9 0 0 0 OA 官報

大蔵省印刷局 [編]
vol.1917年11月15日, 1917-11-15
小谷 順子
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.40, no.2, pp.149-167, 2004

In 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down an ordinance banning "fighting words", including cross-burning and the display of swastika, that insulted others or provoked violence "on the basis of race, color, creed, religion or gender." In R.A.V. v. St. Paul, the Court stated that the ordinance impermissibly discriminated against unpopular topics within the category of proscribable speech and thus violated the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Although the Court acknowledged that combating racism was in the city's interest, it concluded that the city could not advance that interest by singling out unfavorable speech for punishment and declared the ordinance unconstitutional. In 1993, however, the Court upheld a Wisconsin penalty-enhancement law in Wisconsin v. Mitchell, declaring that the statute only penalized the criminal action, not the idea or speech. After R.A.V. and Mitchell, hate speech regulations of any form were considered impermissible while penalty enhancement laws and their variations were considered permissible, and the lower courts handled the cases before them accordingly. Cross-burning statutes, however, caused confusion, with five statutes being declared unconstitutional and two constitutional. In 2003 the Supreme Court upheld a Virginia statute banning cross-burning with the intent to threaten others in Virginia v. Black. The Court stated that the statute simply singled out the most terrifying type of threat of all types of threat, and therefore it did not discriminate against certain topics or viewpoints as the ordinance in R.A. V. did. This article analyzes these three federal high court cases along with seven state cases, and then compares R.A.V. and Black, and concludes that the two codes both banned controversial topic within proscribable categories and that the Court's handling of the two cases was inconsistent and inappropriate.
平野 美沙 湯川 進太郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.2, pp.93-102, 2013-06-25 (Released:2013-09-01)
8 6

This study explores the impact of mindfulness meditation on anger. A meditation group (N = 37) attended 5-10 minutes of mindfulness meditation daily for a week. They were assessed with self-report scales measuring three aspects of anger (rumination, arousal, and lengthiness) before, just after, and four weeks after their one-week participation. Their scores were compared to a control group (N = 27), which was assessed at the same intervals as the meditation group. The meditation group was also asked to evaluate their current mood using the Affect Grid before and after each meditation. The results indicated that participants in the meditation group who continued meditation voluntarily after the week of their participation had decreased anger rumination scores just after and four weeks after their participation. Additionally, the pleasant score on the Affect Grid increased after meditation for almost all the participation days. These findings suggest the efficacy of mindfulness meditation on improving the tendency to ruminate about anger episodes in the medium term to long term, and also on improving mood in the short term.
中澤 高志
経済地理学年報 (ISSN:00045683)
vol.64, no.3, pp.165-180, 2018

鍾 家新
一般社団法人 日本社会福祉学会
社会福祉学 (ISSN:09110232)
vol.36, no.2, pp.74-90, 1995-12-20 (Released:2018-07-20)

In order to fully understand the welfare state in Japan today, research into Japanese aggression between 1931 to 1945 is needed. The concept of "welfare state" as a term was not apparent during the period from 1931 to 1945 in Japan. The framework regarding the welfare state, however, has been built up since that time. The foundation of "the Ministry of Health and Welfare" during the time of aggression and world war II occupy an important position in the process of the development of the Japanese welfare state. Until recently studies on the welfare state concentrated only on the policies of "the Ministry of Health and Welfare", the main constituent has not been studied in earnest. The main object of this paper is to study the role the war played in the process of the development of the Japanese welfare state. The following questions will be discussed : 1. The social background of the foundation of "the Ministry of Health and Welfare". 2. The role of "the Department of the Army", the late prime minister Konoei, "the Department of the Interior" during the foundation of "the Ministry of Health and Welfare". 3. The principal policies for carrying out the war that were established by "the Ministry of Health and Welfare".
森下 浩司 聞き手:牛田 啓太
vol.60, no.11, pp.1104-1108, 2019-10-15

2003年から製作が開始された「M+ FONTS」は,当時,自由に使える日本語フォントが少なかった中で,利用の制限が極めて少ないオープンソースフォントとして,日本語の文字情報処理基盤を支えることになった.現在では,さまざまな媒体で使用される書体として受け容れられている.本稿は,M+ FONTSの製作者インタビューである.製作のきっかけ,経緯,製作中に考えたことや製作中のできごと,フォントに対する反響などについて尋ねている.

9 0 0 0 OA 国史叢書

国史研究会 編
vol.上州治乱記 上州坪弓老談記 上州金山軍記 新田正傳記 新田正傳或問, 1915
水野 壮
麻布大学雑誌 = Journal of Azabu University (ISSN:13465880)
no.31, pp.25-34, 2020-03-31

In this review, our goal is to provide a basis for discussion in considering the insect welfare associated with domestication of edible insects in the future. Chapter 1 introduced the growing interest in edible insects and the progress of domestication of insects. In Chapter 2, I considered the view of animals in Japan based on histori-cal background. The attitude that emphasizes the homogeneity between humans and animals is reflected in the current view of animals. In Chapter 3, I discussed whether insects suffer from pain from life science perspective. Although whether or not animals (including insects) feel the pain is still being actively investigated in Western Europe rather than in Japan, it is not enough discussion about animal ethics. The view of animals that Japan has nurtured is worth considering. The foundation of emotion largely depends on the brain stem region that animals was acquired since the Cambrian. Until now, most of animal welfare has been limited to vertebrates, but there is a need to build a new view of life and welfare based on both life science and ethical perspectives.
小出 治都子 熊谷 伸子 佐藤 真理子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
vol.68, 2016

<b>目的 </b>我々はこれまで,日本発の有力なソフトパワー&ldquo;マンガ&rdquo;における,袴着装キャラクターに注目し,袴が,クールジャパンを発信する際に有効な民族衣装の一つであると主張してきた.本研究では,若年層が影響を受けると考えられるマンガにおいての,袴のイメージ形成について考察する.<br><br><b>方法</b> 2015年11月,関西圏在住の大学生76名を対象に,集合法による自記式質問紙でのアンケート調査を実施した.袴のイメージ形成に影響を与えたマンガの抽出を行い,それらのマンガに描かれた袴着装場面の内容分析を行った. <br><br><b>結果</b> 袴のイメージ形成に対し,マンガ等の影響があったと答えた割合は52.0%であった.回答されたマンガタイトルの総数は17であった.その中で回答数の多かったマンガは,『ちはやふる』,『信長協奏曲』,『るろうに剣心』,『ハイカラさんが通る』であった.本研究では『ちはやふる』と『信長協奏曲』に着目した.袴に対して「着るのが面倒」「高価な」と敬遠していた登場人物が,ストーリー展開と共に「貫禄がつく」「きれいに見える」「姿勢が良い」と,その認識を変え実用性の高さを理解する様子が読みとれた.マンガ作品における袴着装キャラクターの登場が,若い世代の袴イメージの一端を形成していると考えられる.<br> なお本研究は,科研費26350082(基盤C:袴の機能性研究-世界に発信する&rdquo;Hakama is cool&rdquo;-)の助成を受けて行った.
三隅 譲二 木下 冨雄
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.7, no.1, pp.8-18, 1992-02-25 (Released:2016-11-30)

The purpose of this study was to find a latent structure of an acquaintance network in our world, or, in other words, to estimate the shortest communication channel between the "starter person" and the "target person" in Japanese society. A modified chain-letter technique was used for the experiment. A total of 200 subjects were randomly selected to be the starter persons in Fukuoka. They were asked to select one of their acquaintances to be an intermediary who would be more likely to approach to the target person who lived in Osaka. The same procedure was repeated until an acquaintance chain reached the target person. There were two target persons, X and Y. X worked in a famous company (F-condition), while Y worked in an obscure company (O-condition). Other variables among target persons, such as age, sex, education, place of residence, position in a company were controlled. It was found that a total number of fifty-five chains reached the target persons, with a mean number of steps equaling 7.2. However, the mean number in the F-condition was 5.5, while that in the O-condition was 9.2. Our world is unexpectedly small. In the former condition, people tended to use information regarding a target person's occupation and alma mater as tactics to select an intermediary. In the latter condition, information regarding a target person's place of residence and the breadth of acquaintances of an intermediary was often used for selecting a friend. There was a strong trend for male subjects to select male acquaintances and female subjects to select female acquaintances. The same applies to age and occupation as well, indicating that there are basic acquaintance networks in Japan such as same-sex, same-age, same-occupation networks.