佐藤 裕徳 横山 勝
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.55, no.2, pp.221-229, 2005 (Released:2006-03-23)
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自然界で活発に増殖するRNAウイルスは,突然変異により絶え間なくゲノム情報を変化させる.ゲノム情報の変化は,しばしばウイルスの免疫感受性,薬剤感受性,細胞指向性,宿主域の変化につながり,予防治療効果の低下や新興再興感染症の原因となる.この“moving targets”に対処するには,ウイルスのゲノムと蛋白質の変化に関する情報が欠かせない.現在,自然界のウイルスゲノムの変異情報は急速に蓄積されつつある.一方,変異に伴う蛋白質の構造と機能の変化を実験的に検証するには未だに時間がかかる.本稿では,最も高速で変化する病原体の一つで,治療薬や免疫からの逃避能力に優れるヒト免疫不全ウイルス(HIV)を中心に,RNAウイルスの変異研究の成果を整理する.また,近い将来,生命現象の記述や創薬に重要な役割を果たすと期待されている計算科学的手法をとりあげ,ウイルスの変異解析と創薬の支援に適用した研究を紹介する.
横山 勝三
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.45, no.4, pp.209-216, 2000-08-28 (Released:2017-03-20)

The Ito ignimbrite, the product of a big eruption at Aira caldera about 24,500 y B. P., is distributed very extensively around the caldera in south Kyushu. The region within about 70 km from the center of the caldera was the previously known extent of distribution of the ignimbrite. Recent field research revealed, however, Iocal but extensively-scattered distribution of the ignimbrite in many places beyond the previously known extent of distribution northwest to northeast of the caldera. The farthest site of distribution of the ignimbrite is located about 90 km north of the caldera, indicating that the Ito pyroclastic flow originally spread at least 20 km farther than the previously known extent. The ignimbrite in the remote region is characteristically fine-grained compared with the one near the source. Both pumice and lithic fragments in the ignimbrite decrease, as a whole, in size with distance from source. However, the size of lithic fragments increases in the mountainous area beyond 70 km from source. This is because lithic fragments were incorporated into the pyroclastic flow from local land surface probably due to increased turbulence of pyroclastic flow during the passage on the irregular basal relief. The most remote ignimbrite, at a site 90 km from source, attains to about 35 m in thickness and contains abundant lithics of 5-15 cm in diameter, suggesting that the Ito pyroclastic flow spread farther beyond.
徳永 徹 横山 勝三
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.52, no.3, pp.111-125, 1979-03-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
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伊豆新島向山火山の生成過程(生成史)は,噴火様式の差異ひいては堆積物や地形の特徴に基づいて,I期:ベースサージ(base surge)丘の生成,II期:大峯火砕丘の生成,III期:向山溶岩円頂丘の生成の3期に大別される.これら一連の火山活動の推移は,噴火の経過(火山体の成長)に伴うマグマの噴出環境の変化に呼応したものと考えられる.すなわち,向山の噴火活動は海底噴火で始まったが,火山体の成長につれてマグマと海水との接触が次第に妨げられ,ついには遮断されるに至った.これに伴って,噴火活動は,ベースサージを伴った強烈なマグマー水蒸気噴火から,ベースサージを伴わない爆発的噴火,さらに溶岩の噴出へと移行した.その結果,ベースサージ丘・火砕丘・溶岩円頂丘で構成される単成複式火山が生成した.
横山 勝英
The Japan Sociological Society
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.23, no.1, pp.68-96,111, 1972-07-30 (Released:2009-11-11)

The purpose of this paper is to make clear the social meaning of the size and distribution of outcaste communities in the feudatory of the Kaga clan by means of mapping method. The size and distribution of outcaste (so-called “buraku”) will be significant for the macroscopic analysis of the “buraku” provided that the “buraku” can be said to be a phenomenon that stems from the problem of the social structure of power. A major premise of this analysis is that if outcaste communities had not had their own social functions and privileges, it would not happen that they have kept on being discriminated and segregated so long for the reason that they have been minorities against feudal authorities. That is, they had their own social functions and privileges peculiar to them. The functions and privileges were not the same for each community, because these functions and privileges were associated with the maintenance of the feudal order which had a very complex system in itself. Since the provinces of Kaga, Ecchu, and Noto had not been integrated before the Kaga clan was organized, total society had not existed before then. Each of these provinces had the principle of the social organization of its own. In the integrating process of the Kaga clan, the feudal lord (daimyo) could not help taking these principles into consideration. Consequently, most of the people who had been subordinated to manors (shoen), shrines, temples or villages were treated as the outcaste called Kawata or Tonai, while private servants who were subordinated to patriarchal families were not treated in the same way. The social change of the Kaga clan followed three stages : first, a militaristic society controlled by the samurai ; second, an agricultiral society consisted of uniform village communities, “mura”, and maintained by the recurrence of the same social production ; and third, an ascribed society maintained by an ascribed status system. The Kaga clan invited several people called Kawata to the castle towns, Kanazawa and Takaoka for processing leather that was necessary for arms in 1609. In the first stage of the Kaga clan, the control over building a military system was the moss important problem to establish the total society. In the second stage, the command of land tax was a pressing necessity for putting the finances of the feudal clan on a firm basis. For this reason, the Kaga clan enforced the low of Kaisaku which aimed at exploiting all the surplus labor of the peasants, and on the other hand, encouraged them to develop newly cultivated rice fields. As the result, some of the peasants deserted their villages and flowed into towns. However, as there were limits to finding employment in town, the number of beggers (Hinin) increased gradually since 1651. In 1670, Hiningoya (a hut for Hinin to live in) were set up at Kanazawa. And, since 1671, the Kaga clan appropriated people who were interned into Hiningoya for developing newly cultivated rice fields. However, there were limits to developing newly cultivated rice fields, too. Since 1677, as the third stage, the Kaga clan could not help emphasizing the maintenance of status system, which was based on the political system of the time. Consequently, in 1961, the police tasks were assigned to Tonai. In 1800, landownership of Tonai and Eta (Kawata) was prohibited. As mentioned above, Kawata (Eta), Tonai and Hinin had their own social functions which corresponded to the change of feudal society : first, military functions, second, developemental functions for newly cultivated rice fields, and third, political functions. At the first and second stages, discrimination was nothing but a extension of that of the Middle ages ; feudal discrimination and segregation began at the third stage.
松野 光範 横山 勝彦
同志社政策科学研究 (ISSN:18808336)
vol.12, no.2, pp.49-62, 2011-03

論説(Article)2009年の本誌に、「昭和新山国際雪合戦大会」が、その実施の過程を通じて、まちづくりの中枢を担う人々の育成に寄与していること、およびその過程が、ソーシャル・キャピタル(社会関係資本)形成への寄与と、ソーシャル・イノベーションへのレディネスの強化につながっていることを報告した。今回は、コミュニティ・ガバナンスが、実際のまちづくりにどのように活かされているかの視点に立ち、2010年4月末に有珠郡壮瞥町を訪問し、ヒアリング調査を実施し、2009年12月に発表された「第4次壮瞥町まちづくり総合計画」を概観し、ソーシャル・キャピタルの形成につながるまちづくりとスポーツの関係性について検討を行った。そこで得られた知見は次の2点である。1点は、分析にあたっては、雪合戦大会実行委員会のリーダー層のみに注目するのではなく、これを支える多くの人たちについての検討が必要なことである。2点目は、健康政策においては、運動・栄養・休養という健康の3要素が政策として必ずしも統合されていないことである。これらについては、まちづくりとスポーツの関係性を検討する観点に包含して、研究を継続していきたい。2009, We reported that"Showa Shin-zan international Yukigassen" was the process to connect for reinforcement of the readiness to contribution to the social capital and the social innovation through a process of the enforcement. The end of April, 2010, We visited Sobetsuchou for a second time. We examined about community governance and "the 4th Total Town Planning in Sobetsu" in December, 2009 and the relationship of the making of Town Planning and sports to be connected for the formation of the social capital. Therefore the provided knowledge is two points of the next. One point does not pay attention to only the class of leaders of the Yukigassen executive committee in analysis, and examination about many people supporting this is that it is necessary. The second point is that 3 elements of the health called exercise / nourishment / the rest are not always unified as the healthy policy.
松野 光範 横山 勝彦
同志社政策科学研究 (ISSN:18808336)
vol.11, no.1, pp.49-60, 2009-07

論説(Article)本小論は、昭和新山国際雪合戦大会を事例にまちづくり政策について概観するとともに、マージナルスポーツの可能性について検討し、その上でソーシャル・キャピタルの形成につながるコミュニティ・ガバナンスによるまちづくりについて考察する。昭和新山国際雪合戦大会の取り組みは、農業・観光・商工業者・行政など様々な人たちが知恵を出し、汗をかいて感動という無形の価値を生み出す、地域固有のスポーツ創造の過程であり、住民総ぐるみによるスポーツイベントづくりといえる。このようなコミュニティ・ガバナンスによるまちづくりは、多様な価値観を持った町民間による新たな価値の創造の過程といってよく、従来のまちづくり政策を打開するソーシャルイノベーションへのレディネスの強化が見られるのである。This report takes examines the possibility of the community dvelopment by marginal sport like the Showashinzan International Yukigassen. The approach of the Showashinzan International Yukigassen shows wisdom by various people like agriculture, sightseeing, the commerce and industry person, and the administration, etc. , and is a process of a peculiar sports creation to the region. Moreover, it is a course when intangible value of impression is invented. The community governance is a process of the creation of new value between townsmen who have various sense of values.
岩本 直弥 新谷 哲也 芝崎 麗央 夏池 真史 山田 雄一郎 横山 勝英
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) (ISSN:18842399)
vol.74, no.2, pp.I_1159-I_1164, 2018 (Released:2018-11-10)

気仙沼湾を対象として,貝毒原因プランクトンAlexandrium tamarenseの分布と流動の関係を,現地観測と三次元流動シミュレーションから検討した.2013年はA. tamarenseが気仙沼港の奥部で発生して大島瀬戸へ移流したと推測された.2014年の計数データからA. tamarenseの移動指数を作成し,大島瀬戸における平均流速との関係を調べたところ,正の相関が認められた.以上から,A. tamarenseは1週間程度かけて湾奥から湾内全域に拡散すると推測された.三次元流動シミュレーションにより,中立浮遊粒子を気仙沼港奥部の底層に配置して,その挙動を調べた.粒子は気仙沼港内で鉛直循環流により表層に巻き上げられてから南部に移流し,2日後には西湾を下るものが33 %,大島瀬戸へ移動するものが12 %になった.渦鞭毛藻類の日周鉛直移動を考慮することで,移動メカニズムを把握できる可能性が示唆された.
松村 健史 守村 融 新谷 哲也 横山 勝英
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B1(水工学) (ISSN:2185467X)
vol.73, no.4, pp.I_1039-I_1044, 2017 (Released:2018-02-28)
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横山勝義 著

客車の構造と設備,国鉄私鉄の電車,こだま,新幹線,気動車,貨車を解説。写真入。 (日本図書館協会)
松本 忠彦 白川 康太郎 横山 勝 福田 寛文 サルカ アナマリア ダニエラ 小藪 助直 山崎 寛章 数馬 安浩 松井 宏行 丸山 亙 永田 佳代子 田邊 史子 小林 正行 新堂 啓祐 森下 了 佐藤 裕徳 髙折 晃史
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Scientific Reports (ISSN:20452322)
no.9, 2019-06-05

がんに遺伝子変異を導入する酵素の分子スイッチを発見 --リン酸化によるDNAシトシン脱アミノ化酵素の活性制御機構--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2019-06-07.
横山 勝三 Shozo YOKOYAMA
地形 = Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union (ISSN:03891755)
vol.34, no.4, pp.303-311, 2013-10-25

阿蘇カルデラの外輪山には多数の安山岩質岩塔(トア)が見られる.その多くは,きわめて強く帯磁しており,その強い磁性はクリノメーターを使って容易に捉えられる.この強く帯磁した岩石すなわち磁石石は,落雷の影響で生じたと思われる.これらの磁石石(トア)の上面には風化穴(weathering pit,ナマ)がみられるものがある.一方,落雷の近年の報道には,花崗岩やコンクリートなどの建造物に損傷を与えた事例がある.また,いくつかの空港の滑走路上に落雷で小孔が生じた事例も報告されている.このような落雷の破壊力から判断すると,落雷で岩石表面に孔が生じる可能性はきわめて高い.これらのことから,磁石石上の風化穴は,落雷による最初の小孔(initial depression)の形成から始まったと考えられる.Numerous tors of andesite are found on the somma of Aso caldera, Kyushu, Japan. Many of them are very strongly magnetized as can be detected easily by a geologic compass. Such strongly magnetized rocks, namely lodestones, are presumed to have been formed by the effect of lightning strike. Weathering pits are found on some of the top surfaces of the lodestone tors. According to the recent reports, there are examples of lightning strikes which damaged constructions of granite and concrete. Also, pits on runways formed by lightning strikes have been reported from some airports. Judging from the destructive power of lightning strikes, it is highly probable that pits are formed on rock surfaces by lightning strikes. Thus, it is interpreted, from these, that the weathering pits on the lodestones started from initial depressions formed by lightning strikes.
中田 博 大澤 智徳 横山 勝 石田 秀行
Japanese College of Surgeons
日本外科系連合学会誌 (ISSN:03857883)
vol.31, no.2, pp.198-203, 2006-04-30

クローン病に肝膿瘍・下大静脈血栓を合併した稀な1例を経験したので報告する。症例は20歳, 男性。5年前より小腸大腸型クローン病と診断されていた。今回, 小腸-小腸間の瘻孔に対する手術目的で入院した。術前CTで右下腹部に腹腔内膿瘍と, 肝S6-7に大きさ5.3cm×6.0cmの肝膿瘍が疑われた。また, 腎下極の下大静脈に造影されない部位を認めた。クローン病に伴う肝膿瘍・下大静脈血栓と診断した。手術を延期し, 抗菌薬投与とヘパリンによる抗凝固療法を行ったところ, 4週間後のCTで肝膿瘍・腹腔内膿瘍は著明に縮小し, 下大静脈血栓も消失した。開腹所見では, 回腸末端と口側回腸との間に瘻孔形成を認めるのみで, 肝膿瘍や腹腔内膿瘍は確認できなかった。回盲部切除を施行した。術後6カ月経過した現在, 腹痛・発熱の症状を認めていない。
横山 勝英 大村 拓 鈴木 伴征 高島 創太郎
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B1(水工学) (ISSN:2185467X)
vol.67, no.4, pp.I_1453-I_1458, 2011 (Released:2012-03-14)
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The spatiotemporal distribution of seawater intrusion in the Chikugogawa estuary was analyzed, and its relationship with the temporal variation of phytoplankton and engraulid fish, Coilia nasus, was discussed. The Chikugogawa estuary is vertically well mixed for most of the year, and a salt wedge is observed only when the tidal range decreases to 2 m or less. We found that the ratio of chlorophyll-a to pheophytin-a during the semilunar cycle varied according to the change in the mixing conditions in the estuary. Further, the number of sampled estuarine fish was related to the salinity and tidal range within the estuary; the fish was caught when the salinity was low and the tidal range was large. It is necessary to regulate the fresh water discharge in the estuary in order to maintain a low-salinity region that is suitable for the migration of fish and their spawning areas to the downstream of the river mouth barrage.
横山 勝一 エルフィトリアナ 白石 有里佳 上村 芳三 幡手 泰雄
日本水処理生物学会誌 (ISSN:09106758)
vol.36, no.1, pp.25-31, 2000

Concentrations of nitrate and nitrite in groundwater are increasing year after year because of permeation of fertilizers and livestock drain into the ground. These nitrogen species may cause methemoglobinemia, whose characteristic symptom is cyanosis. In this study, an immobilized denitrifying bacterium was used to remove such nitrogen species from water. Ion-exchange resin, reverse osmosis membrane, electrodialysis and biological processes are the representative denitrification methods. These methods except for biological treatment cause trouble with the drain water. In biological treatment, there are two choices; autotrophic and heterotrophic denitrification. In both cases, nitrate is reduced to nitrogen gas by the bacteria. Heterotrophic bacterium requires organic carbon as the nutrient. Existence of organic carbon is not acceptable for treating drink water. In this study an autotrophic bacterium was, therefore, chosen to avoid using organic carbon.<BR>In this study, batch and continuous denitrifying experiments were carried out using <I>Paracoccus denitrificans</I>. The batch experiment was conducted in a 200m<I>l</I>-Erlemeyer flask containing 100m<I>l</I> of treating water and free or immobilized cells. The continuous experiment was carried out using a fixed bed bioreactor of 4.6cm internal diameter. In continuous denitrification, a packed bed of alginate-immobilized cells was used. In the continuous experiment, denitrification was successfully carried out for four hundred hours.