吉岡 大輔 杉浦 一徳 中嶋 剛太
vol.2017, pp.91-96, 2017-06-21

二次元(アニメや漫画)と三次元(現実世界での動き)を融合した2.5次元とも呼べるコンテンツの一つとして,美少女・美少年着ぐるみ(Animegao Kigurumi),具体的にはコスプレや着ぐるみといったコンテンツのキャラクターに扮する活動が広がっている.本研究では,これら着ぐるみを楽しむ環境を拡大していく上で必要となるリテラシーに着目し,それらを1)実世界,2)インターネットの双方を活用することによってコミュニティ内で共有し,経験の共有へとつなげ,着ぐるみを発展させてゆく手法の確立を目指す.具体的には着ぐるみ活動を1)着ぐるみマスク入手・制作過程,2)着ぐるみ体験,3)着ぐるみイベントの参加,の3つに区分し,それぞれにおいて必要となる経験共有を伴ったリテラシーの共有手法について,インターネットを活用した共有基盤,ならびに実世界活動を連携することによって実現した.実証実験としてのワークショップ,イベントを例にネットワークを活用することによって効率的な経験共有を実現し,着ぐるみコミュニティの発展につながっていくための手法を提言する.本研究によって,着ぐるみ活動がより効率的に,かつグローバルに展開することが可能である事が立証できた.
大村 一史
山形大学紀要. 教育科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Educational Science
vol.14, no.2, pp.55(113)-64(122), 2007-02-15

近年、神経心理学の立場から、注意欠陥・多動性障害(attention-deficit/hyper activity disorder: ADHD )の本質は、衝動性(行動抑制の弱さ)にあり、注意散漫や多動は二次的に現れたものとする考え方が提唱されている。ADHD における衝動性は、将来の目標遂行のために目前の反応を抑制できない自己のコントロールの障害として観察される。その原因として、前頭葉における行動抑制機能の障害と、それに関連する実行機能(注意の統制、行為の持続、および適切な計画性など)の問題が指摘されているが、衝動性行動の原因は未だ完全には明らかにされていない。現在、ADHD の生物学的基盤を探るために、双生児研究や分子遺伝学研究などの遺伝的アプローチから障害に関連する遺伝子を探る研究が精力的に行われ、特に脳内ネットワークの情報伝達に欠かせない神経伝達修飾物質の異常が指摘されている。本論文では、ADHD の関連遺伝子を概観し、実験室で測定される実行機能を指標とした行動-遺伝的アプローチによる ADHD の衝動性メカニズムの解明への可能性についてまとめる。 Several researchers have proposed that symptoms of attention-deficit/hyper activity disorder (ADHD) arise from a primary deficit in behavioral inhibition (impulsivity) followed by inattention and hyperactivity. Impulsivity of ADHD represents a disorder of self-regulation, that is, a deficit in maintaining an appropriate short-term behavior in order to attain a later goal. It has been suggested that dysfunctions of behavioral inhibition in the prefrontal cortex and its marginal executive function (e.g., attention control, maintaining action, and planning) are causes for ADHD. However, the underlying neural substrates are still unclear. Several studies based on genetic approaches such as twin and molecular genetic studies have sought to identify candidate genes and variants that increase susceptibility to ADHD. Dysfunction in some neurotransmitters has been postulated to cause ADHD. In this paper, we reviewed candidate genes associated with the vulnerability to developing ADHD and discuss the behavioral-genetic approach used to investigate the mechanisms of impulsivity in ADHD.
田中 極子
国際基督教大学 International Christian University
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.89, pp.139-164, 2022-03-31

The new coronavirus (COVID-19), which caused a global pandemic in 2020, continues to be disputed over its source, whether it is a natural outbreak or a laboratory spill.It is not an easy task to determine the source of an infectious disease outbreak: whether it is a natural outbreak, an accidental spill from a laboratory, or a deliberate criminal act. It is because of the characteristics of biological agents (infectious agents such as bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms and toxins of biological origin, or viruses) that can be used in small amounts in culture, which makes them easy to conceal, and by the fact that they have an incubation period before the onset of illness, which makes it difficult to track down the cause. Nonetheless, infectious disease outbreaks, once they occur regardless of the source, have a direct impact on people's lives and human health, cause socioeconomic panic and the scale of the damage is immeasurable.In addition, just as the response to COVID-19 caused confusion, the capability to contain the spread and mitigate damage after an outbreak occurs are limited. It is, therefore, an urgent task to build a national and global state of preparedness to control infectious disease, considering it as a non-traditional security agenda. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 is an attempt by the Security Council to tackle biological threats from an international security perspective. It was adopted in 2004 to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery to non-state 164 actors. One of the main obligations to all UN Member States is to adopt and implement appropriate national control measures to prevent the proliferation of related materials used to develop, produce or use for these weapons. According to the review of the national implementation of theresolution 1540, however, only half of the 193 UN member states have taken any measures on biosecurity, and there is a wide gap in the content of these measures.This issue may be due to the fact that there is no common understanding of "biosecurity" either within each country or internationally. This paper provides an overall picture of the biosecurity control by UN member states against current biological threats and identifies its challenges and prospects. The paper first illustrates an overview of the diversification of biological threats and depicts what “biosecurity” concepts are being developed accordingly. Four types of biological threats are described, namely, biological terrorism, global infectious disease pandemic, dual use research of concern and environmental risks in biodiversity. It then shows that different nations have different policy priorities for biological threats and that different “biosecurity” concepts are used based on such priorities through the review of national implementation of resolution 1540. The paper shows that many countries that have some national control measures for biological agents have secured such obligations under either infection control or environmental protection legal systems. The paper suggests that in order to establish a nationwidepreparedness system in the presence of different biological threats, countries need to have a standardized concept of "biosecurity" among policy domains and to view it as a public policy issue comprising all aspects of public health, security, economic, fiscal, as well as science and technology. To this end, the paper finally concludes that to effectively bridge the gap between different policy areas, establishing a forum for continuous information sharing is necessary.
松村 昌廣
vol.60, no.1, pp.17-45, 2018-07-30

Amid increasing North Korea’s military threat, South Korea hascontinually taken anti-Japan policy primarily on the pretext of historyissues. This behavior is paradoxical given the strong need to buttress itsnational security through foreign and security policy cooperation withJapan, or to push forward a “quasi-alliance” with the country on the basis ofthe two separate U.S-South Korea and U.S.-Japan alliances. This study is anattempt to grasp why the anti-Japan policy has been put on priority.The study will first present a comparative analysis of South Korean anti-Japan and Taiwanese pro-Japan popular sentiments as basic driver of theirgovernments’ corresponding policies. Then, the analysis will argue thatinternal security consideration has in fact overridden the imperatives ofexternal security consideration. The analytical focus will be placed on theorthodoxy and legitimacy of the South Korean state and individualgovernments in contrast to those of Taiwan, leading to understanding thepivotal importance for the former to preserve national identity as the lastbastion of national security at the very critical moment of external andinternal crises.The study will conclude that, given the current combination of externaland internal conditions, South Korea will most probably have continualresort to anti-Japan policy in the foreseeable future. This will necessitateJapan to not seek active and stable foreign and security policy cooperationwith South Korea but mere good neighborliness that is based on commonstrategic interests. Thus, Japan has to lower expectation and to fine-tuneits South Korea policy accordingly.
伊藤 毅志 斎藤 大 高橋 克吉 村松 正和 松原 仁
vol.2006, no.23(2006-GI-015), pp.17-24, 2006-03-07

八代 隆政
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.12, pp.88-114, 2000-03-01

Given transitive and intransitive sentence constructions, there are ideally two types of languages; nominative-accusative languages and ergative-absolutive languages. In a nominative-accusative language like Latin, the subject of an intransitive verb is functionally identified in some manner with the subject of a transitive verb, and two are referred to as nominative case. In an ergative-absolutive language, commonly termed merely 'ergative language', there is a functional identity between the subject of an intransitive and the object of a transitive; these two are termed absolutives or absolutive case. The subject of a transitive verb, called the ergative case or ergative, is distinct.A good number of ergative languages, which are generally referred to as split ergative languages, assign varying case-marking patterns on the basis of tense or aspect. For example, Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi show the ergative-absolutive patterning only in the perfect aspect. Pashto accepts the nominative-accusative construction in the non-past tense and the ergative-absolutive construction in the past tense.This paper is devoted to a consideration of the split ergative phenomenon in Urdu and Pashto. The first two sections show certain general characteristics that have been noted in ergative and split ergative languages. Section 3 covers some matters related to the ergativity of these two languages ranging from morphological to syntactic. Section 4 examines the particular features in Urdu's perfect aspect of the case-marking pattern based on the semantics of the verb, with volitional verbs requiring the ergative-absolutive pattern and non-volitional verbs being of the nominative-accusative pattern.
松浦 加奈子
都留文科大学研究紀要 = 都留文科大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02863774)
no.87, pp.79-96, 2018-03-01

This paper examines how children regarded as having developmental disabilities become children with developmental disabilities by focusing on the practices for “special consideration” in the relationship between those special children and other children in the classroom. By studying learning scenes with teachers as the object of research, this paper clarifies the intended discipline in the classroom and observes mutual interaction for “special consideration” to be possibly performed. As a result of the analysis, the following three points are revealed. First of all, teachers perform “special consideration” by not cautioning a student for his or her problem behaviors such as running away from a classroom but approving “what he or she can do” in front of the class members; thus, such student can be eventually differentiated. Secondly, not all class members always expect practice of “supporting each other” based on teachers’ perspective on education. At last, when a class has more than one student with development disabilities, the relation with their parents as well as the characteristics of those children with special needs is necessarily for “special consideration” to be possibly performed. In addition, this study shows how “special consideration” especially for students with development disabilities becomes available in the classroom with other students with other problem behaviors; consequently, it also points out teachers’ struggle to practice their perspective on education and maintain classroom discipline.
相良 陽一郎 相良 麻里 サガラ ヨウイチロウ サガラ マリ Yoichiro SAGARA Mari SAGARA
vol.43, no.4, pp.37-59, 2006-03-31
