平良 昌彦
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.30, no.4, pp.461-489, 1975-10-28 (Released:2009-02-17)
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水俣病の原因物質は熊大の研究でメチル水銀と断定された。その後の日本全土にわたる水銀汚染調査の過程でこのメチル水銀は, 水銀の人為的汚染のない一般魚類や一般人毛髪中にも見出された。とくに外洋のマグロに含まれる水銀の60∼70%がメチル水銀であり, またスエーデンでは, 魚類の水銀含量が異常に高いことも報告され, このような自然界に見出されるメチル水銀の由来と人類への影響を公衆衛生学的な見地より解明する目的で微生物による無機水銀の有機化の機序と生物濃縮の過程を微生物学的, 生態学的両面から検討した。すなわち, 水銀耐性の Psedomonas 属の菌を下水より分離し, この細菌による有機水銀の生合成, 分解について検討し, ついで水銀鉱床地帯, 土壌, 河川, 海水中の微生物, ある種の真菌類も有機水銀の生合成能を有することをみつけ自然界における無機水銀の有機化の可能性を肯定した。さらに有機水銀の生成度の検討と生合成メチル水銀がどの程度生物濃縮の過程を介して魚類に蓄積するのか生態学的手段を導入して検討し, 生合成メチル水銀が, 食物連鎖により濃縮が行われ, 魚類に高い水銀値を示すことはあるが, 水俣病の場合のように異常量のメチル水銀の持続的流出のないかぎり中毒 (水俣病) を起こすほどのメチル水銀が魚類に蓄積することはない。だから異常に高い水銀を魚介類から検出したときはなんらかの人工的汚染を疑い対策を講じる必要がある。
中川 武夫 小野 雄一郎 久永 直見 岩田 全充 柴田 英治 金田 誠一 小林 章雄 鷲見 勝博 森谷 光夫 森 正樹
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.43, no.3, pp.724-735, 1988-08-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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We examined the relationship between muscle injection of drugs into the quadriceps and its contracture.Subjects were children who had received medication at a clinic during the period from January 1967 to December 1970. Among the patients of the clinic, a high incidence of quadriceps contracture had been observed during the period.As basic data, we took the results of interviews with the subjects, the results of clinical examinations for quadriceps contracture, and medical records of the subjects which had been kept in the clinic.The following results were obtained.1) There were no abnormalities among the subjects who had never been injected in the quadriceps muscle. The incidence and the severity of quadriceps contracture were closely related to the total amount of the drugs injected into the muscles.2) The total numbers of injections of the following drugs were significantly larger in subjects with symptoms of contracture than in subjects without any symptoms.The drugs were Terramycin (Ox-tetracycline), Obelon (Sulpyrin, Aminopropyrin, Theoclate diphenyl pyralin), Chloromycetinsol (Chloramphenicol), Atarax-P (Hydroxyzin hydrochloride), Gammavenin (immuno-Globlin), Panvitan (Vitamin A-D), 10%-Pantocin (Pantethine) and Phenobarbital (Phenobarbital natrium).3) It was revealed by means of quantification theory type II analysis that the main attributable factors of muscle contracture might be the age when the subjects had been injected for the first time, the total number of Terramycin+Obelon injections, and the experience of injection of 10% Pantocin or Phenobarbital, but sex and the year of the beginning of injection might be ignored.Discrimination based on these results between the two groups, a normal group and a moderate or more severe symptomatic group showed reasonable sensitivity and specificity.
中村 健一 高田 勗 鈴木 永子 杉浦 由美子 小林 てるみ
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.35, no.6, pp.851-857, 1981-02-28 (Released:2009-02-17)

An experiment using rats was carried out to evaluate the effects of calcium deficiency on the interaction of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) in vivo.Eighty-four female rats were divided into two groups. One group was fed a calcium-sufficient diet (normal Ca group), and a second group was fed a calcium-deficient diet (low Ca group). These two groups were divided into 4 subgroups. The diet of subgroup I was supplemented with 50μg/g of Cd, that of subgroup II with 50μg/g of Zn, and that of subgroup III with 50μg/g of Cd and Zn, Subgroup IV served as the control group.After 5 months on this regimen, the rats were killed and metal levels in the liver, the right kidney, the blood and the femur were analyzed. The left kidneys were examined histopathologically.The results were as follows:1) Growth retardation was observed in the low Ca group especially in subgroups I and III.2) Whereas renal Cd concentrations in subgroup I were higher than those in subgroup III for the normal Ca group, the reverse was found in the low Ca group. Similar findings were also observed in the cases of renal Zn and Cu.3) Zn in the liver increased with the administration of Cd in the low Ca group. Zn levels in the blood of the low Ca group were higher than those in the normal Ca group.4) Ca in the femur decreased with the administration of Cd in the normal Ca group. For the low Ca group, Ca concentrations in each subgroup were lower than those of each corresponding subgroup of the normal Ca group. Ca/P ratios of the low Ca group and of the metal administered subgroups in the normal Ca group were lower than those of subgroup IV in the normal Ca group.5) No significant histopathologic changes in the kidney were found in the normal Ca group but slight changes were observed in some animals of the low Ca group regardless of which metal was administered.From these results, the interaction of Cd and Zn on renal accumulations of Cd has been shown to be disturbed by a Ca deficient condition.
岩崎 秀哉 井奈波 良一 岩田 弘敏
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.49, no.3, pp.654-659, 1994-08-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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The maxium biting force in 82 male athletes and 12 male subjects without any particular athletic activity (nonathletes) were measured in order to evaluate the relationship between biting force and physical fitness in athletes.The results obtained were as follows.1. The maximum biting force in athletes (50.8±17.4kg) was significantly (p<0.01) higher than that in the nonathletes (28.1±9.1kg). The maximum biting forces in the men who belonged to the rugby or judo clubs were predominantly higher than in other subjects.2. In men who masticated on the left side of the mouth, the habitual (i. e., left) biting force was significantly higher than the nonhabitual (i. e., right) biting force.In men who masticated on the right side of the mouth, the habitual (i. e., right) biting force was also higher than the nonhabitual (i. e., left) biting force, but was not significantly so.3. There was a significant positive correlation between the biting force and grip strength and back strength in athletes. In athletes, there was a significant correlation between biting force and the numbers of chin-ups, the numbers for the side-step tests and the time for 50m running.
松井 清夫 坂本 弘 堀尾 清晴 佐藤 広文
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.33, no.5, pp.693-698, 1978-12-30 (Released:2009-02-17)
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騒音暴露時の副腎皮質機能変動に関しては機能上昇と低下の所見が交錯して報告されている。それは暴露音の強さと暴露時間の差異にもとづくのではないかと推察される。本報では広帯域騒音を60, 80, 100dB (c) で8時間暴露し, その経過中の数時点で副腎重量, 副腎中11-OHCS濃度および cholesterol 濃度を測定した。また, 8時間暴露後15分間無騒音の状態においた後に15分間100dB (c) の騒音に再暴露して, 同様の観察項目の測定をおこなった。さらに, 8時間暴露終了直前にACTHまたは histamine を投与し, それらに対する副腎反応性も観察した。次のような結果を得た。1) 騒音暴露により副腎11-OHCS濃度は急速に上昇し, 15分で最高値に達した後ただちに低下し対照群と同一水準に復帰する。暴露がなお継続されているが, 復帰後は対照群と同様に正常日内変動リズムを示す。2) 8時間暴露終了時点における副腎11-OHCS濃度は, 対照群および各音強暴露群間で有意の差は認められなかった。3) 8時間暴露後15分間無騒音の状態においた後に100dB騒音を15分間再暴露すると, 80dB群では副腎11-OHCS濃度は再び上昇する。しかし, 8時間100dB暴露群では有意な上昇はみられなかった。4) 8時間暴露終了直前にACTH投与をおこなうと, 対照群および各暴露群ともに副腎11-OHCS濃度は有意に上昇した。5) 8時間暴露終了直前に histamine を投与すると, 対照群, 60dB暴露群および80dB暴露群では副腎11-OHCS濃度は有意に上昇するが, 100dB暴露群では上昇がみられなかった。6) 副腎中 cholesterol 濃度は, 8時間暴露終了時頃80dBおよび100dB暴露群で有意な減少がみられた。7) 副腎重量はすべての実験および群で有意な変化はみられなかった。以上の結果から, 副腎皮質機能日内変動とストレス反応とでは支配中枢が異なること, 強音暴露時にはストレス反応がみられるにとどまらず中枢支配状況の異常が出現することについて考察した。
久保田 恵
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.58, no.3, pp.317-327, 2003-09-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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One of the main focuses of lifestyle modification for the prevention of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures in Japan is improvement in dietary calcium intake. However, virtually no randomized controlled trial to assess the preventive effects of administration of calcium on the risk of fractures has been conducted in Japan. In this study, we reviewed all the scientific papers currently available from medical literature databases to propose evidence-based recommendations on the preventive procedures for osteoporosis. The result of the present systematic review gives the evidence showing that calcium supplementation or optimal dietary calcium intake increases bone density in childhood and adolescence and reduces the risk of fracture due to osteoporosis in the elderly people regardless of the gender. The evidence also supports the current health policy guiding the elderly to increase their dietary calcium intake in daily life.
関 奈緒
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.56, no.2, pp.535-540, 2001-07-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
24 29

The purpose of this study was to determine lifestyle factors in the elderly that affected longevity, using a population-based prospective study. The participants were 440 men and 625 women aged 60 to 74 living in a rural Japanese community. The baseline data such as age, sex, present illness, walking hours per day, sleeping hours per day, alcohol consumption, a history of smoking, and “ikigai” (meaningfulness of life) were collected in July 1990. During 90 months of follow-up from July 1990 to December 31 1997, there were 123 deaths. By Cox's multivariate hazard model adjusted age, sex, and medical histories, walking≥1 hour/day (HR=0.63, 95% CI 0.44-0.91) and an “ikigai” (HR=0.66, 95% CI 0.44-0.99) lowered the risk for all-cause mortality independently. In regard to hours of sleep, the cumulative survival curve showed that 7 hours/day was the border and sleeping≥7 hours/day lowered the risk (HR=0.49 95% CI 0.33-0.74). Based on the findings in this study, walking≥1 hour/day, sleeping≥7 hours/day, and “ikigai” are important factors for longevity in the elderly.
長井 紀乃 島 正吾 森田 邦彦 栗田 秀樹 吉田 勉 鵜飼 弥英子 森 紀樹 荒川 友代 谷脇 弘茂
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.44, no.5, pp.1014-1020, 1989-12-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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The effects of cobalt (Co) and nickel (Ni) on the humoral immune response were studied by two indexes of specific IgM antibody production against sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and polyclonal IgG antibody production in the spleens of mice intraperitoneally injected with cobalt chloride or nickel chloride.An experiment for the effect of both metals on specific IgM production was carried out by measuring IgM plaque-forming cells in the spleens of mice intraperitoneally injected with both metal salts using 1/10, 1/100 or 1/200 of LD50 for i. p. injection three times every other day and were immunized with SRBC on the day of the last injection of each metal salt. The other experiment for the effect of both metals on polyclonal IgG production was done by measuring, on days +3 or +6 in relation to the last injection of metal salts, polyclonal IgG-forming cells in the spleens of mice injected with both metal salts using 1/10 or 1/100 of LD50 for i. p. injection three times every other day by the reverse plaque-forming method.The following results may be drawn from this study:1. Co may cause changes in the homeostasis of humoral immune response even more than affecting the immune system with immunotoxicity as antigenicity.2. On the other hand, Ni may have antigenicity even more than an acting as immunomodulator influencing the immune system.
宮本 教雄 武藤 紀久 吉川 博
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.42, no.6, pp.1045-1055, 1988-02-29 (Released:2009-02-17)

冬期における日常生活の中で,手足が冷えて苦痛に感じている人が,意外に数多く存在して,中には手足の指先の触感の欠如など,かなり深刻な問題として悩んでいる人もいるようである。そこでこの手足の冷えを合理的に防止あるいは回復するため,厳寒期において,実際の手足の皮膚温がどの程度で推移して,その低下している皮膚温が暖房によってどのように回復していくか,またソックスの着用が皮膚温の回復にどのように寄与しているかを,女子学生20名について調べ,次のような結果を得た。1.25°Cの温暖環境に入室後,素足の状態で90分間に渡って測定したところ,手母指掌側先端部皮膚温の経時的変化によって,被験者は次の3群に分類される。1) 低温群:測定開始時にかなり低い22°C程度の温度を示し,90分経過後も室温程度にしか上昇しない。2) 中温群:測定開始時に比較的低い20∼26°C程度の温度であるが,30分以内には30°C以上に急上昇して,暖環境に反応する。3) 高温群:測定開始時にすでに30°C以上の高温状態にあって,90分間その状態を維持する。2.低温群は手指先のみならず,足指先においても皮膚温が低く,90分経過しても室温にも達しない。ソックスを着用すると,手指先は回復する傾向をみせるが,足指先は依然と上昇しない傾向が強い。被験者本人も,非常に冷えやすいことを,日頃から感じており,かなり堅固な冷えの状態である。3.中温群の手指先皮膚温は,急上昇して環境の変化に反応し,ソックスを着用すると,その反応は一層強いものとなる。4.中温群の足指先皮膚温は,暖環境にあまり反応を示さない。ソックス着用時には,約半数が反応して皮膚温が上昇するが,あとの半数は反応を起こさず,素足時と同じ反応である。5.高温群は他の群とは異なり,最初から手指先は30°C以上であり,足指先も比較的初期に上昇する。平常時にすでにかなり高い皮膚温を保っていると推測され,ソックス着用時でも,素足時とほとんど傾向は変わらない。6.同じ暖環境温度に対して,群によって反応が異なり,同一被験者においても部位によって反応形態が異なる。7.ソックス着用が皮膚温の経時的変化に与える影響は,直接被覆されている足部よりも,直接被覆されていない手部に強くあらわれる。
小泉 直子 井上 芳樹 塚本 利之
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.38, no.3, pp.667-676, 1983-08-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

Diurnal variations were recorded of 10 substances from the urine of 22 healthy women, ranging from 32 to 65 years of age. Twenty-four-hour urine collections were done at each micturition and blood samples were taken on the same day.From the data, it was examined whether the use of creatinine ratio as a measure of the completeness of a 24-hour urine samples was reliable.The results were as follows:1. Maximum/minimum concentration ratios of various urinary substances were 1.2-4.6, 1.9-9.0, 1.3-11, 1.3-8.0, 1.6-12, 1.5-12, 1.7-11, 1.8-9.8, and 2.0-12, for (specific gravity-1) ×1, 000, creatinine, urea nitrogen, uric acid, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, cadmium, zinc, and copper, respectively. There were very large individual variations-2.6-78-for the ratios of urinary β2-microglobulin.2. Blood urea nitrogen slightly increased with age, but other substances showed no such changes.3. The mean values of each substances matched between those taken at individual micturitions and those taken over 24 hours.4. Concentrations of substances in early morning urine did not always show the high levels compared with those of a 24-hour urine.5. Creatinine concentrations decreased with age. For elderly women, this fact resulted the high values from correction by creatinine for the concentrations of urinary substances.6. Wide diurnal variations for values corrected by specific gravity or creatinine were observed of urinary 10 substances, and such substances were inaffective in correcting urinary concentrations.7. The mean specific gravity of a 24-hour urine of all subjects was 1.018. For elderly women, the value calculated by specific gravity, that is, the one multiplied by 18/(G-1)×1, 000, was more accurate than the creatinine ratio.8. Urinary protein or glucose had almost no influence on specific gravity, except in the case of glucose concentrations over 500mg/dl.
佐々木 直亮
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.45, no.5, pp.954-963, 1990-12-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

Prospective epidemiological studies of blood pressure in a high-salt population in northeastern Japan were investigated along with dietary habits such as miso soup, rice, apple, fish, milk and sake consumption as well as smoking habits.Blood pressures of the populations in 3 villages were determined once or twice a year by mass surveys from 1954, 1957 or 1958 through 1975. The means and transitions of the personal blood pressure were calculated by regression analysis of the data obtained during each entire period.The number of persons was 1127 males and 1369 females and the response rate was 98.7 percent. The average number of times of determination of blood pressure for a person was 12.9.Stepwise multiple regression analyses were run with the means and transitions of systolic and diastolic blood pressure as the dependent variables and the life styles of the population in 1958 as an independent variable based on data of persons whose blood pressures were determined 5 or more times during the entire period. According to the backward stepwise method this study confirmed the positive relationship of age and sake drinking and the negative relationship of apple eating habits to blood pressure.
井奈波 良一
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.38, no.4, pp.748-757, 1983-10-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

In an effort to clarify the mechanism underlying stress-induced hyperuricemia, rises in uric acid in the plasma of rats which had been subjected to immobilization stress were investigated. Two types of stress were investigated-fixation in a supine position for 3mins and immobilization in a Ballman cage for 6mins.Immobilization in a supine position caused immediate increases of up to 400% in uric acid levels. This hyperuricemic response could be enhanced slightly by pre-treatment with propranolol, or depressed to approximately 50% that of the control level with phentolamine, or to 60% by adrenal demedullation. In demedullated rats, although hexamethonium markedly inhibited the rise of uric acid, it did not eliminate it entirely. Neither phentolamine nor atropine had any significant effects. Such results indicate that two different mechanisms are involved in the hyperuricemic response-the adrenal epinephrine-dependent reaction mediated via α-receptors, and the epinephrine-independent reaction in which autonomic nerves other than the adrenal medulla might be involved.The uric acid levels in the liver markedly increased in response to stress, however those in other tissues did not change. As with changes in plasma, increases in liver uric acid went only as far as 60% of the levels of the control group after adrenal demedullation. These results support the view that the stress-induced increases of plasma uric acid levels are due to raised production of uric acid occurring only in the liver.Stress did not cause changes in liver adenine nucleotides-ATP, ADP and AMP. Although tissue lactate levels had increased following stress, they did not parallel changes in tissue uric acid, which may exclude the possibility that increased dproduction of liver uric acid is caused by decreases in adenine nucleotides or by non-specific effects, such as tissue hypoxia.Immobilization in a Ballman cage did not raise the levels of uric acid in plasma. However, after treating rats with phentolamine, the amount of plasma uric acid doubled after stress. Propranolol had no such effects. In demedullated rats, stress failed to cause increases in uric acid even after phentolamine-treatment. It can be concluded therefore that the hyperuricemic response is caused by adrenal epinephrine and that in sharp contrast to the stress caused by immobilization in a prone position, the action of epinephrine is mediated via β-receptors.
小山 洋 鬼頭 英明 佐藤 雅彦 遠山 千春
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.57, no.3, pp.547-555, 2002-09-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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We reviewed studies on genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of cadmium (Cd). Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli exposed to Cd did not show mutagenicity, whereas cultured mammalian cells exposed to Cd showed mutation, DNA strand breaks, and chromosomal aberrations. Carcinogenicity tests showed that exposure to Cd increased the occurrence of tumors in testis, lung, prostate, hematopoietic tissues, and injection sites. On the other hand, recent epidemiologic studies are not supportive of earlier observations on the association between Cd and prostate cancer. The US NIOSH data on a possible association between Cd and lung cancer may need reevaluation. No studies which show a positive relationship between oral Cd exposure and carcinogenesis have been reported. All available data suggest that Cd should be reassigned to IARC Group 2A (probably carcinogenic to humans) from the current Group 1.
大平 昌彦 青山 英康 吉岡 信一 加藤 尚司 太田 武夫 吉田 健男 長谷井 祥男 大原 啓志 上畑 鉄之丞 中村 仁志 和気 健三 柳楽 翼 五島 正規 合田 節子 深見 郁子 板野 猛虎
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.24, no.5-6, pp.502-509, 1970-02-28 (Released:2009-08-24)

In a restricted area of the northern part of Okayama Prefecture, Yubara Town, an outbreak of SMON (subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy) was observed from the beginning of 1967. An epidemiological investigation has been made on this outbreak and the results are as follows:(1) Concentration of cases occurred in the summer of 1968, though cases have been reported sporadically in the area from the beginning of 1967. The incidence ratio against the population was 659/100, 000 during 22 months.(2) The incidence was the highest in summer and the ratio in females was 3 times higher than in males. Concerning age group, males showed a peak in the thirties, whereas in females many cases were evident between the twenties and sixties.(3) Relatively enclosed districts are apt to expand over a period of time. Cases which occurred in neighboring families as well as those within the same families tend to give the impression that the disease coule be infectious.(4) Among the cases, a close contact relation was observed.(5) Physical exhaustion before the onset of the disease was observed to be 43.2% among the total cases.(6) In occupational analysis, a higher rate was revealed among workers who had close human relations such as hospital workers and public service personnel.(7) The tendency to other diseases of the nervous system as well as those of the digestive organs was checked by inspecting receipts of the National Health Insurance from the beginning of 1965. Nothing related to SMON was recognized before the outbreak.(8) Diseases of the intestinal tract and tonsillitis were observed in higher rates in the history of the patients.(9) The investigation of environmental conditions has revealed the fact that there is a higher rate of incidence in families who do not use service water compared to those who do.
牛島 佳代 北野 隆雄 二塚 信
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.58, no.3, pp.395-400, 2003-09-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Objectives: To clarify the needs and to consider establishing a social support system for patients with Minamata disease (MD), or methylmercury poisoning, by investigating their health and socioeconomic conditions.Methods: The total number of people certified as having MD in May 1999 by the Kumamoto and Kagoshima Prefecture Government Committees on MD was 2265. We sent two questionnaires to 917 individuals who were surviving at that time, which corresponded to 40.5% of the total number of MD patients. The first survey sought information on the individual's health-seeking behavior, and the second survey was about their socio-economic conditions and requirements for welfare and medical care in the future.Results: The average age among male patients was 68.0±13.2yrs (n=477) and that among female patients was 71.2±13.0yrs (n=440). The response rates were 45.7% (n=416) for the first questionnaire and 38.6% (n=354) for the second questionnaire. Among the MD patients, 71.7% judged their health condition to be ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, and 97.4% received medical treatments that included acupuncture or moxacautery and massage. Regarding the activity of daily living (ADL), which includes ‘communicating’, ‘walking’, ‘eating’, ‘use of toilet’, ‘dressing’ and ‘taking a bath’, the rates of ‘independent’ were relatively low among those under 49yrs and those over 75yrs compared with the other age groups. Many individuals emphasized that they had anxiety about their health and health care in the future.Conclusion: We concluded that the quality of life (QOL) of MD patients was low. It is important to consider developing a social support system for MD patients.
中田 利一
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.27, no.6, pp.538-543, 1972-02-28 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Tumor cells (Ehrlich ascites tumor, Yoshida sarcoma, Spontaneous mammary tumor of a female C3H mouse, 20-methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma of a male DDD mouse, and 20-methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma of a male C3H mouse) treated with more than 2.77×10-3M allicin contained in fresh garlic extract did not produce tumor and no animal died during observation period.
国武 栄三郎 石西 伸 児玉 泰
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.30, no.3, pp.417-429, 1975-08-28 (Released:2009-04-21)

Studies of mental fatigue caused by exposure to the aircraft noise was carried out experimentally on 9 female students engaged in some intellectual performance. The tape-recorded noise of the flying Jet engine was controlled from 85dB(A) to 95dB(A) in the peak level. The subjects were exposed continuously to the noise during 50 minutes and 100 minutes, respectively, in an insulated room protected from general outer noise.Through the noise exposure period, the subjects performed intellectual tasks, that is, the Kraepelin- Uchida's test and card-sorting test. At the same time, pulse rates and pulse waves of their fingertips were measured. Before and after each exposure, the mental fatigue was measured by the critical fusion frequency (C.F.F.), the color naming test (C.N.) and the discriminative reaction of the multiple performance test (M.P.). And the information of subjective sensations of human fatigue were collected by the questionnaire, Cornal Medical Index (C.M.I.) were used for psychophysiological complaints. The control data of each subject were obtained by the same experiment except noise.The following conculusions were derived from observations. The grade of mental fatigue increased in the case of the noise exposure rather than in the case of the noiseless situation. In C.F.F., fatigue increased 13% under noise exposure of 50 minutes, 37% under that of 100 minutes. In C.N. and M.P. as wel as C.F.F. the same gradiance between the noise exposure and fatigue were found. Furthermore, fatigue revealed itself more clearly in C.N. than in C.F.F., namely, the rate of prolongation of the time required for color identifying exceeded the critical level of mental fatigue, while the rate of mental fatigue in C.F.F. was within the normal or allowable range.The results of the questionnaire of subjective sensations of fatigue and of the C.M.I. in the case of the noise exposure showed no remarkable differences compared with those of the noiseless situation. But, it was found that some complaints of sensations of fatigue increased slightly during noise exposure compared with those in the noiseless situation. These complaints were the symptoms probably caused by the sympagotonic hypertension. Moreover, from the observation of the pulse rates and pulse waves, it was recognized that a biological lags of the relaxation of the sympathetic nerves system might occur when they were released from the intellectual tasks.From the observation mentioned above, it is considered that there is a posibility of the inhibition of the learning effectiveness in school children when they are exposed to the aircraft noise such as the subjects were exposed to in this experiment. The exposed aircraft noise level used in this study, calculated from the peak levels and flying numbers, corresponds to 80 W.E.C.P.N.L.. It can be said that mental fatigue is induced markedly by the noise of 80 W.E.C.P.N.L.. It is suggested that the noise level of 80 W.E.C.P.N.L. is not harmless to human being in the case of intellectual performance, especially during school hours.
石原 房雄
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.20, no.4, pp.283-290, 1965-10-10 (Released:2009-02-17)

In the first report I have compared the elements in soil and drink water of 14 so called long life and 7 short life villages.This time I have analysed those of 10 long life and 12 short life villages (Table 1, 2). By their milligram equivalent ratio, I could described most clearly the difference between both villages, that is the ratio of Mg/Ca, Ca/K, Ca/Ca+Mg+K+Na, Ca-Na (Fig. 1, 3). Over again by the distributions curve of those equivalent ratio, it shows more evidently the difference both villages, such as the ratio of Mg/Ca on the lengthwise the ratio of Ca-Na on the breadthwise (Fig. 4, 5, 6).Farther I have analysed the trace elements in soil, such as Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Cd, and that of short life villages content always 2-3 times more than that of long life villages (Table 3).
佐藤 英樹 鈴木 克彦 中路 重之 菅原 和夫 戸塚 学 佐藤 光毅
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.53, no.2, pp.431-440, 1998-07-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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We investigated the effects of acute endurance exercise and habitual physical activity for health maintenance on human neutrophil function in 12 untrained men. The acute exercise condition was a continuous exercise for 90 minutes at the intensity of 50% and 55% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) on an ergometer. The training program was 3km jogging three times per week for 8 weeks. The capacity of neutrophils to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) was detected with lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence (LgCL) and luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (LmCL) on stimulation with opsonized zymosan (OZ) and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA).As for the acute exercise effects, both LgCL and LmCL responses of neutrophils stimulated using PMA consistently increased after exercise at 50% VO2max, whereas those stimulated with OZ remained unchanged. At 55% VO2max, LgCL responses to both stimulants increase maximally 1h after exercise, and then decreased 3h after exercise, whereas LmCL responses to both stimulants increased continuously after exercise at 55% VO2max. These phenomena observed at 55% VO2max compared to 50% VO2max suggests the improved capacity of producing ROS neutrophils after exercise. The number of neutrophils also increased maximally 1h after exercise, due to the mobilization of band neutrophils (shift to the left), suggesting that functional changes was associated with cell mobilization. The increase in the capacity of neutrophils to produce ROS and marked neutrophilia following the acute endurance exercise suggests that a large quantity of ROS may be produced in vivo.As for the training effects, the LgCL and LmCL responses were maintained in the exercise group as compared to the decreased ones in the control group. The difference between the exercise group and the control group was observed only in LgCL response to OZ. Humoral immune factors (IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C4) and serum opsonic activity were also unaltered. These phenomena suggest that homeostasis might be kept constant in terms of immunity through regular physical activity.
太田 庸起子 中野 篤浩 松本 理
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.47, no.4, pp.811-817, 1992-10-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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The hair from 9 children living in a Keshan disease prevalent district and from 10 children living in a Keshan disease non-prevalent district in China was analyzed. At the same time, the hair from 35 children of the same age residing in Tsukuba district in Japan was analyzed for comparison of the concentration of essential trace elements with that of children living in the Keshan disease prevalent district. Se concentration was determined by a fluorophotometric method and 16 other elements were analyzed by ICP emission spectrometry. Hg was analyzed by the heating evaporation method and by neutron activation analysis. The Se concentration in the hair of children living in the prevalent district was very low, being one-tenth that of the Japanese. The Ni concentration was particularly low in the prevalent district, and it determined to study more about the effects of Ni deficiency on health. In the prevalent district, Mg and Ca levels were low and those of Pb, Fe, Al, Ti were relatively high. Mn concentrations of both districts in China were very high when compared to the Japanese. The results of this study showed that the low Se concentration in Keshan disease is in agreement with previously reported data. Ecological factors, including nutrition were considered to be important in the etiology of this disease.