山室 信一 小関 隆 岡田 暁生 伊藤 順二 王寺 賢太 久保 昭博 藤原 辰史 早瀬 晋三 河本 真理 小田川 大典 服部 伸 片山 杜秀

南 裕介 伊藤 順一 草野 有紀 及川 輝樹 大場 司
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.68, no.2, pp.39-57, 2023-06-30 (Released:2023-07-27)

Akita-Yakeyama Volcano is an active stratovolcano located on Northeast Honshu island, Japan. Recent eruptive activity has occurred on the flank of the volcano in May 1997 and in the summit crater (Karanuma vent) in August 1997. These events indicate that Akita-Yakeyama Volcano has a high potential for future eruptions. In order to better understand the hazards posed by Akita-Yakeyama Volcano, this study focused on the modern explosive activity of Akita-Yakeyama during the last 6000 years. The authors conducted field observations and excavation surveys at outcrops, whole-rock chemical analysis, volcanic glass chemical analysis, and radiocarbon dating for intercalated paleosol layers. As a result, at least nine layers of pyroclastic fall deposits derived from Akita-Yakeyama during the last 6000 years were recognized, ranging from Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) levels of 1 to 2. In chronological order, the major pyroclastic fall deposits consist of AKY8 (45th to 47th century BC), AKY7 (10th to 29th century BC), AKY6 (2nd to 8th century BC), AKY5 (1st century BC to 2nd century AD), AKY4 (5th to 9th century AD), AKY3 (1678 AD), AKY2 (1892 AD), AKY1 (1951 AD) and 1997 eruption ejecta. The decreasing proportion of juvenile materials in eruptive deposits over the last 6000 years is consistent with a reduced magma contribution. It indicates that the development of the hydrothermal system is likely to play an important role in future eruption scenarios for Akita-Yakeyama Volcano.
及川 輝樹 筒井 正明 大學 康宏 伊藤 順一
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.57, no.4, pp.199-218, 2012-12-28 (Released:2017-03-20)

Shinmoedake (Kyushu, Japan), which is one of the Kirishima Volcanoes, experienced several small eruptions in 2010, finally culminating in a sub-plinian eruption on January 26-27, 2011. After this sub-plinian phase, the eruption style shifts to the phase of vulcanian eruption or ash emission. This volcanic activity is still occurring. We here summarize the eruption history of Shinmoedake during the Edo period on the basis of historical records. The eruptions of Shinmoedake during the Edo period occurred in AD 1716-1717 (Kyoho eruption) and AD 1822 (the 4th year of Bunsei eruption). The Kyoho eruption, which was a large-scale (total amount of tephra: 2×1011 kg) eruption, is divided into the following seven stages. Stage 1 (Apr. 10, 1716 to May 7, 1716): small eruptions occurred over two months; Stage 2 (Sep. 26, 1716): falling ash first observed at the foot of Shinmoedake; Stage 3 (Nov. 9 to 10, 1716): the first large eruption was observed, with pumice falling over a wide area; Stage 4 (Dec. 4 to 6, 1716): small eruptions; Stage 5 (Feb. 9 to 20, 1717): the second pumice fall eruption, with an intermittent ash fall eruption thereafter; Stage 6 (Mar. 3, Mar. 8, Mar 13, Apr. 8, 1717): ash fall eruptions; Stage 7 (Sep. 9, 1717): the last ash fall eruption. These eruptions, which continued intermittently over 17 months, were characterized by multiple repetitions of a large eruption. Based on the results of a comparison between the Kyoho eruption and the 2011 eruption, the eruptions from March 30, 2010 to January 26, 2011, were similar to Stages 1 to 3 of the Kyoho eruption; the eruptions after January 26, 2011, were similar to Stages 5 to 6 of the Kyoho eruption. In addition, the relatively large eruption events of Stages 3 and 5 of the Kyoho eruption and the January 26-27, 2011, eruption began without any noticeable precursors. The eruption in the 4th year of Bunsei (AD 1822) was a small eruption that lasted less than a day. The recent eruption sequences, which were also similar to the Edo period eruptions, are divided into a small-scale eruption (the 1959 eruption) and a large-scale eruption (the 2011 eruption). The eruption duration time of the small-scale (total amount of tephra: < 1010 kg) eruption was less than a day. The eruption duration time of the large-scale (total amount of tephra: > 1010 kg) eruption could be a few months or years. Both eruption sequences began with a small eruption. A large-scale eruption can occur a few months after the start of the eruption sequence. This is an important turning point in the eruption sequence of Shinmoedake.
伊藤 順子
高齢者のケアと行動科学 (ISSN:18803474)
vol.24, pp.42-52, 2019 (Released:2020-01-20)

本研究の目的は,高齢者ボランティア活動の意義と課題について,とくに参加動機とボランティア活動満足感,活動から得た利益および生活満足度との関連を明らかにすることである。研究の方法は,調査研究で,島根県東部地域でボランティア活動をしている 60 歳以上の高齢者約 500 名を対象に郵送調査を行った。分析方法は,相関分析,多元配置分散分析で分析した。 効回答数は 229 名であり,回収率は 43%であった。分析をした結果,ボランティア活動満足感,ボランティアから得た利益には,活動動機の自己志向性と他者志向性に有意な関連があった。両志向性がともに高いほど,ボランティア活動満足感,ボランティア活動から得た利益が多いこと,両志向性がともに低いほど活動満足感も得られた利益も少ないことが示された。また,統制変数とした活動開始時期が 10 年以上前の者にボランティア活動から得た利益も大きくなることも明らかとなった。生活満足度は,活動動機と有意な関連はなかった。
栁澤 宏彰 及川 輝樹 川口 亮平 木村 一洋 伊藤 順一 越田 弘一 加藤 幸司 安藤 忍 池田 啓二 宇都宮 真吾 坂東 あいこ 奥山 哲 鎌田 林太郎 兒玉 篤郎 小森 次郎 奈良間 千之
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.3, pp.295-317, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-27)

The 2016 eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano in central Japan consisted of several small eruptions that were accompanied by syneruptive-spouted type lahars. We have reviewed the sequence of the 2016 activity and modeled the eruptive processes based on observations of various volcanic phenomena, including ash fall and lahars, plumes, earthquakes and crustal deformation, and analysis of eruptive products. Eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano after the 20th century can be categorized into two types; 1) VEI=0-1 eruptions during which ash fall covered only the summit area and no ballistic blocks were ejected (e.g., 1997-1998 event) and 2) VEI=1-2 eruptions during which ash fall reached the foot of the mountain with ejected blocks (e.g., 1974 event). We also discuss the characteristics of the 2016 activity by comparing the sequence with those of other events of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano: the 1974 and 1997-1998 eruption events and the 2000-2001 intensified fumarolic event. The 2016 eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano are divided into the following six stages. Stage I was characterized by the onset of intensified steam plume emission activity (≥200 m). Stage II was characterized by the onset of crustal deformation, slight increase of high frequency earthquakes (approx.>3.3 Hz) and further activation of steam plume emission activity (≥500 m). The crustal deformation observed commenced at the beginning of Stage II and lasted until the end of Stage V. The total inflated volume was estimated to be approximately 7.2×106 m3. Several very small eruptions that provided only a small amount of ash to the summit area also occurred. Stage III was characterized by a rapid increase of high frequency earthquakes accompanied by tilt change, and the onset of low frequency earthquakes (approx.<3.3 Hz). A small eruption was accompanied by a syneruptive-spouted type lahar at this time. Stage IV was characterized by the occurrence of several small syneruptive-spouted type lahars. The occurrence of high and low frequency earthquakes continued, but with decreasing abundance. Stage V was characterized by the highest altitude of steam plume emission (≥1,200 m), while no ash emission nor syneruptive-spouted type lahars were observed. Stage VI was characterized by a gradual decrease in steam plume emission and earthquake activity. The aerial photographs indicate the ash fall distribution, and the maximum scale of the 2016 eruption, which is estimated to be VEI=1. The assemblage of altered minerals indicates that the volcanic ash originated from volcanic conduits affected by a high-sulfidation epithermal system and no magmatic components were detected. Judging from the depth of the crustal deformation source of magmatic eruptions at other volcanoes, the estimated source of crustal deformation during the 2016 eruption is considered to have been caused by a volume change of the magma chamber. The sequence of the 2016 event can be interpreted as follows: 1) magma supply to the magma chamber, 2) increase in seismicity and fumarolic activity triggered by volcanic fluid released from the new magma, 3) destruction of volcanic conduit by increased fumarolic activity and emission of volcanic ash, and 4) occurrence of syneruptive-spouted type lahars by the “airlift pump” effect. At Niigata-Yakeyama volcano, such small eruptions and fumarolic events have been frequently observed for the last 40 years. We thus consider that the accumulation of magma has progressed beneath the volcano, which is a potential preparatory process for a future magmatic eruption.
郷原 巧 Ankit JAIN 松本 悟志 荒巻 徹 伊藤 順子 渡邉 信 野口 良造 中嶋 光敏 市川 創作
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
バイオマス科学会議発表論文集 第14回バイオマス科学会議 (ISSN:24238333)
pp.91-92, 2019-01-09 (Released:2019-01-09)

Microalgal biocrude was produced by hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of native microalgae slurry using a bench-scale continuous flow tubular reactor. The native algae was harvested in an open raceway pond in Minamisoma city, Fukushima prefecture. The slurry of native algae was continuously injected to a tubular reactor by high-pressure pumps, and the temperature was increased gradually through preheating tubes. The slurry eventually reached the reaction tube, which was held at 350 °C and 19.5 MPa, where it was kept for 6 min. The yield of biocrude recovered in a tank No. 1 was 43.0 wt%. The higher heating value (HHV) of biocrude was 29.1 MJ/kg-dry (34.5 MJ/kg-daf) calculated by the chemical elements using Dulong's formula.
長谷川 健 中川 光弘 伊藤 順一 山元 孝広
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.117, no.12, pp.686-699, 2011-12-15 (Released:2012-03-26)
7 6

テフラを用いて北海道東部の釧路地域に分布する第四系の編年を試みた.釧路地域の海成層(上位から,大楽毛層,釧路層)の各模式地において複数のテフラを記載・採取し,火山ガラスの主成分化学組成などの岩石学的特徴や層位関係から,阿寒・屈斜路火山地域のテフラと対比を行った(阿寒および屈斜路テフラはそれぞれ上位から,Ak1~17およびKpI~VIII).大楽毛層の上位にはKpVIが見いだされ,また大楽毛層上部と下部に挟まる2層の火山灰層は,それぞれAk5および給源不明の広域テフラ(LowK-1)に対比される.一方,釧路層中に含まれる軽石礫・溶結凝灰岩岩塊は,すべてAk13~Ak17由来である.以上の対比結果と既報のテフラ年代から,大楽毛層の堆積は,少なくとも,0.8 Maに開始し0.1 Maより前に終了したと推測できる.釧路層の堆積時期は,1.5 Ma以降,1.0 Maより前と考えられる.
北村 義治 伊藤 順一
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防蝕技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.13, no.6, pp.256-261, 1964-06-15 (Released:2009-11-25)

The corrosion of austenitic stainless steels and titanium in the aqueous solutions of several amino acid and their salts was investigated. The total immersion tests, the cell voltage-current curve method and the potentiostatic polarization curve method were adopted.The following experimental results were obtained: The aqueous solutions of acidic amino acids such as glutamic acid or homocysteic acid were comparatively corrosive, while neutral and basic amino acids scarcely; the corrosive behaviors of acid and basic salts of various amino acids bore some resemblance to those of acids and bases which were estimated to be freed from the salts.It is suggested that amino acids, which form salts with acids or bases, might have some neutralizing action on them, resulting in reduction in the corrosive effects of these salt solutions.
伊藤 順吉
物性研究 (ISSN:05252997)
vol.4, no.4, pp.243-246, 1965-07-20


1 0 0 0 OA 極微小真空管

金丸 正剛 伊藤 順司
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン学会誌 (ISSN:03866831)
vol.45, no.5, pp.612-617, 1991-05-20 (Released:2011-03-14)

ミクロン以下のサイズの電子放出源を利用した真空管の研究開発が活発になっている.我々が行っている素子試作結果を報告するとともに, この分野の研究動向を電子源の作製方法とその応用例を中心に紹介し, 今後の展望を述べる.