Keiji Wada Yukihisa Suzuki Akira Ushiyama Shin Ohtani Kenji Hattori Atsushi Saito Satoshi Nakasono Satoshi Miyawaki Takashi Yanagisawa Yoshiya Ohnuma
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Communications Express (ISSN:21870136)
vol.11, no.10, pp.661-666, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-10-01)

This letter presents development of a magnetic field generator to evaluation of biological effects. The magnetic field generator has a frequency bandwidth of 85 kHz because it is intended for wireless power supply for electric vehicles. Furthermore, the generator is designed to operate for only one second, and can produce the induced magnetic field of 10 times compared to basic restrictions of the ICNIRP. By applying the magnetic field generator, it is possible to conduct a evaluation and verification of biological effect depending on electromagnetic fields for WPT systems of electric vehicles.
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (ISSN:09168532)
vol.E105.D, no.10, pp.1704-1711, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-10-01)

It is important to consider curvature properties around the control points to produce natural-looking results in the vector illustration. C2 interpolating splines satisfy point interpolation with local support. Unfortunately, they cannot control the sharpness of the segment because it utilizes trigonometric function as blending function that has no degree of freedom. In this paper, we alternate the definition of C2 interpolating splines in both interpolation curve and blending function. For the interpolation curve, we adopt a rational Bézier curve that enables the user to tune the shape of curve around the control point. For the blending function, we generalize the weighting scheme of C2 interpolating splines and replace the trigonometric weight to our novel hyperbolic blending function. By extending this basic definition, we can also handle exact non-C2 features, such as cusps and fillets, without losing generality. In our experiment, we provide both quantitative and qualitative comparisons to existing parametric curve models and discuss the difference among them.
Puqing Yang Zhaofeng Zhang
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Electronics Express (ISSN:13492543)
vol.19, no.18, pp.20220337, 2022-09-25 (Released:2022-09-25)

This paper presents a novel first-order noise-shaping successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for passive wireless sensor node application. To decrease dynamic power consumption, one-side switching instead (OSSI) method and higher-bit switching instead (HBSI) method are adopted in our proposed noise-shaping architecture. Dynamic SAR logic and dynamic comparator are used to further reduce power consumption. In addition, a low supply voltage is applied to this ADC, which can decrease static current leakage. The proposed noise-shaping SAR ADC was fabricated in 0.18um 1P4M CMOS technology, which occupies an active area of 0.185mm2. The prototype chip consumes 89nW at 25kHz sampling rate. The measurement shows 58.2dB signal to noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) can be achieved.
菅谷 史昭 竹澤 寿幸 横尾 昭男 山本 誠一
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:09151923)
vol.J84-D2, no.11, pp.2362-2370, 2001-11-01

小山 雅紀 篠原 誠 金 貞我 池 受玲 崔 大徹
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 C (ISSN:13452827)
vol.J105-C, no.9, pp.263-269, 2022-09-01

実装基板配線の多層化と微細化が進む中で,その不良解析技術は非破壊・高精度・高速解析が求められている.配線不良の位置特定技術には,電気-光サンプリング技術を用いた高分解能TDR(Time Domain Reflectometry)法がある.この手法は,立ち上がり時間の短い電気パルス波を不良配線に伝搬させ,不良箇所からの反射波形を高精度で測定する非破壊解析技術である.本実験では,この手法を用いて更に精度の高い位置特定解析を実現させるため,不良配線を構成するビアと複数の異なる層配線の波形伝搬速度を個別に導出した.導出した各部位ごとの伝搬速度と,不良箇所からの反射波の時間を解析することで,数十μmレンジでの非破壊不良箇所特定が可能となった.
明星 慶洋 玉木 雄三 谷口 英司
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 B (ISSN:13444697)
vol.J105-B, no.9, pp.701-709, 2022-09-01

観測対象のケーブル導体にプローブ電極を近接させ,非接触の状態で電圧波形の観測を行う非接触電圧計測において,EMC分野での雑音や通信信号の計測を目的に,広帯域にわたり観測精度を向上させるための振幅・位相補償方式を提案する.非接触電圧計測はケーブル導体とプローブ電極との間に生じる結合容量(本論文では C0 と記す)を利用した計測手法であるが,観測波形に見られる誤差や周波数特性の主要因は,結合容量 C0 が微小量であることに依る.この状況において本報告では,電子機器の高周波信号や雑音波形の計測精度を高く保つため,AFE (Analog Front End)にて増幅素子を反転増幅に構成した位相補償回路に加え,AD変換後の信号処理における校正処理により,広帯域な振幅・位相補償を実現する手法について示す.これによりEMC分野における高周波信号やインパルス雑音の高精度な観測が可能となることを示す.
Yuichiro TATEIWA
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems (ISSN:09168532)
vol.E105-D, no.9, pp.1557-1567, 2022-09-01

We consider network security exercises where students construct virtual networks with User-mode Linux (UML) virtual machines and then execute attack and defense activities on these networks. In an older version of the exercise system, the students accessed the desktop screens of the remote servers running UMLs with Windows applications and then built networks by executing UML commands. However, performing the exercises remotely (e.g., due to the COVID-19 pandemic) resulted in difficulties due to factors such as the dependency of the work environment on specific operating systems, narrow-band networks, as well as issues in providing support for configuring UMLs. In this paper, a novel web-based hands-on system with intuitive and seamless operability and lightweight responsiveness is proposed in order to allow performing the considered exercises while avoiding the mentioned shortcomings. The system provides web pages for editing device layouts and cable connections by mouse operations intuitively, web pages connecting to UML terminals, and web pages for operating X clients running on UMLs. We carried out experiments for evaluating the proposed system on the usability, system performance, and quality of experience. The subjects offered positive assessments on the operability and no negative assessments on the responsiveness. As for command inputs in terminals, the response time was shorter and the traffic was much smaller in comparison with the older system. Furthermore, the exercises using nano required at least 16 kbps bandwidth and ones using wireshark required at least 2048 kbps bandwidth.
松枝 洋二郎 森 茂
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 C (ISSN:13452827)
vol.J105-C, no.8, pp.235-243, 2022-08-01

プラスチック基板上にTFT (Thin Film Transistor:薄膜トランジスタ)アレーを形成したFLX-OLED (Flexible Organic LED:フレキシブル有機EL)ディスプレイは,3D曲面を駆使した質感の高いデザインを採用し,各種センサーを内蔵したモバイル市場の頂点に立つ最先端の電子デバイスである.積極的な製造ラインへの投資が続く中国のFLX-OLED市場では,世界初の新技術も次々に登場し,韓国と熾烈な技術開発競争を繰り広げている.FLX-OLEDのバックプレーンには,従来のLTPS (Low Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon:低温多結晶シリコン) TFTだけでなく,低消費電力を特徴とするLTPO (Low Temperature Polycrystalline Oxide) TFTも登場し,酸化物TFTも含めた次世代バックプレーンの三つ巴の戦いの様相を呈している.本論文ではモバイル用有機ELディスプレイの最新技術開発動向をレビューするとともに,最大の課題であるコスト削減のためのTFTの要求性能について議論する.
大土 隼平 石井 陽子 中谷 桃子 大塚 和弘
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J105-D, no.9, pp.504-517, 2022-09-01

複数人対話におけるファシリテータによる対話者の状態把握を支援するため,頭部運動の機能に関する特徴量を用いた対話者の主観的印象の予測モデルを提案する.女性4名,17グループの対話を対象とし,雰囲気の良さ,楽しさ,やる気,集中度について,2分単位に自己報告された9段階のスコアを予測の対象とする.まず,対話者の頭部姿勢角及び発話の有無の時系列を入力とする畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いて,頭部運動機能10種を検出する.次に頭部運動機能特徴として,検出された頭部運動機能から各機能の出現率や構成比等を2分単位の区間ごとに算出する.また,頭部運動の活発さを表す特徴も併せて抽出し,ランダムフォレスト回帰モデルを用いて内観スコアの予測を行う.実験の結果,全グループに対するモデルでは,印象4項目中3項目にて弱い相関(≥ 0.3)が確認でき,また,グループごとのモデルでは,約32%のグループにて中程度以上の相関(≥ 0.5)が得られるなど印象の予測可能性が示唆された.更に予測モデルの説明可能性を示すため,SHAP分析を用いて予測に寄与した対話者の行動と印象との関連性について考察する.
雨宮 智宏 各務 響 岡田 祥 西山 伸彦 胡 暁
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 C (ISSN:13452827)
vol.J105-C, no.9, pp.244-262, 2022-09-01

Ryoga Kawabata Syota Nakamaru Kunihisa Jitsuno Keizo Inagaki Tetsuya Kawanishi
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Communications Express (ISSN:21870136)
vol.11, no.9, pp.555-559, 2022-09-01 (Released:2022-09-01)

In this study, we evaluated the relationship between the time variability of the transmission characteristics of multimode fiber (MMF) and laser linewidth. By varying the laser linewidth from 0.1kHz to 1.89THz, it is possible to grasp the tendency over a wide range, from narrow to ultra-wide linewidth. We were able to confirm that the time-varying characteristics of the frequency characteristics, which affect the MMF transmission characteristics, depend on the laser linewidth and time variability decreases with an increasing laser linewidth.
Kazuya ZAITSU Koji YAMAMOTO Yasuto KURODA Kazunari INOUE Shingo ATA Ikuo OKA
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Communications (ISSN:09168516)
vol.E95.B, no.7, pp.2306-2314, 2012-07-01 (Released:2012-07-01)
1 2

Ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) is becoming very popular for designing high-throughput forwarding engines on routers. However, TCAM has potential problems in terms of hardware and power costs, which limits its ability to deploy large amounts of capacity in IP routers. In this paper, we propose new hardware architecture for fast forwarding engines, called fast prefix search RAM-based hardware (FPS-RAM). We designed FPS-RAM hardware with the intent of maintaining the same search performance and physical user interface as TCAM because our objective is to replace the TCAM in the market. Our RAM-based hardware architecture is completely different from that of TCAM and has dramatically reduced the costs and power consumption to 62% and 52%, respectively. We implemented FPS-RAM on an FPGA to examine its lookup operation.
Yu-Liang Lin Cheng-Chien Kuo Chung-Ming Leng Chein-Chung Sun
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Electronics Express (ISSN:13492543)
vol.19, no.16, pp.20220178, 2022-08-25 (Released:2022-08-25)

A LED driver with a high Power Factor (PF) under universal AC voltage input is investigated in this paper. The AC/DC buck converter with novel dual sampling loop feedback control is adopted to implement the LED driver application. When the main switch is on interval, the control loop does peak current sampling. When main switch is off interval, the control loop does average current sampling. Two control sampling loops are superimposed to regulate the main switch to adapt the AC input voltage and load alteration. Such a scheme can keep the characteristic of peak current control of fast response and avoid the control delay to bring about over current for damage LED. Compared with the conventional peak current control method, the proposed design does not need zero current detect winding and multiplier. Therefore, the circuit architecture of the proposed driver is cheaper. The proposed driver is applied to a 12W LED to analyze the operational principles and verify the practicality.
宮本 進生 大西 綾乃 武内 良男 前山 利幸 長谷川 晃朗 横山 浩之
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 B (ISSN:13444697)
vol.J105-B, no.9, pp.710-718, 2022-09-01

鈴木 悠茉 市毛 弘一
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 A (ISSN:09135707)
vol.J105-A, no.9, pp.106-110, 2022-09-01

Peng YANG Yu YANG Puning ZHANG Dapeng WU Ruyan WANG
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications (ISSN:09168516)
vol.E105-B, no.9, pp.1053-1062, 2022-09-01

The integration of social networking concepts into the Internet of Things has led to the Social Internet of Things (SIoT) paradigm, and trust evaluation is essential to secure interaction in SIoT. In SIoT, when resource-constrained nodes respond to unexpected malicious services and malicious recommendations, the trust assessment is prone to be inaccurate, and the existing architecture has the risk of privacy leakage. An edge-cloud collaborative trust evaluation architecture in SIoT is proposed in this paper. Utilize the resource advantages of the cloud and the edge to complete the trust assessment task collaboratively. An evaluation algorithm of relationship closeness between nodes is designed to evaluate neighbor nodes' reliability in SIoT. A trust computing algorithm with enhanced sensitivity is proposed, considering the fluctuation of trust value and the conflict between trust indicators to enhance the sensitivity of identifying malicious behaviors. Simulation results show that compared with traditional methods, the proposed trust evaluation method can effectively improve the success rate of interaction and reduce the false detection rate when dealing with malicious services and malicious recommendations.
Katsumi Fujii
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Communications Express (ISSN:21870136)
pp.2022XBL0127, (Released:2022-09-05)

Before performing electromagnetic interference (EMI) measurement tests in the frequency range below 30 MHz, the test site must be evaluated by normalized site insertion loss (NSIL) using a pair of loop antennas. The site insertion loss measurements are performed with three arrangements of loop antennas to measure three-axis components of magnetic fields in the near-field regions. In this paper, it is shown that the locations of the feed gaps on the loop antenna elements change the values of the SIL. The preferable locations of the feed gaps are proposed to perform the NSIL measurements with the measurement results in a semi-anechoic chamber.
岩井 浩 小川 晃一 小柳 芳雄
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 B (ISSN:13444697)
vol.J87-B, no.9, pp.1277-1286, 2004-09-01

本論文では,携帯端末アンテナの人体影響軽減を目的として,PDC方式で採用されている受信ブランチ判定規範に基づく送信ダイバーシチ方式を提案し,その有効性を理論と実験の両面から検証した.まず,ブランチ間の相関係数と不等中央値から,基地局側平均受信電力の改善量を解析的に見積もった.次に,携帯電話の通話状態における姿勢を精密に模擬した上半身リアルファントムと折畳み式携帯電話を模擬した端末モデルを用いて,携帯電話の実用状態における提案方式の適用効果を検証した.実験に用いた端末モデルは,ダイバーシチアンテナとしてほぼ同じ放射効率の外部アンテナと内蔵アンテナを備えており,この場合の基地局側平均受信電力の改善量は7.9 dBとなった.本方式では瞬時値変動による信号フェードの救済は期待できないものの,人体による送信アンテナの動作利得低減に対して大きな改善効果が期待できることを明らかにした.
Kento MATSUMOTO Sunao HARA Masanobu ABE
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems (ISSN:09168532)
vol.E105-D, no.9, pp.1581-1589, 2022-09-01

In this paper, we propose a new algorithm to generate Speech-like Emotional Sound (SES). Emotional expressions may be the most important factor in human communication, and speech is one of the most useful means of expressing emotions. Although speech generally conveys both emotional and linguistic information, we have undertaken the challenge of generating sounds that convey emotional information alone. We call the generated sounds “speech-like,” because the sounds do not contain any linguistic information. SES can provide another way to generate emotional response in human-computer interaction systems. To generate “speech-like” sound, we propose employing WaveNet as a sound generator conditioned only by emotional IDs. This concept is quite different from the WaveNet Vocoder, which synthesizes speech using spectrum information as an auxiliary feature. The biggest advantage of our approach is that it reduces the amount of emotional speech data necessary for training by focusing on non-linguistic information. The proposed algorithm consists of two steps. In the first step, to generate a variety of spectrum patterns that resemble human speech as closely as possible, WaveNet is trained with auxiliary mel-spectrum parameters and Emotion ID using a large amount of neutral speech. In the second step, to generate emotional expressions, WaveNet is retrained with auxiliary Emotion ID only using a small amount of emotional speech. Experimental results reveal the following: (1) the two-step training is necessary to generate the SES with high quality, and (2) it is important that the training use a large neutral speech database and spectrum information in the first step to improve the emotional expression and naturalness of SES.
Rui YANG Raphael SHU Hideki NAKAYAMA
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems (ISSN:09168532)
vol.E105-D, no.9, pp.1537-1545, 2022-09-01

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are one of the most successful learning principles of generative models and were wildly applied to many generation tasks. In the beginning, the gradient penalty (GP) was applied to enforce the discriminator in GANs to satisfy Lipschitz continuity in Wasserstein GAN. Although the vanilla version of the gradient penalty was further modified for different purposes, seeking a better equilibrium and higher generation quality in adversarial learning remains challenging. Recently, DRAGAN was proposed to achieve the local linearity in a surrounding data manifold by applying the noised gradient penalty to promote the local convexity in model optimization. However, we show that their approach will impose a burden on satisfying Lipschitz continuity for the discriminator. Such conflict between Lipschitz continuity and local linearity in DRAGAN will result in poor equilibrium, and thus the generation quality is far from ideal. To this end, we propose a novel approach to benefit both local linearity and Lipschitz continuity for reaching a better equilibrium without conflict. In detail, we apply our synchronized activation function in the discriminator to receive a particular form of noised gradient penalty for achieving local linearity without losing the property of Lipschitz continuity in the discriminator. Experimental results show that our method can reach the superior quality of images and outperforms WGAN-GP, DiracGAN, and DRAGAN in terms of Inception Score and Fréchet Inception Distance on real-world datasets.