佐藤 光政 伊藤 一幸 宇佐美 洋三 小泉 博
雑草研究 (ISSN:0372798X)
vol.35, no.4, pp.377-384, 1990

日本国内における除草剤に抵抗性を示す雑草のバイオタイプの出現の状況を把握するため, 1989年3月にアンケート調査を実施した。<br>1. ハルジオン, ヒメムカシヨモギ, オオアレチノギク, ヒメジョオン, オニノゲシ, スズメノカタビラ, ノボロギク, オニタビラコ, イヌガラシの9種およびノエビ類において除草剤抵抗性のバイオタイプが見られた。比較的多くの地点で抵抗性バイオタイプが見られたのはハルジオン, ヒメムカシヨモギ, オオアレチノギクの3種で, ハルジオンの除草剤抵抗性バイオタイプは関東地方を中心に出現し, ヒメムカシヨモギとオオアレチノギクの抵抗性バイオタイプは関東地方から九州地方に至る比較的広い地域に出現した。<br>2. 除草剤抵抗性バイオタイプが見られるようになった時期は,「5年以上前から」または「2~3年前から」が多かった。<br>3. 除草剤抵抗性バイオタイプは果樹園, 桑・茶園, 路傍, 畑地および放棄地などで多く見られた。それらの場所で使用している除草剤はパラコートが多かった。
梁川 哲雄 吉田 秀夫 由良 義明 浦田 満 永峰 伸一 佐藤 光信
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.32, no.8, pp.1516-1521, 1986

The most effective treatment for adenoid cystic carcinomas arising from minor salivary glands is surgical removal of primary lesion including the wide safety margin. However, it is well known that the salivary gland tumors have poor prognosis and high frequency of metastasis. Therefore, the multidisciplinary therapy that prevents effectively recurrence and metastasis is needed.<BR>Two cases of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the maxillary sinus were treated according to the follwing multidisciplinary method. Case 1 (T3NOMO by JJC proposal): The patient had surgical removal of the affected maxilla and then radiation therapy. Four weeks later, adjuvant chemotherapy (Adriamycin and Cisplatin) was performed. In addition, UFT and OK-432 were administered continuously up to date from the onset of the treatment. Consequently, the patient remains be disease-free 24 months postoperation. Case 2 (T4NOMO by JJC proposeal): The patient was treated with the multidisciplinary methods such as surgical reduction of a tumor-burden, radiation therapy, intraarterial infusion of cisplatin and 5-FU into a superficial temporal artery and intradermal administration of OK-432. Thereafter, complete regression of the primary tumor was observed. However, metastasis was detected in the regional lymph nodes, which were subjected to radical neck dissection. The patient remains be disease free 8 months postoperation. These findings indicate that the multidisciplinary therapy may improve the prognosis of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the maxillary sinus.
佐藤 光暁 福原 洸 佐藤 たまき William Sellers 石黒 章夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2019 (ISSN:24243124)
pp.2P2-G04, 2019 (Released:2019-12-25)

The Plesiosauria are a group of aquatic reptiles lived from the Late Triassic to the latest Cretaceous. Their four limbs were modified into flippers, and there are no significant differences in the size and shape of fore and hind limbs. Due to this unique body structure, it has been assumed that plesiosaurs may have performed a unique swimming style. However, the adaptive locomotor patterns of plesiosaurs is still unclear. To reveal their locomotion, we introduce a perspective of control principle underlying adaptive animals’ behaviors. This is because producing adaptive behaviors that respond to surrounding environments and morphology could be indispensable for animals of any era to survive. In this approach, we develop extinct-animal-like robots and establish a control mechanism which can create physically rational locomotor patterns for unique morphologies of extinct animals through robot experiments. In this paper, we have constructed a platform as the first step to investigate coordination mechanism between flippers in plesiosaur locomotion.
志村 和大 田中 大登 佐藤 光秀 水野 勉
The Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
日本AEM学会誌 (ISSN:09194452)
vol.28, no.2, pp.128-133, 2020 (Released:2020-10-13)

Transformers used in switching power supplies can be reduced in size by increasing the frequency. However, transformer loss increases with higher frequencies, which hinders higher efficiency. Therefore, transformer using interleaved winding is being considered. The authors consider the reduction of copper loss in the planar transformer for LLC resonant converter using interleaved winding. It was confirmed by analysis that the AC resistance was reduced by 55.4 % from 217.6 mΩ to 97.1 mΩ by applying interleaved winding. In addition, an interleaved planar transformer with a substrate pattern as a winding was manufactured, and through experiments, the efficiency of an LLC resonant converter using a transformer with an interleaved winding was measured, and the copper loss reduction effect of the transformer was demonstrated.
皆川 洋至 井樋 栄二 佐藤 毅 今野 則和 本郷 道生 佐藤 光三
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.20, no.1, pp.103-109, 1996-10-15 (Released:2012-11-20)

Each muscle of the rotator cuff is known to have several intramuscular tendons which provide attachment to numerous muscle fiders. The anatomical relationship between intramuscular and extramuscular tendons needs to be determined to know the distribution of the force to the rotator cuff tendon. The purpose of this study was to clarify the morphology of the transitional zone of intramuscular to extramuscular tendons of the rotator cuff.The muscle fibers of cuff muscles of 20 embalmed shoulders without full-thickness rotator cuff tears were removed to examine the transitional zone of the intramuscular to extramuscular tendons macroscopically. Histological sections of the musculotendinous junction were perpared to evaluate the transitional forms microscopically.We defined the intramuscular tendon as the tendon inside the muscle belly and the extramuscular tendon as the tendon outside the muscle. The extramuscular tendons from the rotator cuff tendon distally. Location was expressed as the % position of the anterior and posterior margins of the musculotendinous junction. The intramuscular tendons of the infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis were contiguous to the whole extramuscular tendons and that the supraspinatus was located in the anterior one-third of the extramuscular tendon(0±0% to 28±15%). Microscopically, the intramuscular tendon of the supraspinatus formed a tendon fiber bundle and was continuous with the second of five layers of the extramuscular tendon (Clark and Harryman,1992).Conclusion: The connection of intramuscular tendon to extramuscular tendon was specific to each cuff muscle. The intramuscular tendon of the supraspinatus was attached to the anterior one-third of the extramuscular tendon and was contiguous to the second layer.
佐藤 英樹 鈴木 克彦 中路 重之 菅原 和夫 戸塚 学 佐藤 光毅
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.53, no.2, pp.431-440, 1998-07-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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We investigated the effects of acute endurance exercise and habitual physical activity for health maintenance on human neutrophil function in 12 untrained men. The acute exercise condition was a continuous exercise for 90 minutes at the intensity of 50% and 55% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) on an ergometer. The training program was 3km jogging three times per week for 8 weeks. The capacity of neutrophils to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) was detected with lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence (LgCL) and luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (LmCL) on stimulation with opsonized zymosan (OZ) and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA).As for the acute exercise effects, both LgCL and LmCL responses of neutrophils stimulated using PMA consistently increased after exercise at 50% VO2max, whereas those stimulated with OZ remained unchanged. At 55% VO2max, LgCL responses to both stimulants increase maximally 1h after exercise, and then decreased 3h after exercise, whereas LmCL responses to both stimulants increased continuously after exercise at 55% VO2max. These phenomena observed at 55% VO2max compared to 50% VO2max suggests the improved capacity of producing ROS neutrophils after exercise. The number of neutrophils also increased maximally 1h after exercise, due to the mobilization of band neutrophils (shift to the left), suggesting that functional changes was associated with cell mobilization. The increase in the capacity of neutrophils to produce ROS and marked neutrophilia following the acute endurance exercise suggests that a large quantity of ROS may be produced in vivo.As for the training effects, the LgCL and LmCL responses were maintained in the exercise group as compared to the decreased ones in the control group. The difference between the exercise group and the control group was observed only in LgCL response to OZ. Humoral immune factors (IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C4) and serum opsonic activity were also unaltered. These phenomena suggest that homeostasis might be kept constant in terms of immunity through regular physical activity.
鈴木 克彦 佐藤 英樹 遠藤 哲 長谷川 裕子 望月 充邦 中路 重之 菅原 和夫 戸塚 学 佐藤 光毅
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.4, pp.451-460, 1996-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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スポーツ選手を対象として, 最大運動負荷に伴う白血球分画と好中球活性酸素産生能の変動を検討したところ, 以下の知見が得られた.1.運動直後に総白血球数が一過性に2倍程度上昇したが, これはリンパ球, 好中球および単球の数的増加によるものであった.好中球数は運動終了1時間後でも上昇した状態にあったが, 核左方移動は認められず, かつ分葉核好中球数の変動と相関が強かったため, 壁在プール由来の好中球動員であったと考えられる.2.リンパ球のなかでLGL (NK細胞) は運動直後に6倍も上昇しており, 終了1時間後には半減した.このようなリンパ球の数的・構成的変動が各リンパ球の機能を測定する上で誤差要因とならないように注意する必要がある.3.ルミノール依存性化学発光法を用いて単離好中球の活性酸素産生能を検討したところ, 刺激物質として貪食粒子のOZを用いた場合のみならず可溶性のPMAを用いた場合にも運動負荷に伴い有意に上昇し, かつ両者の変動には正相関が認められたことから, 単一機序で発光が増強したものと推察される.ルミノール依存性化学発光の反応機構から, 好中球の刺激に伴う脱顆粒能亢進によってMPOを介して強力な活性酸素種 (HOCl) が効率的に産生されやすくなることが示唆された.短時間の運動であっても極端に強度が高い場合には, 毒性の高い活性酸素種を生成しやすい好中球が血中に増加し, リンパ球の機能抑制や筋の炎症等の組織傷害作用を発現する可能性があり, 今後その体内動態をめぐっては, さらに踏み込んだ検討が必要である.
佐藤 光
比較文学 (ISSN:04408039)
vol.55, pp.22-35, 2013

<p> It has already been noted that Yanagi's book entitled <i>William Blake</i> (1914) gives proper explanation in Japanese about idiosyncratic features of Blake's philosophy, such as his emphasis on energy, passion and imagination and his unique form of antinomian Christianity. However, one of the characteristics of Yanagi's studies on Blake, which has so far been overlooked, is that he frequently uses the term 'temperament' to describe Blake's art. According to Yanagi, Blake fully expresses his 'temperament' in his poetry and paintings, and his philosophy is also based on his 'temperament', derived not from abstract reasoning but from careful introspection of his everyday experience. 'Temperament', Yanagi says, plays a significant role in the process by which one establishes one's sense of values, and Blake was faithful to his 'temperament'.</p><p> Yanagi used the word 'temperament' without translating it into Japanese because he learned the concept by reading English books about religion, psychology, philosophy and fine arts in which 'temperament' was used as a crucial keyword. The list of the authors that Yanagi must have referred to includes William James, James Huneker, A. C. Swinburne, Arthur Symons and Laurence Houseman. It is most likely that Yanagi interpreted Blake under the influence of the philosophical theory of 'temperament' by James, as well as contemporary Blake studies. In this sense <i>William Blake,</i> the book that Yanagi published in 1914, is a composite result of his studies of religion, philosophy and Blake's art.</p>