鈴木 政登 清水 桃子 河辺 典子 高尾 匡 町田 勝彦 川上 憲司
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.2, pp.329-344, 1996-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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加齢およびlife styleに起因した有酸素性作業能 (VO2max) の低下, 高血圧, 血清脂質の上昇および筋量や骨密度 (BMD) の低下は「寝たきり, 痴呆性老人」発症の危険因子とされる.本研究は, 年齢やlife styleおよび運動の習慣化の動機などそれぞれが異なる20~76歳の健康女性165名を対象とした横断的研究であり, これらの危険因子が習慣的運動によって改善または除去されるか否かを調べる目的でなされた.1回30分間以上, 週2回以上の頻度で水泳, ジョギング, エアロビックダンス等の運動を2年間以上継続している者を運動群 (Ex群, n=82) , Ex群としての条件を満たさない者および運動習慣がない者を対照群 (Cont群, n=83) とし, 40~60歳までは5歳刻みで, それ以下およびそれ以上の年齢の者は一括して比較した.運動習慣の有無のみならず閉経年齢や嗜好品および就業状況などlife styleの調査も行い, 次のような研究結果を得た.1) 本被検者165名のうち閉経者は89名 (54%) おり, 閉経年齢の平均は49.7±3.1歳 (閉経期間1~23年間) であった.2) 常習的喫煙者は35名, 週1回以上の頻度の飲酒習慣を有する者は100名みられた.3) 加齢にともなって体重あたりVO2max (n=165, r=-0.590) およびHRmax (r=-0.722) は有意 (p<0.001) に減少した.Ex群のVO2maxはCont群に比し有意な高値を維持しつつ加齢にともない減少したが, HRmaxには2群間の差はなかった.4) 安静時血圧は40歳未満の群が有意な低値を示した他は隣合う年齢間に有意差こそなかったが, 明らかに加齢にともないSBP (r=0.391) , DBP (r=0.315) ともに有意 (P<0.001) な上昇を示した.しかし, 本被検者165名の中には160/95mmHg以上の者はいなかった.安静血圧にはEx, Cont群間に有意差はなかったが, 運動前後の差 (ΔSBP, ΔDBP) はEx群がやや高い傾向であった.5) 血液成分のうち, 明かな年齢変化が認められたのは血清TC (r=0.346, p<0.001) およびLDL-C濃度 (r=0.339, p<0.001) であった.HDL-Cには年齢変化はみられなかった.Ex, Cont群間の比較では, TC, HDL-CいずれもEx群が高値傾向を示し, HDL-C/TC比には差がなかった.しかし, 本被検者のうち10, 30kmおよびフルマラソンなど公式試合出場者 (n=11, 49.7±7.7歳) では同年代の者に比し血清TCは低く (189.2±23.3mg/dl) , HDL-Cは有意に高値 (72.2±10.9mg/dl) であった.さらに, 飲酒と運動習慣を併用している者 (n=26) のHDL-C (75.8±15.8mg/dl) およびHDL-C/TC比が高かった.6) 体重や肥満度には年齢変化も2群間の差もみられなかったが, 加齢にともない%FTMが増加し, %LTMが減少する傾向であった.2群間の比較ではEx群の%LTMが高く, %FTMは低値傾向を示した.7) 閉経前にはEx群のTBMDおよびLegBMDが有意に高値であったが閉経後では2群間に有意差はなかった.しかし, 閉経後の者でもフルマラソン等公式大会に出場している者 (n=5, 52.6±1.5歳) のTBMDおよびLegBMDはCont群 (51~55歳) のそれに比し有意に高値であった.8) VO2max, 体組成, 骨密度および血清脂質濃度相互の関連を調べた結果, VO2max総量はLTM (kg) と高い相関 (r=0.669) を示し, VO2max/LTMは加齢にともなって減少したが, いずれの年齢でも常にEx群が有意な高値であった.体重あたりVO2maxは%FTMとは逆相関 (r=-0.442) , %LTMとは正相関 (r=0.422) を示した.しかし, 血清TC, HDL-C濃度とは関連がなく, 安静時SBP (r=-0.232, p<0.01) およびDBP (r=-0.192, p<0.05) とは低い相関係数しか示されなかった.一方, BMDは年齢の他に体重, それもLTMの影響を強く受けた.しかし, TBMDと体重あたりVO2maxとの相関は必ずしも高くはなかった (r=0.354, p<0.001) .骨密度およびVO2maxにおよぼす諸要因の重回帰分析を行った結果, 次のような回帰式を得た.全身骨密度 (TBMD; g・cm-2)=0.9525-0.0045×Age+0.0059×FTM (kg) +0.0072×LTM (kg)(n=165, R=0.669, p<0.001)VO2max (ml・kg-1・min-1)=47.97-0.391×Age+0.175×Leg BMD (g・cm-2) -0.531×%FTM (%)(n=165, R=0.715, p<0.001)尚, 上記二式の偏回帰係数はすべて0.1%水準で有意であった.以上の研究結果から, 習慣的運動によって全身持久性能力 (VO2max) や筋の最大酸化能 (VO2max/LTM) は高く維持されるが, 加齢による骨密度の減少や血清脂質の改善を期待することは困難であり, これらの改善にはより厳密な運動処方が必要であることがわかった.しかし, 体重あたりVO2maxは骨密度 (例えば, 脚骨密度; r=0.395) や筋量指標 (%LTM; r=0.422) と有意 (p<0.001) な正相関を示したことから,
Hiroyo Kamio Hitoshi Maruyama Nozomi Ito Mako Kunieda Ayaka Chiba Yorimitsu Furukawa
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.11, no.1, pp.29-34, 2022-01-25 (Released:2022-01-14)

Pelvic floor muscle training has been reported to be effective in preventing and improving urinary incontinence. Patients must learn to perform pelvic floor muscle contractions without pushing down the pelvic floor by contracting other muscle groups. This study aimed to determine the effect of maximal-effort contraction of the hip adductor and abductor muscles on the pelvic floor of young, healthy women. For these experiments, 23 healthy nulliparous women performed unilateral maximal-effort isometric contractions of the abductor and adductor hip muscles in a supine position. Simultaneously, the movement of the bladder’s posterior surface was measured using an ultrasonic imaging device. The displacement of the bladder base during maximal-effort contraction of the hip adductor/abductor muscles was calculated based on changes in the distance between the abdominal wall and the bladder base at rest. The results demonstrated that the bladder base significantly descended during maximal-effort isometric contraction of hip adduction/abduction. The maximal-effort isometric hip adduction/abduction muscle strength positively correlated with bladder base descent. These results indicated that isometric contraction of the hip adduction/abduction muscles under maximum effort pushed the pelvic floor downward. In pelvic floor muscle training, when the adductor and abductor muscles of the hip joint are contracted with maximum effort, the pelvic floor muscles cannot learn contraction and may inhibit movement.
Sho Hatanaka Naokata Ishii
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.11, no.5, pp.295-303, 2022-09-25 (Released:2022-09-13)

This study conducted a secondary survey based on the hypothesis that the “total mechanical activation of fast-twitch fibers in the muscles determines the effects of muscle hypertrophy”, with resistance training of the knee extensor muscles as the target because of its importance in preventing sarcopenia. Using a mathematical model that estimates the mechanical activation of each muscle fiber (fast-twitch and slow-twitch fiber) during exercise, which was developed in a previous study, we estimated the total mechanical activation of fast-twitch fibers in 30 training programs described in 23 selected previous studies on leg extension exercise programs and their muscle hypertrophy effect. With the estimated value and other factors of the training effect described in previous studies (training volume, etc.) as explanatory variables and muscle hypertrophy effect as an objective variable, we performed multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that the training effect was related to total mechanical activation of the fast-twitch fibers (standardized partial regression coefficient: 0.66), training load (standardized partial regression coefficient, 0.29) and number of sets (standardized partial regression coefficient: −0.37). The total mechanical activation of fast-twitch fibers was the strongest determinant of the muscle hypertrophy effect. In addition, we predicted the relationship between the level of the training effect of leg extension exercise and program variables. This study is the first to demonstrate “the relationship between total mechanical activation of fast-twitch fibers and muscle hypertrophy effect” in the field of muscle physiology, and the first to elucidate the association between the program variables and the training effect.
杉浦 崇夫 的場 秀樹 村上 悳
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.32, no.1, pp.17-24, 1983-02-01 (Released:2010-12-10)

Sex difference in enzyme activities of the skeletal muscle were examined in rats aged 10 and 35 weeks. At 10 and 35 weeks of age, animals were anesthetized with ether and weighed. M, gastrocnemius, m.extensor digitorum longus and m.soleus were removed from both legs under pentobarbital anethesia and weighed. These muscles were used for the determination of myosin ATPase activity, phosphofruktokinase (PFK) activity, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity and non-collagenous protein (NCP) content.The results were summarized as follows:1) Thirty-five week-old rats had heavier body and muscle weights than 10-weekold rats in both sexes and males had significantly heavier body and muscle weights than females at both 10 and 35 weeks of age.2) Similar tendency was observed with regard to total NCP content. Furthermore, it was found that total NCP content was positively correrated to muscle weight (r=0.871, r=0.909 and r=0.871 in m. gastrocnemius, m.extensor digitorum longus and m.soleus, respectively) . However, no significant difference in NCP content per wet weight was found between both sexes and between different age groups.3) Myosin ATPase activity tended to be lower at 35 weeks of age than at 10 weeks of age, the tendency being the most prominent in the gastrocnemius muscle of male rat (p<0.05) . However, no significant sex difference in myosin ATPase activity was observed in three muscle examined in both age groups.4) Although not statistically significant, mean PFK activity was slightly lower in 35-week-old rats than in 10-week-old rats, and there was no sex difference in PFK activity at both weeks of age.5) SDH activity was significantly lower in 35-week-old rats than in 10-week-old rats except that there was no significant age difference in the gastrocnemius muscle of males. There was no significant sex difference in SDH activity in both age groups with an exception of the extensor digitorum longus muscle from 35-week-old rats, where males had significantly higher SDH activity than females.
新井 彩 石川 昌紀 浦田 達也 国正 陽子 佐野 加奈絵 田中 ひかる 伊藤 章
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.165-172, 2015-02-01 (Released:2015-01-25)
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The purpose of the present study was to examine the importance of the agonist muscle activity of the post-impact 30 ms phase during drop jump (DJ) for effective rebound performance by comparing those of sprint runners and swimmers. The eight sprint runners (SPRINT) and twelve swimmers (SWIM) were participated in this study. They performed DJ from a 0.3-m height box with maximal rebound efforts. Electromyograms (EMG) of the lower leg muscles (medial gastrocnemius [MG], soleus [SOL] and tibialis anterior [TA]), and vertical ground reaction force together with kinematic data were measured simultaneously during DJ. In addition, the onsets of fascicle stretching of the MG and SOL muscles were measured by using high-speed ultrasonography (521Hz) during DJ. The onsets of the fascicle stretching of SOL during DJ were not significantly different between SPRINT and SWIM (15 ± 7 ms and 16 ± 6 ms, respectively). During DJ, SPRINT showed onset of the SOL EMG before the ground contact (-26 ± 19 ms). Meanwhile, SWIM showed the onset of the SOL EMG after the ground contact of DJ (16 ± 19 ms). These results suggest that the SOL muscles for SWIM cannot be fully-activated during the braking phase. Consequently, the rate of force development during the braking phase of DJ and subsequently rebound height could be reduced in SWIM.
Jun Hamano Takayuki Shimizu Katsunori Tsuji Wendy M Kohrt Izumi Tabata
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.10, no.3, pp.129-137, 2021-05-25 (Released:2021-05-13)
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Increased serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) during moderate-intensity exercise has been reported, suggesting that such exercise may stimulate bone resorption. This study was undertaken to observe the effects of exhausting high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) on serum PTH and on blood parameters that may affect PTH secretion during exercise. Seven young trained adults exercised on 2 days after overnight fasting. On the HIIE day, they performed 6–7 exhausting bouts of 20-sec bicycle exercise (intensity, 170% VO2max) with intervening 10-sec rests. On the moderate-intensity exercise (MIE) day, the subjects biked for 60 min at 70% VO2max. The peak lactate concentration in blood after the HIIE was 15.2 ± 1.3 mmol/l. The blood lactate concentration at the end of the MIE was 2.2 ± 0.9 mmol/l. The HIIE significantly reduced the serum PTH (Pre: 30 ± 5 pg/ml, 10 min post-HIIE: 22 ± 4 pg/ml, p < 0.05), whereas the MIE significantly elevated the serum PTH. The HIIE induced a significant increase in serum ionized Ca (iCa); but MIE did not affect iCa. The serum cortisol concentration post-MIE was significantly higher than that observed pre-exercise; no changes from the pre-exercise value were noted post-HIIE. The serum phosphate concentration immediately post-HIIE increased significantly to the same level as that post-MIE. No changes in serum C-terminal telopeptide of Type I collagen (a marker of bone resorption) was observed after the HIIE or MIE. Although these results do not identify stimulator(s) for PTH secretion during HIIE and MIE, they indicate that HIIE does not induce an exercise-induced increase in PTH (which might deteriorate bone metabolism).
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.58-65, 1994-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study was to compare blood lactate concentration, lactate threshold (LT) and onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA) during an incremental bicycle exercise under a hot dry environment with those during the same workload under a thermoneutral environment. Eight unacclimated men performed an incremental test to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer during which the work rate was increased by 30 W every three minutes under thermoneutral (25°C) and hot dry (40°C) environmental conditions. Oxygen consumption (VO2) -pulmonary ventilation (VE), gas exchange measures and earlobe blood samples for lactate analysis were obtained every minute during the test. LT (p<0.05) and OBLA (p<0.01) occurred at significantly lower VO2 under the hot environment than those under the thermoneutral environment. Additionally blood lactate concentration was significantly higher (p<0.05) at each measurement period under the hot environment compared with that under the ther-moneutral environment. The correlation between LT and ventilatory threshold (VT) was not statistically significant under the thermoneutral (r=0.20) and hot dry (r=0.60) environments, These findings demonstrate that the hot dry environment may increase blood lactate concentration more and causes a leftward shift of LT and OBLA. Since blood lactate accumulation during incremental exercise is not considered to be the only factor which mediates VE, VT does not always accurately predict LT.
宮下 充正 松井 秀治 三浦 望慶 星川 保 亀井 貞次
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.18, no.1, pp.1-8, 1969-03-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study is to conduct the examination of heart rate and speed variations with respect to the various interval trainings of swimming. One trained, one post-trained and one untrained swimmers were employed for this study. The experiment was conducted during the summer of 1968. The temperature of atomosphere varied from 30°C to 33°C and that of water from 27°C to 29°C.The data of heart rate were obtained from the record of ECG. Two electrodes or ECG consisting of silver cups of 10mm in diameter were attached to the skin over sternum. In order to avoid mechanical and electrical disturbances, the electrodes were tightly fixed through the following procedures;1) The electrodes were pasted on cleaned skin with ECG jelly.2) The adhesive plaster was placed over the electrodes.3) The adhesive plaster was coated with wax.The wire of 20 meters was used to connect the electrodes and the recorder. On trial of interval training was consisted of two phases; 1) The active phase....To swim 50 meters according to his swimming ability. 2) The rest phase...To take a 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45 or 60 seconds interval between each 50 meters swimming. Each trial of training was repeated ten times.Results are as follows;1) The longer the rest period is, the higher the swimming speed is.2) All swimmers swim 50 meters at 60-80% of their maximum speed and the percent of the trained is higher than that of the untrained.3) Maximum heart rates of the trained, the post-trained and the untrained during tenth swimming are 188, 180 and 173 respectively, which are the same in every trial.4) Decreasing rates of heart rate during the rest period are 10 under in 5-10 seconds interval, 15-25 in 20-30 seconds interval and 20-50 in 45-60 seconds interval,
井上 基浩
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.4, pp.391-406, 2003-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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This study was undertaken to examine the effects of electro-acupuncture with direct current on peripheral nerve regeneration. Fifty-five 7 month old male rats were used in the present study. Sciatic nerve of each rat was crushed at the thigh, then the subject were divided into four groups as Cathode distal group (n=15), Anode distal group (n=14), Sham group (n=13), and Control group (n=13) . In the Cathode distal group, an insulated acupuncture needle which was inserted at lcm distal to the injured site was used as cathodal electrode, while a needle inserted at lcm proximal to the lesion was used as anodal electrode. In the Anode distal group, the needle at lcm distal and pro. ximal to the lesion were used as the anodal and the cathodal electrodes respectively. In the Sham group, no electrical stimulation were given to the insulated needle inserted at the same site as the aforementioned groups. In the Control group, no operation was given after crush injury. Regeneration of the sciatic nerve were evaluated with the number and the latency of the evoked EMG recorded at 12 sites in the foot, the behavioral test score (BTS) at 1, 2, 3, and 4 week after crush injury, weight ratio of the tibialis anterior and morphological study at 4 weeks after crush injury. Every kind of evaluation indicated that regeneration of the peripheral nerve was faster in the Cathode distal group than those in the other group. In the Anode distal group, the number of the evoked EMG and BTS were significantly lower than those in the Control group with tendency of longer latency and lesser muscle weight ratio. We suggested that electro-acupuncture with cathode distal orientation accelerated regeneration of the peripheral nerve after crush injury, while anode distal orientation delayed the regeneration. The electro-acupuncture with cathode distal orientation might be one of the useful treatment having advantage to perform deeper insertion with minimal invasion.
Sonoko Mashimo Naruto Yoshida Takaaki Hogan Hideaki Waki Yoichi Minakawa Shogo Miyazaki Masaaki Koido
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.11, no.4, pp.237-245, 2022-07-25 (Released:2022-07-12)

Despite extensive studies on the incidence and characteristics of football (soccer) injuries using a time-loss definition, the exact magnitude of injuries and illnesses in football players remains unclear. This study aimed to examine the prevalence and burden of health problems among university football players based on all physical complaints. Ninety-four male university football players were prospectively followed up during the 2020 competitive season in Japan. The study period was divided into the self-training period (SP) and the football period (FP). All participants were asked to complete the Japanese version of the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center Questionnaire on Health Problems (OSTRC-H2.JP) every Sunday. The main outcome measures were the prevalence of all health problems and substantial health problems and their burdens. The average response rate to the OSTRC-H2.JP was 88.8% [95% CI, confidence interval: 87.7%–89.9%]. Overall, the average weekly prevalence of all health problems was 19.7% [95% CI: 18.3%–21.1%]. During the FP, the average weekly prevalence of all health problems and substantial health problems were 22.9% [95% CI: 21.0%–24.7%] and 15.3% [95% CI: 13.7%–16.9%], respectively. Injuries were the main problem, with traumatic injuries in the ankle, thigh, and foot representing the greatest burden. This study indicated that approximately 20% of university football players experienced injuries or illnesses. Traumatic injuries in the ankle, thigh, and foot represented the greatest burden on self-reported reliance using broad definitions of injury and illness. Therefore, injury prevention should focus on preventing these complaints.
Tomohito Sato Keisei Kosaki Youngju Choi Yuriko Tochigi Ai Shindo-Hamasaki Reiko Momma Seiji Maeda
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.11, no.4, pp.247-253, 2022-07-25 (Released:2022-07-12)

Several studies have demonstrated that athletes show superior performance in general cognitive functions compared to non-athletes. However, the effects on cognitive function might vary depending on the athlete’s sport type. In athletes, the visuospatial working memory is a crucial function for immediate response to each situation and experience. However, no studies have yet examined the association between visuospatial working memory and sport types. This study aimed to investigate whether sport type influences the differences in visuospatial working memory in athletes using a cross-sectional study. A total of 67 young individuals, including 59 athletes (long-distance running, tennis, kendo, and soccer players) and eight non-athletes (controls), participated in the study. Athletes were classified into static, interceptive, or strategic depending on their sport type. The reaction time, accuracy, and balanced integration score (BIS) of the spatial working memory task (SWMT) were examined in all participants. Strategic athletes showed a shorter reaction time and higher BIS value of SWMT than static athletes and non-athletes. We concluded that the visuospatial working memory of strategic athletes was better than that of non-athletes and static athletes. This finding suggests that visuospatial working memory might play an important role in determining athletic performance in strategic sport types, making improved visuospatial working memory a key advantage for strategic athletes.
Hideaki Waki Masaaki Koido Yoichi Minakawa Shogo Miyazaki Naruto Yoshida
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.11, no.4, pp.213-220, 2022-07-25 (Released:2022-07-12)

This study aimed to observe the conditions of Japanese college athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic for the prevention of psychiatric and sleep disorders. A survey was conducted with 100 players before and after they refrained from sports activities due to the emergency measures (April 7–May 14, 2020) against COVID-19. The survey items used were the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) for psychiatric symptoms (anxiety and depression) and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) for sleep. A survey on the living conditions was based on a web-based questionnaire. Sleep dysfunction (PSQI ≥ 6), anxiety (HADS-A ≥ 8), and depression (HADS-D ≥ 8) were found in 20 (20%), 19 (19%), and 18 (18%) players before the emergency measures, and 32 (32%), 20 (20%), and 31 (31%) players after emergency measures, respectively. Of the 100 participants, 36 (36%) developed sleep dysfunction or depression as they lived alone, were anxious about school life (e.g., friendships), and were financially unstable regarding living expenses (e.g., not able to work part-time). Due to these findings, it is necessary to actively intervene in the mental health of university students.
門岡 晋 平田 勝士 菅生 貴之
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.62, no.2, pp.171-177, 2013-04-01 (Released:2013-04-08)
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Past studies have suggested that the cortisol awakening response (CAR) is a robust index for assessing daily stress. The present study examined the stability of CAR in individuals and the relationship between CAR and moods states and the influence of gender on CAR. CAR was measured in two successive days. Participants were student athletes (men=36, women=12) in a university athletic club that participated in club practice over five days a week. They were instructed to collect saliva just after and 30 minutes following awakening. The Moods was measured using the short form of the Profile of Moods States (POMS-S). The results indicated high stability of CAR values for the two successive days. Furthermore, there was a relationship between CAR and negative moods. Moreover, women showed significantly lager increases of the early morning free cortisol levels after awakening compared to men.
Haruki Momma
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.11, no.3, pp.175-181, 2022-05-25 (Released:2022-05-10)

Epidemiology in the field of sports science is relatively new compared to other areas, such as exercise physiology and biomechanics; however, it is currently one of the most popular disciplines. Physical fitness has been a traditional topic in exercise (or physical activity) epidemiology since the late 1980s. In Japan, a pioneer study investigating “fitness epidemiology”, the Tokyo Gas Study, was published in 1993. Since then, however, trends in fitness epidemiology have changed and two main trends have emerged: large-scale studies and the subdivision of study objectives. An increasing number of large-scale cohort studies using fitness as an exposure variable have been published since the mid-2010s, confirming the findings reported by smaller-scale studies, but with higher external validity and robustness. Moreover, large-scale studies have enabled examination of the association between physical fitness and comprehensive health outcomes, including all-cause and disease-specific mortality and incidence of noncommunicable disease. However, researchers now must fill current knowledge gaps and develop more detailed study questions, which has resulted in a subdivision of study objectives. Accordingly, this short review addresses current trends in fitness epidemiology and introduces the author’s findings from a series of studies investigating the cumulative influence of physical fitness on the risk for lifestyle-related disease(s). In addition, it briefly discusses muscle-strengthening activity epidemiology, which has recently attracted attention as a new frontier beyond fitness epidemiology.
長野 真弓 白山 正人 平野 裕一 宮下 充正
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.41, no.4, pp.436-446, 1992-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

トレーニングを行っていない健康な成人男性9名を被検者として, 運動処方の有効な指標となっている換気性閾値 (ventilatory threshold: VT) 強度の運動がその後の過剰酸素消費量 (excess postexercise O2 consumption: EPOC) に及ぼす影響を調べた.被検者は, 早朝空腹時に快適なソファーで30分間座位安静を保った後, VT強度で自転車エルゴメーター駆動を1時間行った.運動終了後はソファーで12時間座位安静を保ち続けた.また, 運動終了後24時間目にも前日と同じ要領で座位安静をとった.その間, 採気・心拍数の測定を行い, 運動が終了して2, 7, 12時間後には高糖食を摂取させた.この測定の他に, コントロールとして, 運動を行う代わりにソファーで1時間座位安静を保ち, その後も12時間にわたって座位安静を保つ非運動実験を行った.運動 (座位安静) 前の安静値と運動 (座位安静) 後の値を比較したところ, EPOCは食事あるいは運動の影響を受けて, 有意に変動することがわかった.また, VT強度の運動を1時間行うと, EPOCは少なくとも12時間にわたって運動を行わない場合より増加し, 脂質代謝も少なくとも24時間にわたって高まることが示唆された.さらに, 運動後12時間で, 運動中の消費エネルギー (約550kcal) の22% (約120kcal) のエネルギーが過剰に消費されることがわかった.以上のことから, この結果は運動に対する動機づけやウエイトコントロールなど, 運動処方の場で有効に活用できると考えられた.
尾縣 貢 木越 清信 遠藤 俊典 森 健一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.117-124, 2015-02-01 (Released:2015-01-25)

Purpose of this study was to examine the recovery process of delayed onset muscle soreness, jump performance, force to contact with the ground and lower limbs movement after intensive jump exercise (IJE), and the relationships between muscle soreness, changes of jump performance and lower limbs movement. Nine males who have experience in special jump exercise participated in this study voluntarily. For the measurement, subjective investigation of the muscle soreness, drop jump performance using a 30 cm high box [jump height, contact time and drop jump index (jump height / contact time)], ground reaction force and movements of lower limbs. This measurement was carried out before IJE (Pre), and at 4 hours (P4), 24 hours (P24) and 72 hours (P72) after IJE. Main results are as follows ; at the time of P24 when intense muscle soreness appeared, significant jump height decreases and contact time increases were shown, and the jump index decreased markedly. This decrease of performance correlated to the change of knee and ankle joint movements during the eccentric phase. At P4, for a subject who felt strong muscle soreness, the decrease of jump height and jump index were considerable. At P72, most subjects recovered to the levels of jump height and contact time to the Pre level. The findings reveal that the jump performances are related to the degree of delayed onset muscle soreness.
Masamichi Okudaira Steffen Willwacher Seita Kuki Takuya Yoshida Hirohiko Maemura Satoru Tanigawa
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.10, no.2, pp.67-74, 2021-03-25 (Released:2021-03-12)

This study aimed to investigate the effect of incline on neuromuscular mechanisms in uphill sprint running. Nine male college sprinters performed 5-sec constant speed running trials on a motorized treadmill at 7.5 m/s. Each trial was conducted under different inclined conditions (level and 5.0% grade). Surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded from 6 muscles of the lower limbs, including gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, and lateral gastrocnemius lateralis. We found higher muscle activity in all muscles during the stance phase in uphill sprinting except for rectus femoris and vastus lateralis. Higher muscle activation during the recovery phase was found in the rectus femoris muscle in uphill sprinting. These muscle activity adaptations in uphill sprinting were paralleled by higher step frequency and shorter step length. Our results suggest that lower limb muscle activity can meaningfully adapt to sprint-specific demand in uphill running.
Nobuaki Mizuguchi Hiroki Nakata Yusuke Uchida Kazuyuki Kanosue
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.1, no.1, pp.103-111, 2012-05-25 (Released:2012-08-22)
37 76

In the present review, how to measure motor imagery ability, brain activity during motor imagery, the benefits of motor imagery practice, and the influence of sensory inputs on motor imagery, are summarized. First, the classification of motor imagery is explained. Many methods have been utilized to evaluate motor imagery ability. For example, questionnaires, mental chronometry, and mental rotation tasks have been used in the psychological approach. Brain activity has been measured utilizing transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and electroencephalography (EEG). Some brain regions are activated motor execution in both and motor imagery, including the supplementary motor area (SMA), the premotor cortex (PM) and the parietal cortex. Although motor imagery is done without movement or muscle contraction, sensory input from the periphery interacts with motor imagery. Brain activation during imagery of an action, as assessed by TMS, is stronger when sensory inputs resemble those present during the actual execution of the action. Many studies have provided evidence of the effects of motor imagery practice on basic motor skills and sport performance. Most elite athletes (70-90%) report that they use motor imagery to improve performance, and professional players, as compared to amateurs, utilize imagery practice more often. Many studies have confirmed that motor imagery practice can also be useful not only in sports, but also for improving performance in patient rehabilitation programs.
久保 啓太郎 川上 泰雄 金久 博昭 福永 哲夫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.48, no.5, pp.597-605, 1999-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the viscoelastic properties of tendon structures in humans. Elongation of the tendon and aponeurosis of medial gastrocnemius muscle (MG) was directly measured by ultrasonography, while subjects (N=12) performed ramp isometric plantar flexion up to the voluntary maximum, followed by a ramp relaxation. The relationship between estimated muscle force (Ff) and tendon elongation (dL) was fitted to a linear regression, the slope of which was defined as stiffness of the tendon structures. The hysteresis was calculated as the ratio of the area within the Ff-dL loop (elastic energy dissipated) to the area beneath the load portion of the curve (elastic energy input) . The resulting Ff-dL relationship was non-linear in form, as previously reported on animal and human tendons in vitro. The mean stiffness was 24.0±5.6 N/mm. However, there was a considerable inter-subject variability (15.8 to 36.8 N/mm) . The Young's modulus, i. e., the slope of the stress-strain curve, was 280 MPa, which tended to be lower than the previously reported values for human tendons. It was also found that the strain of the tendon structures was homogeneously distributed along its length. The mean hysteresis (energy dissipation) was 23.4±12.4%. However, again there was a considerable inter-subject variability (8.7 to 39.3%) . The present results indicated that the tendon structures of human MG was considerably compliant and its hysteresis was in accordance with previously reported values.
平木場 浩二 丸山 敦夫 美坂 幸治
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.1, pp.69-77, 1990-02-01 (Released:2010-12-10)
4 4

本研究の目的は, CO2過剰排出量 (CO2excess) と持久性能力の関連性を明らかにするために, 長距離走者と一般人の乳酸蓄積の結果生じるCO2excessを比較するとともに, CO2excessと持久性パフォーマンスとの関係について検討することであった.18才から22才の男子長距離走者6名 (LDR群) および21才から24才の健康な一般成人男子4名 (CON群) を対象とし, 自転車エルゴメーターでの負荷漸増法による最大下および最大運動テストと12分間全力走を実施して, それらの運動テストで得られたVO2max, VO2AT, CO2excessおよび12分間全力走パフォーマンスとの関係を検討した.本研究で得られた結果の要約は以下の通りである.1) CO2excess (ml) は, LDR群3, 442±677ml, CON群2, 677±437mlの値であったが, 両群間に有意な差はなかった.体重当りに換算したCO2excess/w (ml・kg-1) は, CON群 (40.3±3.54) と比較して, LDR群 (59.1±9.07) が有意に高い値を示した (p<0.01) .2) ΔLA (安静から運動直後1分目までの血中LAの増加分) に対するCO2excess/wの比率 (CO2excess/w/ΔLA) は, LDR群 (5.59±1.16ml・kg-1・mmol-1) がCON群 (4.46±0.69ml・kg-1・mmol-1) より高値を示す傾向にはあったが, 両群間に有意な差は認められなかった.3) CO2excess (ml) は, VO2maxとは有意に相関しなかったが, VO2ATとは有意に相関していた (r=0.763, p<0.05) .体重当りに換算したCO2excess/w (ml・kg-1) とVO2maxおよびVO2ATとの間にはそれぞれr=0.822 (p<0.01) , r=0.892 (p<0.001) の高い有意の相関係数が認められ, 体重当りのCO2excess (ml・kg-1) と持久性能力との間に関連性のあることが確認された.さらに, ΔHCO3- (安静から運動直後1分目までの血中HCO3-の減少分) とも有意の相関関係が認められた (r=0.649, p<0.05) .4) 持久性パフォーマンスの指標として採用した12分間全力走の走行距離とCO2excess (ml) およびCO2excess/w (ml・kg-1) との間にはそれぞれr=0.715 (p<0.05) , r=0.933 (p<0.001) の有意な相関関係が得られ, CO2excessの相対値 (ml・kg-1) の方が持久性パフォーマンスと密接に関連することが認められた.また, CO2excess/w/ΔLAの比率との間にも有意な相関のあることが示された (r=0.671, p<0.05) .5) 以上の結果から, 体重当りのCO2excess (ml・kg-1) およびCO2excess/w/ΔLAの比率には持久性能力と関連性があり, 乳酸蓄積を伴う比較的高強度の身体活動の維持が要求される持久性競技 (例えば, 3, 000~5, 000M走) のパフオーマンスを評価する上で重要な因子となることが示唆された.