水内 俊雄
経済地理学年報 (ISSN:00045683)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-19, 1994-03-31 (Released:2017-05-19)

空間への言及は近年隣接諸科学において著しいものがある. 中でも都市史研究は, 都市論, 江戸・東京論と接合して, 多くの研究蓄積をみる. 本稿では特に, 明治期以降の近代都市空間形成を分析対象にした都市史研究にいかなる蓄積があるかを概観した. 中でも地理学の研究視角に符合し, それでいながら, 地理学が不問にしてきたいくつかの問題群について, 空間構築論, 空間を創出する思想, 計画的意図, それらを背景から支える政治的・社会的コンテキストを踏まえた立場からの研究整理を行なった. 明治期においては, 東京の市区改正事業を除いて, 都市の経済基盤を支える成長部門への投下が市営事業の成立につながり, 加えてイベントを利用した街路整備事業が主流をなしたこと, 大正中期の本格的都市政策の登場の背景として, 都市イデオローグの存在の重要性を指摘し, その制度自体が社会政策・住宅政策と混合し, なおかつ都市計画も包含されるような, まさしく都市社会政策が, 新たな都市空間の創出をになったこと, 震災復興事業などで実際の事業が大々的に進行してゆく中で, 区画整理事業などが全国的に一般化したこと, 戦時体制では, 規格化・標準化の流れの中で, 都市計画, 住宅政策の質的転換がみられ, 社会政策的色合いが薄くなり, その画期をなす事業がニュータウンづくりの原初形態としての新興工業都市計画事業であったことなどを指摘した. なお, 創出された都市空間のさまざまな断片をいかに解読するか, その行為や心性を読み, 文化を摘出する作業は, 本稿では紙幅の関係もあり, 触れていない.
水内 俊雄
経済地理学年報 (ISSN:00045683)
vol.40, no.1, pp.p1-19, 1994-03

空間への言及は近年隣接諸科学において著しいものがある. 中でも都市史研究は, 都市論, 江戸・東京論と接合して, 多くの研究蓄積をみる. 本稿では特に, 明治期以降の近代都市空間形成を分析対象にした都市史研究にいかなる蓄積があるかを概観した. 中でも地理学の研究視角に符合し, それでいながら, 地理学が不問にしてきたいくつかの問題群について, 空間構築論, 空間を創出する思想, 計画的意図, それらを背景から支える政治的・社会的コンテキストを踏まえた立場からの研究整理を行なった. 明治期においては, 東京の市区改正事業を除いて, 都市の経済基盤を支える成長部門への投下が市営事業の成立につながり, 加えてイベントを利用した街路整備事業が主流をなしたこと, 大正中期の本格的都市政策の登場の背景として, 都市イデオローグの存在の重要性を指摘し, その制度自体が社会政策・住宅政策と混合し, なおかつ都市計画も包含されるような, まさしく都市社会政策が, 新たな都市空間の創出をになったこと, 震災復興事業などで実際の事業が大々的に進行してゆく中で, 区画整理事業などが全国的に一般化したこと, 戦時体制では, 規格化・標準化の流れの中で, 都市計画, 住宅政策の質的転換がみられ, 社会政策的色合いが薄くなり, その画期をなす事業がニュータウンづくりの原初形態としての新興工業都市計画事業であったことなどを指摘した. なお, 創出された都市空間のさまざまな断片をいかに解読するか, その行為や心性を読み, 文化を摘出する作業は, 本稿では紙幅の関係もあり, 触れていない.
堀江 尚子 渥美 公秀 水内 俊雄
The Japanese Group Dynamics Association
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.55, no.1, pp.1-17, 2015

水内 俊雄
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.36, no.4, pp.289-311, 1984-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
4 2

The importance of improvement in living condition in urban areas recently has been stressed in Japan. We can point out three issues in this trend. First, blighted areas have already appeared in suburban areas of densely built “bunka” apartment house. Second, revitalization of the inner city is being watched with keen interest. Third, criticism of existing urban policy which is busy pursuing construction of urban infrastructure is developing new ideas for improvement of urban living condition. From these viewpoints, we can see only two examples of improvement in poor housing distrcts. In fact, Japan has a long tradition of renewal of poor housing districts. Unfortunately, these kinds of districts, i.e. minority group ghettoes, we call “dowa” districts, have not been properly analysed. There are two reasons for this lack of research. First is the tendency for Japanese scholars to avoid topics and ignore groups that are the object of majority prejudice. Second is the record of heavy-handed political intervention in the conduct and findings of such research.This paper at first clarifies the historical formation of poor housing districts in prewar Japan. Second, we focus on the “Renewal of Poor Housing Districts Act” of 1927, making clear how this act was created and put in force. This research also attempts to put “dowa” districts in their proper place among all kinds of poor housing districts in Japan. In addition, we set value on this housing act as the the first public project to improve living conditions in Japan, and reveal the counter-responses of the people concerned.In post-war Japan, especially after 1960, the pace of renewal projects quickened and many projects attained good results. These results were achieved mainly by minority-group peoples' movements, and such movements were linked to political influence. The historical approach adopted in this paper aims to pursue the origin of these movements and their political attitudes in pre-war Japan.The “Renewal of Poor Housing Districts Act” was authorized by the Department of Social Welfare of the Ministry of Interior. Before the enactment of this act, the Department of Social Welfare conducted many investigations of poorer peoples' living and housing conditions. These investigations not only helped in the enactment, but also added special characteristics to this act. One such characteristic is observance in principle of rehousing people in the same location, and the other is omission of concrete standards in selection of renewal areas. The former is the result of imitating the housing acts in England. The latter is explained by the fact that the Department of Social Welfare had no need to define selection standards since they had already gained information about location of the poor housing districts.Projects in accordance with this act began in 1928, rehousing nearly 4000 households by 1942 in 6 big cities: Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Kobe and Yokohama. The 16 districts selected or planned for selection were divided into three types. This selection reflected the existing three types of poorer peoples' districts at that time. The first type were those of minority groups, i.e. “dowa” districts originating in the pre-modern era. The second type were residential districts of urban miscellaneous laborers centering around flophouse, and the last one was residential districts of lower factory workers. The latter two emerged in modern era after 1868. Seven of the selections were of the first type, and these cases became a precedent for post-war projects. From the viewpoint of the people concerned, Nagoya and Kyoto showed special responses toward the renewal projects. Considering the historical conditions in pre-war Japan, people at that time did not possess any legal ways of opposition and had limited opportunities for achieving their demands for improvement.
堀江 尚子 渥美 公秀 水内 俊雄
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.55, no.1, pp.1-17, 2015 (Released:2015-12-22)

水内 俊雄 福原 宏幸 花野 孝史 若松 司 原口 剛
空間・社会・地理思想 (ISSN:13423282)
no.7, pp.17-37, 2002

1. 差別と偏見の心象地理 : 1996年3月, 大阪市西成区の中学生たちが, 愛読していた少女向け漫画雑誌「別冊フレンド」の大阪を舞台設定とした連載で, あるコマ外に西成に対してコメントがあり, これは問題であると教師に訴える出来事があった。そのコメントは, 兄が高校を中退して家を出てからずっと西成に住んでいるという弟の台詞に対して, 「西成*大阪の地名, 気の弱い人は近づかないほうが無難なトコロ」と, 副編集長はわざわざこの西成のことを補足するために, 枠外にこのような注をつけたのである。その中学生の先生への相談は, 同和地区でもあり, こうした生徒への対応が敏速におこなわれ, 結局は西成区民全体が見逃すことのできない問題として, 雑誌社への謝罪などを訴える大きな動きへとつながっていった。……
Pun Ngai Wu Ka Ming 水内 俊雄
空間・社会・地理思想 (ISSN:13423282)
no.8, pp.131-143, 2003

返還後香港は, 特に居住権のための苦闘という点から見れば, 一連の市民権の闘争に彩られてきたといえる。居住権運動は, 返還後香港の社会生活の焦点であった。そして香港では, 市民権とアイデンティティの意味や政治を競い合う, 新しい文化的かつ政治的な領域が膨らんできた(Ku, 2001)。コミュニティや帰属および文化という考え方が, もはや抽象的な概念ではなく, 激しい論争の渦中であり続けたのである。4年間続いたが, 香港市民になった中国本土生まれの子供たち, 期限超過の居住者が, 香港警察に逮捕され中国本土へ送還する動きが最終的にとられた2002年までには, この運動は沈静化してしまった。……
水内 俊雄
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.37, no.5, pp.438-455, 1985-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
4 4

Japanese cities are generally characterized as residentially homogeneous. This homogeneity is primarily preserved by ethnic singularity in Japan. A few studies postulate the existence of residential segregation in Japanese cities by differences in economic and social status. This is true in some cities strongly influenced by Japanese pre-war industrialization such as Osaka and Kobe. A previous paper by the author has already pointed out three residentially segregated areas in Osaka before 1945, and assumed the existence of a concentric residential structure. But it is recognized that differences in ethnicity and religion strongly affect residential location and form tight residential structures. Because of the lack of this ethnic pluralism in Japan, the study of Japanese residential segregation has not produced fruitful results. But ethnic pluralism was clearly observed in several pre-war Japanese colonial cities. In addition, a great deal of material and information written in Japanesei s available for such cities. Regrettably, the study of pre-war Japanese colonial cities is still at the primitive stage and of course an analytical framework is hardly developed.Before 1945, Japan ruled many colonial cities. In some cities, Japanese authority was powerfully committed and altered the native urban administrative system. Dalian had at first been constructed by the Russians in 1899 and five years later was occupied by the Japanese. Unlike other Japanese colonial cities, Dalian was newly constructed on virgin land and its city form was more rigidly planned. At the end of World War II, nearly two hundred thousand Japanese lived there, 28% of the total population of Dalian. In 1940, there were eleven colonial cities whose share of foreigners were over the highest rate in Japan proper (the 13.1% of Osaka). Dalian was ranked third in percentage and ranked second in total numbers of foreign population next to Mukden. (The author lays stress on the very rapid urban population increase, ethnic-biased employment structure and male-female ratio).Three major issues stand out in colonial cities such as Dalian. First, unlike Japanese cities, urban management and planning were carried out more extensively by the central government than the local one. For example, the sphere of municipal authority in Dalian was well restricted by the central government and did not reach the level of that in Japan until the extension of civic responsibility in 1937. Instead, the South Manchurian Railway Company had greater charge of constructing urban infrastructure, acting together with the central government, and these two big powers directly administering city affairs made Dalian a forerunner in town planning especially.Second, Dalian concurrently possessed the following features of urban construction prevalent in the latter part of the nineteenth century: a well executed baroque style of town landscaping by the Russians, a suburban residential district for the Japanese middle class, housing estates for factory workers, and a grid pattern originally developed by the staff of the South Manchurian Railway Company.This kind of town landscaping, however, never fails to give rise to enforcement of acts that determine discriminative residential segregation. This is the third issue. In the process of this enforcement, the following principle was in force: that a residential ethnic zone should have boundaries which constitute barriers of a kind preventing or discouraging contact between ethnic groups and should be an ethnically homogeneous community. In fact, a small ridge running south to north was chosen to divide the Chinese residential area to the west from the foreigners' area to the east. A gentle slope up to the south guaranteed psychological dominance and other amenites on an overlocking height; this slope was monopolized by a population 90% Japanese.
水内 俊雄
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.34, no.5, pp.385-409, 1982
2 5

The object of this paper is to clarify how the residential areas in large Japanese city, Osaka, developed their own distinctive characteristics in the course of industrialisation. The study covers the modern period from the Meiji Restoration (1860's) to the beginning of the Showa Era (late 1920's to 1930's). The built-up area in this period exactly corresponds to the present-day inner city area. This paper also examines how and why the problems relating to the present inner city such as economic decline, physical decay and social disadvantage appeared in the industrialisation process since the Meiji Era. The author holds the following viewpoints: First, most of the emerging factory workers are assumed to be members of lower class society. Secondly, the poorer areas, which later became the inner city area, were created through the inflows of above mentioned factory workers in the course of industrialisation. Therefore the formation of lower class residential areas provides the key factor for the study of inner city problems in Osaka. Study of the labor market are used in clarifying social and living conditions of factory workers in the course of industrialisation. So the author deals with the changing process of labor markets as the analytical tool and focuses on the level of laborers' daily lives. The inadequacies of the existing Anglo-Saxon models to the areal structure of the Japanese city are pointed out, since the Japanese urban residential expansion can only be understood by taking into consideration the peculiar characteristics of the Japanese modernisation process.The results obtained are as follows: The expansion of residential areas up to the beginning of World War I characterised mainly by the outward extension of the lower class residential areas that included most of the laborers working in the cotton textile industries, heavy industry and the miscellaneous industries. The labor markets in each industry were organised differently in this development. These laborers, however, all belonged to the essentially the same class, with no appreciable income or living standard differences among industries. The organisation of residential structure consistently reflected the periphery-lower class structure proposed by Sjoberg. After World War I, the following two new factors emerged: The first is the rapid increase of white collar office workers. The second is that of a growing distinction in standard of living as well as income among members of the former lower class society, i.e., between large heavy industry workers and other factory workers. These new two factors contributed to the transformation of residential structure independently of the existing structure. The most important development was the creation of new residential areas. In this stage three types of residential area were clearly observed. The first and dominant were lower class residential areas which surrounded the city center and extended outward, building up sparse areas among some flophouse districts even at this time. This area was also characterised by the progress of the slum clearance, appearance of Korean residential districts and real advent of social policies. The second type of residential area was that of the better-off factory workers, which was formed adjacent to the factories' sites. However, this type of residential area was distributed sporadically within the first type of residential area. Between them, there were found no appreciable distinctions of housing and living conditions. The third type was white collar office workers' residential areas, which were created beyond the lower class ones and restricted to the upland lying to the south-east of Osaka City. These areas were created independently of periphery-lower class structure, which had been the most dominant or sole areal differentiation up to this time.
水内 俊雄
思想 (ISSN:03862755)
no.845, pp.p75-94, 1994-11
水内 俊雄
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.34, no.5, pp.385-409, 1982-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
5 5

The object of this paper is to clarify how the residential areas in large Japanese city, Osaka, developed their own distinctive characteristics in the course of industrialisation. The study covers the modern period from the Meiji Restoration (1860's) to the beginning of the Showa Era (late 1920's to 1930's). The built-up area in this period exactly corresponds to the present-day inner city area. This paper also examines how and why the problems relating to the present inner city such as economic decline, physical decay and social disadvantage appeared in the industrialisation process since the Meiji Era. The author holds the following viewpoints: First, most of the emerging factory workers are assumed to be members of lower class society. Secondly, the poorer areas, which later became the inner city area, were created through the inflows of above mentioned factory workers in the course of industrialisation. Therefore the formation of lower class residential areas provides the key factor for the study of inner city problems in Osaka. Study of the labor market are used in clarifying social and living conditions of factory workers in the course of industrialisation. So the author deals with the changing process of labor markets as the analytical tool and focuses on the level of laborers' daily lives. The inadequacies of the existing Anglo-Saxon models to the areal structure of the Japanese city are pointed out, since the Japanese urban residential expansion can only be understood by taking into consideration the peculiar characteristics of the Japanese modernisation process.The results obtained are as follows: The expansion of residential areas up to the beginning of World War I characterised mainly by the outward extension of the lower class residential areas that included most of the laborers working in the cotton textile industries, heavy industry and the miscellaneous industries. The labor markets in each industry were organised differently in this development. These laborers, however, all belonged to the essentially the same class, with no appreciable income or living standard differences among industries. The organisation of residential structure consistently reflected the periphery-lower class structure proposed by Sjoberg. After World War I, the following two new factors emerged: The first is the rapid increase of white collar office workers. The second is that of a growing distinction in standard of living as well as income among members of the former lower class society, i.e., between large heavy industry workers and other factory workers. These new two factors contributed to the transformation of residential structure independently of the existing structure. The most important development was the creation of new residential areas. In this stage three types of residential area were clearly observed. The first and dominant were lower class residential areas which surrounded the city center and extended outward, building up sparse areas among some flophouse districts even at this time. This area was also characterised by the progress of the slum clearance, appearance of Korean residential districts and real advent of social policies. The second type of residential area was that of the better-off factory workers, which was formed adjacent to the factories' sites. However, this type of residential area was distributed sporadically within the first type of residential area. Between them, there were found no appreciable distinctions of housing and living conditions. The third type was white collar office workers' residential areas, which were created beyond the lower class ones and restricted to the upland lying to the south-east of Osaka City. These areas were created independently of periphery-lower class structure, which had been the most dominant or sole areal differentiation up to this time.
水内 俊雄
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.64, no.1, pp.24-49, 1991-06-30 (Released:2008-12-25)

地方政府による公共サービスの供給は,経済社会政治的に多様な様相を有する。近年人文地理学において,国家や地方政府の役割,特に国家の介入と言う概念が重要視されてきた。この背後には人文地理学における多様な社会理論論争があった。本稿ではこうした欧米諸国の知的刺激を,戦前期の都市財政資料を用いて,マクロ理論的にかっ歴史的具体的に展開しようとするものである。この展開に際しては,実在論者 (Realist) の示唆する理論的多元主義 (Theoretical pluralism) を念頭においた。国家の役割に関する唯物主義的見方,そして公共サービスの地理学で得られた成果などを折衷的に利用して,戦前期の日本の都市財政構造と,公共サービスの供給パターンを明らかにした。 6大都市政府による都市建造環境への介入の圧倒的な強さが証明され,その政治的社会的背景も明らかにした。またその他の都市についても,地方特有の性格を重視することにより,公共サービス供給に関する柔軟な説明を加えることができた。
水内 俊雄 吉原 直樹 高木 彰彦 山野 正彦 野澤 秀樹 竹内 啓一 久武 哲也 水岡 不二雄

稲田 七海 若松 司 蓬莱 梨乃 水内 俊雄
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
vol.2008, pp.406-406, 2008

本報告は、地方都市における社会的条件不利地域を対象に、格差、貧困、社会的排除などの課題について地域がどのように対応し改善への道筋を探っているのか、その福祉実践のプロセスに迫り、新たな地域福祉構築の可能性について検討することを目的としている。そこで、本報告は、Q県R市における貧困層や生活困難者を対象とした包摂型コミュニティ福祉の先駆的な実践に着目し、掘り起こし型の福祉実践のあり方を「見える化」システムと定義し、新たなコミュニティ福祉の創造の可能性について検討を試みる。<BR> 現代社会における福祉ニーズの多様化や高度化によって、公的な福祉では対応しきれていない福祉課題が現われてきている。そのため、地域における身近な生活課題に対応し、支え合いを進めるための地域福祉のあり方を検討することが緊要の課題となっている。従来型の福祉ニーズが複雑化し福祉そのもののあり方が多様化する中で、福祉部門における社会的コストは確実に拡大している。それにもかかわらず、近年の日本の福祉政策は、サービス主体の多元化と市場化の推進によって、福祉における国家の役割を間接的な役割へと縮小させ、地域や家族の役割を増大させる方向にある。福祉における国家の役割が縮小しつつある現在、地域社会におけるローカルな「つながり」の再構築こそが国家に変わる福祉の担い手として要請されているのである。<BR> Q県R市は、主要幹線交通体系から遠く離れたS半島の南東部に位置する。現在の人口約3万3000人、高齢化率が29.4%となっており同一県の市部と比較しても高い値を示している。R市における福祉ニーズは、失業の増加に付随した地域就労支援の問題と、これに付随した若年層、ひとり親、中高年世帯における生活困難現象の深刻化である。R市はいくつかの同和地区を有していることから生活困難者への生活支援課題を古くから有し、隣保事業の拡充に伴いさまざまな支援が独自に行われてきた。しかし、R市における地域経済の不安定化や雇用の流動化は格差の拡大を市民にも認識させ、貧困や生活困窮の問題が同和地区などの特定の地域に限った問題としての認識から、広く一般に浸透した問題として立ち現われてきた。特に重要かつ必要度の高い分野として、地域就労、児童福祉、独居高齢者の生活支援が挙げられるが、それぞれが行政および関係機関ならびに民間の支援者の連携を通じてユニークな実践を始めている。<BR> 子ども会は1972年に同和地区における児童教育の一環として隣保館で開始された。実施にあたり、専任主事が各隣保館に配置され、放課後の児童の学習生活全般にわたる指導を行ってきた。また、子ども会に通ってくる児童・生徒の様子から家庭問題の端緒をいち早く捉え、家庭養育環境の改善に介入することも少なくないことから、生活困難世帯における児童養護を行うことも多い。次に地域就労支援については、2006年より15歳から34歳までの若年層を対象とした就労ナビゲート計画が実施され、2007年よりNPO法人に業務委託して地域就労支援が行われている。NPO法人では就労相談員を1名配置し、窓口対応だけでなくアウトリーチ型の就労相談によって、個別の就労ニーズ、世帯状況、本人のスキルなどを総合的に判断し就労機会の紹介を行っている。また、相談者のケース記録を蓄積しているため、就労相談員は相談者の日常的な生活実態を把握し、就労相談を通した生活全般の見守り、問題解決の支援にもつながっている。地域福祉啓発推進相談事業は、相談業務は窓口対応型ではなく、相談員が高齢者世帯を個別に訪問し、ニーズを拾い上げサービスを届けるデリバリー型の相談業務であるが特徴的である。これらの相談業務は、困窮している独居高齢者が公的な福祉、社会保障へのアクセスすることを容易にしただけでなく、受益者としての負担の義務も啓発する役割も担っている。<BR> R市の福祉実践にみる複雑化した困窮者のニーズを発掘し、人的資源によりネットワーク化されたローカルな調整機能によって問題解決する「見える化」システムは、これからの新たな地域福祉を再構築する上でひとつの手がかりを示すものである。さらに、「見える化」は、地域の不可視化された問題を掘り起こすだけでなく、人的ネットワークによる地域の課題の共通認識を深め、「支えあい」や「つながり」の再構築を促がす装置としても注目すべき福祉実践のシステムであるといえよう。
キーナー ヨハネス 水内 俊雄 コルナトウスキ ヒェラルド 冨永 哲雄 高田 ちえこ
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨 2013年人文地理学会大会
pp.84-85, 2013 (Released:2014-02-24)
