王戦 堀 良彰 櫻井 幸一
情報処理学会研究報告コンピュータセキュリティ(CSEC) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.43, pp.45-50, 2006-05-12

迷惑メールに対する,ベイズ確率を用いた統計的なフィルタリング(いわゆるベイジアンフィルタ)の研究は以前から行われていたが,2002年に発表されたP.Grahamの論文"A plan for spam"[1]は人々の注目を集め ベイジアンフィルタを実装したソフトウェアが多数開発されるようになった.ベイジアンフィルタリング[4][5][8]に対する研究は,日本語と英語の電子メールについては盛んである.しかし,中国語闇の電子メールに対しては今まで学術的な解析が行われていなかった.そこで本論文では,中国語の電子メールを処理する際のベイジアンフィルタリングのパラメータと迷惑メール判定精度の関係について分析し,パラメータの最適値について考察した.A statistical filtering based on Bayes theory, so-called bayesian filtering, has been researched for anti-spam through it before. From Graham`s thesis in 2002,a lot of spam mail filters based on the Bayesian filtering have been developed and widely applied to the real system in recent years.The implementation of the statistical filtering corresponding to the e-mail written in English and Japanese has already been developed. On the other hand,the implementation of the statistical filtering corresponding to e-mail written in Ohinese is still few. In this thesis、we adopted a statistical filtering called as Bsfilter and modified it to filter out e-mails written in Chinese. When we targeted e-mails written in Chinese for experiment,we analyzed the relation between the parameter and the spam mail judgment accuracy of the filtering, and also considered the optimal value of the parameter.
堀田 政二 井上 光平 浦浜 喜一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. CAS, 回路とシステム (ISSN:09135685)
vol.99, no.417, pp.9-14, 1999-11-10

松田 憲幸 高木 佐恵子 曽我 真人 堀口 知也 平嶋 宗 瀧 寛和 吉本 富士市
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J91-D, no.2, pp.324-332, 2008-02-01

堀本柵 (楓仙子) 著
角 康之 堀 浩一 大須賀 節雄
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.9, no.1, pp.139-147, 1994-01-01

In this paper, we present a system for computer-aided thinking. We propose the idea of reflecting the mental world indirectly in a metric space, and thereby supporting human thinking activity such as construction and creation of new ideas. We use a method of mapping text-objects into metric spaces in order to deal with texts. Results of experiments using our implemented system, named CAT1 (Computer-Aided Thinking, version 1), are given. We show that a user of our system can get effective stimuli to his/her further thinking. The paper also gives a discussion about potential of the CAT1 to be used for group works.
堀江 正弘
研究技術計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.17, no.3, pp.107-113, 2004-07-10

Reforms in government agencies, including creation of the Cabinet Office and reorganizations in agencies, the Information Disclosure Law, and introduction of the all-government policy evaluation system, all realized in 2001, have a potential impact on the administration of Japan. The all-government policy evaluation system was prepared on the basis of the final report of the Administration Reform Council, and implemented in January 2001. Standard guidelines for the system were established, and the general framework of the system provided by the guidelines was translated into the Policy Evaluation Law. The guidelines define the purpose, concept and scope of evaluation; bodies executing evaluation ; timing of evaluation ; necessity, efficiency, effectiveness, equality and priority as the evaluation criteria ; and project, output and general evaluation as the evaluation approaches. The guidelines also require the government agencies, including the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications, to make their policies reflect evaluation results, publish evaluation results, and establish practical guidelines for implementation of policy evaluation. The Policy Evaluation Law also stipulates establishment of a basic policy of the Government on policy evaluation, master plans and annual schedules for agencies. The effectiveness of the system depends on appropriate implementation of policy evaluation and proper use of its results. This will be realized more easily by adopting generally accepted evaluation methods and improving them gradually, rather than by imposing uniformly a sophisticated and exacting method.
阿部 淳也 出石 大志 杉上裕一 堀 幸雄 今井 慈郎
情報処理学会研究報告データベースシステム(DBS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2007, no.6, pp.97-102, 2007-01-26

伝統的な木構造を用いたファイルシステムが広範に使用されているが,各ファイルのコンテンツによる分類や関係付けの有効な手法が不足している.そのような単純なファイルシステムでは,キーワードを指定した効果的なファイル検索ができないという問題を抱えている.コンテンツに基づく情報検索を可能にするため,各ファイルに関するタグ情報を活用するファイル管理の新しい手法を設計している.本報告では,我々が作成しているファイル管理システムのGUIを紹介し,併せて,形態素解析によるファイル属性からのキーワード抽出,DBMSによるキーワード操作およびキーワードに基づく情報検索などを用いた,プロトタイプ実装についても言及する.Conventional tree-structured file systems have been widely used, but they have lacked a useful mechanism to classify and relate their files according to the contents of each file. And such simple file systems are suffering from efficient retrieval of their files by specifying keywords. In order to perform content-based information retrieval, a new scheme of file management is designed to utilize tagged information about each file. In this report, we will introduce a GUI of our file management system. And we will describe its prototype implementation by means of keyword extraction from file attributes with morphological analysis, keyword manipulation through DBMS and information retrieval based on keywords.
堀 有喜衣 Yukie HORI 労働政策研究・研修機構 The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.85-99, 2007-05-31

The purpose of this paper is to examine the formation of "disparities" in the transition from school to work, and to discuss ideal methods for support. In the early 21st century, young people were able to become full-time workers even if they had become part-time workers after leaving school. In other words, Japanese society compensated for the initial "disparity" in the transition from school to work. However, the following two points were clarified in February 2006, according to a survey carried out on 2,000 young people in Tokyo. First, in the period from 2001 to 2006, the selection of full time worker was nearly completed at the point when young people left school. Second, academic background is growing and social background is weakening as factors for the selection of full-time workers. To put a brake on the expansion of "disparities," it is necessary to secure higher education as a right, and create laws to provide equal conditions to irregular workers, and to provide support for the transition from "Freeter" (job-hopping part-time workers) to full time worker.
堀 雅和 加藤康記 村越 広享 山見 太郎 島津 明 落水 浩一郎
情報処理学会研究報告グループウェアとネットワークサービス(GN) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2001, no.5, pp.7-12, 2001-01-18

現在我々は,「複数の人がメーリングリストを用いて議論しながら共有文書を作成(修正)する」という状況で,議論した結果に基づき発生する共有文書の修正作業を支援することを目的とした,以下のような特徴を持つシステムを研究している.(1)メーリングリスト上に発生した会話を構造化し,わかりやすい形式にて表示する機能(2)会話情報から共有文書の修正に関するToDoリストを作成し,対象文書の修正状態に基づきToDoリストを更新する機能本稿では,本システムの設計方針,機能の概要,実装後のシステムの評価対象について述べる.We currently investigate a system to support a modification process of a shared document based on a discussion result under the situation such that several people cooperatively create a document discussing in a mailing list. The system has the following features: 1. Structure the conversation in a mailing list and visualize the information; and 2. Create a ToDo list about modification of a shared document from a mail data and update a modification state in the list after the document is modified. In this paper, we describe the design policy, the overview of the features, and the evaluation points after the completion of the implementation.
堀 幸雄 中山 堯
情報知識学会誌 (ISSN:09171436)
vol.16, no.2, pp.2_33-2_38, 2006 (Released:2006-12-27)

Users' personal information interests is an important for developing more personally adaptive system to search and to collect information increased. Recently, user profiling system has been used in several research system. However, evaluation approach of these systems was lack of empirical investigation using users' explicit desire. In this paper, we show the evaluation method for user profile using users' search queries as explicit desire. After the experiment, we could confirm the effectiveness of the method.
新堀 通也 Shimbori Michiya 広島大学 Hiroshima University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.28, pp.4-17, 1973-10-15

There are four approaches to the scientific study of teachers, viz., historical, administrative, comparative and sociological. Sociology of teachers is so fragmental that not all sorts of teachers are covered by it and that it does disclose the most remarkable and urgent trait of contemporary teachers neither. By and large it studies elementary and secondary school teachers, neglecting teachers of university, kindergarten and other institutions. Although there are a great many differences between various categories of teachers, sociology considers only the general characteristics of teachers. It is proposed here that the most important trait of teachers is their conflict, inner as well as outer. Profession in bureaucracy is, theoretically, responsible for their conflict, because while teachers as professionals demand freedom and autonomy on one hand, bureaucracy by which they are employed asks them to follow its orders and objectives on the other. Thus there should be a sociology of teachers constructed around the concept of coflict. Distinct from other professions, teaching is characterized by such tendencies as great and socially indispensable number, diffused bureaucracy, coexistence of freedom and restriction and continuity of career in school both before and after employment. Furthermore, teachers in contemporary Japan are experiencing new types of conflict, namely conflicts with students and with out-of-school teachers, for which is responsible the rapid transition to post-industrialism, where school teachers are losing authority and prestige they used to enjoy. Thus the present article proposes to study teachers in contemporary Japan in terms of conflict and discusses its supposed conditions.