
はじめに 身体の未来へ / 安井眞奈美, ローレンス・マルソー 第I部 表象される身体・セクシュアリティ1章 近世日本の絵入文学における身体像 : 形と機能 / ローレンス・マルソー2章 自然を男女になぞらえる : 宮負定雄「陰陽神石図」と平田国学を中心に / 石上阿希コラム 狸と精神 / 井上章一ディスカッション 「性器崇拝」の時空間 : 「狸の金玉」を中心に / 井上章一, 安井眞奈美, ローレンス・マルソーコラム 武術の極意を自然現象に喩える / 山田奨治3章 布・衣服との関係からみる奪衣婆信仰の展開 / 坂知尋コラム 広告としての「少女」の身体 : ポスター《森永ミルクチョコレート》(一九三七年)を手がかりに / 前川志織第II部 社会を動かす身体1章 近代日本における身体障害の表象 : 盲・聾・唖のイメージをめぐって / 木下知威2章 音楽を纏う身体 : 近代精神科医療における音楽療法実践をめぐって / 光平有希3章 戦時下の国民身体管理と産婆会 : 人的資源確保政策を中心に / 阿部奈緒美4章 松本清張の小説における殺人犯罪と「法医学」 / 金容儀5章 使い分けられる身体 : 虚偽の出家主義と僧侶の妻帯 / 川橋範子コラム スポーツ空間の形状と身体 : 「逃げ場」を巡る丸と四角 / 田里千代第III部 未来を築く身体1章 産む身体の諸相 : リプロダクションのコンテクストをめぐって / 松岡悦子2章 医療の中の死者と身体 : 病院における死後の処置を通して / 中本剛二3章 認知症診療における身体イメージの創出 : 画像診断によるアルツハイマー型認知症の描出と実体化 / 倉田誠4章 視覚による身体のイメージと制御 : 自己運動感覚と姿勢制御に関する心理実験からの考察 / 蘆田宏インタビュー バーチャルミュージアムによって拡張されるアート / 伊藤謙, 五十里翔吾, 武澤里映, 布施琳太郎結語にかえて 未来を生き抜く<身体>の可能性へ / 安井眞奈美, ローレンス・マルソー 共同研究会一覧索引執筆者一覧
谷 昌幸
vol.67, no.2, pp.52-53, 2020-02

土の「基本」に立ち返る No. 23
松井 貴英
技術倫理研究 = Journal of engineering ethics (ISSN:13494805)
vol.3, pp.41-55, 2006-09-30

熊本 哲也
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Social Welfare, Iwate Prefectural University (ISSN:13448528)
vol.5, no.1, pp.11-26, 2002-09-30

The Purloined Ribbon at the end of the Livre second of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions is known for the possibilities of various readings. The two most outstanding readings are: psychoanalytic literary analysis and deconstruction literary analysis. The former does not differentiate the "narrator" from the "narrated" in the text. The latter denies finally the analysis of the unconscious level and neglects the importance of the first half of the text while it is bound for the speech-act theory. In short, the precedent analysis tends to rely on theories and lacks the careful textual analysis. In order to construct a more inclusive literary critique, this paper focuses upon the desire theme of "The Death of Mme Vercellis" for it allows us to see the complicated interactions in the text. The textual analysis reveals that the words place (position) and perte (loss for the death) in the first half of the text are used effectively to show the analogical relationship between Mme Vercellis and her servant Marion to whom Jean-Jacques makes a false accusation of the stolen ribbon. By doing so, the narrator extends the meaning of place and perte to signify the symbolic death of Marion and sees Marion identifying with Mme Vercellis. In other words, Marion has the necessity to suppleer (fulfill) the loss of Mrs. Vercellis and has a role as a substitution to morn the deaths of both Mme Vercellis and Marion. Therefore, the exceeding desire of the narrator shows the connection between the text of "death" in the first half and the text of Stolen Ribbon Incident in the latter half of the Episode. The ribbon Jean-Jacques purloined literally ties the two texts by representing his "desire" and "mourning" for Mme Vercellis and Marion. In this sense, the purloined ribbon is just like a Freud's "bobbin" in The Beyond of the Pleasure Principle.
定島 尚子 現代行動科学会誌編集委員会
現代行動科学会誌 (ISSN:13418599)
vol.11, pp.1-5, 1995-09-01

鳫 咲子
no.32, pp.19-30, 2021-07

2020年3月、新型コロナウイルスの感染症対策のため、学校の臨時休業が急きょ要請され、学校給食もなくなった。格差は、災害をはじめとする非常時に、より深刻に現れる。コロナによる臨時休校下において、学校給食には子どもの食格差を小さくする機能があったことが顕在化した。コロナ禍・災害などの状況下では、給食を提供できない・給食費を払えないという状況も生じ、影響の長期化に伴い子どもの生活の格差も拡大する。 コロナ不況以前から、公立小中学生の15.2%が就学援助により学校給食費の支援を受けている。就学援助制度は生活保護制度と比べても一般に知られておらず、支援が必要な家庭が制度を使えていない場合がある。就学援助のように対象者を選別する支援は、予算の制約を受けやすく、制度の周知も難しく、支援を受ける人に恥ずかしい気持ちを抱かせるスティグマ(負のレッテル)の問題がある。「周囲の目が気になる」というスティグマの存在は、就学援助制度が申請による給付であるという制度の限界である。 近年、全家庭を対象とする子育て支援としての給食費補助制度を設ける自治体が増えている。給食費は年間4万円を超え、子どもの学校に関する出費のうち相当な割合を占めている。給食費の無償化も広く検討されるべきである。学校給食の無償化は、選別主義による就学援助による支援を、普遍的な現物給付に転換する効果がある。
落合 桂一 鳥居 大祐
情報処理学会論文誌データベース(TOD) (ISSN:18827799)
vol.7, no.2, pp.51-60, 2014-06-30

PAN Mengfei
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Japan Review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (ISSN:09150986)
vol.37, pp.123-150, 2022-12

This article examines a case of community mapping in the late Meiji period to illustrate how a cartographic work represented a symbolic community centered around the neighborhood of Negishi in Tokyo. It focuses on the Tōkyō Shitaya Negishi oyobi kinbō-zu, a map compiled by the Negishi Club in 1900, and investigates the symbolic community surrounding it. The Negishi Club was a group of local residents established by the lexicographer and linguist Ōtsuki Fumihiko in 1899. Previous studies of historical cartography have paid attention to how maps served political authorities or helped forge the nation. This case is useful in illuminating the dynamic production of place at another scale, that of the community itself. The article argues that the mapping conducted by these mapmakers-cum-residents not only reflected their interest in local history, but also their cognitive and sentimental images of the Negishi community and alternative social values. During the course of their community mapping, a symbolic community took form, and a local place became the symbolic referent. It thus shows how the symbolism of community mapping contributed to the reinvention of the local place and the identity of its members. The article adds to our understanding of the production of place in Japan in the late Meiji period. More broadly, it refines the concept of community mapping by elucidating the symbolic aspects of community and its historical validity.
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Japan Review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (ISSN:09150986)
vol.37, pp.101-122, 2022-12

The tension between remembering and narrating war memories has been a significant theme in the discussion of postwar Japanese literature because it is closely tied to the broader issue of historical consciousness (rekishi ninshiki mondai) in postwar Japan. This article focuses on the postwar fiction of Shimao Toshio (1917-1986), whose work was shaped by his tokkōtai (special attack force) experience in the Asia-Pacific War. The article argues that the memory of imperial Japan forms an overarching thematic thread in Shimao's postwar fiction. The author engaged with this theme by employing Christian motifs in his work. While his early fiction tends to mask the memory of imperial Japan's violence, his later novels, culminating with his best-known fictional work, Shi no toge (The Sting of Death, 1977), uses such imagery to deal with the traumatic past, exploring the possibility of a restorative approach in dealing with past failures and their consequences. In this way, Shimao goes beyond the dynamics of victim-victimizer, providing a key illustration of the ways in which the traumatic memory of modern Japan can be transformed into a resource for the regeneration of society.
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Japan Review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (ISSN:09150986)
vol.37, pp.77-100, 2022-12

This article investigates the characteristics of scribal culture in early modern Japan and its relationship to print culture. I focus on the intersections between the activity of Ihara Saikaku and the representative scribal format of the handscroll. In his artistic production, Saikaku engaged with all aspects of handscrolls: their materiality, production, use, and social significance. I analyze Saikaku's works from two complementary perspectives that structure this study: as meta-textual and visual references to the uses and meanings of scribal formats, and as artifacts with distinct material profiles. The article shows that the meaning and use of early modern texts were intertwined with the materiality, affordance, and social context of text-bearing artifacts. This was a dynamic and palimpsestic process: scribal formats preserved echoes of authority and cultural capital while accommodating contemporary usage. While making full use of the material connotations and established uses of the format, Saikaku negotiated and innovated its meanings. Saikaku can thus be reassessed as an astute practitioner of a range of scribal practices and a versatile producer of scribal artifacts who developed a side practice of commercial publishing. Saikaku's aesthetic identity emerged from within the scribal culture and aesthetic networks of his time. For a better understanding of the dynamics of this process, the history of early modern literature needs to be recentered on the relationship between various media.
KAMEYAMA Mitsuhiro
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Japan Review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (ISSN:09150986)
vol.37, pp.51-75, 2022-12

In this article, I will examine the engagement of two precept-upholding monks, Shaku Unshō and his disciple, Tanaka Seijun, with the notion of "Korean Buddhism." Disaffected by the decadence surrounding Japanese Buddhism, in 1906 Unshō and Seijun traveled to Korea, seeking an ideal Buddhism in what became Japan's new protectorate after the Russo-Japanese War. Existing scholarship on Japanese Buddhism has emphasized its disregard for the precepts. Meanwhile, post-World War II Korean Buddhists sought to reform Korean Buddhism by associating it with priests who observed monastic precepts. Japanese Buddhism and Korean Buddhism were therefore associated with breaking and adhering to the precepts, respectively, and the boundaries between them were discursively produced during Japan's colonization of Korea. The article both details the origins and complicates the simple contrast which is often drawn between these two Buddhisms. I argue that Unshō and Seijun used the idea of Buddhism's supposed degeneracy in Korea to redirect the criticism of their contemporaries in Japan. By the time of the Russo-Japanese War, the precept-oriented vision associated with Unshō, in particular, had made these priests object of deep skepticism in Japan, but Korea provided a new stage for the realization of their ideal Buddhism. Unshō and Seijun's deployment of narratives regarding reformation and regeneration around Buddhism demonstrates how modern religious dynamics in East Asia revolved around these precepts.
SWIFT Philip
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Japan Review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (ISSN:09150986)
vol.37, pp.29-49, 2022-12

The Japanese new religion, Mahikari, is known primarily for its practical technique of manual purification, okiyome. However, this article instead focuses on the program of practices that is regarded as being equally important in terms of its purificatory and salvific effects: that of engaging with revelatory teachings, a form of engagement that is often articulated in terms of the expression "sticking the teachings to the body" (oshie o mi ni tsukeru). I consider this particular idiom of attachment and the ways in which it is actualized in devotional practices, and I contend that this notion of somatic yet spiritual "sticking" acts as a conceptual corrective to overly internalizing models of religiosity. In conclusion, I suggest that while Helen Hardacre once proposed that "cosmology" was analytically restricting, and argued instead in favor of "worldview," the issue with regards to the role of embodied practice in Mahikari calls for a reconsideration of these analytical terms. Accordingly, the article ends by suggesting a turn away from "worldview," back towards the category of the cosmological.
INAGA Shigemi
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Japan Review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (ISSN:09150986)
vol.37, pp.7-28, 2022-12

This article engages with the notion of an aesthetic "chiasma" developed by the Japanese philosopher Imamichi Tomonobu in the 1960s. According to Imamichi, the nineteenth century saw an inversion of basic ideas associated with the artistic traditions of East and West. While in the East, the earlier dominance of expression was replaced by an emphasis on the importance of representation, for the West, the idea of mimesis-representation was superseded by a focus on expression. Imamichi's argument remain influential. Drawing on a series of philologically relevant reflections by several generations of scholars and artists, from Watanabe Kazan to Hashimoto Kansetsu, and situating them in relation to their Western and Chinese counterparts, this article clarifies the developments which occurred and the conflicts which emerged over the course of this interaction. In doing so, it demonstrates that Imamichi's notion of chiasma remains too restricted to capture the degree of exchange between the Eastern and Western aesthetic ideals taking place in modern Japan. The article concludes that Imamichi's chiasma was made possible by the awkward mapping of a pair of fundamental dualities associated with Eastern and Western thought onto one another, in a manner which reveals more about the geopolitical imperatives of the 1960s than the process of intellectual exchange itself.
西村 駿 長谷川 孔明 大島 直樹 岡田 美智男
vol.2022, pp.24-27, 2022-08-25

いまや日常化したアルコールによる手指消毒は、無機質であり面倒になりつつある。 本研究では子どもたちの動きに合わせて手をそっと伸ばし、アルコールを吹きかけようとするロボットを構築し、ロボットと心を一つにできたことの喜びや幸福感を味わえる関係性について議論している。 本デモ発表では、〈iBones〉の相互行為の様相やインタラクションデザインについて述べる。
渡邊 優生 Yuuki WATANABE
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.13, pp.151-168, 2007-03-20

It is well known that in response to the increase of foreigners in Japan, many volunteer associations have developed to teach foreigners Japanese. Additionally, in recent years the term Multicultural Coexistence is often heard. In this paper I intend to consider Japanese language volunteer activities in City A from the perspective of Multicultural Coexistence. I will also discuss the social role of Japanese language volunteers after analyzing their current role within Japanese society. Finally, I intend to investigate the current problems of Japanese language volunteers and connect these issues to activities that can be put into practice in the future.
永石 喜代子 小川 裕美 Kiyoko NAGAISHI Hiromi OGAWA
鈴鹿短期大学紀要 = Journal of Suzuka Junior College (ISSN:13450085)
vol.30, pp.71-87, 2010-01-01

In late years, the children who are required the particular support became a big issue.We think that in its background, there is the increase of children needing medical care in a general school, and the most of them are needing the action of medical care, such as absorption of the phlegm, self withdrawing of urine and the tubal feeding, and these cause embarrassment of teacher whether or not it is possible for the action of the medical care.We think today, so it is going to be placed these medical actions as a new role of the Yogo teacher, teacher will be required the recognition for the medical action.However, now, these educations and trainings of medical care are not established for the students aiming for teacher and teachers yet.Therefore, In this study , through "the guide learning" as one of the way of educational method about the training of the medical care, we tried to grasp the evidence of the promotion of the student's learning will and needs for school nurse.We analyzed the obtained result, through the accomplishment degree of nursing training I, and clarified the effectiveness and problem of "the guide learning" in the medical care.
岡田 啓子
田園調布学園大学紀要 = Bulletin of Den-en Chofu University (ISSN:18828205)
no.9, pp.173-185, 2015-03-25
