曽根 涼子 山崎 文夫 藤井 宣晴 鍋倉 賢治 池上 晴夫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.42, no.5, pp.465-474, 1993-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

激運動後における迷走神経活動の回復過程を呼吸性心周期変動の大きさの変化から検討することおよび呼吸性心周期変動の位相の変化を明らかにし1その変化の発生機構について検討することを目的として, 健康な男子大学生6名を被検者としてトレッドミルによるexhaustive走を行なわせ, 心周期および血圧の呼吸性変動の大きさおよび位相の変化を運動後5時間にわたって追跡調査した.呼吸周期および一回換気量は, それぞれ全測定を通して6秒および21に規制した.1) 呼吸性心周期変動の大きさはexhaustive走によって著しく減少するが, 運動後約2時間で前値に復した.呼吸運動を基準とした呼吸性心周期変動の位相は運動によって有意に遅れた.そして運動後2時間は急速に, それ以後は徐々に回復する傾向を示した.2) 呼吸性SBPの大きさおよび位相には運動後に顕著な変化は認められなかった.以上の結果から, 激運動によって抑制された迷走神経活動は運動終了から約2時間で回復すると考えられる.また, 運動後には呼吸性心周期変動の位相は明らかに遅れた.これは迷走神経の活動度の低下を反映している可能性がある.
鈴木 克彦 佐藤 英樹 遠藤 哲 長谷川 裕子 望月 充邦 中路 重之 菅原 和夫 戸塚 学 佐藤 光毅
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.4, pp.451-460, 1996-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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スポーツ選手を対象として, 最大運動負荷に伴う白血球分画と好中球活性酸素産生能の変動を検討したところ, 以下の知見が得られた.1.運動直後に総白血球数が一過性に2倍程度上昇したが, これはリンパ球, 好中球および単球の数的増加によるものであった.好中球数は運動終了1時間後でも上昇した状態にあったが, 核左方移動は認められず, かつ分葉核好中球数の変動と相関が強かったため, 壁在プール由来の好中球動員であったと考えられる.2.リンパ球のなかでLGL (NK細胞) は運動直後に6倍も上昇しており, 終了1時間後には半減した.このようなリンパ球の数的・構成的変動が各リンパ球の機能を測定する上で誤差要因とならないように注意する必要がある.3.ルミノール依存性化学発光法を用いて単離好中球の活性酸素産生能を検討したところ, 刺激物質として貪食粒子のOZを用いた場合のみならず可溶性のPMAを用いた場合にも運動負荷に伴い有意に上昇し, かつ両者の変動には正相関が認められたことから, 単一機序で発光が増強したものと推察される.ルミノール依存性化学発光の反応機構から, 好中球の刺激に伴う脱顆粒能亢進によってMPOを介して強力な活性酸素種 (HOCl) が効率的に産生されやすくなることが示唆された.短時間の運動であっても極端に強度が高い場合には, 毒性の高い活性酸素種を生成しやすい好中球が血中に増加し, リンパ球の機能抑制や筋の炎症等の組織傷害作用を発現する可能性があり, 今後その体内動態をめぐっては, さらに踏み込んだ検討が必要である.
Shohei Dobashi Arisa Nakamura Kyohei Saito Daisuke Ando Katsuhiro Koyama
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.8, no.4, pp.181-184, 2019-07-25 (Released:2019-07-17)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of acute exercise and hypoxic exposure on the level of circulating selenoprotein P (SeP), which is known to cause insulin and exercise resistance, and expression of the muscle peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ co-activator-1α (PGC-1α) gene in pre-diabetes rat models. Fifteen week old male Wistar rats (n = 20) were fed with a high-fat diet and water ad libitum for 3 weeks. After the acclimation period, they were assigned to sedentary or exercise groups under normoxic (20.9% O2) and hypoxic (14.5% O2) conditions. Each of the exercise groups (NE and HE) was administered two 30-min no-load swimming exercises with an interval of 5-min rest. The serum, the liver, and the triceps muscle were obtained 3 h after the exercises. Hypoxic exposure did not affect hepatic SeP mRNA, serum SeP protein, and muscle PGC-1α mRNA expression. In contrast, acute swimming exercise reduced circulating SeP concentration and increased PGC-1α mRNA expression in triceps muscle. In conclusion, acute swimming exercise rather than moderate hypoxic exposure might improve insulin and exercise resistance in pre-diabetes conditions for type 2 diabetes.
石田 良恵 角田 直也 金久 博昭 福永 哲夫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.34, no.2, pp.91-97, 1985-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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超音波皮脂厚計 (USC) を用いて, 体肢における皮下脂肪厚を測定し, 多用途超音波診断装置による組織断面撮影法 (SSD-120) による値と比較することにより, USCによる皮下脂肪厚測定の妥当性を検討し, 次のような結果を得た.1.USCとSSD-120による各体肢における皮下脂肪厚問の相関係数は,前腕: r=0.808, 上腕: r=0.780下腿: r=0.833, 大腿: r=0.843を示し, 全ての部位で0.1%水準の有意な相関関係が認められた.2.皮下脂肪値が, SSD-120で6mm以下の状態では, USCの値はSSD-120に比較して, やや高く, 一方6mmになるとやや低くなる傾向が認められた.3.前腕, 上腕, 下腿及び大腿の各皮下脂肪厚について両測定値間の差の絶対値をみると0.6~2.0mmであったが, しかし両測定値においては統計的に有意差はなかった.以上のことから, 体肢の皮下脂肪厚 (皮膚を含む) 測定方法として超音波皮脂厚計 (Canon CH300-FT) は充分使用できるものと考えられる.本論文の一部は, 第69回日本体力医学会関東地方会 (1983) において発表したものである.
菊池 邦雄
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.16, no.2, pp.38-44, 1967-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

The purpose of this study is to inquire histologically when red muscle fibers and white muscle fibers are differenciated and how they develope, considering from sex difference.Wistar-strain rats of the same venter were used in this experiment. The animals of both sexes were killed at the interval of five days, from birth to 25 days. Two groups of male and female rats of 70 days old after birth were used as control groups.M. tibialis ant. was removed and then fixed in 10% formalin for approximately two weeks. As staining, alchohol solution of Sudan black B was used.The results are as follows :1) Sex difference in rats' body weight was started to appear about 15 days after birth.2) Differentiation of red muscle fibers and white muscle fibers in M. tibialis ant. was recognized about 15 days after birth in male and female rats.3) The entire area of cross section of M. tibialis ant. is increasing during the development of rats' body as a whole. No apparent tendency on sex difference was found till 25 days after birth. On 70 days after birth the entire area of cross section in male has about 1.5 times the size of female.4) No increase of number in M. tibialis ant. was recognized during the development of rats' body as a whole and no sex difference in number of muscle fibers.5) The area of cross section per fiber and the average diameter of fibers are increasing during the growth of rats' body. No sex difference of those in red and white muscle fibers was found till 25 days after birth but, on 70 days after birth, it became clear. The rate of hypertrophy of white muscle fibers is greater than that of red muscle fibers.6) Ratio of the entire area of muscle fibers to the intercelluler space in M. tibi-alis ant. is increasing during the development of rats' body.7) No difference of area of cross section per fiber in peripheral and innermost regions was found till about 15 days after birth. On 70 days after birth the red muscle fibers in peripheral have 1.4 times the size of those in innermost, and the white muscle fibers 1.3 times.
水野 康 国井 実 清田 隆毅 小野 茂之 駒田 陽子 白川 修一郎
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.53, no.5, pp.527-536, 2004-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
8 6

The present study performed a cross-sectional survey to investigate sleep habits and sleep health in Japanese women aged 40 to 69 years with and without a habit of exercise. A standardized questionnaire evaluating sleep was administered to two subject groups. One was the “exercise group” who habitually performed aerobic exercise at mild to moderate intensity with a frequency of ≥2 times/week and duration of ≥30 minutes/one session (n=207) . The other was the age-matched “non-exercise group” who had no exercise habit (n=567) . Two-way ANOVA was employed for com paring the two subject groups and examining the effects of exercise on aging. Regarding sleep habits, as bed time significantly advanced with advancing age, sleep habits (bed time, waking time and sleep duration) were significantly more regular in the exercise group than in the non-exercise group. Concerning independent sleep health risk factors consisting of sleep initiation, sleep maintenance, sleep apnea, parasomnia, and waking-up, the factor score for sleep maintenance significantly deteriorated with advancing age; and was significantly better in the exercise group than in the non-exercise group. These results suggest that an exercise habit may improve sleep health in middle-aged and older Japanese women among which a higher prevalence of sleep problems has been reported.
Hiroto Takenaka Mitsuhiro Kamiya Junya Suzuki Kasuri Nishihama Atsuki Ito Kunihiro Furuta Keita Yokochi Shuntaro Hanamura Hirokatsu Hanamura
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.6, no.5, pp.349-354, 2017-09-25 (Released:2017-09-29)

The purpose of this study was to compare the lumbar lordotic angle (LL) and pelvic tilt angle (PT) in the simple modified Thomas test (SMTT) position with LL and PT in the Thomas test (TT) position. Participants (n = 20) were between the ages of 23 and 39 and had no history of trauma. LL and PT were measured by X-ray radiographs under three conditions: the SMTT position, TT position, and supine position. At the same time, the distance between the examination table and the popliteal fossa was measured with a ruler. These measurements were compared by one-way analysis of variance. LL (14.6 ± 6.7 degrees [°]) in the SMTT position was significantly lower than in the TT position (18.6 ± 6.6 °) (p < 0.01). PT (33.5 ± 7.6 °) in the SMTT position was significantly higher than in the TT position (31.3 ± 6.9 °) (p < 0.05). The distance between the examination table and the popliteal fossa in the SMTT position (100 ± 37.7 mm) was significantly higher than in the TT position (73.5 ± 27.4 mm) (p < 0.01). These results suggest that LL and PT in the SMTT position are easier to assess than those in the TT position.
Keita Suzuki Satoshi Nagai Ryo Ogaki Koichi Iwai Takuo Furukawa Shumpei Miyakawa Masahiro Takemura
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.8, no.2, pp.79-88, 2019-03-25 (Released:2019-03-16)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the tackling characteristics of tacklers relationship causing concussion based on match video records in the collegiate rugby union. Twenty-three tackling situations leading to concussion were identified based on injury data and video records. Additionally, 94 tackling situations in which concussion did not occur were extracted from the same matches. Overall, one hundred and seventeen tackling situations were analyzed in detail, and categorized into three tackle phases and outcomes. Logistic regression analysis was performed to clarify which tackling characteristics in the tackler relationship had a higher chance of concussion. The chance of concussion occurring to a tackler was significantly higher for collision tackle (odds ratio [OR] 84.00, 95% CI 8.27–853.11), making initial contact with tackler’s head/neck (OR 23.47, 95% CI 4.80–114.71), no arm usage by tackler (OR 3.54, 95% CI 1.23–10.20) and tackle break by ball-carrier (OR 5.76, 95% CI 1.67–19.85). Conversely, tacklers were significantly less likely to suffer concussion when the ball-carrier performed a side step before initial contact (OR 0.11, 95% CI 0.01–0.85). In conclusion, tackles leading to concussion were related to various factors in the time period before and after tackle as well as in the moment of tackle. The results of this study suggest that further research needs to be done, given the relationship between each tackling characteristic. Moreover, we consider that players and coaching staff should improve tackle skill safety by clarifying the common contributing factors to both suffering concussion and tackle performance.
森丘 保典 伊藤 静夫 大庭 恵一 原 孝子 内丸 仁 青野 博 雨宮 輝也
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.3, pp.285-294, 2003-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究の目的は, 中距離走者を対象に間欠的な漸増負荷走行テスト (MART) を行い, La動態から推定されるパワーと中距離走能力との関係を検討することであった.結果の要約を以下に示す.(1) V800m, V1500mと実験時の走力を表す最大パワー (Pmax) との間に有意な相関関係が認められた.(2) V800mとピークLa (PBLa) の60%値 (60%PBLa) を基準に算出したパワー (P60%La) , V1500mとPBLaの40%値 (40%PBLa) を基準に算出したパワー (P40%La) およびP60%Laとの間に有意な相関関係が認められた.以上のことから, MARTが中距離走能力を反映するテストとして有用であること, また, P60%Laが800m走能力, P40%LaおよびP60%Laが1500m走能力を反映する評価指標の一つとして利用可能であることなどが示された.
Yasushi Kariyama Koji Zushi
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.5, no.2, pp.187-193, 2016-05-25 (Released:2016-05-14)
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We investigated the relationships between the lower-limb joint kinetic parameters of sprint running and rebound jump during the support phases in 16 male track and field athletes performing sprint running and rebound jump at maximal effort. Sprint running velocity and rebound jump index (i.e., jump height divided by contact time) during rebound jump were calculated. Lower-limb joint kinetic parameters (joint torque and power) during the support phases of these activities were calculated using a force platform and data from a high-speed video camera that recorded movements in the sagittal plane. No significant correlation was observed between sprint velocity and rebound jump index. However, significant correlations were observed between sprint running and rebound jump for mean ankle-joint torque and mean knee-joint torque in the eccentric and concentric phases, as well as for mean negative ankle-joint power and mean negative knee-joint power. These results suggest mechanical similarities in ankle- and knee-joint kinetic parameters, especially in the eccentric phase of sprint running and rebound jump, although such similarities were not observed for sprint velocity and rebound jump index.
林 直亨 中村 好男 村岡 功
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.2, pp.279-286, 1995-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
1 3

A study was conducted to investigate the effect of exercise intensity on the recovery of autonomic nervous activity after exercise. Ten subjects performed four kinds of 10-min cycle exercise with target heart rates of 100, 120, 140, and 160 beats/min (THR 100, THR 120, THR 140 and THR 160, respectively) following 5 min of exercise to increase the heart rate to the target level. The beat-by-beat variability of the R-R interval was recorded throughout the experiment including the 5-min pre-exercise control period and the 30-min recovery period. Spectral analysis (fast Fourier transform) was applied to every 5-min R-R interval data set before, during ( 5-10 min) and after exercise at the target heart rate. The low- (0.05-0, 15 Hz : P1) and high- (0, 15-1.0 Hz : Ph) frequency areas were calculated to evaluate sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS) nervous activities as P1/Phand Ph, respectively. During exercise, SNS of THR 160 was significantly higher, and PNS of THR 140 and THR 160 was significantly lower than the respective pre-exercise values (p<0.05) . Althouglt all indicators recovered to, or overshot the pre-exercise values at 20-30 min after THR 100 and THR 120, heart rate and SNS were still higher and PNS was still lower than the pre-exercise value after THR 160. These results suggest that the recovery of cardiac autonomic nervous activity is slower after high-intensity exercise than after low-intensity exercise, and that the recovery of autonomic nervous activity after acute exercise does not always corrrespond linearly on the exercise intensity.
Kei Tsukioka Ko Yamanaka Hidefumi Waki
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.8, no.1, pp.45-50, 2019-01-25 (Released:2019-01-17)

The amygdala induces emotion and controls the cardiovascular system. We previously found that lesions in the central nucleus of amygdala (CeA), which is associated with negative emotion, chronically increase the arterial pressure (AP); however, the mechanism involved in this process remains unclear. In this study we compared the heart rate (HR), high frequency (HF) component of HR variability as an index of cardiac vagal outflow, and spontaneous baroreceptor reflex gain (sBRG) before and after the occurrence of bilateral lesions in CeA for further understanding of cardiovascular regulation by CeA. The results showed that CeA lesions induced a chronic decrease in HR and increase in sBRG, suggesting that CeA regulates the autonomic nervous system. Taken together with our previous results, CeA was shown to control AP and HR as well as baroreflex gain; however, the mechanisms controlling basal AP through CeA are likely to be independent of mechanisms for baroreflex gain control. These contradictory findings may partially explain the known diverse hemodynamic patterns of the amygdala in response to a variety of stress conditions.
藤瀬 武彦 長崎 浩爾
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.48, no.5, pp.631-640, 1999-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
4 6

本研究では, 男子学生1278名及び女子学生707名を対象に形態及び体力測定を行い, 青年男女における隠れ肥満者の頻度を明確にするとともに形態的及び体力的特徴について検討した.1) 男性及び女性における隠れ肥満者の頻度はそれぞれ5.4%及び13.6%, また肥満者における隠れ肥満者の頻度は30.4%および66.2%であった.女性は男性の約2.5倍の隠れ肥満者が存在し, 肥満者における隠れ肥満者の頻度も女性の方が約2.2倍多かった.2) 男性の形態は, 対照群と隠れ肥満群の間に一定の傾向が認められなかった.しかし, 女性ではBMIが21以上23未満の隠れ肥満群で胴囲及びWHRが対照群より有意に高値を示した.3) 男性の体力は, BMI20群の背筋力及び握力, BMI22群の垂直跳び, BMI23群の背筋力, 及び立位体前屈で隠れ肥満群が対照群よりも有意に低値を示したが, 女性ではBMI22群の反復横跳び以外に有意差が認められなかった.4) 男性の運動能力は, BMI20群の50m走, 走幅跳び, 及び立ち幅跳び, BMI21群の50m走と走幅跳び, BMI22群の走幅跳び, BMI23群の50m走と立幅跳びで隠れ肥満群が対照群よりも有意に低値を示したが, 女性ではBMI22群の走幅跳び及びBMI23群の50m走以外に有意差が認められなかった.

1 0 0 0 OA 運動と免疫

河野 一郎
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.41, no.2, pp.139-146, 1992-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
1 1
松井 知之 森原 徹 東 善一 瀬尾 和弥 平本 真知子 木田 圭重 高島 誠 堀井 基行 久保 俊一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.62, no.3, pp.223-226, 2013-06-01 (Released:2013-06-21)
2 5

The pitching motion requires neck, trunk and hip rotations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between pitching injuries and dominant versus non-dominant differences of the ranges of these motions. The subjects were 66 high school baseball pitchers who received medical checkup during baseball classes in Kyoto prefecture. During medical checkup, physical therapists measured the ranges of neck/trunk rotations, and internal rotation of the bilateral hips. Then orthopaedic doctors did special tests such as shoulder internal impingement test, subacromial impingement test, elbow valgus stress test and elbow hyper extension test. Fourteen pitchers (21.2%) who were positive in one or more special tests were judged to require second screening (injured group). In normal group, average neck/trunk rotations toward the non-dominant side were significantly wider than rotations toward the dominant side. Average hip internal rotation was significantly wider on the non-dominant side than on the dominant side. In injured group, a larger number of pitchers had wider neck and trunk rotation ranges toward the dominant side than toward the non-dominant side, and had wide hip internal rotation range on the dominant side compared to the non-dominant side. Comparing the ranges of the neck/trunk rotations and hip internal rotation between dominant and non-dominant sides might be useful for the prediction of pitching injuries of the shoulder and the elbow.
松井 知之 森原 徹 平本 真知子 東 善一 瀬尾 和弥 宮崎 哲哉 来田 宣幸 山田 陽介 木田 圭重 池田 巧 堀井 基行 久保 俊一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.63, no.5, pp.463-468, 2014-10-01 (Released:2014-10-02)
1 1

Pitching motion is made up by three-dimensional whole body movement. Pelvic and trunk rotation movement is important for the prevention of throwing injuries. Throwing is not a simple rotation movement. Evaluation should reflect muscle strength, coordination, and pitching motion characteristics. We have devised throwing rotational assessment (TRA) similar to throwing as the new evaluation of total rotation angle required for throwing. The purpose of this study was to introduce the new method and to examine the characteristics of players with throwing disorders. The subjects were 76 high school baseball pitchers who participated in the medical check. Pain-induced tests were elbow hyperextension test and intra-articular shoulder impingement test. Pitchers who felt pain in either test were classified as disorder group. TRA evaluation was performed as follows. In the positions similar to the foot contact phase, rotation angles of the pelvis and trunk were measured. In the position similar to follow through phase, the distance between the middle finger and the second toe was measured. All tests were performed in the throwing and opposite direction. Twenty five pitchers were classified as disorder group. All TRA tests in healthy group were significantly higher in the throwing direction than in the opposite direction, but there was no significant difference in the disorder group. Disorder group had significantly lower average rotation angles of the pelvis and trunk in the throwing direction and rotation angle of trunk in the opposite direction than the healthy group. Restrictions on TRA reflecting the complex whole body rotation movement may be related to the throwing disorder. This evaluation is a simple method. It would be useful early detection of throwing disorder and systematic evaluation in medical check, as well as self-check in the sports field.
内田 智也 松本 晋太朗 小松 稔 野田 優希 石田 美弥 佃 美智留 中山 良太 武田 雄大 平川 理映子 武藤 貢平 大久保 吏司 古川 裕之 藤田 健司
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.65, no.2, pp.237-242, 2016-04-01 (Released:2016-03-18)

Recently, the problem of the high incidence of throwing injuries in young people has been gaining attention. Identifying high-risk players before the onset of the throwing injury is important for prevention. One of the most widely used screening tests for sports-related injuries is the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), which assesses the quality of movement; however, its correlation with throwing injuries has not been established. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the FMS score and throwing injuries. The FMS was used during the medical check for two hundred and thirty junior high school baseball players. We allotted those who had experienced throwing injuries multiple times to the injury group and those who had never experienced throwing injury to the control group. We then calculated the FMS cutoff value using the receiver operating characteristic curve. In addition, we investigated differences in the incidence of throwing injury between above and below the cutoff value using chi-square test. The FMS cutoff score was 17. Players who scored ≤17 had a significantly higher incidence of throwing injuries than those who scored ≥18. Conclusion: We believe that FMS score is correlated to throwing injuries. In addition, the results suggest that throwing injuries might be prevented in junior high school baseball players who scored ≤17 on the FMS if they undergo training in the correct movement patterns.
清水 宗茂 藤田 浩太郎 市川 淳 森松 文毅 向井 直樹
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.53, no.5, pp.559-566, 2004-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

本研究では, 関節部への負担が高い走運動愛好者を対象として, コラーゲン・グルコサミン混合液の継続摂取が関節マーカーに及ぼす影響を検討した.その結果, 30日間のコラーゲン・グルコサミン混合液摂取により, 血清KSおよび血清MMP-3が摂取15, 30日目において有意に低下することが認められた.本研究の結果は, コラーゲン・グルコサミン混合液の継続摂取が, 関節軟骨の損傷および炎症を予防し, 関節部のコンディショニングに対して有効であることを示唆するものである.
野井 真吾 小沢 治夫 小磯 透 正木 健雄
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.49, no.4, pp.513-522, 2000-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the bone stiffness of healthy girls during their growth period and factors affecting on such stiffness. The subjects were 302 secondary school girls in Tokyo. Parameters examined included the body characteristics (standing height, body weight, bone stiffness measured by ultrasound, muscle thickness measured with the ultrasound B-mode system), extension power of the lower limb (containing the knee and hip joints), and a questionnaire about the daily intake of milk, kinds of meals and number of years from menophania. These examinations were carried out in June 1997.Results were summarized as follows : 1) From the observation of bone stiffness in secondary school girls, it appears that bone stiffness increases during the junior high school period. In other words, the bone stiffness of the subjects had almost reached on adult level by high school. 2) A significant positive correlation was recognized between chronological age and bone stiffness (r=0.365, p<0.05) . A positive correlation also existed between the years from menophania and bone stiffness (r=0.477, p<0.05) . These coefficients showed that the years from menophania correlate with bone stiffness more closely in comparison with chronological age. 3) In the period when short comparatively years from menophania, body characteristics, which were the index of maturity, correlated to bone stiffness. However, muscle thickness/power, which was related to exercise habit, became the major parameter correlating with bone stiffness. These results suggest that factors affecting bone stiffness should differ according to the growth period. 4) Comparison of different athletic clubs showed that the bone stiffness of volleyball players was higher than that of control. These data suggest that physical education class, which was given 3 times a week, is not enough for total body development in both quality and quantity. In other words, physical education should be better matched with total physical development, including the growth of healthy bones.