阿部 智 木村 真知子 若吉 浩二 石川 元美 小畑 治 高橋 豪仁
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.57, no.1, pp.169-179, 2008-10-31

The purpose of this study was to investigate the change in physical fitness of elementary school children who participated in the long term sports classes using Ballschule program that has received high evaluation in Germany, and to compare the physical fitness and exercise habits of the children and that of those who had not participated in the classes. In addition, the aim of this study was to examine the effects of Ballschule program on the growth of child, and to obtain basic data to make a physical fitness program for elementary school children. First, a total of 47 children, the 2nd and 3rd grade, practiced in sports classes of Ballschule, participated in a sports class held over the long term. There was the improvement with physical fitness and balance in the total score of the physical fitness test. Next, In the comparison of a total 34 children of the 2nd, 10 children who had participated in sports classes of Ballschule and 24 of children who had not, it is confirmed that the total coordination score of Post-test was higher than that of Pre-test in the former children. As a result, it is suggested that the improvement of the physical fitness was caused by the long-term Ballschule program. We could consider Ballschule program as an effective training program, and furthermore we need to examine the validity of Ballschule program as school education. This study elucidated the importance that we should take unspecialized physical fitness program such as Ballschule for developing children. However, it is necessary that we demonstrate the effects of the Ballschule program by using other factors of physical fitness besides ability of coordination that have been central in test heads. And then, a program of Ballschule suitable for Japanese original social context must be suggested and practiced so that Ballschule will be familiarized, applied and practiced in various occasions.
石川 元助
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.70, no.3-4, pp.149-162, 1963 (Released:2008-02-26)

Stingrays are dangerous fish living in the tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate seas.They are classified into the following seven families; Dasyatidae, Gymnuridae, Myliobatidae, Rhino pteridae, Mobulidae, Urolophidae and Potamotrygonidae, only a few species having been studied by venomologist. The families dealt with in this paper are Dasyatidae and Potamotrygonidae.The representative species of Japanese Dasyatidae is Dasyatis akajei (Müller & Henle) called as Akaei, Ei, Ebuta, Kasebuta (in Japanese), Ai-koro-chiep (in Ainu). This fish, though not so delicious, has been widely utilized by mankind because of it habit and caudal sting. Its origin may probably be traced back as far as to the Paleolithic age (Magdalenian).Ainu has a lore that this Akaei is " a fish that causes earthquakes ". In Palau Is. of Micronesia, there is a tale that Rurr (in Palau ; stingray) and Kim (in Palau ; giant clam) fought each other.Caudal stings have been from old times utilized as arrow poison because of their barbs, and venom gland which secretes strong toxic substances. They have beenused as arrow heads especially by the Ainu, Negritos of Malay (Jakun and Benua), Mentawei islanders, and Indians living in the catchment area of the River Amazon. The caudal stings have also been widely used throughout the world as hunting implements and arms.They were utilized as fish spears by aborigines of northern Australia and Papuans, and were used as spears or harpoons in Micronesia (Truk, Palau, and Mortlock), and in Melanesia (Admiralty, Fiji, New Caledonia, and New Hebrides). As daggers they were employed in Mortlock, Admiralty, and Solomon (Ontong Java and Nukumanu).From Jomon shell mound of Japan many old stings have been excavated which seem to have been used as arrow heads or harpoon heads. This paper has been devoted to the emeritus professor Kotondo Hasebe, Tohoku University.
藤本 公介 山下 実 金子 豊治 石川 元治
公益社団法人 自動車技術会
自動車技術会論文集 (ISSN:02878321)
vol.41, no.2, pp.359-363, 2010 (Released:2010-06-16)

石川 元助
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.69, no.3-4, pp.141-153, 1962-03-30 (Released:2008-02-26)
2 2

The Ainu, a tribe who has inhabited in the northernmost area of Japan, the area which has traditionally been called "Yeso", used toxic substances of various kinds for hunting and fishing. Aconite (surku in Ainu), Ikema (penup in Ainu), Naniwazu (ketuhas in Ainu) and Aka-ei (aikoro chiep in Ainu), Japanese sting ray, were the most popular toxic substances used for the purposes.Since we have already published a report on Aconite, we should like to take up here the rest of the substances, that is to say, Ikema, Naniwazu and Aka-ei.1) Ikema (Cynanchum caudatum Maxim.)Ikema is a climbing plant. The Ainu mix beaten roots of this plant with the flesh of the salmon. They stuff salmon with this mixture and leave the stuffed salmon in haunting places of Bering Island Raven (Corvus corax behringianus Dyb.). Those Bering Island Raven who have pecked Ikema in the flesh of the salmon become intoxicated and giddy and loose balance to be readily captured by hunters.2) Naniwazu (Daphne kamtchatica Maxim, var. yesoensis Ohwi)This plant grows into a shrub of about 1 meter in height. The Ainu make use of the plant for catching Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens Illiger) by smearing its sap on a harpoon or lance heads.3) Aka-ei (Dasyatis akajei Müller & Henle)The habitat of Aka-ei ranges from the tropics, sub-tropics to temperate zones. When grown up, the fish measures 1 meter or so in length. Its caudal sting (about 7-10 cm long) contains a venom. There are three ways of using the venom for hunting:a) To use the caudal sting as a lance to stab bears.b) To grind the caudal sting into powder and to spread it on the arrow heads together with aconite.c) To stick the caudal sting to the arrow heads. The Ainu use it repeatedly by sharpening it when its head is broken.As is evident from the above descriptions, plant poisons are used in the cases of 1) and 2) and the fish venom in the case of 3). Where did these methods of hunting and fishing using poisons and the venom originate? In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to make comparative studies between these methods of the Ainu and those of other tribes inhabiting in areas north of Yeso, such as Gilyak, Chukuchee, Koryak, Kamchadal, Yukagir, Aleut and Pacific Eskimo. To achive this end, it may also be necessary to make studies on the religious aspect of their life and on ceremonies and rites practiced by those tribes with regard to hunting and fishing.
大塚 邦明 Norboo Tsering 西村 芳子 山中 学 石川 元直 中島 俊 宝蔵 麗子 坂本 龍太 松林 公蔵 奥宮 清人
京都大学ヒマラヤ研究会・人間文化研究機構 総合地球環境学研究所「高所プロジェクト」
ヒマラヤ学誌 : Himalayan Study Monographs (ISSN:09148620)
vol.11, pp.36-44, 2010-05-01

Aim: Numerous physiologic studies attempted to explain the effects of ambient hypoxia on humans, and now we know how humans adapted to it through changes in the expression of hypoxia-related genes. However, little is investigated about the gender difference from a view point of glocal (combined global and local) comprehensive assessment. Methods: We studied the effects of high altitude on pulse oximetry (SpO2), blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), aortic stiffness of cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI). Subjects were 1, 858 Ladakhis (777 men and 1081 women). We investigated the gender difference of compensatory mechanisms by comparing the cardiovascular functions among 3 groups of high altitudes, i.e., from 2500 to 3000 m, from 3200 to 3720 m, and from 3800 to 4590m. Results: There observed no significant differences of the cardiovascular function among the three altitudes in men, but in women systolic BP became higher along with the altitudes and incidences of ECG findings, including 1st degree of AV block, ST depression and abnormal Q waves, became more frequent along with altitude. In addition, Ladakhi women showed steeper negative slope of the regression line between SpO2 and age, and larger slope of the regression line between systolic and diastolic BPs and age, compared with Ladakhi men. Conclusions: Our study indicates an existence of gender difference of adaptation to ambient hypoxia especially on cardiovascular functions, which suggests a need for the glocal comprehensive assessment for the better diagnosis and for the more fruitful treatment in community dwellers, especially at higher altitude.
吾妻 崇 太田 陽子 石川 元彦 谷口 薫
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.44, no.3, pp.169-176, 2005-06-01 (Released:2009-08-21)
3 9 2

御前崎周辺には,御前崎段丘(高度48~25m,三崎面相当の海成段丘)と4段の完新世海成段丘(高度15m以下)が分布する.御前崎段丘は,全体として西-南西に向かって傾動し,小規模な活断層,撓曲崖および背斜構造を伴う.御前崎段丘を開析する水系の分布形態および駿河湾側の海食崖上にみられる風隙の存在は,旧汀線が北西に位置することと不調和で,段丘形成後の変形を示している.御前崎段丘上にみられる東西方向に延びる低崖は,更新世段丘上に残された地震性隆起の記録である可能性がある.完新世海成段丘は4段に区分され,I面は後氷期海進最盛期直後,II面は約3,500cal BP以前,III面は2,150cal BP以前にそれぞれ離水したと考えられる.I面の内縁高度は14mに達するが,既存のボーリングコア解析から推定される海成層の上限高度は約3mにすぎない.これらの段丘の形成過程を,海溝型の活動間隔の短い地震による隆起と,地震間における沈降および活動間隔の長い地震による大きな隆起との和として解釈した.
若林 恭子 武藤 志真子 神戸 絹代 石川 元康
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.84, no.1, pp.12-23, 2018

<p>The influence of stress on employee health has recently increased. The present study aims to clarify the relationship between eating behavior and stress as factors in obesity, which has become a central issue for lifestyle-related disease prevention. We surveyed 220 male employees between February and March 2014 and examined relationships among eight categories of eating behavior in four groups: obesity and high-stress (Group I), obesity and low-stress (Group II), non-obesity and high-stress (Group III) and non-obesity and low-stress (Group IV). We previously compared the scores for each category of four groups with those of a group with normal weight using t-tests. Here, we compared our earlier findings with those from the four groups described above. The responses showed that Groups I and III differed significantly in all categories related to eating behavior. This indicated that high stress was associated with changes in eating behavior and that some respondents had problems with eating behaviors regardless of whether they were obese. These results indicate that health guidance is needed in the future to understand the stress levels of obese individuals.</p>
石川 元助
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
人類學雜誌 (ISSN:00035505)
vol.66, no.3, pp.116-127, 1958-03-30 (Released:2008-02-26)

It has been said that the arrow poison (ayyop in Ainu language) used by Ainus in Hokkaido (Yeso) is prepared from the root of Aconite. However, no studies have been made on the chemical components of the arrow poison itself, especially from the point of Ethno-Botany.The author obtained some samples from a dozen or so of poison arrows stored in Anthropological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, and submitted the substances assumed to be arrow poison to chemical analysis. These samples were obtained from three poisoned arrow heads, two attached to two poisoned arrows (Sample Nos. F-259 and F-263), one from an arrow case (Sample No. F-407. Called pus-ni in Ainu language and probably collected in the Iburi area). The dark brown substance, assumed to be arrow poison, was obtained in an amount of 3, 1.5, and 260mg. respectively, from which poisonous principles were extracted and were identified as alkaloid by color and precipitation reactions.Further examination of their ultraviolet absorption spectra indicated that the alkaloid extracted from the arrow poison was a mixture of alkaloids of benzoic or anisic acid esters. Since alkaloids of this type are characteristic of aconite alkaloids, there seems to be a great possibility that the alkaloid extracted from the arrow poison originated in aconite.Animal experiments on toxicity could not be made due to the small amount of the samples available.
若林 恭子 武藤 志真子 神戸 絹代 石川 元康
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.84, no.1, pp.12-23, 2018-01-31 (Released:2018-02-16)

The influence of stress on employee health has recently increased. The present study aims to clarify the relationship between eating behavior and stress as factors in obesity, which has become a central issue for lifestyle-related disease prevention. We surveyed 220 male employees between February and March 2014 and examined relationships among eight categories of eating behavior in four groups: obesity and high-stress (Group I), obesity and low-stress (Group II), non-obesity and high-stress (Group III) and non-obesity and low-stress (Group IV). We previously compared the scores for each category of four groups with those of a group with normal weight using t-tests. Here, we compared our earlier findings with those from the four groups described above. The responses showed that Groups I and III differed significantly in all categories related to eating behavior. This indicated that high stress was associated with changes in eating behavior and that some respondents had problems with eating behaviors regardless of whether they were obese. These results indicate that health guidance is needed in the future to understand the stress levels of obese individuals.
磯谷 一枝 山中 学 石川 元直 扇澤 史子 望月 友香 稲葉 百合子 山本 直宗 山中 崇 大塚 邦明
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.48, no.5, pp.570-571, 2011 (Released:2012-02-09)
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入院中の高齢者において抑うつは疾患治療を困難にする重要な問題であるが影響を与える因子については明らかではない.65歳以上の入院高齢患者174名を対象に,Geriatric depression scale(以下,GDS)を実施し,性別,年齢,基礎疾患,居住形態,認知機能との関連を検討したところ,患者の居住形態がGDSに最も強く独立して関連し独居群は家族同居群よりもGDSが高く治療意欲の低下を支持する回答が多く,独居高齢者では入院中に心理的援助がより必要である.

1 0 0 0 OA 日養食鑑

上野 敏昭 渡辺 耕造 石川 元一
日本作物学会関東支部会報 1 (ISSN:13416359)
pp.51-52, 1986-12-01 (Released:2017-08-24)

若吉 浩二 高橋 豪仁 今枝 和与 岸田 珸 長谷川 芳彦 石川 元美 田辺 正友
奈良教育大学紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:05472407)
vol.54, no.2, pp.39-47, 2005-10-31

The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in physical fitness and exercise habits of elementary school children over two years, and to compare the physical fitness and exercise habits of children who had not participated in the sports class with those of children who had. In addition, this study aimed to obtain basic data to make a physical fitness program to be held over the long term. A total of 622 children, from the 1st to the 6th grade, participated in the physical fitness test. 102 children had participated in a sports class held twelve times and for approximately 18 hours in total over twelve weeks. The physical fitness of the children in this study was lower than the average for Japanese children. However, the improvement rate of the scores in the physical fitness test over two years was higher than that of the average for Japanese children. In the comparison of the children who had not participated in the sports class with the children who had, there was no significant difference in the results of the physical fitness tests. When the results about the child's physical fitness were fed back to parents to investigate the parents' attitude, approximately 95% of parents answered, "I am interested in my child's physical fitness and exercise habits". However, there was a tendency for parents of children in the upper grades not to be interested in their child's physical fitness and exercise habits in comparison with parents of children in the lower grades, even though the physical fitness of the children in the upper grades in this study was remarkably lower than the average for Japanese children. Therefore, it is thought that it is necessary for the physical fitness test and the sports class to continue to be held over a long period of time so that daily exercise and sports may influence the improvement of physical fitness.