荒井 弘和 岡 浩一朗 竹中 晃二
行動医学研究 (ISSN:13416790)
vol.14, no.1, pp.30-35, 2009 (Released:2014-07-03)

現在、運動心理学において、精神神経免疫学に関する測定指標に注目が集まっている。そこで、本研究の目的は、一過性の有酸素運動が唾液中コルチゾール分泌に与える影響を予備的に検討することとした。本研究では、10名の対象者(平均年齢24.50±2.68歳;男性5名/女性5名)が招集され、(1) 自転車エルゴメータを用いた中等度の強度による20分間のサイクリングを行う条件と、(2) 20分間の読書を行うコントロール条件という、2つのカウンタ・バランスされた実験条件を行った。全ての対象者は、インフォームド・コンセントシートに署名した。唾液中のコルチゾール濃度は、各実験条件の前後に測定され、唾液中のコルチゾール濃度は、放射免疫測定法(radioimmunoassay: RIA)によって分析された。本研究は、2(条件:運動/コントロール)×2(時間:前/後)の対象者内要因計画である。繰り返しのある分散分析は、条件の主効果、時間の主効果、および交互作用を示さなかった。結論として、本研究では、一過性の有酸素運動はコルチゾール濃度を変化させない可能性が示された。
松尾 直子 竹中 晃二 岡 浩一朗
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.12, no.1, pp.48-58, 1999-06-25 (Released:2015-03-04)

The first purpose of this study was to develop a Japanese version of the Physical Self-Efficacy Scale (PSE) which was developed by Ryckman et al. (1982). In Study 1,751 subjects were asked to answer questionnaires. As result of factor analysis. two factors — “Perceived Physical Ability (PPA)” and “Perceived Self-Presentation (PSP)” — were identified. The reliability of this scale was established using the Cronbach α test, and test-retest correlation. In Study II, the validity of the scale was established by observing a correlation between the Japanese version of PSE and physical fitness (hand grip, knee extension/flexion strength). The result of these analyses showed that physical fitness were correlated significantly with the PPA factor, thus establishing construct validity. Next, in Study III, the relationship between physical self-efficacy and habitual exercise behavior for older adults was investigated. Analysis of the correlation revealed that habitual exercise behavior had a low but significant correlation with PPA, but not with PSP. These results suggest thal self-perception about objective physical ability was an important factor in the exercise behavior of older adults.
宮脇 梨奈 石井 香織 柴田 愛 岡 浩一朗
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.64, no.2, pp.85-94, 2017 (Released:2017-03-16)

目的 主要メディアのひとつである新聞に掲載されたがん予防関連記事の掲載頻度およびその内容について検討することを目的とした。方法 2011年に発行された全国紙 5 紙(読売,朝日,毎日,日本経済,産経新聞)の朝夕刊に掲載されたがん予防関連記事を対象に,掲載紙,掲載月,朝夕刊,情報元を確認した。その上で,予防記事に対しては,人のがんにかかわる要因の記載の有無,そのうち生活習慣関連要因(喫煙,食物・栄養,飲酒,運動・身体活動,肥満)が記載された記事では予防,リスク,推奨基準の記載の有無,および詳細内容を確認した。検診記事に対しては,検診部位,対象者,受診間隔の記載の有無,および受診を促進する内容であるかを確認した。結果 がん予防関連記事は全国 5 紙のべ272件(がん関連記事全体の5.1%)確認され,そのうち予防は208件で取り扱われていた。また,記載された人のがんにかかわる要因では,食物・栄養が56件,持続感染が40件,喫煙が32件と多かった。生活習慣関連要因の中でも飲酒(12件),運動・身体活動(11件),肥満(10件)は少なかった。また,食物・栄養以外では予防よりもリスクの取り扱いが多く,推奨基準の記載はのべ13件であった。一方,検診について取り扱う記事は92件であった。その中では,乳がん検診が31件と最も多く,その他のがん検診は20件に満たなかった。また,検診対象者や受診間隔は7件,検診受診を促進する内容は39件の記事で記載されていた。結論 新聞においてがん予防関連記事は取り上げられているものの十分とは言えず,掲載されていた記事においても取り扱われる生活習慣関連要因や検診部位には偏りがあり,具体的な基準を示す記事は少ないことが明らかとなった。新聞の影響力を考えると,今後はいかに,具体的な予防行動やその基準,検診対象者や受診間隔などを含めた記事の取り扱いを増やしてもらうかを検討する必要性が示唆された。
荒井 弘和 竹中 晃二 岡 浩一朗
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.16, no.1, pp.1-10, 2003-06-25 (Released:2015-01-07)
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The purpose of this study was to develop the Waseda Affect Scale of Exercise and Durable Activity (WASEDA), a measure of psychological states to the stimulus properties of acute exercise. The WASEDA consists of 12 items that capture 3 distinct affects: Negative affect, Positive engagement and Tranquility showed by factor analysis. The subscales have good internal consistency, content and factorial validity. The second purpose of present study was to examine psychological responses in acute exercise using WASEDA. According to employing WASEDA, it was suggested that participants reported desirable affects after moderate-intensity stationary cycling. Also, the subject's exercise of self-paced walking improved their psychological states. Moreover, discriminant validity for the WASEDA subscales was demonstrated by examining psychological responses shown in acute exercise. Finally, several directions for shown WASEDA were proposed.
岡 浩一朗
行動医学研究 (ISSN:13416790)
vol.21, no.2, pp.76-82, 2015 (Released:2015-11-19)

川上 諒子 澤田 亨 岡 浩一朗 坂本 静男 樋口 満
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第68回(2017) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.310_3, 2017 (Released:2018-02-15)

本研究は、野球場におけるプロ野球観戦が特定の応援チームを持たない高齢者の感情や主観的幸福感にどのような影響を及ぼすかについて検討を行った。参加者は65歳以上の男女16人であった。プロ野球観戦の日を3日間設け、野球場でプロ野球を1日観戦するよう依頼した。質問紙を用いて、平常時および観戦直前、観戦直後の感情と主観的幸福感を調査した。感情の調査には一般感情尺度を、主観的幸福感の調査には日本版Subjective Happiness Scaleを用いた。解析の結果、観戦直前では平常時よりも安静状態を示す「ゆったりした」(P<0.01)や「平穏な」(P=0.04)という感情が有意に高まった。一方、観戦直後には主観的幸福感が平常時よりも有意に高値を示した(P=0.02)。また、試合結果の違いによる感情や主観的幸福感への影響についても検討したが、試合の勝敗と感情や主観的幸福感の変化との間に関連は示されなかった。以上の結果より、高齢者が野球場まで出掛けて行きプロ野球を観戦することによって、観戦直前には安静状態が高まり、観戦直後には主観的幸福感が高まる可能性が示唆された。
岡崎 勘造 柴田 愛 石井 香織 助友 裕子 河村 洋子 今井 (武田) 富士美 守屋 希伊子 岡 浩一朗
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.21, no.2, pp.235-244, 2011 (Released:2011-11-23)

The present case study evaluated an environment-focused project for promoting walking, which included the development of walking courses (using public spaces, parks, roads) with stations for smart cards in the community and an interfaced internet-based self-monitoring system. The project was started in 2008 in Misato City of Saitama Prefecture. In this project, individuals can participate by paying a registration fee (500 yen) and obtaining their own cards. If registrants walk the course, holding their cards over a scanner at 3-4 stations, the smart card records their data (e.g. distance and time spent in walking) from one to the other station and transfers these to a self-monitoring system. As a result, registrants could check their data online. From June 2008 to November 2009, a total of 631 individuals (62% female) who obtained the information from newspaper, magazines, website, or some local events, registered for this project. From walking data collected automatically in the database through the self-monitoring system, it was found that 445 registrants (63% female) used this system at least once, and most of the registrants were 40 years old or more. This suggests that the project in this study might have been effective in promoting walking only among older people. Also, most of the registrants lived around the courses. In particular, the courses in the area surrounded by beautiful nature and residential areas were often used. To expand this idea to other age groups, new attempts, including a point supplying system based on the distance of walking are under development.
遠藤 大哉 青柳 健隆 岡 浩一朗
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.25, no.2, pp.2_185-2_199, 2015 (Released:2015-11-12)

Outdoor education contributes to positive youth development. Existing outdoor education in Japan has been conducted only in an “episodic” manner with a “single activity” basis in “imitation nature”, although regular and various activities in “grand nature” have been considered more valuable for the growth of children. Therefore, the purposes of the present study were to develop and practice an outdoor education program that performed a “plural number” of experiences with “multiple activities” in “genuine nature”, and to clarify the availability of the program. For this purpose, the “Buddy Kids Adventure Challenge Program” was developed on the basis of 12 years of practice with the “Buddy Adventure Team (Non-Profit Organization)”. An inventory survey was conducted for 49 participants in the Buddy Kids Adventure Challenge Program and 26 participants′ parents to evaluate the program in 2013. Free descriptive answers for the questions with respect to experiences in the program were descriptively analyzed and a model of the growth of the participants in the Buddy Kids Adventure Challenge Program was generated. As results, self-esteem was increased by developing competence. Additionally, outdoor activities in the program and flow experience were associated. Strong relationship between adverse circumstances and flow experience were also demonstrated. The growth model of the present study showed that desiring pleasure in “grand nature” could allow participants to confront adverse circumstances. These adverse circumstances give participants flow experience and confidence by helping them to overcome adverse circumstances. Finally, self-esteem was increased and growth of participants was enhanced.
岩佐 翼 高宮 朋子 大谷 由美子 小田切 優子 菊池 宏幸 福島 教照 岡 浩一朗 北畠 義典 下光 輝一 井上 茂
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.145-154, 2015-02-01 (Released:2015-01-25)
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The purpose of this cross-sectional study is to investigate the difference in physical activity among elderly living in different areas in Japan (“Bunkyo Ward in Tokyo” (Bunkyo) and “Fuchu City in Tokyo” (Fuchu) as urban areas, and “Oyama Town in Shizuoka” (Oyama) as a non-urban area). Participants were 1859 community-dwelling residents aged 65-74 years, randomly selected from the residential registry (response rate: 68.9%). A mail survey using self-administered questionnaires was conducted. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to calculate the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) of various types of physical activity (eg, walking (Walking), going out (Going-out), bicycling (Bicycling), exercise habits (Exercise)), according to residential areas (reference category: Fuchu), stratified by gender, adjusting for socio-demographic variables. There was a significant difference in Going-out (ORs = 0.61 (95% CI: 0.44-0.86) for men, 0.48 (0.33-0.69) for women)), and Bicycling (0.04 (0.03-0.07) for men, 0.04 (0.02-0.07) for women) in Oyama compared to Fuchu. Furthermore, for women, there was a significant difference in Walking (0.56 (0.38-0.81)) and Exercise (0.59 (0.41-0.85)) in Oyama compared to Fuchu. There was a significant difference in Bicycling and Going-out for men in Bunkyo compared to Fuchu, but there was not a significant difference in other items. Low physical activity levels were observed in the elderly in the non-urban area compared to urban areas. The association was stronger in women. Regional difference might need to be taken into account for an effective physical activity intervention.
岡 浩一朗
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.4, pp.543-561, 2000-07-10

Even through the health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are well documented, most people are inadequately active or completely inactive.Designing interventions to enhance the adoption and maintenance of a physically active lifestyle continues to be a challenge, given that the majority of individuals are not considering becoming more active, and that over half of those who decide to become more physically active return to a sedentary lifestyle within three to six months.It has been recommended that research on exercise adherence be conducted utilizing models of behavioral science.One of the most effective models is the transtheoretical model of behavior change(TTM).The TTM has been used to explain both the stages and processes people go through when trying to eliminate a negative form of behavior(e.g., smoking)and when trying to acquire a positive form of behavior(e.g., exercise).The model consists of various stages of change, processes of change, decisional balance, and self-efficacy.The TTM suggests that individuals attempting to change exercise behavior move through five stages of change.In addition, individuals experience different congnitive and behavioral processes of change as they move from one stage to another.As people change, decisional balance and self-efficacy are employed uniquely at each stage.According to this model, tailoring interventions to match a person's readiness(stage of change)is essential.Although research on exercise adherence utilizing the TTM has been actively conducted in Western countries, this area of research is yet to be advanced in Japan.This article reviews research on exercise adherence utilizing the TTM, and discusses the applicability of the TTM to understanding physical activity and exercise behavior in the Japanese population.