三輪 眞木子
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.54, no.10, pp.611-621, 2012 (Released:2012-01-01)

情報通信技術の発展に伴う知識経済社会の到来により,図書館を取り巻く環境は急激な変化を遂げつつある。図書資料の電子化とネットワークを通じた流通の進展は,図書館員に求められる知識やスキルを印刷資料を対象とするものから電子資料や情報通信ネットワークを対象とするものに拡大している。欧米では,図書館情報専門職教育の質保証と専門職資格の国境を超えた流動性向上を目指して,専門職養成カリキュラムの等価性や互換性を支える仕組みが構築されてきた。また,教育機関の名称を,library schoolからinformation schoolに変えるとともに,カリキュラムの内容を大きく変化させている。日本の「司書」制度はこの動きから取り残されている。本論文は,日本の図書館が,知識経済社会の基盤を支える組織として生き残るために必要な情報専門職教育の在り方と,それを実現するために必要な取り組みを提案する。
村上 幸史
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.3, pp.147-157, 2013

Murakami (2009) demonstrated the tendency toward underestimating the possible success of uncertain events after "lucky" events in terms of "Luck Resource Belief." However, this notion does not necessarily entail a consequent decision to avoid a high-risk option due to low expectations. A "relativity hypothesis of luck" has been proposed to explain this tendency from the perspective of the relative value of several relevant events. This hypothesis suggests that a lucky result by itself does not carry a negative value. Indeed, when considerations include future outcomes, the value of the lucky outcome shifts, which demonstrates relative cognitive change. To examine this change and the tendency to assign value to lucky results, we distributed questionnaires (Study 1) and conducted an experiment involving predictions about the actual outcomes of World Cup soccer matches (Study 2). The results indicated that the occurrence of a lucky event before subsequent important events was associated with avoidance of a high-risk option only for respondents with a "Luck Resource Belief," because this belief involves devaluing the lucky outcome before subsequent important events. These results support the "relativity hypothesis of luck" and are discussed in terms of their implication for anticipated regret.
相川 充 高本 真寛 杉森 伸吉 古屋 真
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.27, no.3, pp.139-150, 2012

The purpose of this study was to develop a scale to measure individual teamwork competency in a group. In Study 1, we constructed a preliminary version of the teamwork competency scale consisting of five subscales: communication, team orientation, back up, monitoring, and leadership. Undergraduate students (N=409) answered these preliminary subscales. Based on the results of item analysis, a final and reliable version of the five subscales was constructed. The validity of these subscales was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and multiple population analysis. In Study 2, members (N=58) of university student clubs answered these subscales. The self-evaluated scores of the members whose teamwork behavior was highly evaluated by the club leader were statistically higher than those with a lower evaluation. Study 3 addressed industrial workers (N= 76) in a company whose scores of these subscales had a moderately positive or negative correlation with other measures, including self-rated and peer-rated teamwork behavior. It was concluded that these five subscales measure different aspects of teamwork competency with a certain validity.
山田 奨治

日経コンストラクション (ISSN:09153470)
no.270, pp.38-41, 2000-12-22

陸軍士官学校 編
山内 利秋 ヤマウチ トシアキ Toshiaki YAMAUCHI
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
no.17, pp.1-11, 2016-03

After the end of the war, the spread the concept of cultural property in post-war Japan, had an important meaning to citizens involved in commerce. In the confusion of that period, cultural properties needed to be protected by a new system. However, this had a negative effect on the wealthy.Traditionally, the wealthy layer had a monopoly on high culture, but now there was also a layer of the new wealthy.It was against this backdrop that the Horyuji Kondo mural fire incident occurred. Subsequently, the Cultural Properties Protection Law was enacted.Among the post-war education , the influence of the new democratic education ranged in history education .Excavations at the "Tsukinowa-Kofun" ancient tomb was problem-solving approach in conjunction with the community and archaeologists.These activities are carried out in various places has resulted in the protection of cultural property protection movement later.In the 1960s, in which pollution problems escalated into environmental issues, preservation movementof the historical environment occurred here. There was a connection with the learning activity that an expert practiced in Citizen University "Mishima" faced each other to a citizen directly.
三隅 譲二 木下 冨雄
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.7, no.1, pp.8-18, 1992
1 2

The purpose of this study was to find a latent structure of an acquaintance network in our world, or, in other words, to estimate the shortest communication channel between the "starter person" and the "target person" in Japanese society. A modified chain-letter technique was used for the experiment. A total of 200 subjects were randomly selected to be the starter persons in Fukuoka. They were asked to select one of their acquaintances to be an intermediary who would be more likely to approach to the target person who lived in Osaka. The same procedure was repeated until an acquaintance chain reached the target person. There were two target persons, X and Y. X worked in a famous company (F-condition), while Y worked in an obscure company (O-condition). Other variables among target persons, such as age, sex, education, place of residence, position in a company were controlled. It was found that a total number of fifty-five chains reached the target persons, with a mean number of steps equaling 7.2. However, the mean number in the F-condition was 5.5, while that in the O-condition was 9.2. Our world is unexpectedly small. In the former condition, people tended to use information regarding a target person's occupation and alma mater as tactics to select an intermediary. In the latter condition, information regarding a target person's place of residence and the breadth of acquaintances of an intermediary was often used for selecting a friend. There was a strong trend for male subjects to select male acquaintances and female subjects to select female acquaintances. The same applies to age and occupation as well, indicating that there are basic acquaintance networks in Japan such as same-sex, same-age, same-occupation networks.
丸山 佳太郎 中村 尚彦 浜 克己
函館工業高等専門学校紀要 (ISSN:02865491)
vol.49, pp.21-26, 2015

Since the tourism is one of the main industry in the Southern Hokkaido area, the decrease of the number of tourists is the problem that needs to be solved. Since there are many attractive leisure activities in the Southern Hokkaido area, we propose the novel advertising method of the leisure activities of the Southern Hokkaido area. The purpose of this study is to develop a system which provides the simulated leisure activities to future tourists. In this paper, a remote fishing machine to provide a fishing simulation on ice is proposed as one of the winter leisure activity. The remote fishing machine consists of a controller rod and a fishing rod. In this system, a user operates the controller rod. And, then, the fishing rod is moved to follow the behavior of the controller rod. All behaviors of the developed system were desirable and the system makes it possible to catch fishes by user. Experimental results show that this system can let user experience pleasure of the fishing.
磯野 真穂
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.53, no.9, pp.849-856, 2013-09-01

西島 央
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.43, pp.57-76, 2004-03-10

In Japan, what sort of people attend classical music concerts? It has been said that the classical music is an orthodox current of culture from the West, which was set up alongside the establishment of the modern educational system in Japan. Recently, however, the number of classes of music and other arts related subjects has been reduced as a result of the new national curriculum. In addition, the development of the Internet has provided a dramatic increase in terms of alternative access points to music. These are resulting in a dramatic change of music culture. Under these conditions, is it probable to think that attitudes towards classical music concerts might be in a process of change? The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the current conditions in relation to classical music concerts attendance from a sociological perspective. Methodologically, the paper draws upon evidence garnered from a questionnaire survey conducted at classical music concerts in Tokyo, Niigata and Kagoshima, between April and August 2002. To date, there have been few studies to investigate the sociological profile and associated behaviour related to classical music concert attendees, except the index of a stratum research. In this research, I will make use of sociological description of attendance, exploring the issue of regional difference. Subsequently I will analyze attendee's first experiences vis-a-vis the concert. Finally I will specify the features of attendance in relation to those classified as "Jouren" i. e. regular goers and those labeled "Ichigen" i. e first-timers. I will analyse the differences between them in light of a number of sociological indicators and their musical experiences during their formal education. As a kind of pilot study, I will propose a research framework that could provide a signpost for future research exploration.