藤原 健固 Kengo Fujiwara
中京大学体育学論叢 = Research journal of physical education Chukyo University (ISSN:02887339)
vol.29, no.2, pp.31-46, 1988-03-15

One of the political difficulties facing the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games is how to open this worldwide event. That is to say, can the Republic of Korea cosponsor with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea? Needless to say, as the widespread involvement of youth in sports event is one of the basic purposes for the founding of our modern Olympic Games since 1986, the present situation proves the success of that intent in general. However, the phenomenal growth of interest in this big event has played it political role. The escalation of the political effect on the Olympic Games is radical between the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The IOC has to bear responsibility for the present state of affairs between these two countries. From this point of view, the IOC has expend a great effort to how to open the '88 Seoul Olympics, and has made approaches to these two countries. But its repeated attempts have been made without any noticeable result. Also, repeated attempts for this problem have been continued between these two countries. The author debated these problems, and pointed out that sport and politics are not separate problem, but one, especially in the rival countries. Because, sport, especially the Olympic Games as the big event can't refused the political effort.
藤原 健蔵 シャルマ R.C.
地誌研年報 (ISSN:09155449)
no.2, pp.1-30, 1992-03

<特集> インド干ばつ常習地域の村落変化
藤原 健固 Kengo FUJIWARA
中京体育学研究 = Research journal of physical education, Chukyo University (ISSN:02870088)
vol.20, no.2, pp.1-11, 1980-03-01

The main purpose of this study was to clear the determinants of collective behavior in selected sport events in Japan. For this purpose, the present author refered to N. J. Smelser's the value-added theory with relation to collective behavior in sport events. That is to say, the determinants suggested by N. J. Smelser as those giving rise to collective behavior are : (1) structural conduciviness, (2) structural strain, (3) growth and spread of generalized belief and precipitating factors, (4) mobilization of participants for action, and (5) the operation of social control. As the result of investigated these factors in selected sport events for last 30 years, the following pertinent findings were shown. (1) structural conduciveness The collective behavior in sport events occures by the hostile feelings in directly, but the author points out that there are some structural conduciveness as a social conditions. For example, one good evidence is the discriminative feeling between the people of Okinawa under American rule and main land Japan. In 1968, many Okinawa's baseball fans showed this structural conduciveness at the stadium. (2) structural strain The second determinant for the appearance of an episode of collective behavior in sport events is some structural strains which comes out of natural conditions, the situations of game itself, and sport participant without player. (3) growth and spread of generalized belief and precipitating factors The third determinant is to wake up sport fan's generalized aggressive spirit and to give it a justifiable grounds. A sport fan as a member of society has various aggressive aspirations, and he waits to flow into a variety of forms of hostility such as griping, insult, discrimination, or in extreme cases violence. The precipitating factor may confirm or justify existing generalized belief, and throw a sport fan's aggressive spirit into the concreat fear and opposition. And, it comes out of : (a) player's mixed fight, bad feeling between player and fan, opposition between player and referee, lack of confidence between fan and police ; (b) fire, blackout, deficiency of game place ; and (c) reprisal against the failed game, exciting, filibustering play, lazy play, and so forth. (4) mobilization of participants for action The last stage of value-added process for collective behavior in sport events is mobilization of participant for action. First, leader-ship for mobilization is few in the beginning, but some cases showed it in the progress. Most leaders recognize as the result of intended behavior. Second, organization, is also few. This is because of fan is usually unorganized group. Therefore, most cases showed that sport fan in its entirely does not participated actively. Even it is one in generalized belief, they are divided into a small active nucleus and a large proportion of spectators. (5) operation of social control The determination of outbreak and scale of collective behavior in sport events, is governed by the operation of social control as a public agent. Whenever it hesitates the decision-making for stop it, collective behavior becomes growing it's energy. As above mentioned, the determinants of collective behavior as a hostile outburst in sport events has four, and the author pointed out that once they are established, sport fans are ready to be take into a hostile outburst.
藤原 健 大坊 郁夫
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.112, no.412, pp.59-64, 2013-01-24

本研究では、競争/協調という文脈と、ポシティブ/ネガティブという感情が、笑顔あるいは悲しみ表情の刺激人物に対する会話動機評価にどのような影響を与えるのかについて検討を行った。具体的には、68名の男女大学生を対象に、競争/協調のプライミングおよび感情誘導を兼ねて音楽刺激の提示とエピソード記述を行ったうえで、刺激人物(笑顔 or 悲しみ表情)とどの程度会話したいかについて回答を求めた。その結果、笑顔の人物に対する会話動機で2要因の交互作用が有意となり、競争条件のポシティブ感情群は協調条件のポジティブ感情群よりも会話動機を低く評価していた。また、競争条件のネカティブ感情群は笑顔の人物に対する会話動機を高く評価していた。悲しみ表情の人物に対する会話動機については、競争/協調あるいは感情の効果は有意とならなかった。これらの結果について、適応的気分効果仮説から考察された。
田中 創大 田儀 和浩 藤原 健 高橋 浩之 上坂 充 草野 譲一 中村 直樹 山本 昌志 菅原 浩一郎 田辺 英二
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集
vol.2013, 2013

針替 明世 藤原 健一 葛西 真理 岩佐 博人 吉村 哲明
弘前医療福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:21850550)
vol.6, no.1, pp.27-32, 2015-03-31

安達 悠子 原田 悦子 須藤 智 熊田 孝恒 藤原 健志
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.83-99, 2014

The Center for Usability and Aging Research (CUAR) assemble data for over 170<br> community-dwelling older adults, who volunteered as an informant for usability testing<br> and research. In the course of database enrollment, they participated in a usability<br> test for an automatic coffeemaker, as a demonstration of activities in CUAR. In this<br> article, we analyzed data of 170 people aged 60 and over, for examining relationships<br> between results of usability testing of a coffeemaker and database items which includes<br> demographics information, test results of cognitive aging (e.g. MMSE, AIST-CAT),<br>and subjective evaluation on difficulty of artifacts usage. The results showed the in-<br>dependence between two errors, which were observed in over 25% participants, and<br> also errors and the task accomplishment, indicated by statistical independent and also<br> by comparing the lists of effective items in database. Some research questions which<br> should be pursued for cognitive aging and usability research.
藤原 健史 伊藤 依理
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集G(環境) (ISSN:21856648)
vol.68, no.5, pp.I_41-I_48, 2012

藤原 健児 東森 陽子 光亦 博志 稲田 雅紀 中原 武利
分析化学 (ISSN:05251931)
vol.48, no.7, pp.681-685, 1999-07-05
4 6

シリコン/ゲルマニウム(SiGe)化合物半導体デバイスは高周波デバイスとして大きく期待されている. その半導体プロセスにおいては, SiGeデバイスとSiデバイスは同一プロセスを用いてSiウェハー上に形成できるため, SiデバイスへのGe汚染が懸念される. したがって, Siウェハー表面の超微量Geの定量技術は必要不可欠である. そこで今回, 前処理法としてHF蒸気分解の適用を試みた. 回収率については, 硝酸などの酸化剤を回収液に選定することで, ほぼ95%以上の回収率を得ることができた. 一方, 測定法においては, ウェハー分析の高感度化を図る上で, 試料液を濃縮することが必要であるため, 100μl程度の試料量で分析可能なマイクロコンセトリックネブライザー(MCN)-ICP-MSを適用した. 本法での検出限界(空試験値の3σ)は0.5ml回収液濃度で13pg ml^<-1>, 6インチウェハーで3×10^8 atoms cm^<-2>であった. RSD(%)は5 ng ml^<-1> Ge標準溶液において3%以下であった. 本検討により, 高感度, 高精度かつ迅速なSiウェハー表面の超微量Geの定量法を確立した.
藤原 健志 村上 達也 西村 多久磨 濱口 佳和 櫻井 茂男
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.62, no.3, pp.187-196, 2014

本研究の目的は, 小学生を対象とした対人的感謝尺度を開発し, その信頼性と妥当性を検討することであった。小学4年生から6年生までの1,068名を対象とし, 対人的感謝, ポジティブ感情, ネガティブ感情, 共感性, 自己価値, 友人関係認知, 攻撃性を含む質問紙調査を実施した。主成分分析と確認的因子分析の結果, 1因子8項目から成る対人的感謝尺度が構成された。対人的感謝尺度は高いα係数を示し, 十分な内的一貫性が認められた。また, 対人的感謝尺度は当初の想定通り, ポジティブ感情や共感性, 友人関係の良好さと正の関連を, 攻撃性と負の関連を有していた。以上より, 対人的感謝尺度の併存的妥当性が確認された。さらに, 尺度得点については, 男女差が認められ, 女子の得点が男子の得点よりも有意に高かった。最後に, 本尺度の利用可能性について考察されるとともに, 今後の感謝研究に関して議論された。
藤原 健史 倉田 学児
EICA (ISSN:13423983)
vol.14, no.4, pp.28-29, 2010-03-15

オリエンタルホテル東京ベイでセールスプロモーションを担当する竹内里枝さん。「この仕事に就いた時、内容の幅広さに驚きました」と語るように、竹内さんの元には、各セクションから実に様々な案件が舞い込んでくる。 例えば、「ケーキの新商品のポップを作る」「ブライダルのパンフレット用の写真を撮影する」「ホテル内でコンサートを開く」など。
藤原 健志

筑波大学博士 (心理学) 学位論文・平成25年3月25日授与 (甲第6570号)
藤原 健志 濱口 佳和
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.1, pp.47-56, 2013 (Released:2013-07-01)
4 2

There are many studies about social skills and social skills training in Japan, most of which include listening skills among the target skills. Listening skills are important for adolescents because they are necessary to start and cultivate relationships with friends. The present study developed a revised version of listening skills scales for high school students, and confirmed their reliability and validity. Listening skills consist of two domains: cognitive skills and behavioral skills. Because these two domains are conceptually independent, a cognitive skills scale and a behavioral skills scale were constructed separately. Based on factor analyses, three cognitive and five behavioral subscales were constructed. These scales had sufficient internal consistency and showed positive relationships between empathy, social self-regulation, and other social skills scales. Further applications of these scales were discussed.