吉田 忠正
The Japanese Circulation Society
vol.28, no.9, pp.704-711, 1964

Recently, the hepatic circulation in hemorrhagic shock has been investigated by HEINEMANN, BRADLEY, SELKURT, FRANK and others. However, the opinions among the authors have not yet been in agreement but rather controversial, par icularly, as to the relationship between hepatic blood flow and cardiac output. HEINEMANN reported that hepatic blood flow fell sharply following hemorrhage and then returned spontaneously the control level in absence of the restoration of blood pressure. While, the others reported that hepatic blood flow did not recovered and remained in decreased level, having the same trend in blood pressure change. It seems likely that such a controversy will be partly due to the difference of the methods employed in measuring hepatic blood flow and partly to the confusion in recognizing the stage of shock, because the sequence of respective hemodynamic phenomenon is considerably different at the period of observation in this condition. The purpose of the present paper is to classify the relationship of hepatic blood flow and cardiac output throughout the entire course of hemorrhagic shock and its bearing on the irreversibility of shock. Oxygen utilization in the splanchnic viscera was also studied. The Relationship between Hepatic Blood Flow and Cardiac Output 1) Methods : Hepatic blood flow was measured by modified Frank's method. Twenty-two dogs ranging in weight from 8 to 20 kg were used and anesthetized with intravenous pentobarbital sodium of 25 mg/kg. A polyethylene catheter was passed through a right external jugular vein into the hepatic vein and then wedged into one of hepatic lobar veins. The outer end of the catheter in the hepatic vein was fixed at the level of the vena cava and allowed to drain continuously. The rate of hepatic outflow was measured by a graduated cylinder and stop watch. The blood collected was returned by transfer to an elevated burette draining into a left external jugular vein. Heparin (3-5 mg/kg) was given intravenously during the experiments. Cardiac output was calculated from indicator dilution curves according to the STEWART-HAMILTON principle. Two different procedures were used. In one method <SUP>32</SUP>P labelled red cells were used as an indicator and injected intravenously. Blood samples were collected successively from the femoral artery. In another cases, radio-iodinated serum albumin (RISA) was injected as an indicator. Cardiac output was calculated from radio-cardiograms by using a scintillation detector at the heart region and a rate-meter. 2) Results : We could distinguish the following two stages in hemorrhagic shock in relation to hepatic blood flow and cardiac output. a) The first stage : In the early stage of shock, hepatic blood flow decreases in parallel with the changes in cardiac output. b) The second stage : After same delay from the initial bleeding, hepatic blood flow decreases progressively without marked reduction in cardiac output. Consequently, a difference or "gap" appears in percentile changes of hepatic blood flow and cardiac output. c) Effects of transfusion : Complete recovery of arterial pressure, cardiac output and hepatic blood flow can be obtained by a transfusion performed in the first stage. Whereas, the transfusion made in the second stage give rise only transient recovery of arterial pressure and cardiac output.
酒井 哲夫 小野 正人 吉田 忠晴 佐々木 正己 竹内 一男

田中 英道 松尾 大 野家 啓一 吉田 忠 鈴木 善三 岩田 靖夫

鈴木 誠 高橋 一揮 梁川 和也 佐藤 洋一郎 吉田 忠義 小野部 純 村上 賢一 武田 涼子 藤澤 宏幸
vol.2008, pp.C3P2406-C3P2406, 2009

【目的】<BR>垂直跳び(Vertical Jump:以下、VJ)は瞬発力の測定としてスポーツ現場では簡便に実施できる測定であり、跳躍高はプロサッカー選手の脚伸展筋力と相関が高いことがWisl&oslash;ffら(2006)の報告でもなされている.しかし、これは足関節の機能的・構造的安定性が補償されてはじめて行える動作であり、同部位に障害を負うと十分なパフォーマンスを発揮することが出来ないと予想される.そこで本研究はプロサッカー選手の足関節周囲筋の力時間曲線から得られた時間的指標とVJの跳躍高との関係性を足関節障害の有無によって比較検討することである.これは、足関節に障害を負ったスポーツ選手の競技復帰に向けた理学療法介入の具体的戦略として活用できると考えられる.<BR>【方法】<BR>対象は某プロサッカーチームに所属する選手で、重症度に関わらず足関節に障害を抱えている選手(以下、障害群)4名(22.5±3.3歳)、及び特に障害を抱えていない選手(以下、非障害群)13名(23.23±2.83歳)の計17名について調査を行った.測定の前に十分な説明を行った上で実験参加の同意を得た.測定肢は非障害群の場合、右下肢とした.測定項目は足関節背屈筋の反応時間(RT)・最大トルク到達時間(Max_tq_time)・最大変化率到達時間(MaxVtime)とした.また、VJは上肢を胸部前方で組み、反動を使わず股・膝関節屈曲90°を開始肢位として測定を行った.統計学的検定として、平均値の差の検定には2標本の差の検定を行った.また、VJの跳躍高と足関節筋力指標との関係を調べるためピアソンの積率相関係数(r)を求めた.有意水準は5%未満とした. <BR>【結果】<BR>VJの跳躍高は非障害群:47.1±3.5cm,障害群:46.5±2.9cmであり、有意差は認められなかった.足関節周囲筋の時間的指標は、RT(非障害群:0.14±0.03秒, 障害群:0.14±0.02秒)、Max_tq_time(非障害群:0.70±0.20秒, 障害群:0.49±0.08秒)、MaxVtime(非障害群:0.28±0.05秒, 障害群:0.25±0.03秒)であり、Max_tq_timeにのみ有意差を認めた(p<0.05).また、VJの跳躍高と足関節周囲筋の時間的指標との相関係数は0.5~0.8であり、有意ではないが関係性が示唆された.<BR>【考察】<BR>サッカー選手にとってジャンプ動作は相手選手との競り合いの中でもしばしば見受けられる動作であり、より高い跳躍高が求められる.今回の結果より、足関節周囲筋の最大張力だけではなく、それを短時間で発揮できる能力が足部の安定性を補償し、効率の良い脚伸展筋力の伝達に利用できると思われる.よって、早期より足関節周囲筋の筋力向上に加え、反応性を意識したような理学療法のアプローチを考慮し、下肢全体の協調性を高めていくような戦略をとる必要があると考えられる.
吉田 忠雄 加藤 正大 大竹 宏直 加藤 健 寺西 正明 片山 直美 中島 務
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.72, no.4, pp.247-253, 2013-08-01

Development of 3-tesla enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a tool for the visualization of endolymphatic hydrops (EH). This technique was first developed in animal experiments and adapted in patients with inner ear diseases including Menieres disease (MD). Up to the present, we have demonstrated EH in many MD patients. Recently, we have succeeded in obtaining a 3D-real IR-like image even after intravenous standard-dose gadolinium administration. This type of image was named the HYDROPS (HYbriD of Reversed image Of Positive endolymph Signal and native image of positive perilymph signal). The relationship between unilateral MD and EH has not yet been explored. We studied 76 patients with unilateral MD who were evaluated using MRI. The mean age of the subjects was 53.4 years (range 17 to 80 years). Forty-two were women and 34 were men. Symptomatic and non-symptomatic ears were categorized into 4 groups (healthy, 76; possible, 48; Probable, 13; and definite, 15) based on AAO-HNS definitions. MRI was performed 4 hours after intravenous gadolinium administration. Overall, 152 ears were evaluated. EH in the cochlea was present in 57 of 76 symptomatic ears (73.7%) and 34 of 76 (44.7%) non symptomatic ears. Ears with definite MD had EH more frequently in the cochlea than ears in the healthy ears groups. Furthermore, EH in the vestibule with definite MD was larger than ears in any of the other groups. Our reports showed for the first time that there was Ba relationship between the degrees of EH and the stage of MD. Moreover, in fewer than half of unilateral MD patients EH was seen in the cochlea with non-symptomatic ears. EH in healthy ears may be an indicator of bilateral MD. Using MRI to identify this covert EH in asymptomatic patients may offer the possibility of early detection or prevention of MD.
吉田 忠

(1) 全国各地の図書館において関連文献の調査・収集につとめたが、殊に大谷大学図書館、国立天文台図書館、横浜市立大学図書館などにおいて関係資料を採訪した結果、内通、円煕、介石以後の論者たちの文献を調査・収集することができた。(2) 幕末の神道家賀茂規清が有名な天文学者間重富から聞いた話では、円通は老齢になっても須弥山説の講釈を行っていたという。事実彼が1817年三重県津市一身田専修寺で行った講釈の記録ノートが現存している。そこでは孔子君子の暦法が仏暦と同じだと述べているが、こうした表現は一般大衆の共感を喚ぶにきわめて有効な言い回しであったろう。(3) こうした講義記録は、円通の弟子達、たとえば2大弟子である信暁(1837,1855)、環中(1854,2点)、また円煕のそれが残っている。しかし、どういうわけか、円通の場合も含めて、『立世阿毘曇論日月行品』に対する講義が多くを占めているのは注目してよい。(4) 幕末から明治初年の護法運動は、中国伝道プロテスタント宣教師たちの書物による地球概念と地動説の普及を警戒し、須弥山宇宙論の観点から批判した。佐田介石らの運動も、この一連のコンテクストの中で考える必要があることを明らかにした。(5) 介石らの努力にもかかわらず、須弥山説運動が明治中期に衰退するのは、明治の学校制度の整備による科学知識の普及の結果、これが仏教関係者の間だけの論争に終わったことによることを指摘した。
吉田 忠彦 桜井 政成
生駒経済論叢 (ISSN:13488686)
vol.1, no.3, pp.313-325, 2004-03-25

吉田 忠雄 丁 大玉 大木 雄造 檜垣 守正
vol.2005, pp.179-180, 2005-08-25

Black powder is an important component of fireworks and was invented in China in the latter half of the 8^<th> century. Black powder was used for medicine at first and then for military purposes in 10^<th> century. Fireworks using black powder appeared in 12^<th> century. In the end of 13^<th> century Italian displayed fireworks. In Japan gun was imported in 1543 and black powder was also imported simultaneously. Then fireworks were manufactured. Fireworks display gained popularity in the Edo period. On and after the Meiji era, spherical fireworks shells were made giving bright and many colors. Japan became top-rank in Fireworks. Recently, China has become first-rank in manufacturing and export of fireworks. Fireworks have been developed mainly by experience. But, from now on science and technology will support the prosperity of fireworks.
吉田 忠行 赤間 清 宮本 衛市
情報処理学会論文誌数理モデル化と応用(TOM) (ISSN:18827780)
vol.41, no.7, pp.12-22, 2000-11-15

問題解決において,正しく,かつ効率的に問題を解くプログラムを作成するのは重要なことであるが,同時に困難なことでもある.本論文では,正しく効率的なプログラムを自動的に作成するための新しい方法を提案する.本論文では,文字列領域における問題の1つとして言語認識問題を取り上げる.一階述語論理表現を用いて定式化した問題仕様から,問題を高速に解くためのプログラムを生成する.ただし,本方法によって生成されるプログラムは,有限オートマトンに相当する単純なプログラムに限定している.本論文では,問題仕様とプログラムを従来の理論よりも一般的な形で関係づけている,等価変換に基づく計算モデル(等価変換モデル)を採用する.等価変換モデルでは,プログラムは等価変換ルールの集合である.本論文のプログラム生成では,問題仕様から等価変換ルールを次々に生成し,その中から効率的なルールだけを選別する方法を用いる.ルール生成は「メタ計算」と呼ばれる計算によって行い,効率的なルールの評価基準に基づき,生成されたルールを選別する.本論文の提案する方法により,一階述語論理表現を用いて自然な形で記述された言語仕様から,その言語に関する認識問題を効率的に解くプログラムを得ることが可能になる.It is very important but not easy to write correct and efficient programs for solving problems. In this paper, we propose a new method for automatic generation of correct and efficient programs. We assume that we are given a language recognition problem that is Formalized by using first-order logical expressions. Correct and efficient programs are then generated from the problem specification. The class of programs generated by the proposed method correspond to the one of finite automatons. In this paper we adopt a computation model based on equivalent transformation (ET model), which formalizes the relation between specifications and programs more generally than other existing models. In the ET model, a program consists of equivalent transformation rules (ET rules). We generate many ET rules from a given specification represented by first-order logical expressions and select ``efficient'' rules among them. We generate ET rules by ``meta computation'' and select efficient rules based on an evaluation function. We can obtain correct and efficient programs to solve language recognition Problems from their language specifications naturally represented by first-order logical expressions.