早渕 仁美 上田 晴陽 梅木 陽子 江頭 和佳子 太田 雅規
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.11, no.4, pp.323-333, 2017-10-25 (Released:2018-08-02)

The “Lesson of Taste” (“Leçon de Goût” in French) has been implemented in Japan as “Mikaku no Jugyo” since 2011 to teach children to use all five senses and enjoy the five tastes during meals. However, the educational benefits of the lesson have not been verified scientifically. In 2015, we therefore investigated the effects of the “Lesson of Taste” at an elementary school in Fukuoka, Japan that has conducted the lesson on 4th graders every year since 2012. Among the 4th graders (n=98), the mode of correct answers in the taste recognition test (5 basic tastes and 3 tasteless samples) was 4 and 8 (perfect score) before and after the lesson, respectively ; the ratio (%) of students scoring >6 correct answers essentially doubled after the lesson. The mode of correct answers among 4th graders (n=130) at a nearby school that did not offer the “Lesson of Taste” (control) was 4, which significantly differed from those attending the target school. Furthermore, the knowledge and awareness of taste immediately improved among the children after the “Lesson of Taste”. A survey of 5th (n=99) and 6th grade (n=114) children at the target school revealed that the “Lesson of Taste” provided an opportunity to develop interest in anticipating, tasting, and eating food. The “Lesson of Taste” improved the sense of taste and positively impacted food awareness and eating behaviors among children.
細井 菜穂子 村上 智美 太田 雅規
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.16, no.1, pp.15-28, 2022-01-25 (Released:2022-03-16)

This study aimed to investigate the effect of eating speed during elementary and junior high school on body size at 20 years of age. We selected men and women aged 20-49 years through an internet survey. The survey comprised the participants’ current height, weight, and eating speed; weight at 20 years of age; body size during elementary and junior high school; presence or absence of food education classes; and eating speed during elementary and junior high school. The results indicated a relationship between eating speed during elementary and junior high school and body mass index (BMI) at 20 years of age. It was found that the faster the eating speed during elementary and junior high school, the higher the BMI at 20 years of age for both men and women (p for trend: all < 0.01). Moreover, these results remained unchanged even after excluding those who were obese during elementary or junior high school. Furthermore, the food education classes during elementary and junior high school caused a significant decrease in the eating speed only in women. In conclusion, our results indicated that a fast-eating speed during elementary and junior high school was associated with a high BMI at 20 years of age, and eating speed in women was affected by food education.
杉山 保行 太田 雅壽
公益社団法人 高分子学会
高分子論文集 (ISSN:03862186)
vol.75, no.1, pp.94-98, 2018-01-25 (Released:2018-01-25)

Because of shampooing, drying, brushing etc., hair twists, breaks or acquires split ends; furthermore the cuticle may come off. We tried developing a shampoo agent and conductive treatment agent which repairs hair damaged by washing, drying, brushing, coloring, or perming. The effect of both agents on repair of damaged hair was examined by transmission electron microscopy and electrical conductivity. We compared previous data of optical microscopy with transmission electron microscopy images. As a result, it is clear that a scale-forming material, like a cuticle, is deposited in the keratinization region, and the frizzled hair became straight, because of using shampoo agent and conductive treatment agent containing hematin. These facts suggest that components of shampoo, treatment and/or hair cortex are preferentially adsorbed to the asperities of fragments which are cut off from the cuticle and then these components produce the scale-forming material, like a cuticle, due to epitaxial growth.
杉山 保行 太田 雅壽
公益社団法人 高分子学会
高分子論文集 (ISSN:03862186)
vol.75, no.1, pp.94-98, 2018

Because of shampooing, drying, brushing <i>etc.</i>, hair twists, breaks or acquires split ends; furthermore the cuticle may come off. We tried developing a shampoo agent and conductive treatment agent which repairs hair damaged by washing, drying, brushing, coloring, or perming. The effect of both agents on repair of damaged hair was examined by transmission electron microscopy and electrical conductivity. We compared previous data of optical microscopy with transmission electron microscopy images. As a result, it is clear that a scale-forming material, like a cuticle, is deposited in the keratinization region, and the frizzled hair became straight, because of using shampoo agent and conductive treatment agent containing hematin. These facts suggest that components of shampoo, treatment and/or hair cortex are preferentially adsorbed to the asperities of fragments which are cut off from the cuticle and then these components produce the scale-forming material, like a cuticle, due to epitaxial growth.
石原 進 太田 雅敏 行方エリキ 水野 忠則
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.46, no.12, pp.2997-3007, 2005-12-15

携帯端末向けの手軽な個人認証手法として,携帯端末の動きを用いた個人認証手法「3D 動作認証」を提案し,その有用性について基礎的評価を行う.3D 動作認証では,動作計測用のセンサを搭載した小型端末でユーザの動きをとらえ,その個人特徴を認証に利用する.小型の加速度センサは腕時計や携帯電話に内蔵することができ,ユーザは特別な入力装置を用いずに,端末を動かすだけで手軽に認証操作を行うことができる.3 次元空間での動きは筆跡という目に見える形で残ることがなく,手首のひねりなどを利用した動作を肉眼でとらえることは難しいため,他人に動作をコピーされ悪用される危険性が低い.本手法では加速度センサで得られる加速度のDP マッチングにより認証判定を行う.加速度センサを搭載した実験用端末を用い,11 人の動作登録者および27 人の成りすまし被験者による実験の結果を行った.この結果より,本手法に適した認証用動作の特性を確かめた.また,ユーザ自身のサインを動作パターンとして用いた場合,上記の特性に従って登録する動作の選別を行えば,本人拒否率を1.5%未満,動作パターンを図示された条件下での成りすまし成功率を1%未満とできることが確かめられた.We propose an individual authentication scheme using motions of a portable device 3D motion authentication. In this paper, we evaluated the fundamental properties of the scheme. The 3D motion authentication scheme measures motions with a small device equipped with an acceleration sensor for the authentication. The risk of misuse by others is low in the method, because the motion of a device in the air doesn't remain as handwriting and it is difficult to recognize the motion with the naked eye. The scheme uses DP matching to judge motions. We developed a prototype device like a mobile phone for the authentication scheme and tested it with 11 registered users and 27 attackers. We obtained a guideline for suitable motion patterns for this scheme from the results. We also obtained false rejection rate less than 1.5% and the false acceptance rate for vicious attackers who know the motion pattern show in the figure less than 1% with the user's own signature satisfying the guideline.
向井原 くるみ 太田 雅規
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.79, no.4, pp.185-195, 2021-08-01 (Released:2021-10-02)

【目的】幼少期の食べ物の好き嫌いの有無,克服経験や克服の意思の有無が,成人後のストレス対処能力に及ぼす影響を検証することを目的とした。【方法】幼少期の嫌いな食べ物の有無,嫌いな食べ物があった場合は克服経験や克服の意思の有無について,後方視的な調査を行った。質問票はネット調査会社のモニター(20~39歳)約70万人に配信し400人に達するまで回収した。現在のストレス対処能力指標として首尾一貫感覚(Sense of Coherence, SOC)13項目版を用いた。SOCは健康保持力とも呼ばれ,ストレスの多い状況であっても対処し成長の糧に変える力で,下位尺度は把握可能感,処理可能感,有意味感の3つからなる。SOC総得点と共に下位尺度についても検証を行った。【結果】有効回答は94.8%(400人中379人)で,嫌いな食べ物がなかった者は95人(25.1%)であった。嫌いな食べ物がなかった者は,あった者と比較して処理可能感が有意に高い結果であった。嫌いな食べ物の克服意思のあった者はなかった者に比べ,SOC総得点が有意に高かった。克服経験の有無と克服意思の有無を加味したSOCとの関連についての検証では,克服経験の有無とは独立して,意思のあった者はなかった者よりもSOC総得点は有意に高かった。【結論】幼少期に嫌いな食べ物がないこと,嫌いな食べ物を克服する意思を持つことが成人後のSOCを高めるために有効である可能性が示唆された。
伊東 弘一 赤木 新介 太田 雅晴
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.48, no.431, pp.998-1004, 1982

地域暖房の熱輸送システムの設計計画問題において, (イ)配線系サイズの縮小化, (ロ)ポンプ規模の縮小化および(ハ)熱交換器系サイズの縮小化という設計目標をそれぞれ独立した目的関数として考え, 一つの非線形多目的最適化問題として定式化した. 上記問題に対し, 計算機を対話形式で援用してシステム構成機器の主要設計要目を合理的に決定する一手法を提案し, 設計事例を通じてその有効性の検証と最適解の特徴を検討した.
太田 雅子
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:00227668)
vol.24, no.2, pp.39-44, 1997-03-31 (Released:2009-07-23)

本稿では, 「因果的説明が因果関係を表すならば, それは何と何との間に成り立つ関係なのか?」という問題提起のもとに考察を行う。「因果的説明」には, 「cがeを引き起こした」という形の単称因果言明の他に, 文を単位として理由を表す言明「AだからBである」または「BなのはAだからだ」をも含めて考えることとする。手順としては,「出来事」を因果関係の関係項とする立場を取り上げた後, それ以外の存在者 (事実, 性質など) もまた因果関係を構成しうることを示し, それによって因果的説明にもたらされる利点を明らかにしたいと思う。
太田 雅子
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.37, no.1, pp.15-27, 2004-07-25 (Released:2009-05-29)

It is thought that the problem of self-deception is difficult to treat because it includes a paradox. I investigate under what conditions self-deception occurs, rather than how the paradox is solved. I think one of the important conditions of selfdeception is that the two apparently contradicting beliefs coexist without either of them being unconscious. After surveying the discussions concerning whether self-deception is intentional, I focus on the role of "motivation", following Alfred Mele, and try to state the necessary and sufficient conditions of self-deception on the basis of the motivations and situa-tions of the self-deceivers.
太田 雅夫
初期社会主義研究 (ISSN:09130845)
no.22, pp.229-233, 2010
太田 雅夫 金丸 輝雄 西田 毅
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.16, pp.105-177,en2, 1965-11-25 (Released:2009-12-21)

This paper is a report on the field-survey of the voting behaviour and the political consciousness of the citizens of Kyoto, the First Constituency of Kyoto Prefecture, expressed in the 30th General Election of the members of the House of Representatives which took place on 21st November, 1963.As is well-known, compared with the previous Election which was fought with the U. S. -Japanese Security Treaty as the centre of political issues, the points at issue were not clear in the last, 30th Election, and the reason for the Election not being sufficiently understood among the nation, the campaign remained on a low key from the beginning to the end. Correspondingly, the voting ratio in the whole country was 71.1%, which was the second lowest since the end of the Second World War, the first being 67.9% in 1947.In the city of Kyoto, which forms the First Constituency of Kyoto Prefecture, 58.2% was recorded, which is lower than the average of the whole country by 12.9% and is within the lowest-voting group in the country.The result was the elections of two Liberal-Democrats (Ministerial Conservatives), one Communist, one Socialist and one Democratic-Socialist. Therefore in the new political map of Kyoto, there are two Conservatives against three “Reformists, ” the Conservatives having obtained 42% of the votes cast and the Reformist parties 58%. The Communist candidate came out at the top of the members elected. Thus, the Reformist forces are strong in this constituency. The reformist tendency in the political climate of Kyoto has long been pointed out, together with the emphasis of the classical character of this city, especially in connection with its cultural characteristics.Are we to regard this Reformist tendency of Kyoto as being the same as the tenacious strength of the Reformists in large cities, such as Tokyo and Osaka, where the organized forces, with workmen in large and small factories and white-collars as the centre, constitute their support? Or, is there any particular phenomenon in the case of Kyoto, peculiar to it and different from other regions?Further, how far are the citizens of Kyoto conscious of objective recognition of circumstances and subjective selection of value which form the two criteria of political consideration imposed upon the modern “citizens”? Upon these premises and bearing these problems in view, the writers have arranged into order the relation between voting behaviour and political consciousness based on various materials. These materials specifically include those of voting precentage and abstention, choice ox candidates —its reason and motives— points at issue, and so on. The paper lays stress on the description of the actual reality of Kyoto, and does not adopt the method of abstracting a general proposition out of the pattern in this case.
道津 光生 野村 浩貴 太田 雅隆 岩倉 祐二
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.65, no.2, pp.216-222, 1999-03-15
5 11

北海道南西部の盃沿岸は海底地形が複雑で, マウンド状に盛り上がった場所にホソメコンブ群落が形成されていた。盃沿岸の水温・塩分, 栄養塩, 光, 波浪の季節変化を近傍の磯焼け域である泊沿岸と比較した。その結果, 波浪のみに両沿岸に差が認められた。盃は泊に比べて波浪が強く, 特に冬季に強くなることが明らかになった。盃のマウンド上のキタムラサキウニの密度は秋&acd;冬にかけて波浪が強くなるとともに減少し, 冬&acd;春にはほとんど生息しない状態となった。一方, マウンド周辺のコンブ群落外のウニの密度は年間を通してほぼ一定の値で推移した。波浪の強さの変化に関連したウニの季節的移動により, 冬&acd;春にかけてマウンド上のウニの密度が減少し, コンブの新規加入群に対するウニの摂食圧が減少することによってコンブが繁殖するのではないかと推定した。