45 0 0 0 OA 源義朝

田山花袋 著

45 0 0 0 OA 官報

大蔵省印刷局 [編]
vol.1947年10月31日, 1947-10-31
谷口 守 荒木 俊輔
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木計画学研究・論文集 (ISSN:09134034)
vol.13, pp.225-232, 1996-08-31 (Released:2010-06-04)

北村 紗衣
英文学研究. 支部統合号 (ISSN:18837115)
vol.3, pp.149-167, 2011-01-20

In J.M. Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians, the barbarian girl, one of the main characters, suddenly begins to menstruate during the journey to the territory of her people, the barbarians. This scene of menstruation might seem irrelevant to the rest of the novel, which deals with the conflict between the Empire and the barbarians. Few critics have mentioned the menstruation in this novel, although Waiting for the Barbarians has been the subject of considerable commentary. However, if it is irrelevant to the novel's plot, why does Coetzee go out of his way to describe menstruation, even though literature seldom mentions it? In fact, some haunting images in Waiting for the Barbarians, such as children and blood, are closely linked to menstruation. This paper discusses how menstruation, a phenomenon that has many layers of meaning, works in this novel, focusing mainly on its physiological and symbolic meanings. On the physiological level of meaning, menstruation in Waiting for the Barbarians means that the barbarian girl is not pregnant; and it serves as a kind of foreshadowing of her clear break with the Magistrate, an officer of the Empire and the novel's narrator. After the Magistrate has sex with the barbarian girl, for a quick moment he dreams of making a family with her; but her menstruation shows that it is impossible for them to have children together. She leaves him and returns to her people just after menstruating. On the symbolic level of meaning, the barbarian girl's menstruation means that the "flow," which the Empire's control blocked, returns at the "margin," or the boundary, where the Empire's power intertwines with that of the barbarians. Under the Empire's control, blood is described as stagnant and clotted, and natural phenomena's flow is also disrupted. The flow, however, is visualized as menstruation when the barbarian girl reaches the boundary between the Empire and the barbarians' territory. Menstruation, the physiological phenomenon of blood leaking from a woman's body at its margin, symbolises boundary-crossing and overlaps with the act of geographic boundary-crossing, the barbarian girl's and the Magistrate's transition from the Empire to the barbarians' territory. Although both the Magistrate and the barbarian girl become boundary-crossers by being involved in geographic boundary-crossing and menstruation, the barbarian girl achieves greater fluidity than the Magistrate. This is because fluidity, a dangerous attribute, is traditionally ascribed to women in literature. In Waiting for the Barbarians, menstruation is used to symbolise the contrast between the Empire as a patriarchal, solid order and the margin where the Empire and the barbarians encounter each other, creating fluidity. It also symbolises the contrast between the woman who can achieve great fluidity, and the man who cannot escape from the Empire's solid order. Menstruation, which is fluid and cyclic, also symbolises the cycle of nature, especially reproduction, which the Empire hinders. In Waiting for the Barbarians, the Magistrate thinks that the Empire does not respect nature's cycle and that it deprives its people and its land of fertility. As Julia Kristeva points out in "Women's Time," the time of history is linear and often is ascribed to men, but the time of nature is cyclic and often is ascribed to women. The Magistrate feels antipathy toward the time of history of the Empire, and he hopes that the barbarian girl, who achieves great fluidity through menstruation, will have children and regain nature's cycle.
友澤 悠季
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1_36-47, 2015 (Released:2017-03-21)

This article discusses the learning experiences that the Japanese anti-pollution movements from the 1960s- 70's inevitably imparted. Jun Ui (1932-2006), who was a famous scientist, critic, and activist in the field of pollution problems, especially Minamata disease, deeply respected non-academic people who struggled to tell neighbors about the pollution problem in their community. He respected them like the master of the science movement. They did not accept development plans introduced from outside of the community. They voluntarily researched about the possibilities of the pollution and attempted to create an arena for discussion. The learning activities raised the will to disclose the covert social discrimination structure, and change the social system. Those movements were connected to several networks which have the ability to support them by supplying scientific information about pollution problems. By the instrumentality of the network, activists were able to share their multiple experiences in different places, and felt great sympathy. This paper describes the "Jishu-koza KOGAI Genron (a voluntary public lecture on pollution problems by citizens and students)" at The University of Tokyo as the one of those networks. Ui often called Jishu-koza “a telephone switchboard of experiences” because the main job of the members in Jishu-koza was to introduce an action group to another one that has similar issues. It is an important fact that they exchanged their experiences including not only scientific information but also their failures to each other through the Jishu-koza network. It is necessary to reconsider the meaning of this intercommunication.
Takuya Kishi Atsushi Mizuno Mari Ishida Chisa Matsumoto Memori Fukuda Shoji Sanada Naoya Itoh Hideaki Oka Koichi Node Issei Komuro on behalf of the Collaborators and Advisors of the COVID-19 Task Force Mission Team of the Japanese Circulation Society and Directors of the Japanese Circulation Societies
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-20-0518, (Released:2020-09-25)

Background:The Japanese Circulation Society proposes recommendations for all healthcare professionals involved in cardiovascular medicine to protect them from infection and ensure that seriously ill patients requiring urgent care receive proper treatment.Methods and Results:Patients are divided into “Positive or suspected coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)” and “All others”. Furthermore, tests and treatments are divided into emergency or standby. For each category, we propose recommendations.Conclusions:To maintain the cardiovascular care system, The Japanese Circulation Society recommends completely preventing nosocomial COVID-19 infections, ensuring adequate PPE necessary for healthcare personnel, and learning and implementing standard precautions.
藤原 成一
日本大学芸術学部紀要 (ISSN:03855910)
no.43, pp.117-131, 2006

木村 妙子 木村 昭一 自見 直人 倉持 利明 藤田 敏彦 駒井 智幸 吉田 隆太 田中 隼人 岡西 政典 小川 晟人 小林 格 小玉 将史 齋藤 礼弥 清野 裕暉 片平 浩孝 中野 裕昭 吉川 晟弘 上野 大輔 田中 正敦 大矢 佑基 前川 陽一 中村 亨 奥村 順哉 田中 香月 Kimura Taeko Kimura Shoichi Jimi Naoto Kuramochi Toshiaki Fujita Toshihiko Komai Tomoyuki Yoshida Ryuta Tanaka Hayato Okanishi Masanori Ogawa Akito Kobayashi Itaru Kodama Masafumi Saito Masaya Kiyono Yuki Katahira Hirotaka Nakano Hiroaki Yoshikawa Akihiro Uyeno Daisuke Tanaka Masaatsu Oya Yuki Maekawa Yoichi Nakamura Toru Okumura Junya Tanaka Kazuki
三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科紀要 = The bulletin of the Graduate School of Bioresources Mie University
vol.45, pp.11-50, 2019-09

Preliminary results of the deep-sea faunal survey conducted from the TR/V Seisui-maru of Mie University in April 2018 are presented. 18 taxonomists and ecologists working on a wide variety of animal taxa participated in this survey. Surveyed areas included the Kumano Sea (off Mie Prefecture) and south of the Kii Strait (off Tanabe Bay, Wakayama Prefecture), at depths of 80-821 m. Sampling gears employed were beam trawl and biological dredge. The collection is represented by macrobenthos and meiobenthos from 11 animal phyla, including arthropods, echinoderms, annelids and molluscans. The number of phyla occurring in each station varied from 3 to 7. The station with most diverse fauna at the phylum level was St. 3B (south of the Kii Strait, 421-543 m depth, sandy mud bottom). Meiofauna includes priapulids and small arthropods, such as ostracods, tanaidaceans, isopods, cumaceans and acarus. In addition to free-living species, parasitic crustaceans, platyhelminthes, acanthocephalans, annelids and cnidarians were also collected from fishes, ascidians, urchins, holothurians, crustaceans and polychaetes. Preliminary identifications are given for Ostracoda, Cirripedia, Amphipoda, Decapoda, Asteroidea,Ophiuroidea, Holothuroidea, polychaetes, Echiura, Mollusca and Xenoturbellida.
畠山 亮
龍谷法学 (ISSN:02864258)
vol.45, no.4, pp.1309-1332, 2013-03-12