Riho Komatsuzawa Teruo Miyazaki Hajime Ohmori Chitose Maruyama Stephen W. Schaffer Shigeru Murakami Takashi Ito
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.9, no.4, pp.165-171, 2020-07-25 (Released:2020-07-15)

The amount of taurine and taurine derivatives in the body is affected by various diseases and physiological events, such as exercise. However, there is little information about possible changes in taurine distribution within tissue. In the present study, we examined whether matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) can be used to determine the effect of exercise on the distribution and content of taurine and acetyltaurine, a taurine derivative present in skeletal muscle. Using 9-aminoacridine to detect the amino acids in tissue samples, the content of taurine and acetyltaurine in homogenates of skeletal muscle was measured by MALDI-IMS. While the intrinsic levels of taurine in skeletal muscle tissue were adequate to be detected by MALDI-IMS, that of acetyltaurine was not observed. Following 120-min of treadmill running (20m/min), taurine content of soleus and plantaris muscles significantly declined. In the gastrocnemius muscle, taurine content is higher in slow-twitch fiber than fast-twitch fiber. However, the taurine content was not significantly changed by treadmill running in both fast- and slow-twitch fiber of the gastrocnemius muscle. In conclusion, MALDI-IMS using 9-aminoacridine as a matrix could detect the distribution of taurine in skeletal muscle before and after exercise.
森 茂美 太田 善博
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.34, no.Supplement, pp.61-69, 1985-12-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

ネコの脳幹内には, 既に2つの歩行中枢が同定されている.その1つは視床下核歩行誘発野 (SLR) であり, もう1つは中脳歩行誘発野 (MLR) である.解剖学的に, SLRおよびMLRはそれぞれ外側視床下部および楔状核に相当する.SLRは歩行運動の“発動的”側面を制御していると考えられる.一方, MLRは四肢間協調のような“自動運動的”側面を制御していると考えられる.上丘前縁と乳頭体後縁を結ぶ面で脳幹を切断した除脳ネコ (precollicular-postmammillaly decerebrate cat) において, MLRに連続微小刺激を加えると, 流れベルト上で歩行運動が誘発される.これら2つの歩行中枢に加えて, 最近, 姿勢筋の筋緊張 (postural muscle tone) を“セット”したり“リセット”したりする橋中心部の神経機構が同定されている.正中線上の橋中心被蓋野背側部および腹側部に連続微小刺激を加えると, 同一標本においてpostural muscle toneは, それぞれ長時間抑制および増強した.MLRと背側部を同時刺激すると, MLRの刺激で誘発された歩行のパターンは協調のとれた四足歩行から後肢のステッピングへと変化し, さらにステッピングから歩行運動の完全な抑制へと変化した.その際, postural muscle toneはかなり減弱していた.それと対照的に, MLRと腹側部を同時刺激すると, 歩行パターンは完全な抑制から後肢のステッピングへ, ステッピングから歩行へ, さらに歩行からギャロップへと変化した.その際, 姿勢筋の筋緊張レベルは段階的に増大していた.腹側部により強い単独刺激を加えると, 伸筋の筋緊張の著明な増強を伴なった痙性歩行運動が誘発された.中枢無傷ネコが自発歩行をしている際に橋中心被蓋野の背側部に刺激を加えると, 一連の姿勢変化が誘発された.刺激の開始から数秒後, ネコは歩行を停止し, そのままの状態で直立姿勢を維持した.この刺激を持続するとネコは坐り込み, 次に床の上に腹這いになった.刺激停止後も数分間にわたりネコはその最終姿勢を維持し続けた.橋中心被蓋野の腹側部に刺激を加えると, ほとんど正反対の一連の姿勢変化が誘発された.刺激の開始から数秒後, ネコは腹這いの姿勢からお坐りの姿勢をとり, さらにこの刺激を持続すると歩きはじめた.刺激によってネコは常に覚醒反応 (aler-ted) を示し, また歩行の開始に先行してその頭部を挙上し, 周辺を見まわして相対的位置関係を測るような反応 (oriented) を示した.これらの成績はすべて“歩行”制御系および“姿勢”制御系が脳幹および脊髄内において共通の神経機構を共有していることを示唆する.本諭文においては姿勢および歩行運動の“発動的”および“自動運動的”制御面との関連において, これら橋中心被蓋野のもつ機能を考察した.この内容は特定研究 (1) 「発育期の体力に関する基礎的研究」代表, 小野三嗣教授の研究集会に際して発表した研究成果の要旨をまとめたものである (課題番号: 57123109.58124037, 59127034, 分担課題: 姿勢保持能力と脳幹神経機構) .
富沢 政信 鳥山 貞宜 古矢 仁 小野 忠彦
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.20, no.2, pp.96-100, 1971-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

The Kyudo (Japanese archery) is a most popular sport among Japanese as the Judo and Japanese fencing. Even some their athletes had complains of neck pain, joint pain and back pain, the investigations in the orthopaedic aspect were rare as compared with the Judo and Japanese fencing.The orthopaedical questionnaire were made to one hundred twenty-two athletes from eighteen to seventy-eight years old, average forty-three old, and the analysis by roentgenological and clinical findings were made to thirty athletes who were had severe troubles.The results were as follows :1) Because of most disorders were localized about the upper-extremity as main action were using of arm muscles, there were discovered the osteoarthritis and osteochondro-matosis of the elbow joint, periarthritis of the shoulder joint, atrophy of the deltoid and supra-infraspinatus muscles, injury of the hand and back pain.2) To prevent these disorders, we emphasized the necessity of warming-up and other systematic exercise as usually.3) We had obtained the conclusion that the periodical examination was most important for early diagnosis and procedures of over ten years experienced athletes.
Katsuo Fujiwara
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.2, no.2, pp.155-161, 2013-05-25 (Released:2013-06-21)
2 3

Many researchers have analyzed dynamic postural control during voluntary arm movements and floor translation, focusing on the anticipatory activation of postural muscles in which the function of frontal lobe is involved. In this review, I address the postural muscle activation preceding arm movements, and consider the effect of arm movement dynamics, behavioral condition, postural set and postural movement pattern. I also address the anticipatory postural control during transient or periodical floor translations, and consider motor preparation, attentional allocation, and the use of event-related brain potentials to investigate frontal lobe activation.
岡田 ルリ子 松川 寛二 小林 敏生 宮腰 由紀子
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.62, no.4, pp.315-321, 2013-08-01 (Released:2013-08-29)

This study aimed to develop a new method of increasing water content in the cutaneous stratum corneum under a dry skin condition. For this purpose, the experiments were performed using 10 healthy women (age: 20 ± 5 years, height: 158 ± 4 cm, weight: 50 ± 6 kg) in winter to ensure the dry condition. The subjects immersed the right hand into a 42˚C bath for 10 min. Skin surface temperature and water content in the stratum corneum of the left forearm were simultaneously measured during and for 1 h after the hand warming. The skin surface temperature began to increase (P<0.05) 15 min after the hand warming and thereafter remained increased for 1 h. Similarly, the water content in the stratum corneum began to increase immediately after the hand warming and remained increased throughout the experiment. The present results suggest that warming of one hand is effective in enhancing skin moisture in the other forearm and thereby maintaining barrier function of the skin.
木村 直人 勝村 俊仁 浜岡 隆文 下光 輝一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.47, no.5, pp.549-560, 1998-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究の目的は, 磁気共鳴分光法 (31P-MRS) と近赤外分光法 (NIRS) とを用いて, 等尺性運動負荷時に見られる局所的な筋疲労, 特に運動強度の違いが筋疲労の程度や筋持久力 (持続時間) に及ぼす影響を細胞内の代謝および酸素動態の面から観察し, さらに各負荷強度の持続時間.どの関連について検討を加え, 以下の結果を得た.1) 各相対強度での持続時間は50%MVCで95.3±13.6秒, 30%MVCで209±41.9秒であり, また低強度の10%MVCでは963±236秒と, 50%MVC時の10倍であった.2) 運動中の各測定項目の変動をみると, 運動開始時においてPCrの低下及びPi (H2PO4-) の上昇が見られた.細胞内pHは運動開始40秒 (50%MVC) ~347秒 (10%MVC) まで安静時レベル (-6.95pHunit) 維持したものの, それ以降'低下を示した.また各測定項目 (pH低下率及びH2PO4-増加率) とも強度の上昇に伴いその変化の程度は増大を示した.3) 筋内の酸素化レベルは, 全ての強度において運動開始時直後から直線的に低下を示した.しかしながらその後の変化は各強度間で異なり, 10%, 30%MVCではその後上昇し一定レベルを維持した.一方50%MVCではさらに低下し, 平均値において10%を下回っていた.4) 各相対強度におけるpH低下率及びH2PO4-増加率と持続時間との間には, いずれも負の相関関係が認められた.pH低下率と持続時間との問にはr=-0.578~-0.871の相関係数が得られ, 10%, 30%MVCではそれぞれ有意 (P<0.05) であった.また, H2PO4-増加率との間にはr=-0.370~-0.740の相関係数が得られた.本研究の結果から, 最大下の等尺性運動時における筋持久力 (持続時間) には, 筋興奮・収縮連関やエネルギー供給系に対して直接あるいは間接的に関与する細胞内pHの低下率が重要な因子であることが示唆された.
図子 浩二 高松 薫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.1, pp.147-154, 1995-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
20 9

本研究では, 跳躍選手や球技選手が必要とするバリスティックな伸張―短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力を高めることに対して, 筋力および瞬発力を高めることが, どのような意味を持つのかについて, 健康な男子体育専攻学生99名を用いて検討した.バリスティックな伸張一短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力を評価するための指標として, RDJindexを測定した.また, 筋力を評価するための指標として, スクワット姿勢による最大脚伸展力 (Smax/BW) , 瞬発力を評価する指標として, 垂直跳の跳躍高 (CMJh) をそれぞれ測定した.なお, RDJindexは, 台高0.3mからのリバウンドドロップジャンプにおける滞空時間 (RDJta) から求めた跳躍高を踏切時間 (RDJtc) で除したものであり, できるだけ短い踏切時間によって高い跳躍高を獲得するための能力を評価するものである.本研究の結果は次の通りである.(1) RDJindex, Smax/BW, CMJhの相互間には, いずれも有意な相関関係が認められたが, 相関係数はあまり高い値ではなかった.このことは, 三つの指標は, いずれも脚の筋力およびパワー発揮に関する特性を表すものであるが, 相互の類似性は必ずしも高くないことを示唆するものである.(2) RDJindexを構成する要因であるRDJtcとRDJtaとの間には, 有意な相関関係は認められなかった.このことは, バリスティックな伸張一短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力が, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力と高い跳躍高の獲得能力の二つの独立した異なる能力によって決定されることを示唆するものである.(3) RDJtaとSmax/BW, RDJtaとCMJhとの間には, いずれも有意な相関関係が認められた.しかし, RDJtcとSmax/BW, RDJtcとCMJhとの間には, いずれも有意な相関関係は認められなかった.これらのことは, 筋力や瞬発力は, 高い跳躍高の獲得能力には関係するが, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力には必ずしも関係しないことを示唆するものである.(4) RDJindexが同じ値であっても, RDJtcとRDJtaには大きな個人差のあることが認められた.このことは, トレーニングの主なねらいが, 高い跳躍高の獲得能力にある者もいれば, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力にある者もいることを示唆するものである.本研究で明らかにしたバリスティックな伸張―短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力と, 筋力および瞬発力との関係は, 跳躍選手や球技選手などの筋力・パワートレーニング法に関する一つの有用な知見になるものと考えられる.
大島 秀武 志賀 利一 森谷 敏夫 桝田 出 林 達也 中尾 一和
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.3, pp.295-303, 2003-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
1 2

The purpose of the present study was to develop a new method that enables individualized determination of the optimal exercise intensity for health promotion. Our study was based on the following observations : (1) physical activity at ventilatory threshold (VT) has been useful for enhancing physical fitness and even improving medical conditions such as heart failure, hypertension and diabetes, (2) exercise intensity at VT is characterized by suppressed vagal activity, and (3) vagal activity can be evaluated by analyzing heart rate variability (HRV) . In the first study we defined a criteria for determining the exercise intensity corresponding to VT using HRV analysis (heart rate variability threshold, THRV) . In 16 normal subjects, a time series of ECG RR interval were recorded and the means of the sum of the squared differences in successive RR intervals (MSSDs) were calcu-lated during a ramp exercise test with a cycle ergometer. Based on the values of MSSD and the dif-ferences in successive MSSDs (ΔMSSD) at the intensity of VT, we defined the criteria of THRV as follows : MSSD<25 msec2and ΔMSSD<6 msec2. Another exercise test with a cycle ergo-meter was performed to evaluate the relationship between THRV and VT in 63 normal subjects. Heart rate (HR) and oxygen uptake (VO2/wt) at THRV were 111.8±13.2 beats/min and 15.2±4.4 ml/kg/min, and HR and VO2/wt at VT were 116.2±11.6beats/min and 16.5±3.7ml/kg/min, respectively. There was a significant correlation between THRV and VT (HR : r=0.82, p<0.001, VO2/wt : r=0.88, p< 0.001) . Thus, THRV and VT provided almost identical exercise intensities. As a result, we propose that, similar to VT, THRV can be used as an indicator of the optimal exercise intensity suitable for health promotion in normal subjects.
Hiroaki Eshima David C Poole Yutaka Kano
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.7, no.4, pp.205-211, 2018-07-25 (Released:2018-07-18)

In skeletal muscle, resting cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]cyto) homeostasis is exquisitely regulated by Ca2+ transport across the sarcolemmal, mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membranes. Specifically, skeletal muscle contractile function is critically dependent on effective SR Ca2+ handling. However, more recent studies have revealed that mitochondria are essentially involved in [Ca2+]cyto homeostasis during and following muscle contractions. We recently provided substantial support for the mitochondria as a major site for Ca2+ sequestration in skeletal muscle during recovery from fatiguing tetanic contractions under in vivo conditions. This review provides an overview of the role of skeletal muscle mitochondria in [Ca2+]cyto regulation in vivo during and following muscle contractions.
宮地 元彦 奥津 光晴 中原 英博 斉藤 剛
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.48, no.1, pp.91-97, 1999-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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A study was conducted to determine non-invasively the effects of endurance training on the size of the inferior vena cava in humans. Twelve healthy male subjects were assigned to either an exercise-trained group (ET, n=7) or a sedentary control group (S, n=5) . The ET group underwent cycle-endurance training for 8 weeks (80%Vo2max, 40 min/day, 4 days/week) . The S group led normal lives during the 8-week period. Before and after the training period, cross-sectional areas (CSA) of the inferior vena cava and the ascending and abdominal aorta were measured by echography. The CSA of the inferior vena cava after training was significantly larger than that before training in the ET group. There was no significant difference in the S group. These results indicate that the inferior versa cava can be morphologically altered as an adaptive response to endurance training. We consider that this adaptation partly contributes to the improvement in the efficiency of venous return from exercising muscles to the heart. Although the present training also increased the CSA of the aorta, the degree of change was smaller than that seen in the inferior vena cava, implying that the factors of adaptation and adaptability to endurance training in the inferior vena cava differ from those in the aorta.
Kazuya Tamura Yuya Ueda Takashi Saito Ryo Goto Naoki Yamada Kiyomasa Nakatsuka Kazuaki Uchida Kana Horibe Kenta Saeki Haruhi Encho Masato Tezuka Mao Mukaijo Rei Ono
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.12, no.5, pp.133-139, 2023-09-25 (Released:2023-09-13)

Outdoor play during childhood is vital for physical, cognitive, and social development. Outdoor play is influenced by friends, though the relationship between outdoor play and the number of close friends is not clear. This study aimed to investigate the association between peer group size and outdoor play among children aged 9–12 years. This study was cross-sectional in design. We recruited fourth- to sixth-grade children from two public elementary schools. Outdoor play contents and duration on weekdays were collected via a questionnaire, and the total duration of outdoor play on five weekdays was calculated. We asked the children to nominate up to 10 of their closest friends. We calculated the peer group size as the total number of reciprocal closest friends for each child. A multivariate linear regression analysis was conducted to investigate the association between peer group size and outdoor play duration, adjusted for gender, grade, school, body mass index, sports club participation, and screen time. This study included 291 children (137 girls, mean age: 10.6 ± 1.0 years). The peer group size was associated with outdoor play duration after adjusting for confounding factors (β: 0.18, 95% CI: 0.07-0.30). This study revealed that children aged 9–12 years, with larger peer group size showed a significantly longer duration of outdoor play.
鈴木 政登 石山 育朗 塩田 正俊 町田 勝彦
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.5, pp.585-598, 2003-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
1 1

既存の最大酸素摂取量 (VO2max) の判定基準は軍人やスポーツ選手など十分に身体鍛錬を積んだ者を対象に設定された.しかし, 現在VO2maxは健康関連体力要素の1つとして, 幼若者から高年齢者に到るまで広く普及している.従って, それらの者に適用できるVO2max判定基準およびその臨界値が求められる.本研究では, 8~82歳までの健康男女548名を対象に, トレッドミルによる負荷漸増運動を課し任意の最大酸素摂取量 (VO2max) を実測した.任意のVO2max値を年齢回帰させ, 年齢予測VO2max値を算出し, 実測VO2max×100/年齢予測VO2maxの式から%VO2max値を求め, その度数分布図に反復切断法を適用し, VO2max基準域 (X-1.96SD~X+1.96SD, 70%~130%VO2max) を設定した.この範囲の平均値をVO2max基準値, 下位10%に相当する値を臨界値とし, いずれも実測値に変換し5歳毎の平均値として男女別に提示した.次いで, 70%~130%VO2max範囲の生理・生化学的指標 (HRmax, DPmax, RRmax, %△PVmaxおよびbLAmax) を, %VO2max値算出法に基づき%表示した.%表示された各指標の度数分布図の下位10%に相当する値を, VO2max値として採択し得る限界値 (臨界値) とし, 実測値に変換し5歳毎の平均値として男女別に提示した.最後に70%VO2max以上の領域を占めた各被験者の値をVO2maxと認定 (男性224名, 女性283名) し, 各生理・生化学的指標の臨界値を単独または組み合わせ適用によるVO2maxの採択率を調べ, さらに簡便・容易性および信頼性の観点からVO2max判定指標およびそれらの組み合わせを吟味した.その結果, 単独適用した場合の採択率が最も高いのはHRmaxであり, 男性の臨界値92.1%, 女性の値91.0%HRmaxを適用し, それぞれ92.9%および91.2%の採択率が示された.次いで, 簡便・容易で信憑性の高い組み合わせは, HRmaxとbLAmaxの両方の臨界値を同時に満たした場合で, 男性では82.6%, 女性は80.6%の採択率であった.本研究によって, 反復切断法と従来の判定基準適用によるVO2max値との間に有意差のないことが確認され, 反復切断法による性・年齢別VO2maxの基準値および臨界値が提示された.さらに, 簡便で信憑性の高いVO2max判定指標としてHRmaxおよびbLAmaxの臨界値が提示され, 性・年齢別臨界値の適用が奨められた.
久野 譜也
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.Supplement, pp.1-7, 2003-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
4 1

In order to establish a health promotion program for Taiyo Village in Ibaragi Prefecture, we initiated a research project at University of Tsukuba in 1996. The purpose of this research project are as follows : 1) Examine health promotion in the independent elderly, who make up the majority of the elderly population ; 2) Develop measures to prevent strokes, falls and fractures, which account for about half of the cases in which the elderly become bedridden ; 3) Establish a safe and effective exercise program according to scientifically proven health guidelines ; 4) Assess the efficacy of strength training, which has not been incorporated into most elderly exercise programs, in preventing the elderly from becoming bedridden due to falls and fractures ; 5) Develop a program that can be easily adapted by different municipalities ; and 6) Accumulate success stories at Taiyo Village and disseminate them throughout Japan. The results of this 7-year Taiyo Village project have yielded several important points: 1) Establishment of guidelines to improve life functions; 2) Development of an exercise program to improve and maintain functional ability for life ; and 3) Reduction in medical costs. The results of the present study suggest that when promoting the health of the elderly, it is important to not only study the efficacy of an exercise program, but to also establish a regional program that effectively utilizes research findings.
尾原 善和
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.31, no.5, pp.323-342, 1982-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

Whether or not f ractural accidents have increased in children cannot be determined only by the statistical data. Fracture may be related to various factors and among them, the protective buffer effect by muscle is one of the most important factors. To clarify the onset process of fracture in the forearm in children which was observed most frequently, experimental studies have been done using a model for the forearm bones made of resin and the forearm samples of cadaver. Stresses of various parts of the bones were measured by the strain gage method, and the following results were obtained.Under static load bearing, the model presented the stress distribution depending on the form, and the largest stress was obserbed at the distal diaphysis of the model of radius. The stress distribution of forearm sample under static load bearing was greatly influenced by the articular capsule and the distal region of the radius showed the maximum stress. As the model was gradually filled up simulating muscular action, the stresses decreased. When the traction force of the muscle was simulated by the use of a steel wire, the stress distribution depending on the form changed and the stresses reduced. As the muscular action was gradually added to the model, fracture was not apt to occur and then, greater impulsive force was required for the onset of the event in impact load test.Based on the above results, it is suggested that, if the protective buffer effect by the nerve and muscle acted incoordinately when a child falls down, the greater stress is loaded to the bone tissues, resulting easily in fracture.
小野 三嗣 渡辺 雅之 長尾 憲樹 池田 道明 山本 隆宣 小野寺 昇 田中 弘之 原 英喜 湊 久美子 大橋 道雄
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.29, no.4, pp.191-204, 1980-12-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

低糖高蛋高脂食をあたえた青年健康男子5名に20km走を行わせ, それが血圧, 心拍数, 体重, 皮脂厚, 血液成分, 尿所見の経過に如何に反映するかを見ると共に, タウリン投与がそれをどのように変動させるかを二重盲検法によって研究し, 概ね次のような所見を得た。1) 20km走による体重減少度はタウリン投与時の方がプラセボ投与時より多かった。2) 20km走による最大血圧上昇度はタウリン投与時の方がプラセボ投与時より少なかった。3) 20km走後に上昇してくるCK-MB/CK比はタウリン投与によって減少させることができた。4) 20km走によるLDHの増加率はプラセボ投与時よりタウリン投与時の方が小さい。5) プラセボ投与時には20km走によってトリグリセライドが上昇したが, タウリン投与時には減少した。6) タウリン投与は20km走による個々の脂肪酸構成比に大きな影響をあたえる。7) 20km走によるアドレナリン値はタウリン投与時の方が大きい。8) その他の血液成分や尿中カリクレインに対しては有意の変動が見られなかった。
羅 成圭 前田 清司 今井 智子 宮川 俊平
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.63, no.4, pp.409-414, 2014-08-01 (Released:2014-07-26)

Strenuous and consecutive exercise results in fatigue symptoms accompanied decrease in salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) in athletes. On the other hand, it has been reported that plasma taurine concentration was increased after the high intensity exercise. However, change in salivary taurine concentration after strenuous and consecutive exercise is unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between fatigue symptoms and changes in salivary taurine concentration in collegiate male soccer players. Thirty seven collegiate male soccer players participated in three consecutive days of match program. To detect of fatigued players, we measured awakening heart rate and body weight. As the results of these two measurements, we divided subjects to two groups (non-fatigue group, n=15; fatigue group, n=22). We also measured salivary sIgA and taurine concentrations before and after program. Before the program, there were no significant differences in any parameters between two groups. Salivary flow rate and sIgA secretion rate were significantly decreased after the program in the fatigue group. Furthermore, salivary taurine concentration was significantly increased after the program in the fatigue group. In the non-fatigue group, there were no significant differences in any parameters during program. Our results indicated that salivary taurine concentration increased after consecutive high-intense exercise in the collegiate male soccer players.
Daisuke Kume
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:21868131)
vol.12, no.4, pp.95-99, 2023-07-25 (Released:2023-07-12)

Acute mental stress can impair arterial function (e.g., arterial stiffness and endothelial function) transiently. Repeated exposures to stress-induced transient vascular dysfunction in daily life potentially leads to persistent vascular dysfunction, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is important to devise an effective strategy to protect the vasculatures from daily stress, and exercise is one of the possible solutions. This review briefly outlines the detrimental impacts of acute mental stress on arterial function and introduces our recent research regarding exercise as a countermeasure.
高野 成子 端 利志明
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.35, no.5, pp.255-263, 1986-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

Cardiovascular responses to weight-lifting exercise were studied on eight experienced weight lifters, with an aim at examining the difference in the responses between two weight-lifting forms of “Snatch”and“Jerk”and that between the subjects. The exercise was performed successively at five exercise intensities interposing 3.5-min rest in sitting position : 10 repetitive lifts for 30 sec with 20, 40 and 60% of the maximum single lift, 3 repetitive lifts within 25 sec with 80% and finally the maximum single lift (100%·1 RM) . Each of“Snatch”and“Jerk”experiments was done on separate days. Blood pressures (BP) in sitting position were measured in sphygmomanometry at rest and 30 sec before and 12 sec after exercise. Heart rate (HR) was measured in a 30 sec pooling method throughout the experimental period. The following results and suggestions were obtained.(1) Resting HR and BP that were measured before the exercise were not different between“Snatch”and“Jerk” experiments.(2) At each exercise intensity, HR during exercise (exercise HR) was slightly greater in“Snatch”than in “Jerk”, the difference being not significant. Exercise HR at 100%·1 RM was 114±9 (SD) beats/min in “Snatch”and 111±7 beats/min in“Jerk”.(3) Anticipative tachypnea occurring prior to exercise became stronger as the weight to be lifted became heavier.(4) At each exercise intensity, the inter-subject difference in exercise HR was due to the difference in the absolute weight lifted for subjects weighing lighter, and for those weighing heavier it was due to the differences in the resting HR as well as in the absolute weight lifted.(5) Thus, exercise HR in weight lifting that requires nearly maximal dynamic contraction for 10-30 sec seems to be determined not only by the exercise intensity but also by resting HR, anticipative tachypnea and experience.(6) At lower exercise intensities, post-exercise BP was significantly higher in“Snatch”than in“Jerk”, while the difference between the two weight-lifting forms disappeared at higher intensities. At 100%·1 RM, post-exercise BP was around 145 mmHg for the systolic pressure and 77 mmHg for the diastolic pressure in both lift forms.(7) At each exercise intensity, the inter-subject difference in post-exercise BP was accounted for by that in the resting BP but not in the absolute weight lifted. Accordingly, the rise in BP with exercise, calculated as post-exercise BP minus resting BP, was invariable with the subjects. At 100%·1 RM, the rise in BP was 25 mmHg for the systolic pressure and 10 mmHg for the diastolic pressure.(8) Difference in cardiovascular responses between the two weight-lifting forms and interpretation of post-exercise values of BP and HR are discussed.
沢井 史穂 白山 正人 武藤 芳照 宮下 充正
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.3, pp.155-163, 1990-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
5 3

近赤外分光法は, 従来, 食品成分の非破壊分析法として用いられてきたが, 近年アメリカにおいてこの方法をヒトの体脂肪率の推定に応用する試みがなされ, 携帯用小型測定器が開発された.本研究は, この測定法を日本においても汎用可能とするための日本人用体脂肪率推定式を決定しようとするものである.年齢, 体格, 身体活動量の異なる18~58歳の健常な男性69名, 女性52名を対象に, 身長, 体重, 体脂肪率を測定した.体脂肪率は, 水中体重法, 皮脂厚法, 近赤外分光法の3方法を用いて推定した.近赤外分光法の測定部位は, 予備実験の結果, アメリカにおける先行研究と同様, 他の測定法による体脂肪率との相関が最も高かった上腕二頭筋中央部とし, 947mmの近赤外線を照射して光吸収スペクトルを得た.被検者の1/2について, それぞれの近赤外スペクトルの値を水中体重法による体脂肪率に回帰させ, 体脂肪率推定式を算出した.残り1/2の被検者の近赤外スペクトルをその式に代入して得た体脂肪率と水中体重法によって求めた体脂肪率の値とを比較したところ, r=0.89 (SEE=2.9) の高い相関が認められた.これは, 水中体重法と皮脂厚法との間の相関係数とほぼ同様の値であった.アメリカ人用の推定式の決定には, 近赤外分光法スペクトルの他に身長, 体重, 年齢の変数を加えた方が, 相関係数の値が高くなったと報告されているが, 日本人の場合, 他の変数を加えても相関係数の値はほとんど変わらなかった.また, 測定部位における左右差はなかった.したがって, 近赤外分光法による日本人用体脂肪率の推定式は, 体脂肪率=54.14-29.47× (947nmにおける近赤外スペクトル値) 〔r=0.88 (p<0.01) , SEE=3.2〕と決定された.
織田 恵輔 臼井 達矢 上田 真也 桂 良寛 吉川 貴仁 小林 茂 藤本 繁夫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.61, no.3, pp.313-318, 2012-06-01 (Released:2012-06-15)

Although there are a number of reported cases of increased cerebral blood flow during exercise, there are no reports on the relation between changes of blood flow during exercise and attentional function. The purpose of this study is to clarify the relation between changes of blood flow during exercise with AT intensity and attentional function, using near-infrared spectral analysis. The subjects were 10 healthy males. The research protocol was to conduct steady load exercise. We randomly conducted two invention trials: 1) an exercise/task trial in which a trail making test (TMT) was performed as an attentional assignment during steady load exercise, and 2) a rest/task trial in which TMT was performed during rest as a control. As a result, we observed the following: increase of oxy-Hb in the prefrontal cortex during AT exercise, the significant shortening of TMT during exercise from 69.1±10.2 seconds to63.2±7.2seconds, and, with further control, that the more oxy-Hb rises, the more TMT time is shortened. From these results, it is suggested that 10 minutes of exercise would improve attentional function, and furthermore, there is a possibility that increased cerebral blood flow may be involved with the improvement of attentional function.