田中 佳佑
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.64, no.2, pp.37-48, 2013-12-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

There is a general theory of allegory accepted by many literary critics and philosophers; i.e. allegory is merely the figuration substitutes particular things for the universal concept. On the contrary, the aim in my paper is to produce counter evidences against this 'emblem' formula from the standpoint of theologia poetica which was the common topic among Italian Renaissance humanists. The advocates of it, such as Mussato, Petrarch, Salutati, and the Florentine Academicians thought the interpretation of allegory in poetry coincides with that in the Scripture, and poetry is also the medium of divine providence in accord with theology. Especially Salutati and Landino said poetry is the comprehensive science composed from all seven liberal arts, hence they presumed poetry to be the essence of the humanities and simultaneously the epistemological function of allegory to be to 'bring out something hidden in the fountain of divinity itself'. According to Landino, whether in the Scripture or in poetry, allegory 'embellishes' the truth with 'marvellous pleasure', and through the maze' of allegory one can reach the summit of knowledge'. In the view of such humanists, allegory is not figuration but the act of knowing, and consequently theologia poetica was the ideal of humanism.
田中 佳佑
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.62, no.2, pp.49-60, 2011-12-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

It is a familiar fact that the printed books wiped out the manuscripts in the late 15th century European intellectual world. However, the significance of it in the historical context is too complex to interpret as a mere technical invention. In the present paper I shall try to explain, though only in philological way, what sort of directions were given in the Renaissance humanism by printing and the printed books as the problem of the history of ideas. I shall not discuss the mode or artistic format of any incunabula and early printed books, mine is rather abstract task of trying to understand, through some documents of Italian humanists, the historical impact of printing on the Renaissance era. My aim will accordingly indicate the essential correlation of printing with the Modern form of knowledge. In my idea, printing has three aspects: (i) the institutional package which produced the public value of books by means of mass circulation, (ii) the product of a certain technologism which changed knowing as personal study into knowing as impersonal manipulation, (iii) the breaker of the traditional close relationship between the authors and the readers. One may find these aspects support our form of knowledge.
田中(鈴木) 裕子
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.61, no.1, pp.37-48, 2010-06-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

Denis Diderot examined the notation of the cylinders that were used in barrel organs and explored the possibilities of these instruments in his 'Quatrieme Memoire-Projet d'un nouvel orgue' <<Memoires sur differents sujets de mathematiques>> (1748). His Projet was not regarded as being particularly important at the time and his suggestions were probably never put into practice; they might be dismissed as just another technical proposal in the long history of automatic musical instruments. However, the Projet is important as a documentation of Diderot's attitude towards music and musicians. Diderot criticized those musicians who were satisfied with the status quo and pointed out the advantages of developing automatic instruments which they might have perceived as a threat. On the other hand, he insisted that musicians should not be required to keep rigidly accurate time like a machine or chronometre. Although we see that an analogy is being drawn between musicians and machines, it is clear that he did not believe that one was a substitute for the other. Studying his text, we see that he neither rejected machines nor regarded them with blind admiration.
田中 均
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.58, no.2, pp.1-14, 2007-09-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

In this paper, I investigate the relationship between love and art in the novel Lucinde. First, I analyse two cases of disappointments in love experienced by the young painter-and protagonist-Julius, which are symbolised by certain aesthetic defects:Lisette could not respond to Julius' love because of her life as a prostitute, which corresponds to her sensualistic tastes. Likewise, Julius' fruitless love for a married woman gave rise to a strained style to his painting. Second, I focus on his relationship with Lucinde, in which they completely affirmed each other's individuality. The reconciliation with his own life through love brought grace and maturity to his art. This should be interpreted as the realisation of 'the romantic', which is defined in Schlegel's essay 'Dialogue on Poetry' as a combination of 'the sentimental' and 'the fantastic'. Third, I turn my attention to the distinction by Julius between male and female love. He believes that, in contrast to female love which is concentrated only towards one object, a man can develop friendships between multiplicities of mature spirits and thus complement his own individuality. From this, I draw the conclusion that, in this novel, a female artist is excluded from the artistic cooperation.
亀山 祐美 田中 友規 小島 太郎

田中 敏雄
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.29, no.3, pp.50, 1978-12-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

The motive flowers-and-birds as well as that of landscapes and of figures, is, one of the most important subjects in the oriental paintings. In the Tang-Era in China the painting was thought to have the moment of reproval of vice and promotion of virtue. From the Suang-Era on, however, the attitude changed and in this genre of flowers-and-birds paintings were found not only the realistic representation of flowers and birds according to their essence and knowledge, but also the attitude which might be called the contemplation of them. Just under this influence, in this genre in Japan increased the artificial compositions with witfull shapes of flowers and birds and, corresponding to this tendency, this type of painting was more freely expressed and enjoyed with the rarefication of the above mentioned moral moment. They had an aspect of one of the intelligent and polite accomplishments.
岡崎 淳史 田中 智大 吉田 奈津妃 邱 湞瑋
水文・水資源学会誌 (ISSN:09151389)
vol.32, no.1, pp.51-52, 2019

<p> 本号より,本学会誌「若手のページ」の編集委員が新しくなりました.編集方針を示すと共に,編集委員の4名が所信表明をさせて頂きます.</p>
松本 主之 新井 正美 岩間 達 樫田 博史 工藤 孝広 小泉 浩一 佐藤 康史 関根 茂樹 田中 信治 田中屋 宏爾 田村 和朗 平田 敬治 深堀 優 江﨑 幹宏 石川 秀樹 岩間 毅夫 岡﨑 康司 斎藤 豊 松浦 成昭 武藤 倫弘 冨田 尚裕 秋山 卓士 山本 敏樹 石田 秀行 中山 佳子
一般社団法人 日本遺伝性腫瘍学会
遺伝性腫瘍 (ISSN:24356808)
vol.20, no.2, pp.79-92, 2020 (Released:2020-09-25)

若年性ポリポーシス症候群は全消化管に過誤腫性ポリープである若年性ポリープが多発する,希少疾患である.SMAD4あるいはBMPR1A遺伝子の生殖細胞系列バリアントが原因として報告されている.約75%は常染色体優性遺伝形式を示すが,約25%は家族歴のない孤発例である.また,がん遺伝子パネル検査によって診断される可能性がある. ポリープの発生部位により全消化管型,大腸限局型,胃限局型に分けられ,胃限局型ではSMAD4の病的バリアントを原因とすることが多く,胃癌のリスクが高い.また,SMAD4の病的バリアントを有する症例では,遺伝性出血性毛細血管拡張症を高率に合併し,心大血管病変の定期検査も考慮する. 本診療ガイドラインでは,小児から成人にかけてシームレスに,正確な診断と適切な治療・サーベイランスが行われるよう, 基本的事項を解説し,3個のクリニカルクエスチョンと推奨を作成した.
田中 あずさ 米津 光浩 中西 正和
vol.第51回, no.人工知能と認知科学, pp.43-44, 1995-09-20

Gerald M.Edelmanが神経グループ選択理論(NGS理論)を実証するために構築したシミュレーションシステムDarwinIIIのサブシステムOculomotor-systemを実装し,NGS理論を用いたニューラルネットワークの学習について考察する.