas of the tongue and plays important roles in the processing of gustatory information durine oreweanline mammals.
"ITONO Hiroshi"
鹿児島大学水産学部紀要=Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University (ISSN:0453087X)
vol.20, no.1, pp.217-237,

"Some filamentous, minute red algae of the Callithamnieae and Compsothamnieae (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) are described here. The species described are as follows : Callithamnion pedicellatum spec, nov., C. aglaothamnioides spec. nov. Aglaothamnion oosumiense spec, nov., A. cordatum, A. neglectum, Seirospora occidentalis, Pleonosporium japonicum spec, nov., P. polymorpha spec, nov., P. pusillum and Mesothamnion caribaeum."
西本 大策 李 慧瑛 緒方 重光 下髙原 理恵 峰 和治 新橋 澄子 深田 あきみ
鹿児島大学医学部保健学科紀要=Bulletin of the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University (ISSN:13462180)
vol.26, no.1, pp.41-49,

研究目的は、看護学生が認識する成長を明らかにし、看護教員が認識する成長の概念と比較することである。ポートフォリオを導入した領域別実習前半終了時と後半終了時における成長報告書の自由記述をテキストマイニングの手法を用いて分析した。学生84名と教員13名の自由記述データを計量テキスト分析の手法を用いて分析した。成長報告書10語以上の頻出語分析結果において、学生が認識する成長は「リフレクション」から「獲得した力」へと変化していた。また、実習前後の自己組織化マップでは、4群のカテゴリーが抽出された。対応分析による抽出後の全体的布置において、学生と教員では成長と認識する内容に相違があることが分かった。学生は、知識や看護技術の向上を「自己の成長」と捉える傾向があり、一方、教員は学生の3領域のバランスに配慮しながらも特に情意領域の「感性」を重視していることが示唆された。PURPOSE: The present study aimed to reveal information about the growth experienced by nursing students through analysis of free written reports on development. METHODS: Reports were written before the first half and after the second half of domain-variant practicums that had introduced portfolios. The nursing students' reports were compared to nursing faculty's ideas on perceptions od development. Free written data iof 84 students and 13 faculty members were analyzed using quantitative text analysis. RESULTSandCONCLUSION: Analysis of 10 frequently appearing words within the developmental reports indicated that the perceived growth of students changed from ""reflection"" to ""abilities obtained."" Four categories were extracted from self-organizing maps from before and after practicum. Differences were observed in content perceived as showing growth between students and faculty in overall arrangement of sampled words from correspondence analysis. Knowledge and enhanced skills in nursing tended to be perceived by students as ""self-growth,"" whereas faculty were particularly focused on the emotional domain of ""sensitivity,"" taking into consideration the balance of the three domains; congnitive domain, affective domain and psychomotor domain.
江頭 智宏
鹿児島大学教育学部研究紀要. 教育科学編 (ISSN:09136606)
vol.63, pp.121-135, 2011

本稿では、ナチス教員連盟が1933年4月に開催した第2 回の全国大会を契機として出した連盟の覚書と、ナチス教員連盟が発行した機関誌に掲載された2 編の論稿などを史料として、ナチス教員連盟が新教育運動を担った教育者たちをどのように認識していたのかを検討する。レーヴェンシュタインについては、徹底的な攻撃の対象とされ、ナチス教員連盟における新教育運動に対する最も一般的な認識を体現していた。しかしナチス教員連盟に加盟したシャレルマンに関しては、クリークと共にその加盟を称賛し、ガウディヒとリーツについても、ナチスの教育の「先駆者」として称賛され、彼らの意志を「継承」すべきとされた。このように新教育運動を担った教育者たちを一方的に批判しただけでなく「称賛」した側面があったのであるが、その理由はまずは自らの勢力を拡大すべく彼らの知名度を利用するためであった。そして彼らの教育思想・教育実践を受け入れた部分もあったが、飽くまでも一面的、あるいは歪曲させたうえでの「受容」であった。こうした態度をナチス教員連盟がとったのは、連盟が明確な教育的立場を欠いていたからである。そのために新教育運動を自らと「連続」させざるを得なかった側面もあり、こうした「連続」の問題は、新教育運動の廃止と同様にナチスが新教育運動に及ぼした大きな問題である。
佐々木 修
鹿兒島大學農學部學術報告 (ISSN:04530845)
vol.50, pp.1-7, 2000-03-01

25℃, 31℃および37℃に制御された大型水槽をガラス室内に設置し, これにポットに生育中の水稲を入れ, 水温の違いが水稲の生育および各器官の諸形質に及ぼす影響について検討した.昼(8 : 30〜17 : 30)夜(17 : 30〜8 : 30)の変水温処理を7月1日(葉令6.5)より8月13日まで行った後材料を採取し測定に供した.1.茎葉及び根の生育量は水温31℃で最も高かった.夜水温37℃では生育は著しく劣り, 昼夜水温が37℃では全く生育を停止した.また, 昼水温が37℃であっても夜水温が25℃あるいは31℃であれば高水温の影響はほとんど打ち消された.2.茎数に対して昼間の高水温が最も促進的であったのに対し, 夜間の高水温は一定の傾向を示さなかった.草丈は25℃から31℃の範囲で最も促進され, 昼夜いずれの高水温(37℃)でも抑制されたが, 特に夜間の高水温による抑制が著しかった.また草丈と昼夜平均水温との間に高い負の相関が認められた.3.冠根数, 出葉間隔, 葉の大きさ及び冠根直径は昼間あるいは夜間の水温の違いによる影響よりもむしろ昼夜平均水温と極めて高い相関関係が認められ, 水温そのものの影響が大きかった.
"桑原 司"
Discussion papers in economics and sociology (ISSN:1347085X)
vol.902, (Released:2016-10-28)